Welcome to tyranny.

He shows plenty of compassion. It's just that you never watched any of his addresses to the media. His policies had nothing to do with the recession or pandemic. Most anybody without TDS understands this fully.

I listen to those conferences.

I hear him whining about the press.
I hear him talking about how awesome his ratings are.
I hear him telling us that we need to open up the economy when the doctors are screaming "NO!"

I don't hear him talking about all the people who've lost their lives, health or jobs in this thing.

This month and perhaps early June will be tough times. Afterwards, this thing will wear down, the economy will pick back up. The stock market will start to recover, and Trump's chances at reelection will improve with each of those improvements.

First, the economy won't start to recover until early next year, at best. Simply put, even if they lift the restrictions in June, people aren't going to be rushing out to restaurants and bars. They are going to still be gunshy about mass gatherings, and they are going to curtail their spending because those three months left a big hole in their budgets.

Second, Trump's really not popular to start with, and a lot of people will be happy to end this shit-show, dumpster fire of a presidency.

But you don't know what unemployment collects compared to what their payout claims are. This situation of course is exceptional. But insurance be it private or public always has a rainy day fund.

Yeah, here's the thing. The system works fine with normal unemployment of only about 5% with people looking for jobs for a few weeks. It completely collapses when it ticks north of that, and the Feds have to start shovelling money into it, and people need to collect more than 26 weeks.

The last time I applied and actually collected unemployment was 30 years ago. They made a ton of money off of what my employers paid on my behalf. They are giving me a hard time now because they are trying to save a buck. But I did apply, and the criteria hasn't changed over that 30 year period. It's exactly the same. If I wanted, I could post jobs I never applied at just like I could with that little blue book we used to use.

Wow- your asshole employer is giving you a hard time, and you still praise him? Really?
First, the economy won't start to recover until early next year, at best. Simply put, even if they lift the restrictions in June, people aren't going to be rushing out to restaurants and bars. They are going to still be gunshy about mass gatherings, and they are going to curtail their spending because those three months left a big hole in their budgets.

Second, Trump's really not popular to start with, and a lot of people will be happy to end this shit-show, dumpster fire of a presidency.

I never said everything will return back to normal. I said they will improve, and that's what people are looking for. While people are recovering and becoming immune, new cases reported are decreasing. While that might not be impressive on it's own, we are also testing more. If things were the same or getting worse, new cases would be proportional to the amount of tests, given they suspect most people are asymptomatic to this virus.

So Trump's popularity will get better, especially against a lost clown like Biden. Then you have to consider what the Barr investigation is going to conclude, and if Biden had anything to do with it.

Yeah, here's the thing. The system works fine with normal unemployment of only about 5% with people looking for jobs for a few weeks. It completely collapses when it ticks north of that, and the Feds have to start shovelling money into it, and people need to collect more than 26 weeks.

Yes, that may happen, especially in over taxed liberal states where they spent all their money on social programs and government employee perks.

Wow- your asshole employer is giving you a hard time, and you still praise him? Really?

No, he's not fighting it. They stated I quit my job, therefore not qualified for benefits. I appealed and explained why I had no choice in the matter. That was two weeks ago and I haven't heard anything since.
That's because you're a lazy piece of @shit who delusionally thinks that doing real work is beneath you.

Naw, it's because I spent a lifetime acquiring education, skills and experience so I wouldn't have to do shit work. I did shit work in High School and realized that it wasn't worth it.

Not even an attempt to deny my main point.

You think that you're too good to do real work. You think that your lazy and arrogant refusal to do so somehow makes you better than those who will, when, in obvious fact, it really proves how inferior you truly are.

At some points in the past, I've done worse jobs than the ones we're talking about here. And I would do so again, if that's what I had to do to make my living honestly.

Didn't you just say you are flat on your back on Workman's Comp, Mormon Bob? The funny thing is, you are perfectly fine living off the rest of us on White People Welfare.

I most certainly am not fine with it. I'm at a stage of my recovery, where getting back to doing some kind of work is crucial to my ability to further recover. What little bits of “light duty” work I was able to get, before the whole CoronaVirus scam shut down all opportunities for such work, were allowing me to make considerable progress, which I have since mostly lost. If not for that, I'd probably by now be back to doing real construction work, which is where I want to be. In my area, construction is considered “essential”, so my employer is managing to keep nearly all of my colleagues in the company fully-employed, even in these times, and that's where I'd be too, if not for my injury. I'd be much happier and much healthier, if I was with my colleagues, doing the same valuable work that they are doing, instead of being stuck at home, in a stalled recovery from my injury, denied the circumstances that I need to complete my recovery.

Unlike you, I am not made to be idle and unproductive, and being forced to be so is proving to be very bad for me.

I have no doubt that you'd love to switch places with me. You'd surely be delighted for the chance to milk my situation for all it's worth, to the point of hoping never again in your worthless life to ever be expected do another bit of productive work. That's you. It's not me.

Too many of us are too willing to believe the lie, that we are being told, that all of this destruction of our freedom and our economy is to protect our health and safety, from an overhyped flue virus. Too many of are, as unimaginable as it seems to be, stupid and cowardly enough to believe this.

In my case, the truth is more obvious than for most. It is undeniable that the shutdown created in response to this absurd CoronaVirus hoax is a far greater threat to my safety and health than the virus itself ever could possibly have been.
I never said everything will return back to normal. I said they will improve, and that's what people are looking for. While people are recovering and becoming immune, new cases reported are decreasing. While that might not be impressive on it's own, we are also testing more. If things were the same or getting worse, new cases would be proportional to the amount of tests, given they suspect most people are asymptomatic to this virus.

So Trump's popularity will get better, especially against a lost clown like Biden. Then you have to consider what the Barr investigation is going to conclude, and if Biden had anything to do with it.

People aren't going to say, "Hey, employment has gone from 20% to 18%, Trump is doing an awesome job!"

Barr is a partisan clown... No one cares what he does...

No, he's not fighting it. They stated I quit my job, therefore not qualified for benefits. I appealed and explained why I had no choice in the matter. That was two weeks ago and I haven't heard anything since.

Okay... um, your boss could actually stick up for you, and clearly he isn't.
Not even an attempt to deny my main point.

You think that you're too good to do real work. You think that your lazy and arrogant refusal to do so somehow makes you better than those who will, when, in obvious fact, it really proves how inferior you truly are.

Naw, guy, I am too good to work in some slophouse mopping floors.. and so are you.

The problem is, I think the poor schlubs who have to do that kind of work SHOULD be treated decently... while you want to spit on them. That's what makes you kind of an awful person, but really, also what I expect from Mormons.

I most certainly am not fine with it. I'm at a stage of my recovery, where getting back to doing some kind of work is crucial to my ability to further recover. What little bits of “light duty” work I was able to get, before the whole CoronaVirus scam shut down all opportunities for such work, were allowing me to make considerable progress, which I have since mostly lost.

You miss the point, Mormon Bob. You are happy to collect other people's money, rather than dutifully starving to death like you think other people should if they aren't making a profit for the wealthy. I really don't have a problem with charity programs of various sorts. Haven't had to collect unemployment in 19 years (when Bush fucked up the economy the first time) but I'm glad that unemployment insurance, disability and worker's comp are there for people like you and Ray...

That's what you do in a decent society.

Unlike you, I am not made to be idle and unproductive, and being forced to be so is proving to be very bad for me.

You are engaging in self-refection and realizing what an awful person you are?

I have no doubt that you'd love to switch places with me. You'd surely be delighted for the chance to milk my situation for all it's worth, to the point of hoping never again in your worthless life to ever be expected do another bit of productive work. That's you. It's not me.

Really? I've been working since I was 16 years old. I'm 58 as of today. Longest period of unemployment I had was 2001-2002 after 9/11. Been working pretty much continuously since. Sometimes working up to three jobs. Even the medical issues that cost me my job in 2008 didn't keep me from working. (I landed a new job in three weeks). This too shall pass.

Too many of us are too willing to believe the lie, that we are being told, that all of this destruction of our freedom and our economy is to protect our health and safety, from an overhyped flue virus. Too many of are, as unimaginable as it seems to be, stupid and cowardly enough to believe this.

Yeah, here's the thing, I'm going to believe all the medical professionals before I believe a guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear. The thing is, countries that took even MORE extreme measures to contain this thing have gotten to the other end of it, while we are still struggling with an inconsistent response.
People aren't going to say, "Hey, employment has gone from 20% to 18%, Trump is doing an awesome job!"

Barr is a partisan clown... No one cares what he does...

We do. His initiatives proved Flynn was setup by the FBI, and Comey should go to prison for it. But this is how the left views lifelong military real Americans who fought in wars and served our country.

We are six months from the election. As long as we see improvements along the way, the voters will give Trump the credit and reelect him at the end of the year.

Okay... um, your boss could actually stick up for you, and clearly he isn't.

He was probably never asked. Maybe they sent him a questionnaire, I don't know how that all works. Again, I haven't been on unemployment in over 25 years.

but I'm glad that unemployment insurance, disability and worker's comp are there for people like you and Ray...

Given your past statements about my being accepted for disability, you sure could have fooled us.
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We do. His initiatives proved Flynn was setup by the FBI, and Comey should go to prison for it. But this is how the left views lifelong military real Americans who fought in wars and served our country.

Hey, how come you aren't so keen to put cops who frame innocent black men in jail. Flynn did what he was accused of. He lied to the Vice-President and investigators about what he talked to the Russian Ambassador about. Period. Full Stop. Now, you might want to say, "Given his service, let's give him a break." That's fine. But don't pretend he didn't do exactly what he did.

We are six months from the election. As long as we see improvements along the way, the voters will give Trump the credit and reelect him at the end of the year.

Dude, these things don't "Get better" in six months. 2001 Recession, we didn't recover until 2004. 2008 Recession we didn't recover until 2011. This is MUCH WORSE than either of those. Trump was trailing Biden before he wrecked the economy and killed tens of thousands of people with his gross incompetence.

He was probably never asked. Maybe they sent him a questionnaire, I don't know how that all works. Again, I haven't been on unemployment in over 25 years.

The only way they'd know you "quit" rather than got let go was if they asked your boss. That's how this works. Most employers are happy to not have the hassle of doing an appeal, but real bottom feeder companies are the ones who challenge it.

Given your past statements about my being accepted for disability, you sure could have fooled us.

I think those things should be there. I just am amazed about your hypocrisy about grabbing this kind of welfare with both hands. But it's "White People Welfare" so it's okay.
Hey, how come you aren't so keen to put cops who frame innocent black men in jail. Flynn did what he was accused of. He lied to the Vice-President and investigators about what he talked to the Russian Ambassador about. Period. Full Stop. Now, you might want to say, "Given his service, let's give him a break." That's fine. But don't pretend he didn't do exactly what he did.

What they did was lie to him about the questioning. They told him they just wanted to ask him a few off the record questions, and no lawyer was needed. Flynn had no idea as he was not there very long. He just assumed that the agency needed his help.

They illegally recorded one of his conversations. They knew exactly what he said, and asked questions they already knew the answers to. If you did that in any legal setting, a judge would throw the case out in a heartbeat. They threatened to send his son to jail if he didn't sign a fake confession. So to protect his son, that's what he did.

He lost every dime he worked for, his house, and they still wanted to throw him in prison. Comey even did a television show and laughed at how he setup Flynn, stating he could never have gotten away with it under any other administration except Trump, and that's why he did it.

The only way they'd know you "quit" rather than got let go was if they asked your boss. That's how this works. Most employers are happy to not have the hassle of doing an appeal, but real bottom feeder companies are the ones who challenge it.

No. When you register online, they ask you these questions. They are yes or no questions, and you can't elaborate on your specific situation. I answered the questions as honestly as I could. Again, I can't say if my employer was contacted or not. He never called me, and I called the shop late last week, and they didn't say anything about it.

think those things should be there. I just am amazed about your hypocrisy about grabbing this kind of welfare with both hands. But it's "White People Welfare" so it's okay.

Nothing hypocritical about it. I've always supported help for those with physical or mental disorders that prevent them from working, and I defy you to find one post of mine where that was not the case. In fact a couple of times in similar discussions, I told people my story about Bob.

Bob was a guy that used to unload my truck. Hard working guy, but goofier than a Walt Disney character. When he didn't think anybody was around, he often talked to himself. Obviously he had very limited intelligence, and a severe vision problem.

One day when I walked in the door, Bob grabbed my order, and like he did every time, took out his huge magnifying glass to read it. I couldn't take it anymore. I purchased a pair of high magnification reading glasses for Bob when I was at the drug store, and gave it to him. He put them on, started reading the order, and you would have thought he just seen Jesus. He got so excited, I thought he was going to piss himself.

I delivered to that company for years, and I know they didn't pay very well. Bob lived about 25 miles from the place. The company kept doing worse and worse, and finally Bob was no longer there. Whether working or not, people like Bob should be subsidized or supported by our government. It's not his fault how he was born. If the had the intelligence, his hard work could have landed him a decent paying job. In spite of his ability to move quickly and still work, if I found out he was on disability, I would give it my 100% approval. Nobody would ever pay him more than eight or nine dollars an hour. Yes, he operated a tow motor, but they had to restrict him to an electric pallet jack after a while because of his vision problems. The supervisor told me he started to run into things.
What they did was lie to him about the questioning. They told him they just wanted to ask him a few off the record questions, and no lawyer was needed. Flynn had no idea as he was not there very long. He just assumed that the agency needed his help.

They illegally recorded one of his conversations. They knew exactly what he said, and asked questions they already knew the answers to. If you did that in any legal setting, a judge would throw the case out in a heartbeat. They threatened to send his son to jail if he didn't sign a fake confession. So to protect his son, that's what he did.

What you leave out of this discussion was that lying about meeting with Kliseyek was the only thing he did wrong.

Flynn was fired from the White House in February 2017, just days into his tenure as national security adviser. Before Trump’s inauguration, Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian foreign minister. But Flynn lied about those conversations to FBI agents. He also lied about them to Vice President Mike Pence, which was the reason given for his dismissal. (Flynn was not forced out when the president learned of the deception, but only when it was reported in The Washington Post.)

Flynn had a host of other problems too. He had lied repeatedly about taking money from the Turkish government for lobbying, failing to file required documents. He appeared to have lied about who paid for a 2015 trip to Russia, where he sat with Vladimir Putin. He was also involved in an arcane for-profit nuclear-reactor scheme in the Middle East. (One clear takeaway of the investigation is that, potential criminal acts aside, Flynn had no business getting anywhere near the sensitive job of national security adviser.)

Given these many legal problems, Flynn did what many prudent defendants do: He agreed to work with prosecutors in exchange for pleading guilty to only a small part of the many possible charges against him—in this case, lying to the FBI. But the longer he had a chance to see Trump in action, and to see how easily the president obliterates the supposed safeguards for rule of law, the more Flynn seemed to have second thoughts. Why take your chances with a charge and potential sentence, when you could instead return to the fold and let the president take care of you? So Flynn fired his lawyers; hired new, brasher ones; and announced that he wanted to withdraw his plea. The new attorneys got results instantly: Trump started tweeting positively about Flynn, suggesting that he was some sort of martyr.
Nothing hypocritical about it. I've always supported help for those with physical or mental disorders that prevent them from working, and I defy you to find one post of mine where that was not the case. In fact a couple of times in similar discussions, I told people my story about Bob.

Wow.... don't care. I don't really have a problem with guys like Bob. I have a problem with a guy who could potentially do other work, but they don't want to because it doesn't pay as well or it isn't what they want to do.
Nothing hypocritical about it. I've always supported help for those with physical or mental disorders that prevent them from working, and I defy you to find one post of mine where that was not the case. In fact a couple of times in similar discussions, I told people my story about Bob.

Wow.... don't care. I don't really have a problem with guys like Bob. I have a problem with a guy who could potentially do other work, but they don't want to because it doesn't pay as well or it isn't what they want to do.

So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

SS still allows me to work with a limited income. In fact, they promote it. I don't need to at the moment, but I may look into that down the road. Right now however, I'm doing everything possible to stay out of the public. Catching this virus could mean death for me. It was Gods plan that this happened to me at this particular time.
So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

Again, you can sit on your ass and work on a computer... you can work. And before Trump wrecked the economy, you'd have had no problem finding a job. You just don't want to.
So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

Again, you can sit on your ass and work on a computer... you can work. And before Trump wrecked the economy, you'd have had no problem finding a job. You just don't want to.
SS still allows me to work with a limited income. In fact, they promote it. I don't need to at the moment, but I may look into that down the road. Right now however, I'm doing everything possible to stay out of the public. Catching this virus could mean death for me. It was Gods plan that this happened to me at this particular time.

Wow.... so now you have yet another excuse.
So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

Again, you can sit on your ass and work on a computer... you can work. And before Trump wrecked the economy, you'd have had no problem finding a job. You just don't want to.

You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times.

What you don't understand (and can't get through your head) is that the more desired a working position is, the less it pays. That's why floor sweepers get paid what they do, and engineers get paid what they do. Anybody can sweep a floor, and few can be engineers. So engineers are paid much more because so many less people can do that job.

A hair stylists is one of the lowest paid professions. Why? Because most women want to style hair. It takes training, a lot of government BS, you need to be informed and educated on the latest styles, but everybody is doing it.

I worked for a company that wanted me to get training in electronics since I was working on medical equipment that involved electronics. I enjoyed it, but the problem was, I was working full time and going to school at night, supporting my girlfriend and her two kids. I was working seven days a week and started to get burned out real quick.

So I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make when I got my degree after the first year? He told me 16K. Then I asked him what about after I get my two year associates degree? He told me 18K. Hell, I was making more than that at the job I currently had.

Electronics is not easy, it's all math. So why did it pay so little? Because everybody and their mother wanted to get a job in electronics. It was the early 80's, and electronics was the new future. Then I looked in the want ads for jobs in electronics, and sure enough, very few around. The one or two ads I seen paid next to nothing.

Trying to make money sitting home behind a computer is a job many people would love to have. That's why if you can find one, it doesn't pay anything. It's a job anybody can do.
You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times.

I do. All day.

Pretty much what I've been doing for the last 20 years.

What you don't understand (and can't get through your head) is that the more desired a working position is, the less it pays. That's why floor sweepers get paid what they do, and engineers get paid what they do. Anybody can sweep a floor, and few can be engineers. So engineers are paid much more because so many less people can do that job.

What i get is the one percenters will try to screw you no matter how much education, experience or hard work is involved. Unfortunately, you keep bending over for them. Good thing the government is there to bail you out.

Look, man, you can make excuses all day... and you do. But at the end of the day, you went on welfare, just like your HUD Neighbors. Maybe they'll even invite you to one of their parties...
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.

Why don't you cite that warning from the Constitution? I'll wait right here.
(Love the way illiterates like to throw crap like this around, thinks it makes them look smart.)
So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

Again, you can sit on your ass and work on a computer... you can work. And before Trump wrecked the economy, you'd have had no problem finding a job. You just don't want to.

You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times.

What you don't understand (and can't get through your head) is that the more desired a working position is, the less it pays. That's why floor sweepers get paid what they do, and engineers get paid what they do. Anybody can sweep a floor, and few can be engineers. So engineers are paid much more because so many less people can do that job.

A hair stylists is one of the lowest paid professions. Why? Because most women want to style hair. It takes training, a lot of government BS, you need to be informed and educated on the latest styles, but everybody is doing it.

I worked for a company that wanted me to get training in electronics since I was working on medical equipment that involved electronics. I enjoyed it, but the problem was, I was working full time and going to school at night, supporting my girlfriend and her two kids. I was working seven days a week and started to get burned out real quick.

So I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make when I got my degree after the first year? He told me 16K. Then I asked him what about after I get my two year associates degree? He told me 18K. Hell, I was making more than that at the job I currently had.

Electronics is not easy, it's all math. So why did it pay so little? Because everybody and their mother wanted to get a job in electronics. It was the early 80's, and electronics was the new future. Then I looked in the want ads for jobs in electronics, and sure enough, very few around. The one or two ads I seen paid next to nothing.

Trying to make money sitting home behind a computer is a job many people would love to have. That's why if you can find one, it doesn't pay anything. It's a job anybody can do.


"You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times."

But do you have any computer SKILLS?
I've been making a living through my computers for over 15 years, from my home office.
Build your skills and they will come.
I don't have a solution, but I am trying to understand the problem better.

I'm going to local newspapers online instead of the constant headlines we get from television news.

I've been googling about Georgia since they re-opened a couple of weeks ago.
The local news is stunning and not good, very troubling.
This what happened in Georgia:

""""A week after the Peach State allowed hair salons, barbershops and other businesses to turn on their welcome signs, a staggering 62,440 additional visitors flocked there daily in hopes of patronizing businesses still shuttered in their home states due to the coronavirus.

The data, reported by University of Maryland researchers, reveals that the bulk of out-of-towners came from surrounding states including Florida, Alabama and South Carolina. """

I do. All day.

Pretty much what I've been doing for the last 20 years.

You also stated you went to college, and at my age, that door is pretty much closed for me. Most Americans have a computer and the internet. It's not all that special of a skill to get online or work with programs.

What i get is the one percenters will try to screw you no matter how much education, experience or hard work is involved. Unfortunately, you keep bending over for them. Good thing the government is there to bail you out.

Look, man, you can make excuses all day... and you do. But at the end of the day, you went on welfare, just like your HUD Neighbors. Maybe they'll even invite you to one of their parties...

No, my HUD neighbors were not determined by government doctors to be unable to work. I was. Instead, they had a bunch of kids they could never afford, maybe work a part-time minimum wage job somewhere, and moved into the burbs that they could never afford without taxpayer footing the bill.

You are just a reverse racist. You can't stand when honest, law abiding white people are forced to use one of these programs we put money into our entire lives. You want to get rid of it? Go right ahead. Let me see you petition the commies we need to get rid of SS disability. Need help writing the letter, just ask. After all, I know how to type.

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