Weisselberg Indicted

Yeah, it is just $1.7 million in tax evasion. Its not like Weiselberg tried to pass a counterfit $20 or was selling individual cigarettes on a street corner.
Still a civil matter, not criminal. No matter how much you praise black criminals.
Leona Helmsley

Charges brought by one Rudolph W. Giuliani, then the U.S. attorney for Manhattan. Charges on which she was convicted — and served 18 months.

So let’s hear nothing, not a word, about the supposed unfairness of the indictment a New York state grand jury handed up on Thursday of the Trump Organization and its former chief financial officer on tax fraud charges, the details of which sound positively Helmsley-esque.
The “Queen of Mean” evaded $1.2 million in taxes by charging personal expenses, including renovations of her Connecticut estate, to the Helmsley hotel chain.
Yeah, it is just $1.7 million in tax evasion. Its not like Weiselberg tried to pass a counterfit $20 or was selling individual cigarettes on a street corner.
Still a civil matter, not criminal. No matter how much you praise black criminals.
Leona Helmsley

Charges brought by one Rudolph W. Giuliani, then the U.S. attorney for Manhattan. Charges on which she was convicted — and served 18 months.

So let’s hear nothing, not a word, about the supposed unfairness of the indictment a New York state grand jury handed up on Thursday of the Trump Organization and its former chief financial officer on tax fraud charges, the details of which sound positively Helmsley-esque.
The “Queen of Mean” evaded $1.2 million in taxes by charging personal expenses, including renovations of her Connecticut estate, to the Helmsley hotel chain.
Shut up. Not the same thing LUSH. Keep flailing. As Trump keeps laughing at you as the penalty will be a fine. As is precedent. This is perks. Try to keep up.
Yeah, it is just $1.7 million in tax evasion. Its not like Weiselberg tried to pass a counterfit $20 or was selling individual cigarettes on a street corner.
Still a civil matter, not criminal. No matter how much you praise black criminals.
Leona Helmsley

Charges brought by one Rudolph W. Giuliani, then the U.S. attorney for Manhattan. Charges on which she was convicted — and served 18 months.

So let’s hear nothing, not a word, about the supposed unfairness of the indictment a New York state grand jury handed up on Thursday of the Trump Organization and its former chief financial officer on tax fraud charges, the details of which sound positively Helmsley-esque.
The “Queen of Mean” evaded $1.2 million in taxes by charging personal expenses, including renovations of her Connecticut estate, to the Helmsley hotel chain.
Shut up. Not the same thing LUSH. Keep flailing. As Trump keeps laughing at you as the penalty will be a fine. As is precedent. This is perks. Try to keep up.
LOL.."Shut up" LOL

"I don't want to hear bad things"...
From the Atlantic

But the Trump Organization did, according to the indictment, maintain a separate set of books that accounted for the payments as part of Weisselberg’s compensation. Notably, when the Trump Corporation paid Weisselberg’s rent, according to the indictment, the Trump Organization reduced Weisselberg’s salary by a corresponding amount. (Both Weisselberg and the Trump Organization pleaded not guilty yesterday.)
this is rich coming from the guy that claimed the indicted said trump has two books! haha
That's exactly what it says.

***"The Trump Corporation booked this cash as “Holiday Entertainment,” but maintained internal spreadsheets showing the cash to be part of Weisselberg’s employee compensation***

This guy knows where all the bodies are buried.

Trump has to be shitting his pants
Has the blob disavowed knowing him yet?
The colossal grift that is the Trump Org is about to be exposed, one way or the other. The prosecutors, if they can, will seek to freeze the sale of Trump Org assets. They will likely not succeed based on tax grift alone, and the Trump Org will start a' sellin'. Remember, they have to sell $400 million of assets just to break even with Deutschbank.

The market is good. The Trump Org will get good compensation.
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.

I have seen no evidence that I said Trump kept two sets of books.
"Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident."
From what I've read, Weisselberg is holding tough so far.

Plus, even if there is a jury trial, there's no way there won't be at least one loyal Trumpster in the jury.

I wouldn't be doing the happy dance just yet. This could all backfire.
There was a loyal Trumper in the Manafort trial and it didn't help him much.

Think a guy his age will risk spending the rest of his life in jail?
No one goes to jail for 83 dollars in unpaid taxes

Wake up fool
These Trumpers don't understand the severity of these charges. The indictment also charges conspiracy.

Not "collusion". Criminal conspiracy.

Think about that word. "Conspiracy", with whom? Those who paid him. And who was that?

Don, Don Jr., And Eric.
These Trumpers don't understand the severity of these charges. The indictment also charges conspiracy.

Not "collusion". Criminal conspiracy.

Think about that word. "Conspiracy", with whom? Those who paid him. And who was that?

Don, Don Jr., And Eric.
We understand that they are a joke. Under normal circumstances (no Republicans targeted), even if true they would pay their back taxes plus a fine and that would be the end of it.

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