Weisselberg Indicted

he may know or may not know.
Tough shit. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law. Try it yourself.

"Officer, i didn't know the legal limit for blood alcohol. Can i go home?"

Good luck!
Well dummy, that was Comey’s defense for Hillary. That was your side’s defense for Rosie O’Donnell breaking campaign contribution laws. Seems that works for libtards like you, since you’re expected to be utterly incompetent and stupid.
And now we see colNOfacts flip again. It was okay for Rosie O’Donnell to claim ignorance dor breaking campaign contribution laws, but now you mock people associated with Trump for not knowing the law. You’re exposed as an absolute moron.
Are you saying that the CFO of the Trump organization has as much tax knowledge as Rosie O’Donnell has knowledge of campaign finance?
This kind of case has never been criminally prosecuted
Why shouldn’t it be?
Damn you’re ignorant. Hey dimbulb, this kind of case is settled civilly with audits and/or fines. Not criminal prosecution and dragging an elderly man around in handcuffs to try to act tough. You Dims are so desperate to spin your utter failure here it’s laughable.
And now we see colNOfacts flip again. It was okay for Rosie O’Donnell to claim ignorance dor breaking campaign contribution laws, but now you mock people associated with Trump for not knowing the law. You’re exposed as an absolute moron.
Are you saying that the CFO of the Trump organization has as much tax knowledge as Rosie O’Donnell has knowledge or campaign finance?
It’s called equal treatment under the law. Something you don’t believe in. Showing your stupidity just makes you look stupid.
This kind of case has never been criminally prosecuted
Why shouldn’t it be?
Damn you’re ignorant. Hey dimbulb, this kind of case is settled civilly with audits and/or fines. Not criminal prosecution and dragging an elderly man around in handcuffs to try to act tough. You Dims are so desperate to spin your utter failure here it’s laughable.
You think fining a rich dude for evading taxes is suitable punishment?

This guy hid as much money as most Americans make in their entire life.

I’ll ask again, why SHOULDNT it be criminal?
And now we see colNOfacts flip again. It was okay for Rosie O’Donnell to claim ignorance dor breaking campaign contribution laws, but now you mock people associated with Trump for not knowing the law. You’re exposed as an absolute moron.
Are you saying that the CFO of the Trump organization has as much tax knowledge as Rosie O’Donnell has knowledge or campaign finance?
It’s called equal treatment under the law. Something you don’t believe in. Showing your stupidity just makes you look stupid.
Equal treatment under the law? No. I think Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t know shit about campaign finance but I think a CPA knows when he’s evading taxes.

And so do you, you just don’t want to admit it.

This guy knows where all the bodies are buried.

Trump has to be shitting his pants

They honestly believe they weren't required to pay taxes on those issues.
So your argument that ignorance of the law is now a defense?

Or maybe you’re arguing they Weisselberg is an absolute moron.
And now we see colNOfacts flip again. It was okay for Rosie O’Donnell to claim ignorance dor breaking campaign contribution laws, but now you mock people associated with Trump for not knowing the law. You’re exposed as an absolute moron.
Yes, and Comey let Hillary off supposedly because she didn't know she was breaking the law.
When do we investigate Hunter and the Biden family? There's literally Billions of illegal money there.
Millions in actual payola graft, rather than a few paltry fringies spread over the decades....And the moonbats don't care because it's somehow (D)ifferent.
Trump cult fantasies for which you have not a shred of evidence.
The value of a property is a matter of opinion, so it's hardly fraud.
Yes, and Comey let Hillary off supposedly because she didn't know she was breaking the law.
i really want someone to explain to me how Weisselberg wouldn’t know he was committing tax fraud.

I mean, it’s sorta his job to know these things.
Yes, and Comey let Hillary off supposedly because she didn't know she was breaking the law.
i really want someone to explain to me how Weisselberg wouldn’t know he was committing tax fraud.

I mean, it’s sorta his job to know these things.
Am I committing tax fraud because I have a company issued cell phone? My accountant certainly never asked me about it.
The company also pays for my internet and my cellular service.
Am I committing tax fraud because I have a company issued cell phone? My accountant certainly never asked me about it.
The company also pays for my internet and my cellular service.
No, you’re not committing tax fraud. If the company also gave your wife a cellphone (and your wife doesn’t work there), wouldn’t you start to wonder if that was taxable compensation?
The fact is that we all do it. Maybe a few hundred for normal folk but a few million for them.
So it’s okay to defraud the government for a few million because they’re rich?
When did I say it is OK? I only said leftist dolts tried hard not to look stupid.
You said it’s not that bad.
Actually, he is not that bad, less than a million per year.
It's really not....actually less then $100K...had he not been tied to Trump, and Vance and the Dems not weaponized the Executive against political rivials....ie if this was normal, there would be no charges.

The Feds aren't even touching this...how it normally would work is the tax agency accountants would contact his accountants and they'd argue over why this wasn't paid, or why this was deducted...etc....and maybe they make a settlement on what's owed....but this is the new Fascist DNC, that for five years weaponized the executive in NY to go after Trump, his family, and his company...and all they got, even after going all the way to the Supreme Court, is that his CFO didn't claim the car the company leased for him as income...wow...just wow.
So why shouldn’t this be criminally charged?
That can be argued all day long. What you can't argue is that some people, who happened to be associated with Trump, should suffer a much stiffer penalty than the people Vance has charged..
They should suffer the penalties that the law dictates. No one associated with Trump is being penalized any more than that.
The law doesn't dictate that they should even be criminally prosecuted, asshole.
Oh really? Ever hear of Habeus Corpus, genius? Which A.W.'s lawyers didn't bring up after he was indicted & did the perp walk. But go ahead & carry on with your fantasies if it makes you feel better.

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