Weisselberg Indicted

can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
Sure. Be my guest.
Weisselberg’sauthorizedannualcompensationatalrelevanttimeswasfixedata numbercertain.Forexample,from2011through2018,hiscompensationwasfixedat$940,000,to becomprisedof$540,000inbasesalaryand$400,000inend-of-yearbonus. However,at Weisselberg’sdirection,theTrumpOrganizationexcludedfromhisreportedgrossincomethe amountsthatwerepaidtohimindirectlyintheformofrentpaidonhisNewYorkCityapartment,
tuitionpaidonhisbehalftohisfamilymembers”privateschool,theautomobileexpensespaidin connectionwithhisandhiswifespersonalcars,andtheotheritemsdescribedabove. Weisselberg, receivedthebenefitofthesepayments,andtheTrumpOrganizationintemallytrackedandtreated ‘moafntheymaspartofhisauthorizedannualcompensation,ensuringthathewasnotpaidmorethan hispre-authorized,fixedamountofgrosscompensation.However,thecorporatedefendantsfalsified
othercompensationrecordssothattheindirectcompensationpaymentswerenotreflectedin Weisselberg'sreportedgrossincome. Therefore,theW-2 formsandothercompensationrecords reportedtofederal,state,andlocaltaxauthoritiesfraudulentlyunderstatedtheincomethatthe ‘TrumpOrganizationhadpaidWeisselberg. Weisselbergincludedthefalsifiedinformationsetforth onhisW-2formswhenhefiledhispersonalincometaxreturns.
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
Anyone can read it for themselves:

They can! Question is did you understand what you read. Did you? I have my doubts.
Please quote where it said Trump kept two sets of books.
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
Sure. Be my guest.
Weisselberg’sauthorizedannualcompensationatalrelevanttimeswasfixedata numbercertain.Forexample,from2011through2018,hiscompensationwasfixedat$940,000,to becomprisedof$540,000inbasesalaryand$400,000inend-of-yearbonus. However,at Weisselberg’sdirection,theTrumpOrganizationexcludedfromhisreportedgrossincomethe amountsthatwerepaidtohimindirectlyintheformofrentpaidonhisNewYorkCityapartment,
tuitionpaidonhisbehalftohisfamilymembers”privateschool,theautomobileexpensespaidin connectionwithhisandhiswifespersonalcars,andtheotheritemsdescribedabove. Weisselberg, receivedthebenefitofthesepayments,andtheTrumpOrganizationintemallytrackedandtreated ‘moafntheymaspartofhisauthorizedannualcompensation,ensuringthathewasnotpaidmorethan hispre-authorized,fixedamountofgrosscompensation.However,thecorporatedefendantsfalsified
othercompensationrecordssothattheindirectcompensationpaymentswerenotreflectedin Weisselberg'sreportedgrossincome. Therefore,theW-2 formsandothercompensationrecords reportedtofederal,state,andlocaltaxauthoritiesfraudulentlyunderstatedtheincomethatthe ‘TrumpOrganizationhadpaidWeisselberg. Weisselbergincludedthefalsifiedinformationsetforth onhisW-2formswhenhefiledhispersonalincometaxreturns.
Do you actually expect anyone to read that garbage?
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
Anyone can read it for themselves:

They can! Question is did you understand what you read. Did you? I have my doubts.
Please quote where it said Trump kept two sets of books.
I did. Page 13. They recorded his compensation in one way when they deducted it as a business expense and reported it another way on his W2 to report as personal income.

That’s what that page says.

What do you think it says?
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
yes, copy and paste where it says trump keep two books
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
Anyone can read it for themselves:

They can! Question is did you understand what you read. Did you? I have my doubts.
Please quote where it said Trump kept two sets of books.
I did. Page 13. They recorded his compensation in one way when they deducted it as a business expense and reported it another way on his W2 to report as personal income.

That’s what that page says.

What do you think it says?
No, they treated it the same on both documents. IF it's a business expense, then it isn't part of his compensation.
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
Anyone can read it for themselves:

They can! Question is did you understand what you read. Did you? I have my doubts.
Please quote where it said Trump kept two sets of books.
I did. Page 13. They recorded his compensation in one way when they deducted it as a business expense and reported it another way on his W2 to report as personal income.

That’s what that page says.

What do you think it says?
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
yes, copy and paste where it says trump keep two books
Copy and paste from the PDF is broken. It’s page 13. Paragraph 19.

haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
No, they treated it the same on both documents. IF it's a business expense, then it isn't part of his compensation.
Psst. It wasn’t a business expense. It was compensation and they recorded it as such, except when it came time for Weisselberg to pay taxes on it.
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
yes, copy and paste where it says trump keep two books
Copy and paste from the PDF is broken. It’s page 13. Paragraph 19.

not sure where it says anything about trump keeping two books there
No, they treated it the same on both documents. IF it's a business expense, then it isn't part of his compensation.
Psst. It wasn’t a business expense. It was compensation and they recorded it as such, except when it came time for Weisselberg to pay taxes on it.
haha it was an business expense..1) paying someone is a business expense 2) the entire case is that the CFO should have counted that business expense value as compensation.

geez you are clueless...your cluelessness might be a good defense when the IRS comes knocking about your tax cheating with deducting all your lunches...but you’ll still have to pay those back taxes
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
All it says is the Trump org didn't report them as income. What is the "other set of numbers?" I'm only seeing one set.
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
All it says is the Trump org didn't report them as income. What is the "other set of numbers?" I'm only seeing one set.
They maintained records internally of his total compensation that were discrepant from what they reported.
No, they treated it the same on both documents. IF it's a business expense, then it isn't part of his compensation.
Psst. It wasn’t a business expense. It was compensation and they recorded it as such, except when it came time for Weisselberg to pay taxes on it.
Says you and Vance. However, most accountants would identify it as a business expense, which is what they did.
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
All it says is the Trump org didn't report them as income. What is the "other set of numbers?" I'm only seeing one set.
They maintained records internally of his total compensation that were discrepant from what they reported.
No they didn't.
haha it was an business expense..1) paying someone is a business expense 2) the entire case is that the CFO should have counted that business expense value as compensation.
Yes! Employee compensation is a business expense. Problem is they reported his compensation as one thing on a W2 and another thing when they expensed it.
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
All it says is the Trump org didn't report them as income. What is the "other set of numbers?" I'm only seeing one set.
They maintained records internally of his total compensation that were discrepant from what they reported.
No they didn't.
That’s what the indictment says.
geez you are clueless...your cluelessness might be a good defense when the IRS comes knocking about your tax cheating with deducting all your lunches...but you’ll still have to pay those back taxes
You keep accusing me of cheating on my taxes when you’ve yet to explain why my lunches should be considered compensation.

(I don’t deduct them, they’re paid for, and I don’t claim them as income)
haha it says no such thing. why would trump record some else’s salary has personal income??
What? I don’t think you understand what the accusation is. The Trump Corp payroll had two sets of numbers for Weisselberg. One that includes all his compensation and one that excluded the “fringe” benefits.
All it says is the Trump org didn't report them as income. What is the "other set of numbers?" I'm only seeing one set.
They maintained records internally of his total compensation that were discrepant from what they reported.
No they didn't.
That’s what the indictment says.
It says no such thing. It says they didn't include it on his W2 as income, and it says they listed it as a business expense for their corporate taxes.

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