Welcome to tyranny.

/——/ “People like you should be fined or thrown in jail.”
And thanks to DemocRAT Governors, there is plenty of room in the jails to put innocent people. They are letting out all of the sex offenders.

okay, so they are all parole violations...

Here's the thing. Which is a greater danger. The ex-sex offender who maybe violated his parole.

Or some asshole who calls for his congregation to meet because JAY-A-ZUS will protect them from the Covid-19.

I know which one has the potential to kill more people.

Can you explain the results they are having in Sweden? From what I've read, they have the same as states who have mandates on social gatherings and protection. Don't get me wrong, it's not that people aren't practicing those measures, but the government doesn't have laws that you must. It's optional.
Not at all. We all expect government to protect us. It's why we have fraud squads to make sure that some shady contractor isn't bilking granny out of her life savings for a simple roof repair. We just need to apply this to corporations so you don't have some Pharma Bro quadrupling the cost of AIDS medications because he can.

I'm all for you being rich, as long as you don't cheat workers and consumers in the process.

But I'm talking to a guy who worked for Bottom-feeder Trucking that didn't even provide insurance.

It's you people on the left that never risked your money to try and obtain wealth, outside of perhaps a house or IRA account. You libs have your own definition of terms, such as "fair share" "stealing from consumers" "stealing from workers." You on the left believe you are the final judge as to what is too much or two little for whom, and nobody else's opinion counts.

If you think Big Pharma is making so much profit, then the solution to your problem is to invest in those Big Pharma companies. What the lying left tells you is a pill costs one dollar to make, and sells for four dollars. The MSM knows their audience is ignorant. They leave out facts like how many tens of millions dollars and the years of work it took to get the medication FDA approved, and how much they have to set aside for lawsuits that naturally come in such an industry.

So what happens to medications that don't get FDA approval, how does a company recoup those tens of millions of lost dollars? They increase costs of their products that do have FDA approval and have already been on the market. It's the only way the company can survive.

Naw, the reason they are rich is that the wonderful protections we put for workers and consumers from the New Deal to the Great Society has slowly been chipped away at.

We had our GREATEST PROSPERITY when the workforce was 33% unionized and the wealthy paid confiscatory tax rates.

The union days were a bubble. All bubbles burst. When people started to get smarter, unions lost support of the workers who lost their jobs to China, automation, or outsourcing. You can't sell your product next to a similar product on the store shelf that costs half of what yours does. People won't buy it, so your only way of survival is bring down the price of the products you produce.

Naw, we demand they pay their fair share.

Frankly, the fact that so many people get behind a guy like Commie Bernie should tell you how working folks feel about this shit.

you guys are lucky you dodged a bullet with Biden getting the nomination, because Trump is going down.

The top 10% of earners in this country pay over 70% of all collected income tax. And don't give me this nonsense about the percentage of wealth they have, because wealth is not finite in this country. When you go to McDonald's, they don't have different prices for Happy Meals based on your income. Rich people pay the same for a car as you or I do. You don't have to show what your wealth is at an amusement park for them to set the price. Everybody pays the same.

In my county, we have an 8% county/ state tax. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it. That's the way taxation shroud be. The wealthier people pay more because they buy much more.

You are however correct on Sanders. The Communists said many years ago they will takeover the US, but without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, and you support the party that's orchestrating that plan.
Mormon Bob, you missed the 16th Amendment, that allows for taxation and redistribution of wealth.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

There are also these section...

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:
The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

The Sixteenth Amendment says nothing that can support socialistic redistribution of wealth.

It is reconcilable with the Fifth only on the basis of taxes collected for such purposes being used for the benefit of those being taxed; the services that government funds with these taxes, and provides to the taxpayer being the “just compensation” for the property thus taken as taxes.

That justification breaks completely, if you try to argue for the Sixteenth Amendment as justification to simply take wealth from someone and give it to someone else, without any compensation to the one from whom it is taken.

And of course, Article I, Section 8, which you cite, predates the Fifth Amendment, and so you're completely off the rails in trying to argue that it could, any any way, supersede the Fifth Amendment.
Can you explain the results they are having in Sweden? From what I've read, they have the same as states who have mandates on social gatherings and protection. Don't get me wrong, it's not that people aren't practicing those measures, but the government doesn't have laws that you must. It's optional.

Well, Sweden doesn't have a prison industrial complex like we do.

They have universal health care, so when people started getting a little sick, they got in to see doctors right away.

Or it might just be something as simple as they don't have enough contact with the rest of the world to get a lot of infections.

It's you people on the left that never risked your money to try and obtain wealth, outside of perhaps a house or IRA account. You libs have your own definition of terms, such as "fair share" "stealing from consumers" "stealing from workers." You on the left believe you are the final judge as to what is too much or two little for whom, and nobody else's opinion counts.

Yup. There's really no reason to have the uber-wealthy. They don't deserve it. history shows that when you have an unequal distribution of wealth, REALLY BAD SHIT follows. The only question is, will our elite realize that, or will they just keep doing what they are doing until the majority of us get quite fed up and give them Louis XVI haircuts...

If you think Big Pharma is making so much profit, then the solution to your problem is to invest in those Big Pharma companies. What the lying left tells you is a pill costs one dollar to make, and sells for four dollars. The MSM knows their audience is ignorant. They leave out facts like how many tens of millions dollars and the years of work it took to get the medication FDA approved, and how much they have to set aside for lawsuits that naturally come in such an industry.

Bullshit. most medical research is done with government grants... There's no excuse for some of the outright fucking thievery that goes on with Big Pharma. THey sell these drugs in the socialized medicine countries and lo and behold, they are ONLY paid what it costs to make. They gouge their American customers because they CAN, not because they have to.

The union days were a bubble. All bubbles burst. When people started to get smarter,

Guy, you live in a fucking SLUM with no health insurance. The only reason you aren't going to starve is because you are living off the government TEET. Seems to me you didn't get any smarter.

The top 10% of earners in this country pay over 70% of all collected income tax. And don't give me this nonsense about the percentage of wealth they have, because wealth is not finite in this country. When you go to McDonald's, they don't have different prices for Happy Meals based on your income. Rich people pay the same for a car as you or I do. You don't have to show what your wealth is at an amusement park for them to set the price. Everybody pays the same.

But that's the point. Poor people eat at McDonald's because it's cheap and unhealthy. The wealthy get to buy healthy food. The only reason why food is available at all is because Agriculture is heavily subsidized by government as a socialist program.

In my county, we have an 8% county/ state tax. The rich pay it, the poor pay it, and anybody in between pays it. That's the way taxation shroud be. The wealthier people pay more because they buy much more.

Your impoverished county only gets by because the Feds poor shitloads of money into it. Again- you live in a slum.
The Sixteenth Amendment says nothing that can support socialistic redistribution of wealth.

No, but it does say the government can take your income for whatever it sees fit.

So wouldn't it be like totally crazy that instead of pissing away millions on weapons we never use, we actually use that money to take care of poor people? Man, that would be a crazy idea.
Yup. There's really no reason to have the uber-wealthy. They don't deserve it. history shows that when you have an unequal distribution of wealth, REALLY BAD SHIT follows. The only question is, will our elite realize that, or will they just keep doing what they are doing until the majority of us get quite fed up and give them Louis XVI haircuts...

Never happen. There is no distribution of wealth outside of the consumer giving their wealth for products or services openly. Yes, there is a reason to have wealthy; because they are the ones who created that wealth.

"A liberal believes that if you create money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Bullshit. most medical research is done with government grants... There's no excuse for some of the outright fucking thievery that goes on with Big Pharma. THey sell these drugs in the socialized medicine countries and lo and behold, they are ONLY paid what it costs to make. They gouge their American customers because they CAN, not because they have to.

If they are paid what it costs to make, then they are not making a profit. If they are not making a profit, why would they be selling their product there?

Guy, you live in a fucking SLUM with no health insurance. The only reason you aren't going to starve is because you are living off the government TEET. Seems to me you didn't get any smarter.

Smart enough to do okay and get paid for it. After all, government put me here, I didn't. I never once told you I live in a slum. I told you I live in a predominantly black neighborhood, and your racism concluded it must be a slum if I live among blacks.

But that's the point. Poor people eat at McDonald's because it's cheap and unhealthy. The wealthy get to buy healthy food. The only reason why food is available at all is because Agriculture is heavily subsidized by government as a socialist program.

Government subsidies are not socialism. Socialism is taking from one group and giving it to another so all are somewhat equal. A doctor is close to a garbage man. A press operator is close to an engineer. That's not why we subsidize farmers.
The Sixteenth Amendment says nothing that can support socialistic redistribution of wealth.

No, but it does say the government can take your income for whatever it sees fit.

It says no such thing.

Outside of the Sixteenth Amendment, the Constitution sets clear boundaries on government's use of public funds. What you advocate falls well outside those boundaries.

Your degenerate socialistic positions are completely irreconcilable with the Constitution, and with the very foundational principles of any free, civilized society, especially of this one.

It is certainly not any wonder that in other discussions, where crime is the topic, that you so eagerly take the side of thieves and vandals. Your entire mindset with regard to other people's property is consistent with that of that sort of subhuman filth.
The Sixteenth Amendment says nothing that can support socialistic redistribution of wealth.

No, but it does say the government can take your income for whatever it sees fit.

It says no such thing.

Outside of the Sixteenth Amendment, the Constitution sets clear boundaries on government's use of public funds. What you advocate falls well outside those boundaries.

Your degenerate socialistic positions are completely irreconcilable with the Constitution, and with the very foundational principles of any free, civilized society, especially of this one.

It is certainly not any wonder that in other discussions, where crime is the topic, that you so eagerly take the side of thieves and vandals. Your entire mindset with regard to other people's property is consistent with that of that sort of subhuman filth.

"I cannot lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794.
"I cannot lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794.

There's an old story about Davy Crockett, that is, unfortunately, of dubious provenance, but which, even if not true or not proven, still makes an important point.

The whole story is recounted here, at this link. I don't think I am able to adequately summarize it, so I won't try, beyond saying that it is about the responsibility that government has, in how it spends the taxpayers' money, and completely refutes the insane socialist positions that JoeB131 advocates.
Never happen. There is no distribution of wealth outside of the consumer giving their wealth for products or services openly. Yes, there is a reason to have wealthy; because they are the ones who created that wealth.

Uh, if we took 100 rich assholes and stuck them on a desert Island, they wouldn't create any wealth.. they'd probably resort to Cannibalism.

If they are paid what it costs to make, then they are not making a profit. If they are not making a profit, why would they be selling their product there?

Oh, I don't know, because it's the right thing to do? Hey, you know what, there's no profit in police departments, fire departments, municipal water services, etc. We do these things because they are public services in a civilized society. Health care should be that.

Fact is, health care as we know it wouldn't exist without massive government subsidies. That we have people profiting is the problem.

Smart enough to do okay and get paid for it. After all, government put me here, I didn't. I never once told you I live in a slum. I told you I live in a predominantly black neighborhood, and your racism concluded it must be a slum if I live among blacks.

You live in Cleveland. I've been there. The whole fucking place is a slum.

There's an old story about Davy Crockett, that is, unfortunately, of dubious provenance, but which, even if not true or not proven, still makes an important point.

The whole story is recounted here, at this link. I don't think I am able to adequately summarize it, so I won't try, beyond saying that it is about the responsibility that government has, in how it spends the taxpayers' money, and completely refutes the insane socialist positions that @JoeB131 advocates.

Uh, guy, Davy Crocket was a racist slave-owning asshole who died trying to steal land from Mexico. Today, he'd be branded a terrorist and hanged. We can do the next best thing, which is expunge his ass from the historical record, right after the Confederate Assholes.

It says no such thing.

Outside of the Sixteenth Amendment, the Constitution sets clear boundaries on government's use of public funds. What you advocate falls well outside those boundaries.

Guy, you are about 80 years too late. The New Deal established what I advocate.

Here's what I'd LOVE for you guys to do. Advocate the complete abolition of "redistribution". You can start with Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Medicare, Disability payments and veteran's benefits. You know- WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE!!!! We'd cut the size of government by half if we did that. Live the way the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to... in indentured servitude until we fucking die.

The reality is, when push came to shove, your Boy Trump panicked and voted for 2 TRILLION more in White People Welfare to fight Covid-19. Probably the biggest redistribution of wealth in my lifetime. The only problem is, instead of upfront paying for it, we are borrowing it and someone else is going to have to bite the bullet and raise taxes.
Government subsidies are not socialism. Socialism is taking from one group and giving it to another so all are somewhat equal. A doctor is close to a garbage man. A press operator is close to an engineer. That's not why we subsidize farmers.

Uh, that's exactly what socialism is. If we had "Capitalist" farming, everyone would just leave the farms, because there ain't no money to be made there, and the food system would fall apart. THE ONLY reason why agriculture works at all is because most of the scrub work is done by illegal aliens you and Racist Mormon hate so much. Left up to white people, working to make a profit, we'd ALL FUCKING STARVE.

Thanks to Trump's immigration policies and Covid-19, the meat packing industry is close to collapse. They're having to kill animals because they can't afford to process them.
again, this country was founded by slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd be CANADIANS today.

Then move to Canada, if that's the kind of shithole in which you want to live. Don't f••• this country up for those of us who like freedom, when there are so many other countries to which you can move, that are already f•••ed up in the way you want to do to this one.

While this country was founded in defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant, in kissing that tyrant's ass. It's difficult to imagine a better origin that that for a country that would be suitable for your kind.
Hey Bob, Shove it up your ass. This is as much my country as yours. We should round up all the ignorant fucks who want us decimated by a virus & sent you to Texas.

You do have the right to be the stupid fuck you are but you do not have to right to put others at risk because of it.
Government subsidies are not socialism. Socialism is taking from one group and giving it to another so all are somewhat equal. A doctor is close to a garbage man. A press operator is close to an engineer. That's not why we subsidize farmers.

Uh, that's exactly what socialism is. If we had "Capitalist" farming, everyone would just leave the farms, because there ain't no money to be made there, and the food system would fall apart. THE ONLY reason why agriculture works at all is because most of the scrub work is done by illegal aliens you and Racist Mormon hate so much. Left up to white people, working to make a profit, we'd ALL FUCKING STARVE.

Thanks to Trump's immigration policies and Covid-19, the meat packing industry is close to collapse. They're having to kill animals because they can't afford to process them.

So Trump had a basic lockdown, people got sick and now can't work, and you expected Trump to do what, close every business in the United States? So tell me, if he did that, how much meat would we have today?

Of course there is profit in farming. Otherwise nobody would do it. We are not going to starve because we don't let illegals into the country. It's a cheap excuse you people of the anti-white party use to promote your cause, which is to make whites a minority in this country ASAP so you can have a one-party government forever. The Communists have had this figured out for decades, and you are simply a puppet dancing to their tune.
Uh, guy, Davy Crocket was a racist slave-owning asshole who died trying to steal land from Mexico. Today, he'd be branded a terrorist and hanged. We can do the next best thing, which is expunge his ass from the historical record, right after the Confederate Assholes.

There's a shocker from the left, expunge is ass from historical records.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984
Uh, if we took 100 rich assholes and stuck them on a desert Island, they wouldn't create any wealth.. they'd probably resort to Cannibalism.

And your taxes would go up dramatically since those 100 rich assholes pay all your income taxes you don't have to pay. Hey, maybe some of those rich assholes run an oil industry, and you wouldn't be able to buy gasoline for your car, or perhaps they operate your cell phone company, and you would no longer have a cell phone, or your grocery store chain.......

Oh, I don't know, because it's the right thing to do? Hey, you know what, there's no profit in police departments, fire departments, municipal water services, etc. We do these things because they are public services in a civilized society. Health care should be that.

Why don't we make everything a pubic service then? You know, government control just about everything? SOCIALISM! Bingo. The last stepping stone to Communism.

I remember during DumBama's first term. I went to the post office, and stood in a long line to get a roll of stamps. A little old black lady in front of me said "I can't believe this, here we are standing in this long line, and they only have one person working the counter to take care of all of us. We're going to be here half of the day!!!" I looked at her and said "Don't look now, but these are the same people that want to run your healthcare." She turned around and gave me the dirtiest look.

The truth is government is the most incompetent of any entity that services the people. Our unemployment department can't handle the people filing claims. You can't contact them because their site doesn't work, they don't have any email or even snail mail address, and you can't get through to them on the phone. The automated system answers your call, tells you to try again some other time, and then hangs up on you. Yeah, we want these people running our healthcare system.

You live in Cleveland. I've been there. The whole fucking place is a slum.

What are you saying, that a city that's been run by Democrats for decades is a slum? Gee, what a surprise there, huh? And you conclude the city is a slum how, by sitting in a hotel room for a couple of days?

Think for a minute Joe. If your party ever gets enough power, they will turn this entire country into Cleveland.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

And "initially" has not a damned thing to do with NOW.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.


And now you're going to show us the law that says that "declaring Disaster Emergencies" suspends the US Constitution, or even the state Constitution.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.


And now you're going to show us the law that says that "declaring Disaster Emergencies" suspends the US Constitution, or even the state Constitution.
Even if there is such a law, it's unconstitutional. Nothing in the Constitution allows the government to suspend it.

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