Weisselberg Indicted

There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.

I have seen no evidence that I said Trump kept two sets of books.
"Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident."

I don't think Trump actually keeps the books, do you?
Next thing you know, they’ll be saying they weren’t actually books because it was on a computer spreadsheet.

Splitting hairs is all they have.
You do nothing but post straw men. He's saying Trump didn't personally keep the books. A peon does it, you fucking moron.
They aren't criminals, jackass.
Weisselberg sure looks like a tax cheater. Cohen is a felon. Manafort is straight up corrupt. Banon was about to be nailed for stealing from a charity. Stone is a scumbag and convicted felon.

Shall we go on?
You want a list of Dem lawbreakers you hack? Not one thing mentioned there has anything to do with Trump.
Dem lawbreakers aren’t the topic of the thread here. Weisselberg certainly has something to do with Trump. Wouldn’t you say?
YOU brought up people who aren’t the topic. You sound scared to see the huge list of Dem lawbreakers.
Trump is the topic. I mentioned that he gets a lot of attention from law enforcement as he has surrounded himself with criminals.

That’s his problem, not mine.
Trump is the topic?
might wanna read the title again.
And yet y’all are complaining that this is about going after Trump.
More of your bullshit. I'm not complaining at all. I'm LMFAO at you clowns who thought Vance was gonna put Trump in cuffs.

Sit down and STFU, Clown.

You are a fucking joke.
Never happened? Trump admitted it at his rally.

Guilty conscience maybe.
Please quote him.

He admitted nothing, moron. He simply paraphrased the charges Vance made against his employees.

Hahaha! Sure buddy. Dude admitted it. He didn’t pay taxes on his car or his apartment. Then claimed to not have any idea that this is taxable income.

What a dope.

Liar. You’re looking dumber and dumber by the post.

Trump supposedly knows more about the tax code than anyone else but can’t figure out that the benefits he was paying to Weisselberg should be taxed.

He’s a complete idiot.

No, you’re the idiot as usual. Trump is not responsible for claiming these things moron. The fact that you cheer an elderly white man (R) being politically persecuted and ignore a black race hustler (D) committing worse crimes tells us all we need to to know about you.

Trump’s organization was part of the fraud. Weisselberg was CFO after all.

The clip from Trump’s rally is hilarious. Dude expresses confusion that his fringe benefits paid to Weisselberg would be taxed. Like, how stupid is he?

So now the organization is responsible for individual tax returns. So CNN and MSNBC and Al Sharpton’s entire network of people are now responsible for his fraud. Vance better get to work prosecuting them.

As CFO, he was able to control the bookkeeping that enabled him to reap his fringe benefits.

So you admit Trump didn't know anything about it.

There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.
It’s in the indictment.
Link us up to Trump keeping two sets of books being the indictment.
They aren't criminals, jackass.
Weisselberg sure looks like a tax cheater. Cohen is a felon. Manafort is straight up corrupt. Banon was about to be nailed for stealing from a charity. Stone is a scumbag and convicted felon.

Shall we go on?
You want a list of Dem lawbreakers you hack? Not one thing mentioned there has anything to do with Trump.
Dem lawbreakers aren’t the topic of the thread here. Weisselberg certainly has something to do with Trump. Wouldn’t you say?
YOU brought up people who aren’t the topic. You sound scared to see the huge list of Dem lawbreakers.
Trump is the topic. I mentioned that he gets a lot of attention from law enforcement as he has surrounded himself with criminals.

That’s his problem, not mine.
Trump is the topic?
might wanna read the title again.
And yet y’all are complaining that this is about going after Trump.
Of course they are, moron. They're going after anyone who knows him.
No. Just the ones who commit crimes. Turns out that’s a lot of them.
List them if it's a lot.
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.
It’s in the indictment.
well 1) indictments aren’t evidence 2) they are mere accusations 3) can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
They’re not mere accusations, especially when they come from a grand jury.
Hey Dumbass, until they are proven in a court that is exactly what they are...............accusations.
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.
It’s in the indictment.
Link us up to Trump keeping two sets of books being the indictment.

Of course Trump did not actually keep the books. The question is, did Trump know that two sets of books were kept, or that there were so many irregularities.
can you provide the section and quote from the indictment that said trump keep two sets of books?
The indictment mentions the different records on page 13.
It says no such thing. I just read it.
Can you go ahead and summarize it in your own words?
you are the one that said it was there...quote it
I did. Because it does. Do you just want me to copy-paste the whole page?
Sure. Be my guest.
Weisselberg’sauthorizedannualcompensationatalrelevanttimeswasfixedata numbercertain.Forexample,from2011through2018,hiscompensationwasfixedat$940,000,to becomprisedof$540,000inbasesalaryand$400,000inend-of-yearbonus. However,at Weisselberg’sdirection,theTrumpOrganizationexcludedfromhisreportedgrossincomethe amountsthatwerepaidtohimindirectlyintheformofrentpaidonhisNewYorkCityapartment,
tuitionpaidonhisbehalftohisfamilymembers”privateschool,theautomobileexpensespaidin connectionwithhisandhiswifespersonalcars,andtheotheritemsdescribedabove. Weisselberg, receivedthebenefitofthesepayments,andtheTrumpOrganizationintemallytrackedandtreated ‘moafntheymaspartofhisauthorizedannualcompensation,ensuringthathewasnotpaidmorethan hispre-authorized,fixedamountofgrosscompensation.However,thecorporatedefendantsfalsified
othercompensationrecordssothattheindirectcompensationpaymentswerenotreflectedin Weisselberg'sreportedgrossincome. Therefore,theW-2 formsandothercompensationrecords reportedtofederal,state,andlocaltaxauthoritiesfraudulentlyunderstatedtheincomethatthe ‘TrumpOrganizationhadpaidWeisselberg. Weisselbergincludedthefalsifiedinformationsetforth onhisW-2formswhenhefiledhispersonalincometaxreturns.
Cool story, Dumbass. :cuckoo: :itsok: :auiqs.jpg:
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.
It’s in the indictment.
Link us up to Trump keeping two sets of books being the indictment.

Of course Trump did not actually keep the books. The question is, did Trump know that two sets of books were kept, or that there were so many irregularities.
Why is that a question? colfax_m says this entire investigation isn't going after Trump.

You clowns need to get your talking points figured out.
which is normal
Falsifying documents is not normal. It’s a crime.
No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron.
Screenshot_20210706-111144_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
And all because of your irrational, unbridled hate for TRUMP!. Sad.
All because of trump's disgusting behavior.
And you didn't know Weisselberg from your elbow until you saw his name in a story, yet you're perfectly willing to wish him devastation and destruction. You don't know him, he did nothing to you or anyone you know, yet here you are, figuratively picking up the first stone before a trial has even commenced. That's really sad. Brings to mind the Queen of Hearts, "Sentence first—verdict afterwards".
It might come as a surprise to you, but I don't know the vast majority of criminals who have charges filed on them. I always want them to pay for the crimes they committed though. In this case, he aided trump in his unethical and illegal dealings. I'll be cheering for the prosecution.
Okay, so he may have committed was maybe not declaring some things on his taxes, and for that you want to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Remember, you said "crimes they committed", and quite frankly, not declaring some things on taxes don't warrant being in prison for the rest of your life. If others charged with the same thing pay a fine and be done with it, so should he.
Not declaring something on your taxes is one thing. Participating in a systematic scheme to steal from the taxes over years is something totally different. Weisselberg was instrumental in corrupt dealings for a long time. Don't try to pretend he just accidentally screwed up on his taxes
All you're doing is changing the label. Many people do not declare things on their taxes. I've had the IRS notify me numerous times that I didn't declare something. All they did is bill me for the additional amount I owed.

You progs NAZs are so desperate to make these accusations sound like some kind of heinous crime when most people know from personal experience that they aren't.

Keeping two sets of books shows it was not an accident.
I haven't seen any evidence that Trump kept two sets of books.
It’s in the indictment.
Link us up to Trump keeping two sets of books being the indictment.

Of course Trump did not actually keep the books. The question is, did Trump know that two sets of books were kept, or that there were so many irregularities.
Why is that a question? colfax_m says this entire investigation isn't going after Trump.

You clowns need to get your talking points figured out.

Oh, so you expect every person who disagrees with you to be on the exact same page? lol Good luck with that.

The only reason I mentioned Trump was the continued questioning of whether there was evidence that Trump kept two sets of books. If you ask about Trump, people will answer about Trump.
which is normal
Falsifying documents is not normal. It’s a crime.
No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron.
View attachment 509327
haha yeah that's the desperate dems in Vance's office trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Either they were fringe benefits, that Weisselberg should have claimed as income, or it was compensation from the Trump Org, that the Trump Org didn't properly report as compensation...it can't be both. Moreover, the indictment itself even claims that it was Weisselberg himself that made the directions in the Trump Org to do what is alleged. Not Trump, not the entire Organzation. Holding the entire organization responsible for what they allege he did...just silly.
which is normal
Falsifying documents is not normal. It’s a crime.
No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron.
View attachment 509327
haha yeah that's the desperate dems in Vance's office trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Either they were fringe benefits, that Weisselberg should have claimed as income, or it was compensation from the Trump Org, that the Trump Org didn't properly report as compensation...it can't be both. Moreover, the indictment itself even claims that it was Weisselberg himself that made the directions in the Trump Org to do what is alleged. Not Trump, not the entire Organzation. Holding the entire organization responsible for what they allege he did...just silly.
^non-responsive drivel by a clown.

any input by you on your fellow clown's offering:

"No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron. "
which is normal
Falsifying documents is not normal. It’s a crime.
No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron.
View attachment 509327
haha yeah that's the desperate dems in Vance's office trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Either they were fringe benefits, that Weisselberg should have claimed as income, or it was compensation from the Trump Org, that the Trump Org didn't properly report as compensation...it can't be both. Moreover, the indictment itself even claims that it was Weisselberg himself that made the directions in the Trump Org to do what is alleged. Not Trump, not the entire Organzation. Holding the entire organization responsible for what they allege he did...just silly.
^non-responsive drivel by a clown.

any input by you on your fellow clown's offering:

"No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron. "
actually it was directly in response to what you quoted
which is normal
Falsifying documents is not normal. It’s a crime.
No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron.
View attachment 509327
haha yeah that's the desperate dems in Vance's office trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Either they were fringe benefits, that Weisselberg should have claimed as income, or it was compensation from the Trump Org, that the Trump Org didn't properly report as compensation...it can't be both. Moreover, the indictment itself even claims that it was Weisselberg himself that made the directions in the Trump Org to do what is alleged. Not Trump, not the entire Organzation. Holding the entire organization responsible for what they allege he did...just silly.
^non-responsive drivel by a clown.

any input by you on your fellow clown's offering:

"No one has been accused of falsifying any documents, moron. "
actually it was directly in response to what you quoted
so, nothing, eh?

thanks for wasting everyones time.
haha yeah that's the desperate dems in Vance's office trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Either they were fringe benefits, that Weisselberg should have claimed as income, or it was compensation from the Trump Org, that the Trump Org didn't properly report as compensation...it can't be both. Moreover, the indictment itself even claims that it was Weisselberg himself that made the directions in the Trump Org to do what is alleged. Not Trump, not the entire Organzation. Holding the entire organization responsible for what they allege he did...just silly.
You seem confused. Vance's office isn't trying to claim it's both. It's just saying that their organization falsified documents in order to reduce Weisselberg's compensation. Trump's organization was part of the conspiracy.

Those documents came from the company, not Weisselberg.

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