welcome back dark brandon!

Biden gave a very good speech. He will need to give a lot more speeches like that as well as many more interviews and press conferences to wipe away the stain of his abysmal debate performance. Another debate may help Biden provided he does better.

Even with Biden's poor debate showing, is this the end of his presidential run? I don't think so. One only has to look at the Fetterman/Oz race in Pennsylvania.

Oz and Trump are of the same magnitude and Fetterman's performance during his debate with Oz was just as pathetic as Biden's.

Pennsylvanians rejected Oz much as I suspect many Americans will reject Trump.

Trump won the debate last night, but as they say, you can put lipstick on a pig but in the end.....
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Biden gave a very good speech. He will need to give a lot more speeches like that as well as many more interviews and press conferences to wipe away the stain of his abysmal debate performance. Another debate may help Biden provided he does better.

Even if with Biden's poor debate showing, is this the end of his presidential run? I don't think so. One only has to look at the Fetterman/Oz race in Pennsylvania.

Oz and Trump are of the same magnitude and Fetterman's performance during his debate with OZ was just as pathetic as Biden's.

Pennsylvanians rejected Oz much as I suspect many will reject Trump.

As they say you Trump won the debate last night, you can put lipstick ona pig but in the end it is still a pig/

It's a given that no democrat is going to vote for Trump. No one expects that. what's going to change is that the independents are going to abandon Biden. That will make all the difference.
It's a given that no democrat is going to vote for Trump. No one expects that. what's going to change is that the independents are going to abandon Biden. That will make all the difference.
I'm not sure. Independents are just as likely, if not more likely, to vote for one's policies than the man. Biden's track record and many of his policies and legislative accomplishments appeal to independents.
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A Newly Energized Joe Biden Addresses The Elephant In The Room

"I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth," Biden said at a North Carolina rally.

Biden is alive! Go Joe!
Meh, all you saw Fake Brandon with a teleprompter.

He still came off like:

old man.jpg
temporary setbacks happen. we may not have seen him last night, but he's not finished by any means.

Here we are again !!

A champion of the "IF " argument and fervent believer in miracles .

Made to look good in books and films but in real life --- once a loser , forever a loser .
And this piece of treasonous shit is a Judas -- he thinks that saying , Sorry , is an excuse .

There are no re- runs in the Olympics , Judas Biden .

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