Weepy Douche Keith Ellison Cries like a little girl...

Cries like a little girl is sooooooo sexist

Cries like John Boehner is more appropriate
Cries like a little girl is sooooooo sexist

Cries like John Boehner is more appropriate

Doesn't Glenn Beck cry too? Funny how suddenly the crying is such a big deal. I wonder why....or rather, why it wasn't before.
Cries like a little girl is sooooooo sexist

Cries like John Boehner is more appropriate

Doesn't Glenn Beck cry too? Funny how suddenly the crying is such a big deal. I wonder why....or rather, why it wasn't before.

Glen Beck is a Stain of Doucher... Like you. :thup:

Hey Bodey, weren't you just Crying about my Commenting on your Incivility?... :lol:


Cries like a little girl is sooooooo sexist

Cries like John Boehner is more appropriate

Little girls tend to Cry a lot compared with say... Elected Men... True Story.

Now, Cruella Pelosi... I would never say she Cries like a little Girl.



Weepy Douche.


Oh, the Beck Card didn't Play like someone Thought it would... :lol:


Do we have any real men as our "leaders" any more?

Seriously folks what's with the pussification epidemic among American so called men?
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It got to be embarrassing to pop a Boehner in a congressional hearing.
Do we have any real men as our "leaders" any more?

Seriously folks what's with the pussification epidemic among American so called men?

Political Correctness has this country and our so-called leaders by the balls.
Maybe there are onions in that seat...after all, it made Mark McGwire cry.
BTW, a google search turned up one, that's right, only one super lame accusation against the guy he was crying over.
The croc tears were baseless, unless Ellison really had a mega-hemarrhoid flare-up.
The video is excellent work.

For a second, I almost believed he has a heart.
lol, well, it stole the show and buried Peter King as far as news coverage goes.

And it was Staged and he and his Party and their "Free Press" should be Ashamed...

But they aren't...

And if they are Successful in Continuing to Ignore the Problem that Faces us, the next Ft. Hood's Blood is on their hands. :thup:


lol, well, it stole the show and buried Peter King as far as news coverage goes.

And it was Staged and he and his Party and their "Free Press" should be Ashamed...

But they aren't...

And if they are Successful in Continuing to Ignore the Problem that Faces us, the next Ft. Hood's Blood is on their hands. :thup:



And you don't think that everything that happens in Washington is staged?

Politicians are actors.

Bad ones.
Just goes to show how sissy you have to be to not want to stand up to radical islam
lol, well, it stole the show and buried Peter King as far as news coverage goes.

And it was Staged and he and his Party and their "Free Press" should be Ashamed...

But they aren't...

And if they are Successful in Continuing to Ignore the Problem that Faces us, the next Ft. Hood's Blood is on their hands. :thup:



And you don't think that everything that happens in Washington is staged?

Politicians are actors.

Bad ones.

No, I don't Think everything is Staged...

I Think when the DemocRATS were Cowaring behind the Cowboy President saying "git em, George!" back on September 12th and then Signing "God Bless America", I Think they were Honestly Afraid and Confused...

Unfortunately, they have Forgotten, FAR too quickly, just who it is we are at War with...

And they are now being Willfully Dishonest about the Threat that Islam is Against us and Non-Islamic Nations.

This is a "few Radicalized" Crazies...

This is Mainstream Islamic Leadership in the Middle East, from the Mosques to the Governments.

We should've Woken up back in 1993...

Unfortunately, we didn't even Wake up in 2001.



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