Website lists professors accused of liberal bias


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”


By Voter123
Sunday Nov 27, 2016 · 8:01 AM EST
2016/11/27 · 08:01

A new website launched by a conservative group called Turning Point USA targets what they believe to be college professors who are too liberal and anti-American. The site is Professor Watchlist, and the goal is fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls. expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.

Help us identify, and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom

Visitors to the site are invited to out “liberal, anti-American” professors so their names can be added to the list

The operation was founded by Charlie Kirk, a 22 year old up and coming conservative superstar in the Republican party. According to a piece in New York Magazine


This is a witch hunt Charlie Kirk and his cohorts are conducting against these professors that would make Joe McCarthy proud, and with the backing of wealthy donors and the ear of the Trump administration, they could get some traction.

The BBC also covered this story, quoting Kirk campuses across the country are the most treacherous terrain imaginable, The only way we're going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them and that is how we're going to make America great again."


New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”

When you have students like these(since the picture leading the article is from Animal House(1977), and we can make it all about conception of imagery), I doubt they will retain any of the ideologies the perfessers are avowing..
New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”


By Voter123
Sunday Nov 27, 2016 · 8:01 AM EST
2016/11/27 · 08:01

A new website launched by a conservative group called Turning Point USA targets what they believe to be college professors who are too liberal and anti-American. The site is Professor Watchlist, and the goal is fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls. expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.

Help us identify, and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom

Visitors to the site are invited to out “liberal, anti-American” professors so their names can be added to the list

The operation was founded by Charlie Kirk, a 22 year old up and coming conservative superstar in the Republican party. According to a piece in New York Magazine


This is a witch hunt Charlie Kirk and his cohorts are conducting against these professors that would make Joe McCarthy proud, and with the backing of wealthy donors and the ear of the Trump administration, they could get some traction.

The BBC also covered this story, quoting Kirk campuses across the country are the most treacherous terrain imaginable, The only way we're going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them and that is how we're going to make America great again."


New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”
Professors with a liberal bias? That must be about 90%.

We know what Republicans think of science:

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I think education is simply to hard for Republicans. That's why they stay away from it.
New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”


By Voter123
Sunday Nov 27, 2016 · 8:01 AM EST
2016/11/27 · 08:01

A new website launched by a conservative group called Turning Point USA targets what they believe to be college professors who are too liberal and anti-American. The site is Professor Watchlist, and the goal is fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls. expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.

Help us identify, and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom

Visitors to the site are invited to out “liberal, anti-American” professors so their names can be added to the list

The operation was founded by Charlie Kirk, a 22 year old up and coming conservative superstar in the Republican party. According to a piece in New York Magazine


This is a witch hunt Charlie Kirk and his cohorts are conducting against these professors that would make Joe McCarthy proud, and with the backing of wealthy donors and the ear of the Trump administration, they could get some traction.

The BBC also covered this story, quoting Kirk campuses across the country are the most treacherous terrain imaginable, The only way we're going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them and that is how we're going to make America great again."


New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”
Professors with a liberal bias? That must be about 90%.

We know what Republicans think of science:

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I think education is simply to hard for Republicans. That's why they stay away from it.

The 6% of Republican scientists are more educated than you are. Just saying. Claiming that Republicans don't care about education is a slap in the face to every Republican teacher in this country who dedicates their career to the education of youth. I'm not one-but I know plenty. Let me know when you do something meaningful to help the education in our society.
New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”


By Voter123
Sunday Nov 27, 2016 · 8:01 AM EST
2016/11/27 · 08:01

A new website launched by a conservative group called Turning Point USA targets what they believe to be college professors who are too liberal and anti-American. The site is Professor Watchlist, and the goal is fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls. expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.

Help us identify, and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom

Visitors to the site are invited to out “liberal, anti-American” professors so their names can be added to the list

The operation was founded by Charlie Kirk, a 22 year old up and coming conservative superstar in the Republican party. According to a piece in New York Magazine


This is a witch hunt Charlie Kirk and his cohorts are conducting against these professors that would make Joe McCarthy proud, and with the backing of wealthy donors and the ear of the Trump administration, they could get some traction.

The BBC also covered this story, quoting Kirk campuses across the country are the most treacherous terrain imaginable, The only way we're going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them and that is how we're going to make America great again."


New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”
Professors with a liberal bias? That must be about 90%.

We know what Republicans think of science:

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I think education is simply to hard for Republicans. That's why they stay away from it.

puffington rag rolmao...
rrrrdean yo mamie wants you to come up for din din...:blsmile:
New details shed light on the controversy.
April 4, 2017

Will Nardi and Zach Swaim

New details surfacing regarding a Muslim Rollins College professor who was involved in the wrongful suspension of a Christian student show that she has multiple ties with radical Islamic individuals and organizations, most notably through an ex-lover under FBI investigation and in her position as the spokesperson for the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF).

The College Fix reported last Monday that the professor, Areej Zufari, falsely accused the student, sophomore Marshall Polston, of violating the terms of his suspension by setting foot on campus, resulting in a disciplinary hearing with the university conduct system. Polston has since been exonerated of all charges after providing surveillance footage of where he really was at the time and has been officially reinstated at the college.

Polston claims he was originally suspended after sending a strongly worded email refuting his professor’s claims that Jesus’s crucifixion never happened and that his followers never believed he was the son of God. Rollins College refused to answer questions on whether they would investigate these claims and Zufari’s potential ties to Islamic extremists.

Zufari served as the spokesperson and Director of Communications for the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF) from 2001 to at least 2004, according to the author bio from her 2012 book “Beyond the Headlines” and press communications from the organization. ISCF's main mosque, Masjid al-Rahman, is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), which was classified by federal prosecutors as both an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case and as an entity that is or was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Prof. At Rollins College Involved In Suspending Christian Student Has Ties To Islamic Extremists
New details shed light on the controversy.
April 4, 2017

Will Nardi and Zach Swaim

New details surfacing regarding a Muslim Rollins College professor who was involved in the wrongful suspension of a Christian student show that she has multiple ties with radical Islamic individuals and organizations, most notably through an ex-lover under FBI investigation and in her position as the spokesperson for the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF).

The College Fix reported last Monday that the professor, Areej Zufari, falsely accused the student, sophomore Marshall Polston, of violating the terms of his suspension by setting foot on campus, resulting in a disciplinary hearing with the university conduct system. Polston has since been exonerated of all charges after providing surveillance footage of where he really was at the time and has been officially reinstated at the college.

Polston claims he was originally suspended after sending a strongly worded email refuting his professor’s claims that Jesus’s crucifixion never happened and that his followers never believed he was the son of God. Rollins College refused to answer questions on whether they would investigate these claims and Zufari’s potential ties to Islamic extremists.

Zufari served as the spokesperson and Director of Communications for the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF) from 2001 to at least 2004, according to the author bio from her 2012 book “Beyond the Headlines” and press communications from the organization. ISCF's main mosque, Masjid al-Rahman, is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), which was classified by federal prosecutors as both an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case and as an entity that is or was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Prof. At Rollins College Involved In Suspending Christian Student Has Ties To Islamic Extremists
Thank you!!!!
Well now, so we are to have another McCarthy era, according to you. Fraid not, little asshole, Jihad. You see, we learned from the last one. And we are not going to let you silly asses pull that kind of bullshit again.
Joe McCarthy meets Steve Bannon and Steve Jobs.

Liberal academics are the target of the new blacklist. Wouldn't ya know that Conservatives are great at recycling? They use the same tactics today as they did when they eroded freedom back in the late 1940s through the mid 1950s.
Joe McCarthy meets Steve Bannon and Steve Jobs.

Liberal academics are the target of the new blacklist. Wouldn't ya know that Conservatives are great at recycling? They use the same tactics today as they did when they eroded freedom back in the late 1940s through the mid 1950s.

They need to be. Robbing students of the ability to think for themselves should be a punishable crime, especially since the students or their parents are paying for it.

College Professor Fired Following Appearance on Fox News Where She Defended a Black Lives Matter Party


Stephanie Petit 1 day ago

A college professor who recently appeared on Fox News to defend a Black Lives Matter event in which only black people were invited has been fired.

It was announced Friday that Lisa Durden, a former adjunct professor at Essex County College in New Jersey, would be let go from her job following a heated argument on the June 6 episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight. While speaking about an “all-black Memorial Day celebration” hosted by a Black Lives Matter group, Durden, who is black, told the host “you white people are angry because you couldn’t use your white privilege card” to attend the event.

The former professor, who taught communications and pop culture classes as an adjunct according to the Newark Star-Ledger, also called America a “racist society.”

“The college was immediately inundated with feedback from students, faculty and prospective students and their families expressing frustration, concern and even fear that the views expressed by a college employee (with influence over students) would negatively impact their experience on the campus,” newly appointed Essex County College President Anthony Munroe said in a statement, according to “I fully believe that institutions of higher learning must provide a safe space for students… The character of this institution mandates that we embrace diversity, inclusion, and unity. Racism cannot be fought with more racism.”


College Professor Fired Following Appearance on Fox News Where She Defended a Black Lives Matter Party
New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”


By Voter123
Sunday Nov 27, 2016 · 8:01 AM EST
2016/11/27 · 08:01

A new website launched by a conservative group called Turning Point USA targets what they believe to be college professors who are too liberal and anti-American. The site is Professor Watchlist, and the goal is fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls. expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.

Help us identify, and expose more professors who have demonstrated liberal bias in the classroom

Visitors to the site are invited to out “liberal, anti-American” professors so their names can be added to the list

The operation was founded by Charlie Kirk, a 22 year old up and coming conservative superstar in the Republican party. According to a piece in New York Magazine


This is a witch hunt Charlie Kirk and his cohorts are conducting against these professors that would make Joe McCarthy proud, and with the backing of wealthy donors and the ear of the Trump administration, they could get some traction.

The BBC also covered this story, quoting Kirk campuses across the country are the most treacherous terrain imaginable, The only way we're going to take back the youth of this country is to storm them and that is how we're going to make America great again."


New conservative website lists professors accused of liberal bias and “anti-American values.”
Professors with a liberal bias? That must be about 90%.

We know what Republicans think of science:

Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll | The Huffington Post

I think education is simply to hard for Republicans. That's why they stay away from it.
Wow, that's a very uneducated thing to say.
Anyone that doesn't believe that there is a problem on many campuses would do well to follow the below linked org. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Some of the cases border on bizarre.

Years ago I heard one of their lawyers describing a case where a Kuwaiti student had written a paper basically thanking the US for kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. His family had suffered under the occupation. The results were that the university threatened to work towards having his student visa revoked, demanded he write an open apology letter in the school newspaper and undergo mandatory therapy. Crazy.

FIRE - Defending individual rights in higher education.

Don't forget your paying for this B/S...

Princeton Professor Launching ‘Trumplandia’ Course
It will document “the impact of Trump’s presidency on the world.”


Trey Sanchez

Carolyn Rouse, a Princeton University professor of anthropology, is seeking online submissions of any media-related examples of Donald Trump for a new course she has titled, “Trumplandia.”

According to Campus Reform, Rouse will accept “any textual, visual, or audio evidence” of “a social phenomenon related to Trump’s presidency” from anywhere in the world through a form on the university’s website.

For the next four years, Rouse has pledged to refrain from absorbing any news outside of the submissions which “will become my news source,” she said.

Rouse describes the background of her idea:


No word, yet, if there will be a coloring book safe space near the classroom to help the triggered students decompress from hearing about President Whitey.

Princeton Professor Launching ‘Trumplandia’ Course

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