Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Okay, people are using their EBT cards at pot shop ATMs. Of course, Dems are claiming that it's only because there just aren't enough ATM machines and would have us believe that people are only going to the pot shops to get cash because it's convenient. Yea, right.

Why are welfare people getting cash out at all? We subsidize their housing, utilities and give them EBT cards for food. They should be able to use the cards for all the basic needs. Funny that they can get cash out at all. Is spending money for fun part of the deal, too? How far should we go when subsidizing people? Are we supposed to make them so comfortable that they don't need to make any changes in their lives at all? I think when people are caught spending money that is not for necessities, we should reduce the amount of money they get. Yes, there are poor who truly need our help, but there are too damn many scammers who know how to work the system. If any welfare money is spent on tattoos, cigarettes, strip clubs or pot, it's clear we are giving them too much. The deal was to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table until they could get back on their feet. Now we are expected to make sure they live as well, if not better, than those footing the bill. $80 billion a year on welfare is pricey and I bet that number would be much lower if the deadbeats were given a nudge in the right direction, namely the employment office. Even though unemployment is way higher than estimated and the number of jobs available is way lower than stated, there are jobs out there and the unskilled people who are taking their EBT cards to pot stores can be first in line to shovel shit or some other labor job.

Liberals keep claiming that the economy is improved and jobs are being created, so if we use their argument there are no more excuses. If you buy cigarettes or pot with money from EBT cards, time to get off your able-bodied lazy ass and find work.

Giving people extra money to waste on crap was never part of the deal and there should be a penalty for people who spend EBT money on anything that isn't actually needed.

If the pot is medicinal, health insurance should cover it or they should get special permission to use EBT cards by having a valid prescription. If the pot, beer, cigarettes or other drugs are leisure drugs, the people can fucking pay for it out of their own paychecks. Anyone who spends welfare money on alcohol, tobacco, tattoos, casinos, pot or other non-essentials are complete losers!!!

Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops
Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops | Fox News Insider
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Okay, people are using their EBT cards at pot shop ATMs. Of course, Dems are claiming that it's only because there just aren't enough ATM machines and would have us believe that people are only going to the pot shops to get cash because it's convenient. Yea, right.

Why are welfare people getting cash out at all? We subsidize their housing, utilities and give them EBT cards for food. They should be able to use the cards for all the basic needs. Funny that they can get cash out at all. Is spending money for fun part of the deal, too? How far should we go when subsidizing people? Are we supposed to make them so comfortable that they don't need to make any changes in their lives at all? I think when people are caught spending money that is not for necessities, we should reduce the amount of money they get. Yes, there are poor who truly need our help, but there are too damn many scammers who know how to work the system. If any welfare money is spent on tattoos, cigarettes, strip clubs or pot, it's clear we are giving them too much. The deal was to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table until they could get back on their feet. Now we are expected to make sure they live as well, if not better, than those footing the bill. $80 billion a year on welfare is pricey and I bet that number would be much lower if the deadbeats were given a nudge in the right direction, namely the employment office. Even though unemployment is way higher than estimated and the number of jobs available is way lower than stated, there are jobs out there and the unskilled people who are taking their EBT cards to pot stores can be first in line to shovel shit or some other labor job.

Liberals keep claiming that the economy is improved and jobs are being created, so if we use their argument there are no more excuses. If you buy cigarettes or pot with money from EBT cards, time to get off your able-bodied lazy ass and find work.

Giving people extra money to waste on crap was never part of the deal and there should be a penalty for people who spend EBT money on anything that isn't actually needed.

If the pot is medicinal, health insurance should cover it or they should get special permission to use EBT cards by having a valid prescription. If the pot, beer, cigarettes or other drugs are leisure drugs, the people can fucking pay for it out of their own paychecks. Anyone who spends welfare money on alcohol, tobacco, tattoos, casinos, pot or other non-essentials are complete losers!!!

Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops
Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops | Fox News Insider

I agree this is a problem, but it is because of an unintended loop hole in the law. The law wasn't written to allow it, it just didn't cover all the bases.

Fox News has to distort everything don't they?
This is pretty fucking outrageous. Not only is the government is allowing the corruption of minds, they're making normal people pay for it. disgusting.
End welfare - let them seek charity. Welfare was suppose to be a saftey net. That means it is suppose to catch you if you fall. Where did these people fall from? How long ago? How long were they up there?
It has become a harbor, and a stratagem :cuckoo:
Okay, people are using their EBT cards at pot shop ATMs. Of course, Dems are claiming that it's only because there just aren't enough ATM machines and would have us believe that people are only going to the pot shops to get cash because it's convenient. Yea, right.

Why are welfare people getting cash out at all? We subsidize their housing, utilities and give them EBT cards for food. They should be able to use the cards for all the basic needs. Funny that they can get cash out at all. Is spending money for fun part of the deal, too? How far should we go when subsidizing people? Are we supposed to make them so comfortable that they don't need to make any changes in their lives at all? I think when people are caught spending money that is not for necessities, we should reduce the amount of money they get. Yes, there are poor who truly need our help, but there are too damn many scammers who know how to work the system. If any welfare money is spent on tattoos, cigarettes, strip clubs or pot, it's clear we are giving them too much. The deal was to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table until they could get back on their feet. Now we are expected to make sure they live as well, if not better, than those footing the bill. $80 billion a year on welfare is pricey and I bet that number would be much lower if the deadbeats were given a nudge in the right direction, namely the employment office. Even though unemployment is way higher than estimated and the number of jobs available is way lower than stated, there are jobs out there and the unskilled people who are taking their EBT cards to pot stores can be first in line to shovel shit or some other labor job.

Liberals keep claiming that the economy is improved and jobs are being created, so if we use their argument there are no more excuses. If you buy cigarettes or pot with money from EBT cards, time to get off your able-bodied lazy ass and find work.

Giving people extra money to waste on crap was never part of the deal and there should be a penalty for people who spend EBT money on anything that isn't actually needed.

If the pot is medicinal, health insurance should cover it or they should get special permission to use EBT cards by having a valid prescription. If the pot, beer, cigarettes or other drugs are leisure drugs, the people can fucking pay for it out of their own paychecks. Anyone who spends welfare money on alcohol, tobacco, tattoos, casinos, pot or other non-essentials are complete losers!!!

Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops
Welfare for Weed: Colorado Allows EBT Withdrawals at Pot Shops | Fox News Insider

I agree this is a problem, but it is because of an unintended loop hole in the law. The law wasn't written to allow it, it just didn't cover all the bases.

Fox News has to distort everything don't they?

They didn't distort it. The explained that the EBT cards are being used at ATMs in pot shops. I think common sense tells us that it's likely customers. Dems say that people are just there for the ATMs because there is a shortage of ATM machines. Bullshit.

I want to know why people on welfare always seem to have extra spending cash. They get cash out and spend it on things that don't promote the welfare of their children.

Like I said, anyone using their cards for any kind of smoking material, beer, casinos, etc. are fucking losers who should get a job and waste their own money on this crap. The tax payers should not be expected to fund people's leisure.
Is this really a problem?

Anti-intellectual rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.

This is especially in light of how family values have become twisted. Parents don't recognize how children don't consent to exist, so they immediately bully their own kids to be obedient...

...but this only happens half of the time. The other half, children misbehave, and parents give up on them or possibly even spoil them (on top of how grandparents do).

The implication is an abundance of unruly brats who socially alienate honest, goodwilling, talented children who become nobody since their society tolerates them falling through the cracks.

Perhaps using drugs is the least of what they deserve to escape how they've been neglected and abused.
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Is this really a problem?

Rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.

There is so much wrong with what you just posted. I'll focus on just one. You think the pot escape is going to help them with their situation?
Is this really a problem?

Rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.
The parents need to be punished, or there needs to be a criteria met before you can procreate. You cannot punish the innocent hard working tax payer! Society doesn't owe them shit - you do the best with what you got, and be thankful for it.
You're harshing my mellow.

Would you like to try some special brownies? Special price for special friends.

Yes, I accept food stamps and WIC.
Is this really a problem?

Rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.

There is so much wrong with what you just posted. I'll focus on just one. You think the pot escape is going to help them with their situation?

I think society doesn't want to help them. Instead, it simply blames the victim, ignoring how many people become ruined not because of not working hard or smart, but because of negligence and abuse.

If society wants to make a difference, it would expect people to graduate philosophical rites of passage before being allowed to participate in the public sphere, but instead of recognizing objective morals, it insists on rugged individualism instead.
Bitches need to save your cash and EBT for important shit like Liquor and Tobacco.....grow your own weed!!

It's cheap and easy. You get fresher, higher quality buds at very low cost.

Is this really a problem?

Rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.
The parents need to be punished, or there needs to be a criteria met before you can procreate. You cannot punish the innocent hard working tax payer! Society doesn't owe them shit - you do the best with what you got, and be thankful for it.

Parents won't be punished because society doesn't want to admit that the real problem is a lack of maturity before entertaining libidos. Instead, people just want to get their rocks off, and anyone who gets in the way is lashed out against.

The criteria question gets challenged by "Whose criteria?"

As for society not owing people, you're admitting that it's tolerable to impose environmental inequality on people. In other words, people shouldn't be judged based on who's on the inside that counts, but based on whether or not they're lucky enough to live in compatible environments. Those who are unlucky effectively become enslaved to the lucky.
Is this really a problem?

Rugged individualism has destroyed objective morality, heritage, narrative, story, customs, culture, and tradition.

In other words, people have become social rejects, and they're looking for an escape. Why shouldn't welfare users be allowed to use drugs? Do you really expect them to apply themselves to become successful after society has treated them like garbage?

Don't get me wrong. I don't support welfare, and I don't support drug usage.

However, I don't support people treating each other like garbage either, especially when they're born into dysfunctional households and undisciplined school districts where people don't "find themselves" in society.

There is so much wrong with what you just posted. I'll focus on just one. You think the pot escape is going to help them with their situation?

I think society doesn't want to help them. Instead, it simply blames the victim, ignoring how many people become ruined not because of not working hard or smart, but because of negligence and abuse.

If society wants to make a difference, it would expect people to graduate philosophical rites of passage before being allowed to participate in the public sphere, but instead of recognizing objective morals, it insists on rugged individualism instead.

I get it, they're victims. You didn't answer the question though. Is getting them high going to help them in their plight?
There is so much wrong with what you just posted. I'll focus on just one. You think the pot escape is going to help them with their situation?

I think society doesn't want to help them. Instead, it simply blames the victim, ignoring how many people become ruined not because of not working hard or smart, but because of negligence and abuse.

If society wants to make a difference, it would expect people to graduate philosophical rites of passage before being allowed to participate in the public sphere, but instead of recognizing objective morals, it insists on rugged individualism instead.

I get it, they're victims. You didn't answer the question though. Is getting them high going to help them in their plight?

You're assuming the goal is to help someone.

That's not necessarily the case. It can also be to treat someone.
I think society doesn't want to help them. Instead, it simply blames the victim, ignoring how many people become ruined not because of not working hard or smart, but because of negligence and abuse.

If society wants to make a difference, it would expect people to graduate philosophical rites of passage before being allowed to participate in the public sphere, but instead of recognizing objective morals, it insists on rugged individualism instead.

I get it, they're victims. You didn't answer the question though. Is getting them high going to help them in their plight?

You're assuming the goal is to help someone.

That's not necessarily the case. It can also be to treat someone.

Treat as to provide sometime of relief, right? In other words a form of help, right?
Those poor people. Being forced to smoke weed because they were from broken homes.......boo hoo....


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