Weiner Is One Sick Dick

I guess you didn't follow all the revelations after his death.
Being eccentric is a totally different animal.

When you say you don't see much difference are you speaking of Weiner's behavior? If so, then something is wrong with your thinking.

Huma has likely known he's a sick freak since their wedding night. Nothing he has done really bothers most Democrats, it's just how it looks in the media that bothers them, like their pedo-friendly 'Gay Rights' cadres and their warm love of neurotic sex fetishists like NAMBLA.

EVERYONE still sits in judgement of Michael Jackson. IMHO which it has always been... He was just one extremely eccentric dude, who could live no other way than to fulfill his 'rich' fantasies... Just like Widow Winchester did with the Winchester Mystery House. I do not see much difference there.
Huma has likely known he's a sick freak since their wedding night. Nothing he has done really bothers most Democrats, it's just how it looks in the media that bothers them, like their pedo-friendly 'Gay Rights' cadres and their warm love of neurotic sex fetishists like NAMBLA.

You bring up a good point. We all know that the Left are raving hypocrites governed by their ideology. If it wasn't for the Right looking in on this, I suspect he'd be ignored.

I think it's obvious she needed an American gimp to marry for a visa and then 'citizenship'. I don't think she rates sympathy; she shills for a corrupt influence peddler and sociopath, so she can't possibly be a victim here.
I don't know how she stayed as long as she did. I am proud of her for making the decision to finally get out.
She stayed with Weiner because it was politically expedient. She left him when it was no longer politically expedient. These aren't real people, with real emotions like love or commitment or concern for what's good for their children. All they care about is power, and the things that can be obtained with power.

Yes. It's so blatantly obvious at this point only vermin can support these vermin, and it's clear the Democratic Party is just a front for pedos, gimps, thugs, and traitors, so need to pretend they deserve any respect at this point. Nobody can possibly be naive about what they really are at this point.
Sadly, there are sick gays that make the others look bad.
If one wants to see what the Democratic Party's base has for ' community standards' they can find a photo-journalist's essay at zombietime.com on the Up Your Alley 'street festival' that has their 'standards in full glory and color, and other links to some fine examples of 'gay parenting', like taking small children to their ''Fairs', wearing leather dog collars and other fetish wear. Truly sick stuff. If the media ever showed uncensored videos of these 'communities' on the nightly national news that bizarre the 'Gay Rights' hoax of a 'movement' would have disappeared forever in about a week.

No doubt there are some who can exercise some self-control, for varying periods of time, but from the stats that's a minority of them, and many of those who can control themselves around underage teenagers are mostly lesbians. Some lesbian activists made a an attempt at driving the NAMBLA rapists out of the 'movement' in the mid-1980's, and had a few temporary successes at keeping them out of a couple of 'Pride' parades, but it was a short lived and not very strong attempt.

It took Jesse Helms raising a long and sustained stink about the 'movement's' leadership keeping these pedoes around and a treasured part of the 'leadership' committees, and costing them and their fellow kiddie rapers in Europe NGO status at the UN that made the sociopaths consider getting rid of them publicly, if not privately, and the sociopaths were so immune to genuine decency they felt they had to have a vote on it to be fair to the kiddie rapers ... Really,who the hell needs a 'vote' to toss these degenerates out of anything or any where, except truly sick freaks??? Some 10% voted against banning them, a surprisingly low percentage, but the more cunning kiddie raper fans had become aware that it was bad PR and they needed to clean up their 'image', even if they were mystified as to why, and in any case NAMBLA was still able to advertise in the 'gay press', so it was only a minor setback for them; 'gay' travel agencies still enthusiastically booked sex tours for them, sent them new members, all the regular stuff degenerates do for each other.
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