Welcome to the New World Order. 'Master' Bedroom being removed.

The clearly RACIST overtones of the term MASTER bedroom is just too much for some people's delicate sensibilities. From now on, you shall refer to this room as the 'primary' room. Stay tuned for your next instructions.
God, what fools! If they spent half their energy in school rather than what pisses them off, they might be able to live a decent life by having a job! Ithink that anyone who sees these liberal cities and the number of black on black crimes compared to white on black, they would be laughed out of their protest spot.

Think about this.
1. Any black that writes BLM should be asked, what about whites and hispanics? Do their lives matter, too?
I would like to hear their answer.
2. Ask a BLM thug why they are tearing down Abraham Lincoln's statue or U. Grant. Don't tell him who Grant was.... Ask them if they know.
3. The Liberal Leaders of these cities that are not helping the police officers should be run out of town. They haven't the slightest idea how to run a city, just be pro BL M so they get their votes. Let's say the thugs burn down the precincts on voting day. Wouldn't that be a shame, cough.
4. If governors don't call in the nationa.l guard, Trump should do it for them.
5. THe BLM people really aren't making friends in the national level. They appear to be Dumb and Dumber.

Wait till they start demanding that words like slave, master, owner, indentured, etc, etc, etc,... be removed from the dictionaries.


A lot of people in "Ho Chi Mihn City" still refer to it as Saigon.

Don't let commie pieces of shit dictate how you talk.
I have never called it the master bedroom just the biggest bedroom.
The clearly RACIST overtones of the term MASTER bedroom is just too much for some people's delicate sensibilities. From now on, you shall refer to this room as the 'primary' room. Stay tuned for your next instructions.
God, what fools! If they spent half their energy in school rather than what pisses them off, they might be able to live a decent life by having a job! Ithink that anyone who sees these liberal cities and the number of black on black crimes compared to white on black, they would be laughed out of their protest spot.

Think about this.
1. Any black that writes BLM should be asked, what about whites and hispanics? Do their lives matter, too?
I would like to hear their answer.
2. Ask a BLM thug why they are tearing down Abraham Lincoln's statue or U. Grant. Don't tell him who Grant was.... Ask them if they know.
3. The Liberal Leaders of these cities that are not helping the police officers should be run out of town. They haven't the slightest idea how to run a city, just be pro BL M so they get their votes. Let's say the thugs burn down the precincts on voting day. Wouldn't that be a shame, cough.
4. If governors don't call in the nationa.l guard, Trump should do it for them.
5. THe BLM people really aren't making friends in the national level. They appear to be Dumb and Dumber.

I don't think making friends is their goal.
The clearly RACIST overtones of the term MASTER bedroom is just too much for some people's delicate sensibilities. From now on, you shall refer to this room as the 'primary' room. Stay tuned for your next instructions.

Its only gonna get worse ....and crazier ....much much much more crazier.you would think well we're already at maximum leftwing batshit craziness ....nope ...derp

Got ammo?
The clearly RACIST overtones of the term MASTER bedroom is just too much for some people's delicate sensibilities. From now on, you shall refer to this room as the 'primary' room. Stay tuned for your next instructions.
God, what fools! If they spent half their energy in school rather than what pisses them off, they might be able to live a decent life by having a job! Ithink that anyone who sees these liberal cities and the number of black on black crimes compared to white on black, they would be laughed out of their protest spot.

Think about this.
1. Any black that writes BLM should be asked, what about whites and hispanics? Do their lives matter, too?
I would like to hear their answer.
2. Ask a BLM thug why they are tearing down Abraham Lincoln's statue or U. Grant. Don't tell him who Grant was.... Ask them if they know.
3. The Liberal Leaders of these cities that are not helping the police officers should be run out of town. They haven't the slightest idea how to run a city, just be pro BL M so they get their votes. Let's say the thugs burn down the precincts on voting day. Wouldn't that be a shame, cough.
4. If governors don't call in the nationa.l guard, Trump should do it for them.
5. THe BLM people really aren't making friends in the national level. They appear to be Dumb and Dumber.

I don't think making friends is their goal.
what do you mean ?? clearly you and other weak leftist are friends and admirers of your black communist masters !
No doubt eliminating the term "Master" in reference to the largest bedroom in a house with immediately stop the BLM protesters from rioting and looting. ... :cool:

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