Welcome to tyranny.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.
Note that I said "legitimate." Where does the Constitution give government the authority to tell me I can't go to work?
Where does it say you can´t drive on the sidewalk?

Where did Bri say that all laws must exist in the Constitution? Have you always been this fucking illiterate, or is it only when you somehow think sounding stupid will be a "brilliant" debate tactic?
You just insisted on direct laws. Now it is the other way round. Who is that third rate idiot?

No, fucktard. As usual, you are misunderstanding what anyone is saying. This is why you are a third-rate idiot who would never be lucky enough to be allowed near me.

And no, shitforbrains, I am NOT going to give you the 3rd grade primer on what the Constitution does and how laws work that someone clearly neglected to provide in your life. Feel free to wallow in ignorance, wondering why all your "brilliant" legal arguments result in people laughing at you, then kicking you in the privates and walking away.
I guess, you are a fat, sweat dripping chick and thus sojourning in your vicinity is inevitible.

So does it actually make you feel better to denigrate my looks when you know that, whatever I look like, I'm STILL too good for you and still wouldn't allow you near me? I mean, far be it from me to stop you from recognizing that you're beneath virtually the entire female population, but I'm surprised you do it so quickly.
Don´t insult people if you can´t suffer the response.
And beneath them is a great thing if you ask me. Unless you are a fat sweat dripping chick as I don´t want to be crushed.

Certainly a valiant effort to avoid the truth that you could be the last man on Earth, and still die an in-cel.
It would be voluntary.

Yeah, on the part of the entire female sex, volunteering to avoid you like a three-week-dead fish.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.
Note that I said "legitimate." Where does the Constitution give government the authority to tell me I can't go to work?
Where does it say you can´t drive on the sidewalk?

Where did Bri say that all laws must exist in the Constitution? Have you always been this fucking illiterate, or is it only when you somehow think sounding stupid will be a "brilliant" debate tactic?
You just insisted on direct laws. Now it is the other way round. Who is that third rate idiot?

No, fucktard. As usual, you are misunderstanding what anyone is saying. This is why you are a third-rate idiot who would never be lucky enough to be allowed near me.

And no, shitforbrains, I am NOT going to give you the 3rd grade primer on what the Constitution does and how laws work that someone clearly neglected to provide in your life. Feel free to wallow in ignorance, wondering why all your "brilliant" legal arguments result in people laughing at you, then kicking you in the privates and walking away.
I guess, you are a fat, sweat dripping chick and thus sojourning in your vicinity is inevitible.

So does it actually make you feel better to denigrate my looks when you know that, whatever I look like, I'm STILL too good for you and still wouldn't allow you near me? I mean, far be it from me to stop you from recognizing that you're beneath virtually the entire female population, but I'm surprised you do it so quickly.
Don´t insult people if you can´t suffer the response.
And beneath them is a great thing if you ask me. Unless you are a fat sweat dripping chick as I don´t want to be crushed.

Certainly a valiant effort to avoid the truth that you could be the last man on Earth, and still die an in-cel.
It would be voluntary.

Yeah, on the part of the entire female sex, volunteering to avoid you like a three-week-dead fish.
However, the meat would last three weeks at least. Surely a ship stops by and saves me.
Or we can just nationalize those things, and problem solved.

They already are nationalized, in China and Cuba. Move there.

I don't think Cuba or China want our rejects and losers. China, especially, is overpopulated as it is. I think that if they were to accept any immigrants from anywhere else, any such immigrants would have to be those likely to contribute to Chinese society, and not those who have solidly proven themselves to be nothing but burdensome parasites.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.

Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.

Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.
No problem. So when deadly hurricane is heading your way, would you insist on your right to stay at home?
What country do you live in? The United States has a guest worker program, and have had one for decades. We allow nearly a million people a year to come here to work.

We only allow them for skilled labor... that's the problem. There's a clear demand for unskilled labor. That's why we have undocumented immigrants. We have jobs Americans don't want to do, they want to do those jobs.

Yes, we should disregard the conclusion of several government medical doctors. We should disregard medical records. Instead, when our government needs advice, just ask JoeB on USMB for his opinion. Like most liberals, he knows more about everything than anybody.

If you ain't in a wheelchair, you can work. Shit, I've seen people in wheelchairs go into offices every day.

Just remember, the other guy's welfare is dirty, your welfare is fine. Keep telling yourself that.

They already are nationalized, in China and Cuba. Move there.

Nope, we are going to fix this country. We may have to run roughshod over you MAGAts, but it's for your own good.

The rich pay almost all of the collected federal income taxes. Maybe the better idea is to start taxing those 45% that pay 0 income taxes year after year.

First, Income taxes aren't the only taxes paid. Other taxes are paid by the 45%. Second, the rich clearly aren't paying their fair share if they have most of the wealth and we aren't able to pay our bills.

Our President is doing a fantastic job. He made his moves based on the medical experts in our government. That's what a President is supposed to do. He didn't F anything up, our bureaucracies did.

71,000 dead. 1 million Sick. 30 million unemployed. this by you is a fantastic job? THIS IS MASSIVELY FUCKED UP AND HE'S GOING TO GET RUN OUT ON A RAIL!!!

I did that many, many years ago. It was like torture. You stood in line almost all day, something I could never do today, and I'm sure a lot of older folks can't either.

God, Ray, the more you talk, the more you sound just as lazy as your HUD Neighbors you complain about.

What if you had to stand in line all day to make a claim on your auto insurance, your medical insurance, your house insurance? Our employers pay an insurance premium on our behalf (which we indirectly pay for ourselves) for unemployment insurance. You shouldn't have to spend all that time and suffering for a product you paid into your entire life, and maybe used once or twice.

You didn't pay into it, your employer did. And what employers are paying into it is nowhere near what we spend on it when even normal recessions hit, much less the Trump Depression where 30 million of us are now out of work. The fact he's extending it to freelancers who never paid in says a lot.

Buildings cost money. The utilities for those buildings cost money. They still have to pay local taxes and maintenance for those buildings. They have to provide government workers to process the claims. That was all fine in the horse and buggy days, but we live in a more advanced society today.

Yes, now we can all just scam the system on line. This is why this recession is going to be bad... a lot of those 30 million, once they do start getting generous benefits, aren't going to be in any hurry to get back.

again, your boy Trump fucked this up in soooo many ways.
I don't think Cuba or China want our @rejects and losers. China, especially, is overpopulated as it is. I think that if they were to accept any immigrants from anywhere else, any such immigrants would have to be those likely to contribute to Chinese society, and not those who have solidly proven themselves to be nothing but @burdensome parasites.

Hey, buddy, I work full time and own my own business. Ray is on disability and you are home all day on workman's comp.

Seems like you guys are the "Parasites".

But it's okay, that WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE.
We only allow them for skilled labor... that's the problem. There's a clear demand for unskilled labor. That's why we have undocumented immigrants. We have jobs Americans don't want to do, they want to do those jobs.

No, they just don't want to pay enough for an American to take those jobs. No, we don't only allow people in with skilled labor. Many of them come here with no skills or education to work those jobs.

If you ain't in a wheelchair, you can work. Shit, I've seen people in wheelchairs go into offices every day.

Just remember, the other guy's welfare is dirty, your welfare is fine. Keep telling yourself that.

Like I said, typical liberal. A guy sitting home writing resumes knows more than highly educated medical personnel and government agencies that deal with these problems day in and day out. You are quite fine with lazy lowlifes who don't feel like working being supported by government, but not people who have worked their entire lives and fell on hard times. Those people can start anew at a minimum wage job somewhere and lose everything they worked for. Then you wonder how the commies are losing the working class vote.

Nope, we are going to fix this country. We may have to run roughshod over you MAGAts, but it's for your own good.

Anything Democrats touch, they destroy. You don't need to fix this country. Our country is fine. What you need to do is move to a country that already meets your standards, like Cuba, North Korea, or China. You'd be happy there.

First, Income taxes aren't the only taxes paid. Other taxes are paid by the 45%. Second, the rich clearly aren't paying their fair share if they have most of the wealth and we aren't able to pay our bills.

The top 20% pay close to 90% of all federal income taxes. Payroll, sales, and gasoline taxes go for things we use nearly every day. SS and Medicare is simply money we will get back when we retire, so it's more like a savings account than a taxation.

71,000 dead. 1 million Sick. 30 million unemployed. this by you is a fantastic job? THIS IS MASSIVELY FUCKED UP AND HE'S GOING TO GET RUN OUT ON A RAIL!!!

Like the last five times you leftists made that prediction? This virus is a problem for most of the countries in the world. Only a blind partisan (who would never vote for Trump anyway) is illogical enough to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic.

God, Ray, the more you talk, the more you sound just as lazy as your HUD Neighbors you complain about.

Lazy is when you don't feel like doing something. Being unable to do something is being disabled. My HUD neighbors are not disabled.

You didn't pay into it, your employer did. And what employers are paying into it is nowhere near what we spend on it when even normal recessions hit, much less the Trump Depression where 30 million of us are now out of work. The fact he's extending it to freelancers who never paid in says a lot.

Yes, it says he's trying to keep the economy afloat until we can get past this problem. You have no idea what unemployment pays compared to what they take in, so quit making up your own facts. Every benefit you get from your employer, you indirectly pay yourself: your vacation, holidays, workman's comp, unemployment insurance, IRA account, healthcare, matching Medicare and Social security. You pay for it all.

What employers do is figure out all these costs first, and that's how they decide on what your salary will be.

Yes, now we can all just scam the system on line. This is why this recession is going to be bad... a lot of those 30 million, once they do start getting generous benefits, aren't going to be in any hurry to get back.

again, your boy Trump fucked this up in soooo many ways.

It's your Democrats who made out the bill. All appropriation bills originate in the House. Now the commies are talking about introducing a 2K a month payment to every American whether they need it or not.

There is nothing on the unemployment site for anybody to scam. They ask the same questions and require the same criteria as when you went in person. It's simply done much cheaper today thanks to technology.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.

Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.
No problem. So when deadly hurricane is heading your way, would you insist on your right to stay at home?

You are obviously under the mistaken impression that you somehow deserve continued conversation just as though you're a real person with intelligence and something to say. Clearly, I was using words with too many syllables for you, so let me "leftist" this down for you: you're a moron and a waste of time. I don't talk to people who don't listen to what I say, and try to blame me for things the voices in their empty heads tell them I said.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.

Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.
No problem. So when deadly hurricane is heading your way, would you insist on your right to stay at home?

You are obviously under the mistaken impression that you somehow deserve continued conversation just as though you're a real person with intelligence and something to say. Clearly, I was using words with too many syllables for you, so let me "leftist" this down for you: you're a moron and a waste of time. I don't talk to people who don't listen to what I say, and try to blame me for things the voices in their empty heads tell them I said.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

You have no idea what I do or don't oppose, because you haven't ASKED me, or listened to anything I've said. You've been too busy TELLING me what you "know" I think to care about what I actually think. You've decided this argument is a binary, either you are "virtuous and caring" and want everyone in the country totally locked down until the world is 100% safe, or you are "eeeeevil" and want no lockdowns and no social distancing and everyone acting like the coronavirus doesn't exist because you desperately want millions to die. That's it, there's no other option even being considered or talked about as far as you're concerned.
I can´t give the smallest shit about your rant against the left. My corona opinion is neither left or right. If you don´t know how dangerous it is, you can´t bet.
You insist on your civil rights, no matter what is going on.

Thank you for demonstrating my point so clearly.
No problem. So when deadly hurricane is heading your way, would you insist on your right to stay at home?

You are obviously under the mistaken impression that you somehow deserve continued conversation just as though you're a real person with intelligence and something to say. Clearly, I was using words with too many syllables for you, so let me "leftist" this down for you: you're a moron and a waste of time. I don't talk to people who don't listen to what I say, and try to blame me for things the voices in their empty heads tell them I said.
You mean you´re out of arguments all you babble is just stupid bullshit, trumpy.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Well, you consider it a right to spread diseases?

Do you think owning guns gives you the right to shoot them at anyone you want?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Well, you consider it a right to spread diseases?

Do you think owning guns gives you the right to shoot them at anyone you want?

You consider it a right to destroy the lives of millions of people until such time as the world is a 100% sanitary "clean zone"?

Newsflash, son: every living creature on the planet carries germs. It doesn't HAVE to be a right, because it's a fact of nature.
No, they just don't want to pay enough for an American to take those jobs. No, we don't only allow people in with skilled labor. Many of them come here with no skills or education to work those jobs.

I wouldn't take those jobs and neither would you.

Like the last five times you leftists made that prediction? This virus is a problem for most of the countries in the world. Only a blind partisan (who would never vote for Trump anyway) is illogical enough to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic.

Oh, you are fogetting the Pandemic AND the Recession.... and, yes, people listen to him talking about his ratings being so awesome and showing not a lick of compassion for the dead and the ill and they are sick of him.

Yes, it says he's trying to keep the economy afloat until we can get past this problem. You have no idea what unemployment pays compared to what they take in, so quit making up your own facts. Every benefit you get from your employer, you indirectly pay yourself: your vacation, holidays, workman's comp, unemployment insurance, IRA account, healthcare, matching Medicare and Social security. You pay for it all.

Actually, I know exactly what Employers pay into unemployment. They pay in 6.5% of the first $7000 paid per year, or about $455. You'll use that up if you've been unemployed for a week. The reason the system works is that most employees only get laid off once every five years, if that. The government has to make up the rest. And in a case like this with MILLIONS getting laid off in Trump's Recession, the government is going to have trillions in outlays.

What employers do is figure out all these costs first, and that's how they decide on what your salary will be.

What employers do is figure out these costs, and then find ways to cheat their employees.

It's your Democrats who made out the bill. All appropriation bills originate in the House. Now the commies are talking about introducing a 2K a month payment to every American whether they need it or not.

There is nothing on the unemployment site for anybody to scam. They ask the same questions and require the same criteria as when you went in person. It's simply done much cheaper today thanks to technology.

Except when they talked to people in person, they actually scrutinized it a bit. Now, admittably, I haven't had to collect unemployment in nearly 20 years. (I wasn't unemployed long enough in 2008 to even go through the bother). But I do help other people navigate the online system as part of my services... and yeah, I can see a whole lot of opportunities for abuse.
I wouldn't take those jobs and neither would you.

That's because you're a lazy piece of shit who delusionally thinks that doing real work is beneath you.

At some points in the past, I've done worse jobs than the ones we're talking about here. And I would do so again, if that's what I had to do to make my living honestly.
I wouldn't take those jobs and neither would you.

If I were younger and healthier, sure I would. Let me tell you, I'm a son of a bricklayer. I was working with my father since 11 years old; carrying clamps of bricks, mixing cement by hand with a hoe, wheeling 8" blocks in a wheelbarrow, coming home a filthy mess covered in sand and cement from head to toe, exhausted as all hell.

A job in the fields would have been a walk in the park for me.

Oh, you are fogetting the Pandemic AND the Recession.... and, yes, people listen to him talking about his ratings being so awesome and showing not a lick of compassion for the dead and the ill and they are sick of him.

He shows plenty of compassion. It's just that you never watched any of his addresses to the media. His policies had nothing to do with the recession or pandemic. Most anybody without TDS understands this fully. This month and perhaps early June will be tough times. Afterwards, this thing will wear down, the economy will pick back up. The stock market will start to recover, and Trump's chances at reelection will improve with each of those improvements.

Actually, I know exactly what Employers pay into unemployment. They pay in 6.5% of the first $7000 paid per year, or about $455. You'll use that up if you've been unemployed for a week. The reason the system works is that most employees only get laid off once every five years, if that. The government has to make up the rest. And in a case like this with MILLIONS getting laid off in Trump's Recession, the government is going to have trillions in outlays.

But you don't know what unemployment collects compared to what their payout claims are. This situation of course is exceptional. But insurance be it private or public always has a rainy day fund.

Except when they talked to people in person, they actually scrutinized it a bit. Now, admittably, I haven't had to collect unemployment in nearly 20 years. (I wasn't unemployed long enough in 2008 to even go through the bother). But I do help other people navigate the online system as part of my services... and yeah, I can see a whole lot of opportunities for abuse.

The last time I applied and actually collected unemployment was 30 years ago. They made a ton of money off of what my employers paid on my behalf. They are giving me a hard time now because they are trying to save a buck. But I did apply, and the criteria hasn't changed over that 30 year period. It's exactly the same. If I wanted, I could post jobs I never applied at just like I could with that little blue book we used to use.
That's because you're a lazy piece of @shit who delusionally thinks that doing real work is beneath you.

Naw, it's because I spent a lifetime acquiring education, skills and experience so I wouldn't have to do shit work. I did shit work in High School and realized that it wasn't worth it.

At some points in the past, I've done worse jobs than the ones we're talking about here. And I would do so again, if that's what I had to do to make my living honestly.

Didn't you just say you are flat on your back on Workman's Comp, Mormon Bob? The funny thing is, you are perfectly fine living off the rest of us on White People Welfare.

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