"Weed doesn't hurt anyone" Ohio family executed due to weed operations

Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who change dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

Alcohol absolutely changes people. Usually for the funner. Occasionally for the more violent. Pot is far, far less dangerous than alcohol.

By any semblance of logic, if the speed limit is 65....then going 64 would also be legal. We've established our level of acceptable harm in a drug with alcohol. Logically, anything LESS harmful would also be legal. And weed is obviously less dangerous than alcohol.
No, that's not what I meant. Any intoxicant changes you while you are on it. Pot alters the way your mind thinks, people's personalities change. THAT's why it's more dangerous.

Very slowly and very insignificantly. With no appreciable increase in violence. While alcohol and violence go together like peas and carrots.

Alcohol is far, far more dangerous. Its far more closely tied to violence, you can OD on it quite easily, its addictive, can be utterly debilitating, and has some of the worse withdrawal symptoms of any drug. Alcohol DTs can *literally* kill you.

Weed has no appreciable association with increased violence (with an excellent argument that it quells violence), you can't overdose on it, its no where near as debilitating, has no appreciable withdrawal symptoms and isn't addictive. It is habit forming.....but so are cupcakes and porn.

In my experiences, potheads are far less dangerous than Alcoholics. And Alcoholics are killing themselves in the process. No one dies from Marijuana use.
Great points. And the Federal Government and wealthy American Business interests were behind criminalizing 'Moonshining' anyway. It was all about the money. It was a hostile takeover of a very lucrative business. The poor little guy had to be eliminated.

This awful incident is actually a stark exmple of why Marijuana nees to be decriminalized. No one should die or be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time for us to evolve.
We have too many dopeheads now. Legalizing it will make it worse. Colorado is suffering more auto deaths as a result. Here I smell it often in the stores so the boneheads are driving loaded.

Despite any evidence that 'legalizing' will make it worse.

Nobody should be driving intoxicated- but we aren't suggesting making alcohol illegal because too many boozeheads are driving loaded.

It is not "legalizing" it is DECRIMINALIZING

Americans have an ABSOLUTE RIGHT to self medicate protected by the Constitution (1787) and the NINTH Amendment.

But the HONORABLE stupid fucks who pretend to be justices of the SCOTUS are NOT familiar with the Constitution (1787) nor its NINTH Amendment.

Research and find out if there were "drug" related criminal problems prior to the enactment of the Harrison Act of 1914.

where in the constitution is the right to "self medicate"?

it's not that I don't think it should be legalized, it's that your assertion is false.

Oh Lord of Mercy.

and she claims to be an attorney

well, is she is , she works for the Department of INjustice

you have it backwards , it is YOU who has to identify the proviso which SPECIFICALLY GRANTS fedgov the authority to control whatever the fuclk WE THE PEOPLE decide to call medication.

The authority is NOT there

Then the motherfuckers use the COMMERCE CLAUSE to penalize WE THE PEOPLE for using "drugs" that is a gargantuan USURPATION of power and an INVALID Amendment of the commerce clause

Then you have the NINTH AMENDMENT which the HONORABLE SCOTUS bastards avoid like the plague

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


Yeah, with 'Lawyers' like that, it's easy to understand why our Justice System is such a mess.
Great points. And the Federal Government and wealthy American Business interests were behind criminalizing 'Moonshining' anyway. It was all about the money. It was a hostile takeover of a very lucrative business. The poor little guy had to be eliminated.

This awful incident is actually a stark exmple of why Marijuana nees to be decriminalized. No one should die or be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time for us to evolve.
We have too many dopeheads now. Legalizing it will make it worse. Colorado is suffering more auto deaths as a result. Here I smell it often in the stores so the boneheads are driving loaded.

Nah, there are actually too many Alcoholics and legal prescription dopeheads. No one has ever overdosed on Marijuana. However, millions die from alcohol poisoning, liver disease, and prescription drug overdoses.

Marijuana has even been found to possess numerous health benefits. No one dies from 'too much' Marijuana. It's time to evolve and make its use an adult decision. The time has come.
Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
We have too many dopeheads now. Legalizing it will make it worse. Colorado is suffering more auto deaths as a result. Here I smell it often in the stores so the boneheads are driving loaded.

Nah, there are actually too many Alcoholics and legal prescription dopeheads. No one has ever overdosed on Marijuana. However, millions die from alcohol poisoning, liver disease, and prescription drug overdoses.

Marijuana has even been found to possess numerous health benefits. No one dies from 'too much' Marijuana. It's time to evolve and make its use an adult decision. The time has come.
Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.
Great points. And the Federal Government and wealthy American Business interests were behind criminalizing 'Moonshining' anyway. It was all about the money. It was a hostile takeover of a very lucrative business. The poor little guy had to be eliminated.

This awful incident is actually a stark exmple of why Marijuana nees to be decriminalized. No one should die or be imprisoned over Marijuana. It's time for us to evolve.
We have too many dopeheads now. Legalizing it will make it worse. Colorado is suffering more auto deaths as a result. Here I smell it often in the stores so the boneheads are driving loaded.

Nah, there are actually too many Alcoholics and legal prescription dopeheads. No one has ever overdosed on Marijuana. However, millions die from alcohol poisoning, liver disease, and prescription drug overdoses.

Marijuana has even been found to possess numerous health benefits. No one dies from 'too much' Marijuana. It's time to evolve and make its use an adult decision. The time has come.
Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

Oh man, the ole 'Reefer Madness' argument. Seriously, you really are very misinformed about Marijuana. Fact is, some religious fanatic child molesters got together back in the day, and decided it was 'Bad.' But of course we know they're the problem, not Marijuana. It's time to move on and allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use Marijuana.
You saw reefer madness, not me. I am speaking from personal knowledge and using common sense (difficult for the pothead). People are aware of weed and not controlled by a handful of religious folks. The polemics is all yours.

Alcoholic religious nutter child molesters were the ones who got together and declared Marijuana 'Bad.' They loved getting shitfaced on alcohol and abusing children. But that Marijuana was so darned 'Bad.' Time to tell the religious nutbags and the misinformed, to 'Fuck Off.' Time to allow adults to decide.
No, it doesn't. He didn't die from a Marijuana overdose. It can't happen. He died because he abused it and got too high. Sometimes adults make bad decisions. That's the risk we take in a free Society.

Death is not the defining aspect of overdose.

You can't die of Marijuana overdose. There hasn't been a single case recorded. See, this the problem. Too many are so misinformed about Marijuana. They only believe what the alcoholic religious nutters have told them about it. Marijuana is not the evil Boogeyman the religious nut child molesters have made it out to be.
Nah, there are actually too many Alcoholics and legal prescription dopeheads. No one has ever overdosed on Marijuana. However, millions die from alcohol poisoning, liver disease, and prescription drug overdoses.

Marijuana has even been found to possess numerous health benefits. No one dies from 'too much' Marijuana. It's time to evolve and make its use an adult decision. The time has come.
Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.

You are very misinformed on the subject of Marijuana use. I'll just leave it at that.
Pot turns people into planters. You are delusional. The real problem with it is people think they are fine or smarter when they are stoned. Nobody thinks alcohol makes them smarter. Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold. Stoners eventually want the bigger high too so your analogy is false.

LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.

You are very misinformed on the subject of Marijuana use. I'll just leave it at that.
You brought up reefer madness from some 50 years ago then tried to back it up with a few religious nuts made the laws happen so you are struggling with reality, not me.
LOL....'pot turns people into planters'.....an idiotic statement even by your usual low standards.

"Most people have no problem with alcohol but many times more do it, it's commonly sold."- and most people have no problem with marijuana even how its commonly sold now.

Treat pot exactly the same as alcohol- regulate it, tax it, criminalize dangerous behavior (i.e. driving under the influence).
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.

You are very misinformed on the subject of Marijuana use. I'll just leave it at that.
You brought up reefer madness from some 50 years ago then tried to back it up with a few religious nuts made the laws happen so you are struggling with reality, not me.

You're buying into old alcoholic religious nut child molester propaganda on Marijuana use. They're the ones who got it criminalized. But of course we do evolve. We now know that they're the problem, not Marijuana.
Pot stays in your system. I've known people who changed dramatically when taking up pot. Booze doesn't do that to you unless you go full alky.

You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.

You are very misinformed on the subject of Marijuana use. I'll just leave it at that.
You brought up reefer madness from some 50 years ago then tried to back it up with a few religious nuts made the laws happen so you are struggling with reality, not me.

You're buying into old alcoholic religious nut child molester propaganda on Marijuana use. They're the ones who got it criminalized. But of course we do evolve. We now know that they're the problem, not Marijuana.
Marijuana is your problem, it's obvious.
You're still buying into the religious nutbag child molester 'Reefer Madness' fantasy. Research a bit more on your own. Marijuana actually has numerous medicinal properties. It's time to allow adults to decide whether or not they wanna use it.
I said nothing about it but you are a textbook case in point. You can no longer see reality.

You are very misinformed on the subject of Marijuana use. I'll just leave it at that.
You brought up reefer madness from some 50 years ago then tried to back it up with a few religious nuts made the laws happen so you are struggling with reality, not me.

You're buying into old alcoholic religious nut child molester propaganda on Marijuana use. They're the ones who got it criminalized. But of course we do evolve. We now know that they're the problem, not Marijuana.
Marijuana is your problem, it's obvious.

Those who criminalized Marijuana, were mostly old religious nut child-abusing alcoholics. And you're still listening to their utter Bullshite on the issue of Marijuana use. Do some independent research and thinking on it.
You can't die of Marijuana overdose.

I linked you otherwise.

No- you linked to the case of a young man who died from his actions while intoxicated.

Your article titled it an 'overdose'- citing the CDC- but the CDC didn't call it an overdose

Notes from the Field: Death Following Ingestion of an Edible Marijuana Product — Colorado, March 2014

And what exactly did the CDC say?

This was the first reported death in Colorado linked to marijuana consumption without evidence of polysubstance use since the state approved recreational use of marijuana in 2012.

That is right- the first death linked to marijuana consumption in Colorado in 3 years since legalization.

How many people die from alcohol abuse?

Alcohol responsible for 1 in 7 deaths among CO adults
Between 2006 and 2010, the CDC says 8,429 working-age adults died in Colorado. Of those, 1,200 were alcohol-attributable deaths.
You can't die of Marijuana overdose.

I linked you otherwise.

No- you linked to the case of a young man who died from his actions while intoxicated.

Your article titled it an 'overdose'- citing the CDC- but the CDC didn't call it an overdose

Notes from the Field: Death Following Ingestion of an Edible Marijuana Product — Colorado, March 2014

And what exactly did the CDC say?

This was the first reported death in Colorado linked to marijuana consumption without evidence of polysubstance use since the state approved recreational use of marijuana in 2012.

That is right- the first death linked to marijuana consumption in Colorado in 3 years since legalization.

How many people die from alcohol abuse?

Alcohol responsible for 1 in 7 deaths among CO adults
Between 2006 and 2010, the CDC says 8,429 working-age adults died in Colorado. Of those, 1,200 were alcohol-attributable deaths.

He didn't die from Marijuana overdose. The article title is misleading. No one has ever died as a direct result of consuming too much Marijuana. However, millions & millions of Americans die from alcohol poisoning, liver disease, and prescription drug overdoses.
Someone didn't want the competition. I'll bet they do figure out who it was. Probably gang related.

Conservatives still haven't figured out the rise and fall of organized crime corresponding with prohibition and the repeal of prohibition.

Organized crime strongly opposed the repeal of prohibition. Why would that be? Duh. They oppose legal Indian gambling casinos. They oppose the repeal of drug laws. Why do you suppose that is? Doesn't take a rocket scientist. But it does take someone smarter than a conservative

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