Welcome to tyranny.

I merely place a vastly higher value on human life than I do on the solvency of a given company.

False dichotomy.

You're assuming that a company, that the economy as a whole, is something that can be sacrificed to save human lives, and ignorantly disregarding the impact that economic conditions have on human lives.

To sacrifice the economy, you are not saving human lives, you are sacrificing human lives. For what purpose?

If, by sacrificing the solvency of a non-essential company, we save human lives, through lessened exposure, then it's well-worth the sacrifice.

That is unless you work for the company or have your IRA investments in it.
Yep... sux to be them... but if we can save your loved one's life by keeping that business (and similar others) closed, then the financial loss and hardship are well worth it.

The idea is to salvage both. There is no right or wrong call here because nobody has a crystal ball. I say open up the economy after we have the ability to protect ourselves from the virus like with N-95 masks for everybody, blood donations from those who recovered from it, reliable antibody tests and an ample supply to test anybody and everybody.

But until we reach that optimum state, I hold that human life takes priority over corporate solvency or even the financial well-being of a given company's employees.

I hold that you're setting up a false dichotomy, and I utterly reject your premise that this is a choice between "economics or death".

Since the lockdown was never intended to "save lives and keep people from ever getting sick at all", there's no point in continuing it beyond the point where it has accomplished it's REAL purpose. It was intended to slow the rate of infectious spread and give our medical facilities time to increase their ability to respond and to give our scientists time to learn more about the virus so that we could make smarter choices going forward.

The fact that fucktards like you misunderstood and thought the lockdown was about cowering in our houses until the virus magically went entirely away - and, coincidentally, you had a chance to use it to further your political agenda - doesn't make any of us beholden to acting like your perception was real or sane.
They didn't misunderstand. After seeing the results they decided having 40 million people unemployed and dependent on the government would help Biden's election changes.

Dims are utterly appalling.

Now, now. Never credit to evil what can be explained by sheer, mind-boggling amounts of stupidity, which we both know can be found in the leftists of this board.

Their thought masters know that the real plan is to destroy millions of lives to achieve their agenda, but the mindless drones marchingon this board know only that they were told to believe lockdowns were about staying home until the virus disappeared forever.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
They always seem to leave out the fact that a national and state emergency was declared..
Where does the Constitution say that a state can abolish the Bill of Rights just because a politician issues some bullshit decree?
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.

NONE of them enable them to issue executive orders violating people's civil rights.
That is just your definition of the nature of these orders. I agree partially because facts say the measures are obsolete but they were justified initially.

No, honey, it's not "just my definition". It's in the Constitution, in black and white. If you're really illiterate enough that you can't read and understand the words for yourself, have someone read them to you.

Any law in this country which contradicts the Constitution is, by definition, illegitimate. And executive orders, which are not laws and therefore do not have the force of law, are even more illegitimate when contradicting the Constitution.

I'm not saying that a temporary shutdown was not and cannot be justified, but any governor who doesn't understand that it's only legitimate through the willingness of his constituents to comply with it, not through his own divine right to rule, is playing with fire.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Don´t confuse freedom with idiocy.

Don't confuse ignorant cowardice with morality, hon.
It is not about morality but responsibility.
My responsibility to stay at home so your grandma can avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 is zero.
My government has no legitimate authority to tell me I can't work or go to the movies, period.
Yes, they have. They do have laws.
Note that I said "legitimate." Where does the Constitution give government the authority to tell me I can't go to work?
Where does it say you can´t drive on the sidewalk?

Where did Bri say that all laws must exist in the Constitution? Have you always been this fucking illiterate, or is it only when you somehow think sounding stupid will be a "brilliant" debate tactic?
You just insisted on direct laws. Now it is the other way round. Who is that third rate idiot?

No, fucktard. As usual, you are misunderstanding what anyone is saying. This is why you are a third-rate idiot who would never be lucky enough to be allowed near me.

And no, shitforbrains, I am NOT going to give you the 3rd grade primer on what the Constitution does and how laws work that someone clearly neglected to provide in your life. Feel free to wallow in ignorance, wondering why all your "brilliant" legal arguments result in people laughing at you, then kicking you in the privates and walking away.
I guess, you are a fat, sweat dripping chick and thus sojourning in your vicinity is inevitible.

So does it actually make you feel better to denigrate my looks when you know that, whatever I look like, I'm STILL too good for you and still wouldn't allow you near me? I mean, far be it from me to stop you from recognizing that you're beneath virtually the entire female population, but I'm surprised you do it so quickly.
Don´t insult people if you can´t suffer the response.
And beneath them is a great thing if you ask me. Unless you are a fat sweat dripping chick as I don´t want to be crushed.
They didn't misunderstand. After seeing the results they decided having 40 million people unemployed and dependent on the government would help Biden's election changes.

Dims are utterly appalling.

And of course, they assumed that they would be able to cast the blame for this on Trump. They counted on it. They are still counting on it.

They are truly delusional. They are not fooling anyone. Every sane person can clearly see which side it is that has deliberately attacked the economy, and it is almost as obvious why they have done so.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
Most Americans don't want to do construction... Nobody goes to college for four years to work construction.
Most don't go to college for four years either. We still have a sizable blue-collar working class that will take those construction jobs.

As usual, JoeB131 is only demonstrating the ignorance and hubris which pretty much defines him, when he disparages construction work, as he does, and imagines that he is in any way better to (or even equal to) a typical construction worker.

Construction is honest, valuable work, and there is good money to be made in it, especially in the skilled trades.

I've been an IT guy in the distant past, a programmer, data analyst, and all-round maintainer of computer equipment.

In that part of my life, like JoeB131 I arrogantly thought myself better than anyone who did anything as menial as construction or other physical labor.

I was wrong, then.

I now find construction work far more satisfying, rewarding, and meaningful than I ever found IT work.

I always felt that people are all geared for different things. You're not going to make a surgeon into a linebacker for the NFL, and you're not going to make your garbage man a scientist.

I come from a construction family. I was mixing cement since 12 years old, and did that until I turned 18 and got a full time job. Heck, I still did it during the Reagan recession for a spell.

In any case, I can't stand working indoors like an office, a cubical, in front of the same drill press day after day. When I work, I need to be outside, so I spent most of my life driving. I inherit my desire to be outside from my father, who always felt the same.

The father of a friend of mine growing up was a severe alcoholic. He'd even drink at his job as a butcher. One day he got laid off, and got a job with the city school system as a bus driver. From there, he got his boiler operators license, and did janitorial work. While he was working there, he quit drinking, then he quit smoking. He turned out to be a total opposite of his previous self.

He didn't realize how chopping up animals day in and day out was affecting him. My friend once said his father told him the day he lost his job as a butcher, was the best day of his life.

See, I'm the opposite of you. I would rather shoot myself in the foot than do any sort of manual labor, but I am a flipping genius at desk jobs that involve managing tedious data and details. Doesn't matter what industry it's in, or what software is being used, because if you give me free rein for a couple of weeks, I'll teach myself everything I need to know.

Everyone is different, and has a niche they fill perfectly . . . which is good, because whatever the job is, SOMEONE needs to do it.

I appreciate you supporting my point. I learned you can't make people into things they were never meant for long ago. Years ago I had a part-time job teaching music. While I used to do it at home for friends and family, working in an actual music store was quite a different environment.

You had your typical parents who wanted to re-live their own childhood through their children. So they forced them to take guitar lessons. With some of those kids, their heart simply wasn't in it. Oh, they would practice and try (you can tell by which strings were out of tune when they came for their next lesson) but they simply had no ability to play.

I know I couldn't do your job, and you couldn't do mine; at least well enough to be good at it or be happy, so we just have to accept who we are. As the saying goes, if you love what you do for a living, you never really worked a day in your life.
I was telling my son just last night, while we discussed current events, that a lot of state governments are in for a huge surprise about how much the power to govern derives from the consent of the governed.

True, but the question is if people are all that upset over being in lockdown. Between what the feds are adding to what the state unemployment pays, many are bringing in more money than they did working.

Using my state as an example, if you made an average living, you will get somewhere in the 400 dollar range after taxes per week. Add the 600 from the feds, and now you are making in the 60K a year range when you consider taxes that you would normally have to pay working.

Not real great if you were making much more than that working, but if you were living off of 40K a year, that's quite a raise you got for staying at home watching your big screen.

Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
For example, in the General Statutes of North Carolina it is possible to impose a curfew:
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
For example, in the General Statutes of North Carolina it is possible to impose a curfew:
Curfews only apply to minors. The don't have full constitutional rights. They can't impose a curfew on adults.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
For example, in the General Statutes of North Carolina it is possible to impose a curfew:
Curfews only apply to minors. The don't have full constitutional rights. They can't impose a curfew on adults.
Provide proof for your strange claim.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
For example, in the General Statutes of North Carolina it is possible to impose a curfew:
Curfews only apply to minors. The don't have full constitutional rights. They can't impose a curfew on adults.
Provide proof for your strange claim.
Show me a curfew that applies to anyone over the age of 21.
Except they don't actually have any laws that allow them to negate people's civil rights, and if they tried to pass one, it would be illegitimate for conflicting with the highest law in the country.

Please notice that NONE of these lockdowns and crazed, fascistic orders popping up have actually been LAWS at all. They've been executive orders by governors. Last time I checked, there's not a single state in the US where the governor makes the laws.
Check, which laws enable them to issue Executive Orders.
Unconstitutional laws, moron.
State EOs are not regulated the same way as the President´s. The governors declared Disaster Emergencies.

They are subject to the Bill of Rights, moron. Every law and government order in the entire country is subject to the Bill of Rights. Don't tell me the state can violate your Constitutional rights. That theory doesn't pass the stupid test.
For example, in the General Statutes of North Carolina it is possible to impose a curfew:
Curfews only apply to minors. The don't have full constitutional rights. They can't impose a curfew on adults.
Provide proof for your strange claim.
Show me a curfew that applies to anyone over the age of 21.
I don´t know about curfews for minors only.
I'm sure you are. That's the true American spirit.

Parroting the lie that a worldwide pandemic is the fault of a Republican President only makes you look like a complete fool and totally uninformed. However it's up to you if you want to continue looking that way.

The fact that it's worldwide isn't the issue, it's Trump's incompentence in dealing with it, and triggering a massive recession as a result.

Impeached, Recession and Failed Response to a National Crisis. Trump has hit the Bad President Trifecta!

Unions only chased jobs overseas. Only a liberal would believe the entity that caused the problem would be the solution to it.

You probably blame women for their rapes because they dressed like sluts, don't you?

The "racist" allegations do get old, and America is sick of it. When you take cold hard statistics, and make them into a racial issue, it's the Boy that Cried Wolf. You leftists have weakened the word so badly nobody even pays attention anymore.

Except your statistics are wrong. You claimed most white folks are killed by blacks. That's simply not true.

Most white folks are killed by their family friends, neighbors or coworkers.
The fact that it's worldwide isn't the issue, it's Trump's incompentence in dealing with it, and triggering a massive recession as a result.

Except you can't name one way Trump dealt with it incompetently. What your failed attempt is trying to do is transfer the faults of our red tape and bureaucracies on the President. Informed people know differently. The problem in our country is most people are like you--uninformed. When we post links to educate you better, you opt to ignore them.

You probably blame women for their rapes because they dressed like sluts, don't you?

I place blame where the blame exists. The proven fact that as unions gained strength in this country, more and more businesses left for other states or countries. I was in transportation for over 30 years. I know what I've seen. I talked to business owners or their supervisors alike. They can't all be wrong. A US company can't pay a guy 20 bucks an hour to spin nuts onto bolts, or ride around on a floor sweeper for 25 bucks an hour while other countries pay their labor what it's worth. American consumers want nothing to do with it.

Except your statistics are wrong. You claimed most white folks are killed by blacks. That's simply not true.

Most white folks are killed by their family friends, neighbors or coworkers.

Show me one post of mine where I said most white folks are murdered by blacks.

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