Welcome to tyranny.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.
Note that I said "legitimate." Where does the Constitution give government the authority to tell me I can't go to work?
Where does it say you can´t drive on the sidewalk?

Where did Bri say that all laws must exist in the Constitution? Have you always been this fucking illiterate, or is it only when you somehow think sounding stupid will be a "brilliant" debate tactic?
You just insisted on direct laws. Now it is the other way round. Who is that third rate idiot?

No, fucktard. As usual, you are misunderstanding what anyone is saying. This is why you are a third-rate idiot who would never be lucky enough to be allowed near me.

And no, shitforbrains, I am NOT going to give you the 3rd grade primer on what the Constitution does and how laws work that someone clearly neglected to provide in your life. Feel free to wallow in ignorance, wondering why all your "brilliant" legal arguments result in people laughing at you, then kicking you in the privates and walking away.
I guess, you are a fat, sweat dripping chick and thus sojourning in your vicinity is inevitible.

So does it actually make you feel better to denigrate my looks when you know that, whatever I look like, I'm STILL too good for you and still wouldn't allow you near me? I mean, far be it from me to stop you from recognizing that you're beneath virtually the entire female population, but I'm surprised you do it so quickly.
Don´t insult people if you can´t suffer the response.
And beneath them is a great thing if you ask me. Unless you are a fat sweat dripping chick as I don´t want to be crushed.

Certainly a valiant effort to avoid the truth that you could be the last man on Earth, and still die an in-cel.
Most Americans don't want to do construction... Nobody goes to college for four years to work construction.
Most don't go to college for four years either. We still have a sizable blue-collar working class that will take those construction jobs.

As usual, JoeB131 is only demonstrating the ignorance and hubris which pretty much defines him, when he disparages construction work, as he does, and imagines that he is in any way better to (or even equal to) a typical construction worker.

Construction is honest, valuable work, and there is good money to be made in it, especially in the skilled trades.

I've been an IT guy in the distant past, a programmer, data analyst, and all-round maintainer of computer equipment.

In that part of my life, like JoeB131 I arrogantly thought myself better than anyone who did anything as menial as construction or other physical labor.

I was wrong, then.

I now find construction work far more satisfying, rewarding, and meaningful than I ever found IT work.

I always felt that people are all geared for different things. You're not going to make a surgeon into a linebacker for the NFL, and you're not going to make your garbage man a scientist.

I come from a construction family. I was mixing cement since 12 years old, and did that until I turned 18 and got a full time job. Heck, I still did it during the Reagan recession for a spell.

In any case, I can't stand working indoors like an office, a cubical, in front of the same drill press day after day. When I work, I need to be outside, so I spent most of my life driving. I inherit my desire to be outside from my father, who always felt the same.

The father of a friend of mine growing up was a severe alcoholic. He'd even drink at his job as a butcher. One day he got laid off, and got a job with the city school system as a bus driver. From there, he got his boiler operators license, and did janitorial work. While he was working there, he quit drinking, then he quit smoking. He turned out to be a total opposite of his previous self.

He didn't realize how chopping up animals day in and day out was affecting him. My friend once said his father told him the day he lost his job as a butcher, was the best day of his life.

See, I'm the opposite of you. I would rather shoot myself in the foot than do any sort of manual labor, but I am a flipping genius at desk jobs that involve managing tedious data and details. Doesn't matter what industry it's in, or what software is being used, because if you give me free rein for a couple of weeks, I'll teach myself everything I need to know.

Everyone is different, and has a niche they fill perfectly . . . which is good, because whatever the job is, SOMEONE needs to do it.

I appreciate you supporting my point. I learned you can't make people into things they were never meant for long ago. Years ago I had a part-time job teaching music. While I used to do it at home for friends and family, working in an actual music store was quite a different environment.

You had your typical parents who wanted to re-live their own childhood through their children. So they forced them to take guitar lessons. With some of those kids, their heart simply wasn't in it. Oh, they would practice and try (you can tell by which strings were out of tune when they came for their next lesson) but they simply had no ability to play.

I know I couldn't do your job, and you couldn't do mine; at least well enough to be good at it or be happy, so we just have to accept who we are. As the saying goes, if you love what you do for a living, you never really worked a day in your life.

I think it works out well. My job wouldn't exist without folks like you doing your jobs, because there'd be nothing to manage. And your job wouldn't work very well without someone managing the data and paperwork. However much "socialist worker" enthusiasts don't understand it (because they've never had to actually make a company function), everyone's contribution is important in a properly-functioning business.
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.
again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. Don't f••• this country up for those of us who like freedom, when there are so many other countries to which you can move, that are already f•••ed up in the way you want to do to this one.

While this country was founded in defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant, in kissing that tyrant's ass. It's difficult to imagine a better origin that that for a country that would be suitable for your kind.
Hey Bob, Shove it up your ass. This is as much my country as yours. We should round up all the ignorant fucks who want us decimated by a virus & sent you to Texas.

You do have the right to be the stupid fuck you are but you do not have to right to put others at risk because of it.

You do not have the right to declare your agenda to be ultimate truth and then destroy the country and the other people in it in service of that agenda.

You have the right to be a shortsighted partisan hack, but you don't have the right to declare yourself a moral champion for doing it.
people will soon rather take the chance of getting extremely sick for a few weeks - and yes, even risk dying - than continue to live a life that isn’t truly living
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.

I don't think the protests have much to do with going to work if you are being generously compensated. I think it's more about limiting the amount of customers in a store, not being able to sit down and have dinner at a restaurant table, not being able to get your haircut.

We had a problem with people from PA coming here and buying alcohol since apparently PA listed beverage stores and liquor places as non-essential. I don't know how many states did the same, but I'm sure people in those states are frustrated they can't get a 12 pack of beer or a few bottles of wine. After all, you're home with not much else to do. Of course a lot of people are going to be partying it up.

I believe the people protesting are just unhappy with the entire change of environment.
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.

I don't think the protests have much to do with going to work if you are being generously compensated. I think it's more about limiting the amount of customers in a store, not being able to sit down and have dinner at a restaurant table, not being able to get your haircut.

We had a problem with people from PA coming here and buying alcohol since apparently PA listed beverage stores and liquor places as non-essential. I don't know how many states did the same, but I'm sure people in those states are frustrated they can't get a 12 pack of beer or a few bottles of wine. After all, you're home with not much else to do. Of course a lot of people are going to be partying it up.

I believe the people protesting are just unhappy with the entire change of environment.

I respectfully disagree. There are certainly people who dislike being effectively under house arrest, but there most certainly are a lot of people who are protesting because they want to go to work, or they want to re-open their businesses before they go bankrupt. Do not let yourself buy into the leftist meme of "The only possible opposition to our superior moral agenda MUST be eeeeevil, selfish people."
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.

I don't think the protests have much to do with going to work if you are being generously compensated. I think it's more about limiting the amount of customers in a store, not being able to sit down and have dinner at a restaurant table, not being able to get your haircut.

We had a problem with people from PA coming here and buying alcohol since apparently PA listed beverage stores and liquor places as non-essential. I don't know how many states did the same, but I'm sure people in those states are frustrated they can't get a 12 pack of beer or a few bottles of wine. After all, you're home with not much else to do. Of course a lot of people are going to be partying it up.

I believe the people protesting are just unhappy with the entire change of environment.

I respectfully disagree. There are certainly people who dislike being effectively under house arrest, but there most certainly are a lot of people who are protesting because they want to go to work, or they want to re-open their businesses before they go bankrupt. Do not let yourself buy into the leftist meme of "The only possible opposition to our superior moral agenda MUST be eeeeevil, selfish people."

Business owners are understandable. I don't know how much help they are getting from the government. It doesn't sound like much, but I don't know the amount for each and every business. Some were talking about landlords not collecting rent. It wouldn't affect me as all my tenants are still working. However if they were not and I couldn't collect rent, I'd be Fd. We still have our own bills to pay for the rental units like taxes, water and sewer just to name a few.
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.

I don't think the protests have much to do with going to work if you are being generously compensated. I think it's more about limiting the amount of customers in a store, not being able to sit down and have dinner at a restaurant table, not being able to get your haircut.

We had a problem with people from PA coming here and buying alcohol since apparently PA listed beverage stores and liquor places as non-essential. I don't know how many states did the same, but I'm sure people in those states are frustrated they can't get a 12 pack of beer or a few bottles of wine. After all, you're home with not much else to do. Of course a lot of people are going to be partying it up.

I believe the people protesting are just unhappy with the entire change of environment.

I respectfully disagree. There are certainly people who dislike being effectively under house arrest, but there most certainly are a lot of people who are protesting because they want to go to work, or they want to re-open their businesses before they go bankrupt. Do not let yourself buy into the leftist meme of "The only possible opposition to our superior moral agenda MUST be eeeeevil, selfish people."

Business owners are understandable. I don't know how much help they are getting from the government. It doesn't sound like much, but I don't know the amount for each and every business. Some were talking about landlords not collecting rent. It wouldn't affect me as all my tenants are still working. However if they were not and I couldn't collect rent, I'd be Fd. We still have our own bills to pay for the rental units like taxes, water and sewer just to name a few.

For business owners, it's not even a matter of how much help they are or aren't getting from the government. The government cannot keep their businesses afloat indefinitely, and the owners know it. And anyone with half a brain knows the government can't keep tens of millions of households afloat with unemployment and relief checks indefinitely, which would explain them wanting to get back to work even with unemployment currently overpaying them.
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Seems pretty obvious from the protests that a lot of people ARE upset over being in lockdown, for a variety of reasons. Some made more working, some don't want to be dependent on government however much it pays, some are farsighted enough to know that the government can't keep this up indefinitely, many are just tired of the increasing - and increasingly pointless - limits on daily life.

I don't think the protests have much to do with going to work if you are being generously compensated. I think it's more about limiting the amount of customers in a store, not being able to sit down and have dinner at a restaurant table, not being able to get your haircut.

We had a problem with people from PA coming here and buying alcohol since apparently PA listed beverage stores and liquor places as non-essential. I don't know how many states did the same, but I'm sure people in those states are frustrated they can't get a 12 pack of beer or a few bottles of wine. After all, you're home with not much else to do. Of course a lot of people are going to be partying it up.

I believe the people protesting are just unhappy with the entire change of environment.

I respectfully disagree. There are certainly people who dislike being effectively under house arrest, but there most certainly are a lot of people who are protesting because they want to go to work, or they want to re-open their businesses before they go bankrupt. Do not let yourself buy into the leftist meme of "The only possible opposition to our superior moral agenda MUST be eeeeevil, selfish people."

Business owners are understandable. I don't know how much help they are getting from the government. It doesn't sound like much, but I don't know the amount for each and every business. Some were talking about landlords not collecting rent. It wouldn't affect me as all my tenants are still working. However if they were not and I couldn't collect rent, I'd be Fd. We still have our own bills to pay for the rental units like taxes, water and sewer just to name a few.

For business owners, it's not even a matter of how much help they are or aren't getting from the government. The government cannot keep their businesses afloat indefinitely, and the owners know it. And anyone with half a brain knows the government can't keep tens of millions of households afloat with unemployment and relief checks indefinitely, which would explain them wanting to get back to work even with unemployment currently overpaying them.

Exactly. They have more to lose than a worker who was accepted for unemployment. Even when the business opens back up, that doesn't mean they are out of danger. Lack of customers for a product or service could be the end for that business.
So Trump had a basic lockdown, people got sick and now can't work, and you expected Trump to do what, close every business in the United States? So tell me, if he did that, how much meat would we have today?

The point went right over your head, didn't it? It isn't the people who got sick, it was the people who didn't want to risk getting sick in what's already an unsanitary workplace.

Meat is built on cheap, illegal labor... Trump made that a lot harder to get..

Of course there is profit in farming. Otherwise nobody would do it. We are not going to starve because we don't let illegals into the country. It's a cheap excuse you people of the anti-white party use to promote your cause, which is to make whites a minority in this country ASAP so you can have a one-party government forever. The Communists have had this figured out for decades, and you are simply a puppet dancing to their tune.

Yawn, guy, obviously, you haven't seen farms lately... it all depends on migrant labor.

The only reason why anyone does it is because the government SUBSIDIZES it with food stamps, price supports, subsidies, etc.

It's why the Department of Agriculture has 1 employee for every seven active farmers.

And your taxes would go up dramatically since those 100 rich assholes pay all your income taxes you don't have to pay. Hey, maybe some of those rich assholes run an oil industry, and you wouldn't be able to buy gasoline for your car, or perhaps they operate your cell phone company, and you would no longer have a cell phone, or your grocery store chain.......

Actually, we could have all those things, just fine without rich people. Rich people are parasites who;ve convinced you they are a vital organ.

I remember during DumBama's first term. I went to the post office, and stood in a long line to get a roll of stamps. A little old black lady in front of me said "I can't believe this, here we are standing in this long line, and they only have one person working the counter to take care of all of us. We're going to be here half of the day!!!" I looked at her and said "Don't look now, but these are the same people that want to run your healthcare." She turned around and gave me the dirtiest look.

Funny, I've never had that kind of experience at the post office. In fact, when I went to mail in my taxes last month, there was indeed a short line that they took care of rather quickly DESPITE all the additional Covid19 (Trump Plague) precautions they needed to take.

I imagine she gave you a dirty look because most people of color recognize racists when they see them.

Moving right along.

The truth is government is the most incompetent of any entity that services the people. Our unemployment department can't handle the people filing claims. You can't contact them because their site doesn't work, they don't have any email or even snail mail address, and you can't get through to them on the phone. The automated system answers your call, tells you to try again some other time, and then hangs up on you. Yeah, we want these people running our healthcare system.

Okay, let's look at that. We used to have unemployment offices where you had to go down and apply for benefits, then some genius decided we should do it online now instead. Except the system was never meant to handle 30 million people in a six week period.

Let's be honest, NO INSTITUTION is handling Trump Plague well.

As for health care- Um, the government already runs half of that, and they do it pretty well.... It's why you have people on Medicare having much higher satisfaction than people using Cigna.
For business owners, it's not even a matter of how much help they are or aren't getting from the government. The government cannot keep their businesses afloat indefinitely, and the owners know it. And anyone with half a brain knows the government can't keep tens of millions of households afloat with unemployment and relief checks indefinitely, which would explain them wanting to get back to work even with unemployment currently overpaying them.

Sadly, the same cretins who believe that government has the authority to shut down the economy as it has, and to violate the First Amendment right of the people to peaceably assemble, along with other basic Constitutional rights, are, for the most part, the same cretins who are so profoundly and unimaginably ignorant about basic mathematics and economics, that they don't understand why it is not sustainable for everyone to stay home, for very few to actually be doing any product work, and for government to support the majority of the population with taxpayer-funded handouts. Seriously, there are far too many idiots who do not understand that in order for government to have any money for it to be handing out to sustain people who are out of work, there need to be a lot more people working, generating wealth, and paying taxes.
Sadly, the same cretins who believe that government has the authority to shut down the economy as it has, and to violate the First Amendment right of the people to peaceably assemble, along with other basic Constitutional rights, are, for the most part, the same cretins who are so profoundly and unimaginably ignorant about basic mathematics and economics, that they don't understand why it is not sustainable for everyone to stay home, for very few to actually be doing any product work, and for government to support the majority of the population with taxpayer-funded handouts. Seriously, there are far too many idiots who do not understand that in order for government to have any money for it to be handing out to sustain people who are out of work, there need to be a lot more people working, generating wealth, and paying taxes.

Again, if our system was so fragile that 30 days of people not being able to get haircuts was going to bring it down, that's kind of a sad indictment.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
And you oppose it anyway because Trump said...

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.


And now you're going to show us the law that says that "declaring Disaster Emergencies" suspends the US Constitution, or even the state Constitution.
Declaring Disaster Emergency is a State EO based on the basic law of the state. It is indeed constitutional to save your ass from yourself.
The point went right over your head, didn't it? It isn't the people who got sick, it was the people who didn't want to risk getting sick in what's already an unsanitary workplace.

Meat is built on cheap, illegal labor... Trump made that a lot harder to get..

Correct, how dare he enforce our laws. Pitiful.

On one hand you cry about employers not going to prison for hiring illegal workers, and now you're saying those illegal workers are badly needed and should be working Which is it?

Yawn, guy, obviously, you haven't seen farms lately... it all depends on migrant labor.

The only reason why anyone does it is because the government SUBSIDIZES it with food stamps, price supports, subsidies, etc.

No, they do it for profit, and no, farming today is very automated. You don't want subsidies? Then don't complain when your tomatoes cost $5.00 a pound. Then you'd be crying about those evil filthy rich farmers taking advantage of those who don't have the land to grow their own fruits and veggies.

Actually, we could have all those things, just fine without rich people. Rich people are parasites who;ve convinced you they are a vital organ.

Great, then start your own cable company. Start your own cell phone company. Start your own grocery store.

If you take all those poor people, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, we would be better off for it. Take all the rich people and do the same, the country collapses.

The federal government collects about 3.4 trillion a year in income taxes. Most of that are paid by the wealthy and our corporations. How would the country possibly operate without the wealthy? It couldn't. Without their major contributions, we wouldn't even be able to pay the interest on debt.

I imagine she gave you a dirty look because most people of color recognize racists when they see them.

No, it's just blacks stick together. No matter what DumBama did, most every one of them would vote or support him.

Okay, let's look at that. We used to have unemployment offices where you had to go down and apply for benefits, then some genius decided we should do it online now instead. Except the system was never meant to handle 30 million people in a six week period.

Let's be honest, NO INSTITUTION is handling Trump Plague well.

As for health care- Um, the government already runs half of that, and they do it pretty well.... It's why you have people on Medicare having much higher satisfaction than people using Cigna.

What a hypocrite. You are making excuses because the unemployment bureaus could never be expected to handle all the unemployment claims in the event of a pandemic, but Trump should have been prepared for one.

For crying out loud, even the Commie Care online system cost us well over a billion dollars, and that still couldn't handle the people.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.
Note that I said "legitimate." Where does the Constitution give government the authority to tell me I can't go to work?
Where does it say you can´t drive on the sidewalk?

Where did Bri say that all laws must exist in the Constitution? Have you always been this fucking illiterate, or is it only when you somehow think sounding stupid will be a "brilliant" debate tactic?
You just insisted on direct laws. Now it is the other way round. Who is that third rate idiot?

No, fucktard. As usual, you are misunderstanding what anyone is saying. This is why you are a third-rate idiot who would never be lucky enough to be allowed near me.

And no, shitforbrains, I am NOT going to give you the 3rd grade primer on what the Constitution does and how laws work that someone clearly neglected to provide in your life. Feel free to wallow in ignorance, wondering why all your "brilliant" legal arguments result in people laughing at you, then kicking you in the privates and walking away.
I guess, you are a fat, sweat dripping chick and thus sojourning in your vicinity is inevitible.

So does it actually make you feel better to denigrate my looks when you know that, whatever I look like, I'm STILL too good for you and still wouldn't allow you near me? I mean, far be it from me to stop you from recognizing that you're beneath virtually the entire female population, but I'm surprised you do it so quickly.
Don´t insult people if you can´t suffer the response.
And beneath them is a great thing if you ask me. Unless you are a fat sweat dripping chick as I don´t want to be crushed.

Certainly a valiant effort to avoid the truth that you could be the last man on Earth, and still die an in-cel.
It would be voluntary.
Correct, how dare he enforce our laws. Pitiful.

On one hand you cry about employers not going to prison for hiring illegal workers, and now you're saying those illegal workers are badly needed and should be working Which is it?

I've stated my position.
We need to have Guest Worker programs to provide the labor.
We need to have strict workplace enforcement to make sure that rich aren't exploiting them.

No, they do it for profit, and no, farming today is very automated. You don't want subsidies? Then don't complain when your tomatoes cost $5.00 a pound. Then you'd be crying about those evil filthy rich farmers taking advantage of those who don't have the land to grow their own fruits and veggies.

I'm fine with subsidies. I just don't want them wearing MAGA hats complaining about the Gummit... because they are the biggest welfare queens around. Followed closely by people who take government money because of bullshit disabilities.

Great, then start your own cable company. Start your own cell phone company. Start your own grocery store.

Or we can just nationalize those things, and problem solved. I can't imagine the government running cable TV any worse than Comcast does.

The federal government collects about 3.4 trillion a year in income taxes. Most of that are paid by the wealthy and our corporations. How would the country possibly operate without the wealthy? It couldn't. Without their major contributions, we wouldn't even be able to pay the interest on debt.

If the wealth were fairly distributed, the government wouldn't have to spend as much... If the rich paid their fair share, they wouldn't be borrowing us into oblivion.

No, it's just blacks stick together. No matter what DumBama did, most every one of them would vote or support him.

As opposed to stupid white people who are all out on the street right now because of Trump's incompetence, and they still proudly wear their MAGA hats.

What a hypocrite. You are making excuses because the unemployment bureaus could never be expected to handle all the unemployment claims in the event of a pandemic, but Trump should have been prepared for one.

Um, yeah. That was Trump's job. We never should have gotten to this point if Trump had done it.

For crying out loud, even the Commie Care online system cost us well over a billion dollars, and that still couldn't handle the people.

Eventually, it did... But again, the real problem was replacing our sensible system of offices where people went in, applied, and got advice with this bullshit automated system.
I've stated my position.
We need to have Guest Worker programs to provide the labor.
We need to have strict workplace enforcement to make sure that rich aren't exploiting them.

What country do you live in? The United States has a guest worker program, and have had one for decades. We allow nearly a million people a year to come here to work.

I'm fine with subsidies. I just don't want them wearing MAGA hats complaining about the Gummit... because they are the biggest welfare queens around. Followed closely by people who take government money because of bullshit disabilities.

Yes, we should disregard the conclusion of several government medical doctors. We should disregard medical records. Instead, when our government needs advice, just ask JoeB on USMB for his opinion. Like most liberals, he knows more about everything than anybody.

Or we can just nationalize those things, and problem solved.

They already are nationalized, in China and Cuba. Move there.

If the wealth were fairly distributed, the government wouldn't have to spend as much... If the rich paid their fair share, they wouldn't be borrowing us into oblivion.

The rich pay almost all of the collected federal income taxes. Maybe the better idea is to start taxing those 45% that pay 0 income taxes year after year.

Um, yeah. That was Trump's job. We never should have gotten to this point if Trump had done it.

Our President is doing a fantastic job. He made his moves based on the medical experts in our government. That's what a President is supposed to do. He didn't F anything up, our bureaucracies did.

Eventually, it did... But again, the real problem was replacing our sensible system of offices where people went in, applied, and got advice with this bullshit automated system.

I did that many, many years ago. It was like torture. You stood in line almost all day, something I could never do today, and I'm sure a lot of older folks can't either.

What if you had to stand in line all day to make a claim on your auto insurance, your medical insurance, your house insurance? Our employers pay an insurance premium on our behalf (which we indirectly pay for ourselves) for unemployment insurance. You shouldn't have to spend all that time and suffering for a product you paid into your entire life, and maybe used once or twice.

Buildings cost money. The utilities for those buildings cost money. They still have to pay local taxes and maintenance for those buildings. They have to provide government workers to process the claims. That was all fine in the horse and buggy days, but we live in a more advanced society today.

Your suggestion is that we go back to those days amid a pandemic of a highly contagious virus? For crying out loud, you can't even get your hair cut in my state, or go to a bar.

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