Welcome to tyranny.

Except you can't name one way Trump dealt with it incompetently. What your failed attempt is trying to do is transfer the faults of our red tape and bureaucracies on the President. Informed people know differently. The problem in our country is most people are like you--uninformed. When we post links to educate you better, you opt to ignore them.

Disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.
Downplayed the seriousness of the virus
Ignored the issue in his PDB's every day.

I place blame where the blame exists. The proven fact that as unions gained strength in this country, more and more businesses left for other states or countries. I was in transportation for over 30 years. I know what I've seen. I talked to business owners or their supervisors alike. They can't all be wrong. A US company can't pay a guy 20 bucks an hour to spin nuts onto bolts, or ride around on a floor sweeper for 25 bucks an hour while other countries pay their labor what it's worth. American consumers want nothing to do with it.

Except those costs really don't add that much. A guy making a living wage (and sorry, $20.00 an hour is barely a living wage) is what makes our economy strong, because it encourages the economic activity that creates more jobs.

There's only so many Dressage Horses a rich person can buy after he's cheated the working man.
GREAT NEWS The response to the virus that has killed over 60,000 is a SUCCESS story Just ask repub spokesman Trumps son in law
Disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.

Lie, and I already provided a factcheck link to that.

Downplayed the seriousness of the virus

As did every Democrat at the beginning.

Ignored the issue in his PDB's every day.

He addresses it every day.

Except those costs really don't add that much. A guy making a living wage (and sorry, $20.00 an hour is barely a living wage) is what makes our economy strong, because it encourages the economic activity that creates more jobs.

How does it make our economy strong when you are making products American consumers won't buy because of cost?
a life that is never problematic is a problematic life, my friends

i've become Dr Phil all of a sudden! fuck me!
They do buy those products.......from China.

But Trump wants to ban those products.

Here's the underlying problem. Manufacturing is less and less of the workforce, not because of unions or outsourcing, but because of automation and process improvement. So it's really more important that people make a living wage.

The fact is, the top 20% have 87% of the wealth. The wealth is there to evenly distribute, we just don't do it.
They do buy those products.......from China.

But Trump wants to ban those products.

Here's the underlying problem. Manufacturing is less and less of the workforce, not because of unions or outsourcing, but because of automation and process improvement. So it's really more important that people make a living wage.

The fact is, the top 20% have 87% of the wealth. The wealth is there to evenly distribute, we just don't do it.

Show me in the US Constitution that says wealth is there to distribute. No, it is not there to distribute. It is there as a reward based on an individuals success. The problem with you people on the left is you hate when anybody has more than success than you do. You don't slam your fist on the table and say "Damn it, I'm going to risk my hard earned money and be wealthy too!" You demand employers pay more than you're worth, and you solely depend on your employer for money.

Charity starts at home Joe. Take the first step. If you are upset because of wealthy people, then the solution to your problem is simple: Quit giving them YOUR money. That's right Joe, you are part of the reason those evil rich people are so rich.

Next week sometime, if not multiple times, you are going to freely give your money to the wealthy. You are going to buy gasoline for your car. You may purchase a new computer or computer program. You may stop at McDonald's or Wendy's for lunch or dinner. You may download a new app for your phone. Speaking of which, you are going to pay your cell bill. You are also going to pay for your cable and internet services. Do you drink soda? How about alcohol? That's right, you are transferring your money to the wealthy every time you purchase a product for your own delight.

To put it another way, lets say you told me you were selling your car. I happen to be looking for that year and model of car, so we get together and make the exchange. Then a month or so later, a Democrat politician comes knocking at your door. He wants you to give most of that money back to me. His claim is you now have my wealth. You explain that if I'm not happy with the car, just bring it back, and you'll be glad to refund me that money. He says "No,no no. Ray gets to keep the car, and you are going to give him that money anyway."

This is what you on the left are asking. You give your money to the wealthy, in exchange for products or services, and then demand they give the money back.
Show me in the US Constitution that says wealth is there to distribute.

It's right there, in the Fifth Amendment…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Oh, wait. It seems not to say that at all, doesn't it?
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During World War Two that generation was asked to make all sorts of sacrifices concerning personal liberty, being told they would go and fight, businesses conscripted for war production, limits on available consumer goods in preference to the war effort.

And they did not storm state capitols, protest or whinge.

They got on with the sacrifice for their fellow citizens and country.

They were the Greatest Generation.

This ever whinging, cowardly generation of Americans are ever angry, deluded into believing having to stay home in the national interest and for the health of their fellow citizens for a few months is tyranny and storming capitols with weapons or protesting and whining.

They will pay no price, bare no burden for the common good.

They are self centred, egotistical cowards and a disgrace before nobler generations of Americans.
Show me in the US Constitution that says wealth is there to distribute. No, it is not there to distribute. It is there as a reward based on an individuals success.

Show me where it doesn't.

The problem with you people on the left is you hate when anybody has more than success than you do. You don't slam your fist on the table and say "Damn it, I'm going to risk my hard earned money and be wealthy too!" You demand employers pay more than you're worth, and you solely depend on your employer for money.

Not at all. We all expect government to protect us. It's why we have fraud squads to make sure that some shady contractor isn't bilking granny out of her life savings for a simple roof repair. We just need to apply this to corporations so you don't have some Pharma Bro quadrupling the cost of AIDS medications because he can.

I'm all for you being rich, as long as you don't cheat workers and consumers in the process.

But I'm talking to a guy who worked for Bottom-feeder Trucking that didn't even provide insurance.

Charity starts at home Joe. Take the first step. If you are upset because of wealthy people, then the solution to your problem is simple: Quit giving them YOUR money. That's right Joe, you are part of the reason those evil rich people are so rich.

Naw, the reason they are rich is that the wonderful protections we put for workers and consumers from the New Deal to the Great Society has slowly been chipped away at.

We had our GREATEST PROSPERITY when the workforce was 33% unionized and the wealthy paid confiscatory tax rates.

This is what you on the left are asking. You give your money to the wealthy, in exchange for products or services, and then demand they give the money back.

Naw, we demand they pay their fair share.

Frankly, the fact that so many people get behind a guy like Commie Bernie should tell you how working folks feel about this shit.

you guys are lucky you dodged a bullet with Biden getting the nomination, because Trump is going down.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
/——/ “People like you should be fined or thrown in jail.”
And thanks to DemocRAT Governors, there is plenty of room in the jails to put innocent people. They are letting out all of the sex offenders.
It's right there, in the Fifth Amendment…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Oh, wait. It seems not to say that at all, doesn't it?

Mormon Bob, you missed the 16th Amendment, that allows for taxation and redistribution of wealth.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

There are also these section...

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:
The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
/——/ “People like you should be fined or thrown in jail.”
And thanks to DemocRAT Governors, there is plenty of room in the jails to put innocent people. They are letting out all of the sex offenders.

okay, so they are all parole violations...

Here's the thing. Which is a greater danger. The ex-sex offender who maybe violated his parole.

Or some asshole who calls for his congregation to meet because JAY-A-ZUS will protect them from the Covid-19.

I know which one has the potential to kill more people.
Except you can't name one way Trump dealt with it incompetently. What your failed attempt is trying to do is transfer the faults of our red tape and bureaucracies on the President. Informed people know differently. The problem in our country is most people are like you--uninformed. When we post links to educate you better, you opt to ignore them.

Disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.
Downplayed the seriousness of the virus
Ignored the issue in his PDB's every day.

I place blame where the blame exists. The proven fact that as unions gained strength in this country, more and more businesses left for other states or countries. I was in transportation for over 30 years. I know what I've seen. I talked to business owners or their supervisors alike. They can't all be wrong. A US company can't pay a guy 20 bucks an hour to spin nuts onto bolts, or ride around on a floor sweeper for 25 bucks an hour while other countries pay their labor what it's worth. American consumers want nothing to do with it.

Except those costs really don't add that much. A guy making a living wage (and sorry, $20.00 an hour is barely a living wage) is what makes our economy strong, because it encourages the economic activity that creates more jobs.

There's only so many Dressage Horses a rich person can buy after he's cheated the working man.
Except you can't name one way Trump dealt with it incompetently. What your failed attempt is trying to do is transfer the faults of our red tape and bureaucracies on the President. Informed people know differently. The problem in our country is most people are like you--uninformed. When we post links to educate you better, you opt to ignore them.

Disbanded the Pandemic Response Team.
Downplayed the seriousness of the virus
Ignored the issue in his PDB's every day.

I place blame where the blame exists. The proven fact that as unions gained strength in this country, more and more businesses left for other states or countries. I was in transportation for over 30 years. I know what I've seen. I talked to business owners or their supervisors alike. They can't all be wrong. A US company can't pay a guy 20 bucks an hour to spin nuts onto bolts, or ride around on a floor sweeper for 25 bucks an hour while other countries pay their labor what it's worth. American consumers want nothing to do with it.

Except those costs really don't add that much. A guy making a living wage (and sorry, $20.00 an hour is barely a living wage) is what makes our economy strong, because it encourages the economic activity that creates more jobs.

There's only so many Dressage Horses a rich person can buy after he's cheated the working man.
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Have you tried working wearing a mask for a 8 hour shift?

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