Welcome the the Socialist STATES of AMERICA


Bush pushed the invasion of Iraq because he wasn't bright enough to realize the consequences.

His father was much smarter.

Yeah, he tricked the Dems in congress.

MMMM......I guess that means your Dem heroes are fucking retards who are easily manipulated and fooled.

Clinton didn't borrow $700 billion dollars from China to occupy Iraq.

We "occupy" Iraq?

If the Iraqi government tells us to leave do you think we will say "Screw You!"???

.....and when the day comes that the Iraqi Government tells us it is time to leave will you perceive it as a sign of victory and a job well done.....or will you see it as a vindication that we have been kicked out and have failed?

You do not have to answer, little man. I know you. I know you and your ilk.
We "occupy" Iraq?

If the Iraqi government tells us to leave do you think we will say "Screw You!"???

.....and when the day comes that the Iraqi Government tells us it is time to leave will you perceive it as a sign of victory and a job well done.....or will you see it as a vindication that we have been kicked out and have failed?

You do not have to answer, little man. I know you. I know you and your ilk.

We are never leaving Iraq.
We are never leaving Iraq.

We will end up having something similiar to Japan and Germany.

As much as I would hate something like that, it's going to happen.

Unless the US decides to let them to deal with their own civil war instead of putting our troops in the middle of it.
We will end up having something similiar to Japan and Germany.

As much as I would hate something like that, it's going to happen.

Unless the US decides to let them to deal with their own civil war instead of putting our troops in the middle of it.

With all that oil there? NO way. and it doesn't matter who wins this election either.
We will end up having something similiar to Japan and Germany.

As much as I would hate something like that, it's going to happen.

Unless the US decides to let them to deal with their own civil war instead of putting our troops in the middle of it.

It has never been our intent to police them forever. Their problems will be their own. The internal strife and problems will not be ours.

As a Liberal who hopes for the worst for America to make a political point, I can see how you would pine for that sort of outcome.

One day the Iraqis will ask us to leave.

Americans will correctly see this as a job well done and let the Iraqi people control their on destiny and problems.

Liberals of course will do as they always have and stand atop the bodies of our honored dead and crap on them for political gain. They will sagely profess that we have been "kicked out" and that this is a sign that we were not welcome.
We are not welcome there right now. The Iraqis want us to leave.
It has never been our intent to police them forever. Their problems will be their own. The internal strife and problems will not be ours.

As a Liberal who hopes for the worst for America to make a political point, I can see how you would pine for that sort of outcome.

One day the Iraqis will ask us to leave.

Americans will correctly see this as a job well done and let the Iraqi people control their on destiny and problems.

Liberals of course will do as they always have and stand atop the bodies of our honored dead and crap on them for political gain. They will sagely profess that we have been "kicked out" and that this is a sign that we were not welcome.

I do not hope the worst for America, I continue to be astounded at the ignorant of extremist right wingers like yourself who assume the only people who give a damn about this country are your fellow extremists.

Do tell me though, John McCain has no plan to leave anytime soon yet we'll be home by 2013 according to him. How the hell is that going to happen Gray? Fucking magic? :cuckoo:

Oh and for your information, Iraqis have ALREADY ASKED US to leave, we haven't.

And again with the whole "Liberals are evil, blah, blah" kind of statement. Honestly, I once again find your ignorance astounding since it was Reagan who helped drive all our lovely veterans onto the streets of the United States with his lovely job on the economy.
We are not welcome there right now. The Iraqis want us to leave.

Horsecrap, dogshit and outright lies.

If they tell us to leave we will. Anyone who says different is either a liar or a fool.

....and when the day comes that they tell us to leave it will be the confirmation of our victory there.
Horsecrap, dogshit and outright lies.

If they tell us to leave we will. Anyone who says different is either a liar or a fool.

....and when the day comes that they tell us to leave it will be the confirmation of our victory there.

Well damn, your not going to like this then:

Think Progress Iraqi Parliamentarian: 70 Percent Of Iraqis Want Withdrawal, Huge U.S. Embassy Not A ‘Positive Signal’

The Raw Story | Seven out of 10 Iraqis want foreign forces to leave: poll

Most Iraqis Want U.S. Troops Out Within a Year - World Public Opinion

BBC NEWS | Middle East | No victory in Iraq, says Petraeus

Overall he summed up the situation as "still hard but hopeful", saying that progress in Iraq was "a bit more durable" but that the situation there remained fragile.

He said he did not know that he would ever use the word "victory": "This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... it's not war with a simple slogan."

Outgoing Commander in Iraq seems to disagree with you.
You are a child and a liar. When the GOVERNMENT elected by the Iraqi people tells us to leave, we will.

So since I'm 17, I'm a "child" now? Are you sure your not Ninja? His main argument against me was my age too. :eusa_whistle:

Oh and look at my link above, they wants us out. NOW WHAT?
You are a child and a liar. When the GOVERNMENT elected by the Iraqi people tells us to leave, we will.

So if a foreign government attacks our country, overthrows our government, and sets up a new one, occupies the country for six years, and drains our resources, we should just accept it because our new government says so?
So if a foreign government attacks our country, overthrows our government, and sets up a new one, occupies the country for six years, and drains our resources, we should just accept it because our new government says so?

Gray only wants us to leave once we sucked the oil dry from the land. :eusa_whistle:
Speaking of which, he's gone strangely silent since I posted those links.

Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:
Or maybe whenever you are done sucking whatever you are at.

:lol: Aww look, that's your best comeback?

What about your response to all my links? No comment? You can be like your maverick idol Palin if you say that.

The outgoing commander in Iraq is wrong? 70% of people in Iraq are lying? Please tell me where I'm wrong. :D
So if a foreign government attacks our country, overthrows our government, and sets up a new one, occupies the country for six years, and drains our resources, we should just accept it because our new government says so?

You Anti-American piece of slime!

We depose a Dictator, help these folk install and vote on a constitution, set up their own government, spend billions of dollars, thousands of American lives and ask NOTHING in return and a piece of shit like you has the unmitigated gall to say that?

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