Welfare, Medicare? Did Romney start lying too soon in the campaign?



We all know that Romney lied that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare. We all know the truth is governors, including conservative Republican governors, asked President Obama to relax the work requirement so they could have more control. We all know people on welfare couldn't get certain kinds of job training because it didn't come under the definition of "work". We all know that those governors had to submit their plan and it must show a 20% improvement for them to get the waiver. We all know this. This was all part of what governors asked for, including conservative Republican governors. And right wingers can stop asking for links. This was in the news. I can't help it if they only watch Fox.

We all know that Romney lied about Obama cutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. We know this. The money was cut, not from benefits, but from providers and loopholes. Many of the loopholes were asked to be closed by Republicans. We know that Health Care CEOs can get a hundred million dollar salary and enormous dividends from skimming Health Care policies. That's where they get their money from. That's where the 700 billion came from. We all know the money was used to pay for seniors medical prescriptions. We know this. It was in the news. Republicans know it because they asked for it.

We all know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created many thousands of jobs and then took credit for the jobs they voted against. We can go state by state and see who took the money and what they spent it on. We know how many jobs were created from stimulus because Republicans took credit for those jobs. Everyone knows it, especially those with the jobs.

Polls are showing that some people have believed the lies. But it's still months before the election. How will those people react when they finally find out they've been lied to? How would you feel? The Republican base doesn't care, of course. Most of them are Confederates. But for the rest of the voters. To be lied to even before being president? How will they take that?

Republicans will say Obama lied, but can't say what about. They say he made promises. In fact, the ONLY promise Obama made was that he would track down Bin Laden and take him out no matter where he was. Remember, Republicans said that just proved Obama had no experience, threatening to enter, uninvited, a sovereign nation. Iraq was different, they had imaginary weapons. Which, of course, are "weapons of mass destruction".

And Republicans are still scrambling to explain why they adopted the "Akin Amendment" into their party platform. Saying the platform has nothing to do with the party is just another lie. Especially after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" in 2010 and then, nationwide, promoted over 500 bills against abortion. Some so odious, as to not be believed. Like the "Insertion Bill" in Virginia. Truly disturbing. Remember, this is the same party that wants to cut school lunches and education.

Have Republicans already "shot their wad"? What else can they lie about? Obviously, this is why they are playing the race card. Two months. A long time to hide lies hoping people won't find out the truth. Of course, there is always "voter suppression". I heard they might be firing Democrats in Ohio for following laws put in place in previous elections.
yeah...we all know it....but they can't get elected unless they run against Obama's record....their version of course.
This will be the last election where Republicans can run a "white only" agenda. Populations demographics will force their hand.

Pitts: Facing changing demographics, GOP turns to suppression - Houston Chronicle

Internicola is 91 years old. He was born in Brooklyn. He is a veteran of the Second World War. He earned a Bronze Star for his part in the Battle of the Bulge. Yet he was required to prove to a county functionary that he is entitled to vote in an American election.

Jeb Bush: GOP Needs To Change ‘Tone’ To Reach ‘Broader Audience’

This will be the last election where Republicans can run a "white only" agenda. Populations demographics will force their hand.

Pitts: Facing changing demographics, GOP turns to suppression - Houston Chronicle

Internicola is 91 years old. He was born in Brooklyn. He is a veteran of the Second World War. He earned a Bronze Star for his part in the Battle of the Bulge. Yet he was required to prove to a county functionary that he is entitled to vote in an American election.

Jeb Bush: GOP Needs To Change ‘Tone’ To Reach ‘Broader Audience’


While those make the point, it might be more helpful for conservatarians to see a far more recent example - like this one, from a distant time known as "2012":
We all know that Romney lied that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare. We all know the truth is governors, including conservative Republican governors, asked President Obama to relax the work requirement so they could have more control. We all know people on welfare couldn't get certain kinds of job training because it didn't come under the definition of "work". We all know that those governors had to submit their plan and it must show a 20% improvement for them to get the waiver. We all know this. This was all part of what governors asked for, including conservative Republican governors. And right wingers can stop asking for links. This was in the news. I can't help it if they only watch Fox.

We all know that Romney lied about Obama cutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. We know this. The money was cut, not from benefits, but from providers and loopholes. Many of the loopholes were asked to be closed by Republicans. We know that Health Care CEOs can get a hundred million dollar salary and enormous dividends from skimming Health Care policies. That's where they get their money from. That's where the 700 billion came from. We all know the money was used to pay for seniors medical prescriptions. We know this. It was in the news. Republicans know it because they asked for it.

We all know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created many thousands of jobs and then took credit for the jobs they voted against. We can go state by state and see who took the money and what they spent it on. We know how many jobs were created from stimulus because Republicans took credit for those jobs. Everyone knows it, especially those with the jobs.

Polls are showing that some people have believed the lies. But it's still months before the election. How will those people react when they finally find out they've been lied to? How would you feel? The Republican base doesn't care, of course. Most of them are Confederates. But for the rest of the voters. To be lied to even before being president? How will they take that?

Republicans will say Obama lied, but can't say what about. They say he made promises. In fact, the ONLY promise Obama made was that he would track down Bin Laden and take him out no matter where he was. Remember, Republicans said that just proved Obama had no experience, threatening to enter, uninvited, a sovereign nation. Iraq was different, they had imaginary weapons. Which, of course, are "weapons of mass destruction".

And Republicans are still scrambling to explain why they adopted the "Akin Amendment" into their party platform. Saying the platform has nothing to do with the party is just another lie. Especially after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" in 2010 and then, nationwide, promoted over 500 bills against abortion. Some so odious, as to not be believed. Like the "Insertion Bill" in Virginia. Truly disturbing. Remember, this is the same party that wants to cut school lunches and education.

Have Republicans already "shot their wad"? What else can they lie about? Obviously, this is why they are playing the race card. Two months. A long time to hide lies hoping people won't find out the truth. Of course, there is always "voter suppression". I heard they might be firing Democrats in Ohio for following laws put in place in previous elections.
Now that is damn pathetic..........Create a false issue when ducking the real one.

Obama did change the work requirements to include non work.... Fact

Obamas team themselves have said they raided medicare...Fail again.............

They had damn well better have taken stim money as democrats put all americans on the hook.

Strike three idiot....
We all know that Romney lied that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare. We all know the truth is governors, including conservative Republican governors, asked President Obama to relax the work requirement so they could have more control. We all know people on welfare couldn't get certain kinds of job training because it didn't come under the definition of "work". We all know that those governors had to submit their plan and it must show a 20% improvement for them to get the waiver. We all know this. This was all part of what governors asked for, including conservative Republican governors. And right wingers can stop asking for links. This was in the news. I can't help it if they only watch Fox.

We all know that Romney lied about Obama cutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. We know this. The money was cut, not from benefits, but from providers and loopholes. Many of the loopholes were asked to be closed by Republicans. We know that Health Care CEOs can get a hundred million dollar salary and enormous dividends from skimming Health Care policies. That's where they get their money from. That's where the 700 billion came from. We all know the money was used to pay for seniors medical prescriptions. We know this. It was in the news. Republicans know it because they asked for it.

We all know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created many thousands of jobs and then took credit for the jobs they voted against. We can go state by state and see who took the money and what they spent it on. We know how many jobs were created from stimulus because Republicans took credit for those jobs. Everyone knows it, especially those with the jobs.

Polls are showing that some people have believed the lies. But it's still months before the election. How will those people react when they finally find out they've been lied to? How would you feel? The Republican base doesn't care, of course. Most of them are Confederates. But for the rest of the voters. To be lied to even before being president? How will they take that?

Republicans will say Obama lied, but can't say what about. They say he made promises. In fact, the ONLY promise Obama made was that he would track down Bin Laden and take him out no matter where he was. Remember, Republicans said that just proved Obama had no experience, threatening to enter, uninvited, a sovereign nation. Iraq was different, they had imaginary weapons. Which, of course, are "weapons of mass destruction".

And Republicans are still scrambling to explain why they adopted the "Akin Amendment" into their party platform. Saying the platform has nothing to do with the party is just another lie. Especially after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" in 2010 and then, nationwide, promoted over 500 bills against abortion. Some so odious, as to not be believed. Like the "Insertion Bill" in Virginia. Truly disturbing. Remember, this is the same party that wants to cut school lunches and education.

Have Republicans already "shot their wad"? What else can they lie about? Obviously, this is why they are playing the race card. Two months. A long time to hide lies hoping people won't find out the truth. Of course, there is always "voter suppression". I heard they might be firing Democrats in Ohio for following laws put in place in previous elections.
Now that is damn pathetic..........Create a false issue when ducking the real one.

Obama did change the work requirements to include non work.... Fact

Obamas team themselves have said they raided medicare...Fail again.............

They had damn well better have taken stim money as democrats put all americans on the hook.

Strike three idiot....

That's not the fact. You guys have got to stop feeding into the ignorance. The work requirements are ONLY relaxed if the state can make a case their plan creates a 20% decrease in the number on welfare. THAT's the "fact". If they can't prove it, the requirement isn't relaxed.

WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO FUCKING DUMB????? You sit in front of the Internet. Is it so hard to go look things up????????????? Even when I do it for you, you still don't believe the truth. You only believe lies. Don't you know how pathetic that is?????
amazing how every one of the so called lies is absolutely true.
amazing how every one of the so called lies is absolutely true.

RDean keeps posting...

"We know...".

And he asks if Romney lied to soon.

We've been watching Obama lie out his ass for four years. How can it be "to soon"....if Romney were lying.

Which he isn't.
amazing how every one of the so called lies is absolutely true.

RDean keeps posting...

"We know...".

And he asks if Romney lied to soon.

We've been watching Obama lie out his ass for four years. How can it be "to soon"....if Romney were lying.

Which he isn't.

Lied about what? The only promise Obama made was to get Bin Laden. And Republicans said that only shows how "inexperienced" he is to be willing to trespass into a "sovereign" country.

The worst part was that after he gave that order and Bin Laden was "put down", Republicans tried to take credit for it. Some still have the nerve to insist it was Bush torture that provided intel. That has been completely debunked. In fact, it was the Bush intel that made the hunt more difficult. Republicans, even when they aren't trying they fuck things up. Must be their ideology.
amazing how every one of the so called lies is absolutely true.

RDean keeps posting...

"We know...".

And he asks if Romney lied to soon.

We've been watching Obama lie out his ass for four years. How can it be "to soon"....if Romney were lying.

Which he isn't.

Lied about what? The only promise Obama made was to get Bin Laden. And Republicans said that only shows how "inexperienced" he is to be willing to trespass into a "sovereign" country.

The worst part was that after he gave that order and Bin Laden was "put down", Republicans tried to take credit for it. Some still have the nerve to insist it was Bush torture that provided intel. That has been completely debunked. In fact, it was the Bush intel that made the hunt more difficult. Republicans, even when they aren't trying they fuck things up. Must be their ideology.

Lied about basically everything.

Can we start with his promise to change the tenor of politics ? You bastards, with the bastard in chief in the lead, have made this one of the ugliest campaigns in history.

Are you really this stupid.

There are only about 999 more....

UE would not go above 8% if the stimulus was passed....



RDean keeps posting...

"We know...".

And he asks if Romney lied to soon.

We've been watching Obama lie out his ass for four years. How can it be "to soon"....if Romney were lying.

Which he isn't.

Lied about what? The only promise Obama made was to get Bin Laden. And Republicans said that only shows how "inexperienced" he is to be willing to trespass into a "sovereign" country.

The worst part was that after he gave that order and Bin Laden was "put down", Republicans tried to take credit for it. Some still have the nerve to insist it was Bush torture that provided intel. That has been completely debunked. In fact, it was the Bush intel that made the hunt more difficult. Republicans, even when they aren't trying they fuck things up. Must be their ideology.

Lied about basically everything.

Can we start with his promise to change the tenor of politics ? You bastards, with the bastard in chief in the lead, have made this one of the ugliest campaigns in history.

Are you really this stupid.

There are only about 999 more....

UE would not go above 8% if the stimulus was passed....




That was never a promise. No politician would make such a ridiculous promise. Unless you are Mitt Romney and promising you can create 12 million new jobs.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV0dZsyEVoM&feature=relmfu]Romney's promise of 12 million jobs - YouTube[/ame]

Now, what's hilarious is someone put together this montage of Obama saying that the health care debate would be on CSPAN. And it turns out, it was. Republicans say it wasn't, but don't tell CSPAN that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPMf6kW_1Nw]President Obama Making C-SPAN Promise 8 Separate Times - YouTube[/ame]
This will be the last election where Republicans can run a "white only" agenda. Populations demographics will force their hand.

Pitts: Facing changing demographics, GOP turns to suppression - Houston Chronicle

Internicola is 91 years old. He was born in Brooklyn. He is a veteran of the Second World War. He earned a Bronze Star for his part in the Battle of the Bulge. Yet he was required to prove to a county functionary that he is entitled to vote in an American election.

Jeb Bush: GOP Needs To Change ‘Tone’ To Reach ‘Broader Audience’


This will be the last election where Republicans can run a "white only" agenda. Populations demographics will force their hand.

Geez I missed the couple hundred Romney campaign ads where Mitt and the GOP
were talking about getting the economy moving and providing an environment for jobs
for white people only...
Funny how most of the non-white world outside of eastern Asia is poor. Maybe it has something to do with them being lazy? I don't know, but it would seem.

Blaming white people for being wealthy is a cough out for not being able to do it yourselves. Grow the fuck up Rdean. Instead of blaming white people how about adopting our successful ways? Do you want this country to become poor? There's no debating you as you're as racist as me. Hell, I'd say more.

You don't want to debate why whites did that? Maybe it's because of the crime and low willingness' of up keep among non-whites? Of course you will scream that I'm a racist bigot, but this is the conclusion that I've reached. Tell me how I'm wrong????

Stop blaming whites for everything and try to better yourselves.
Last edited:
there were some repub governors who didnt want the money but people in their state sued them to take it wasnt that the deal with Sanford?
We all know that Romney lied that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare. We all know the truth is governors, including conservative Republican governors, asked President Obama to relax the work requirement so they could have more control. We all know people on welfare couldn't get certain kinds of job training because it didn't come under the definition of "work". We all know that those governors had to submit their plan and it must show a 20% improvement for them to get the waiver. We all know this. This was all part of what governors asked for, including conservative Republican governors. And right wingers can stop asking for links. This was in the news. I can't help it if they only watch Fox.

We all know that Romney lied about Obama cutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. We know this. The money was cut, not from benefits, but from providers and loopholes. Many of the loopholes were asked to be closed by Republicans. We know that Health Care CEOs can get a hundred million dollar salary and enormous dividends from skimming Health Care policies. That's where they get their money from. That's where the 700 billion came from. We all know the money was used to pay for seniors medical prescriptions. We know this. It was in the news. Republicans know it because they asked for it.

We all know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created many thousands of jobs and then took credit for the jobs they voted against. We can go state by state and see who took the money and what they spent it on. We know how many jobs were created from stimulus because Republicans took credit for those jobs. Everyone knows it, especially those with the jobs.

Polls are showing that some people have believed the lies. But it's still months before the election. How will those people react when they finally find out they've been lied to? How would you feel? The Republican base doesn't care, of course. Most of them are Confederates. But for the rest of the voters. To be lied to even before being president? How will they take that?

Republicans will say Obama lied, but can't say what about. They say he made promises. In fact, the ONLY promise Obama made was that he would track down Bin Laden and take him out no matter where he was. Remember, Republicans said that just proved Obama had no experience, threatening to enter, uninvited, a sovereign nation. Iraq was different, they had imaginary weapons. Which, of course, are "weapons of mass destruction".

And Republicans are still scrambling to explain why they adopted the "Akin Amendment" into their party platform. Saying the platform has nothing to do with the party is just another lie. Especially after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" in 2010 and then, nationwide, promoted over 500 bills against abortion. Some so odious, as to not be believed. Like the "Insertion Bill" in Virginia. Truly disturbing. Remember, this is the same party that wants to cut school lunches and education.

Have Republicans already "shot their wad"? What else can they lie about? Obviously, this is why they are playing the race card. Two months. A long time to hide lies hoping people won't find out the truth. Of course, there is always "voter suppression". I heard they might be firing Democrats in Ohio for following laws put in place in previous elections.

Obama and all Democratic candidates need to take advantage of these lies by exposing them to the voters. When you say that everyone knows Romney lied, the truth is that not everyone knows that. A lot of voters are still buying into those ads. That is where Obama needs to make a stand and just straight out call Romney out for being the yellow bellied liar that he is. He needs to do this with force, not just by throwing it out there. Remember, at the end of that Romney ad, Romney says he approves this message, which in fact is an outright lie.

Obama needs to go on the offensive and show voters who Romney really is, an outright liar who will say anything if he thinks it will help him win. That man has no backbone whatsoever, and Obama needs to make certain voters know this.
Well, "lying for the lord" is a time honored Mormon tradition. So I guess, lying to become president fulfills the Mormon's White House prophecy.
RDean keeps posting...

"We know...".

And he asks if Romney lied to soon.

We've been watching Obama lie out his ass for four years. How can it be "to soon"....if Romney were lying.

Which he isn't.

Lied about what? The only promise Obama made was to get Bin Laden. And Republicans said that only shows how "inexperienced" he is to be willing to trespass into a "sovereign" country.

The worst part was that after he gave that order and Bin Laden was "put down", Republicans tried to take credit for it. Some still have the nerve to insist it was Bush torture that provided intel. That has been completely debunked. In fact, it was the Bush intel that made the hunt more difficult. Republicans, even when they aren't trying they fuck things up. Must be their ideology.

Lied about basically everything.

Can we start with his promise to change the tenor of politics ? You bastards, with the bastard in chief in the lead, have made this one of the ugliest campaigns in history.

Are you really this stupid.

There are only about 999 more....

UE would not go above 8% if the stimulus was passed....




As a former Republican, I have watched the Republicans do everything they can to stop Obama and the Dems from accomplishing anything, regardless of the cost. This has been going since Obama took office, and frankly, I'm sick of it. Without a doubt, if there is blame to be had, it lies in the hands of the obstructionist Republicans, end of story. Republicans just better pray that the majority of independents don't come to the same conclusion before election day, or the Dems will win big and take back the House.
We all know that Romney lied that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare. We all know the truth is governors, including conservative Republican governors, asked President Obama to relax the work requirement so they could have more control. We all know people on welfare couldn't get certain kinds of job training because it didn't come under the definition of "work". We all know that those governors had to submit their plan and it must show a 20% improvement for them to get the waiver. We all know this. This was all part of what governors asked for, including conservative Republican governors. And right wingers can stop asking for links. This was in the news. I can't help it if they only watch Fox.

We all know that Romney lied about Obama cutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. We know this. The money was cut, not from benefits, but from providers and loopholes. Many of the loopholes were asked to be closed by Republicans. We know that Health Care CEOs can get a hundred million dollar salary and enormous dividends from skimming Health Care policies. That's where they get their money from. That's where the 700 billion came from. We all know the money was used to pay for seniors medical prescriptions. We know this. It was in the news. Republicans know it because they asked for it.

We all know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created many thousands of jobs and then took credit for the jobs they voted against. We can go state by state and see who took the money and what they spent it on. We know how many jobs were created from stimulus because Republicans took credit for those jobs. Everyone knows it, especially those with the jobs.

Polls are showing that some people have believed the lies. But it's still months before the election. How will those people react when they finally find out they've been lied to? How would you feel? The Republican base doesn't care, of course. Most of them are Confederates. But for the rest of the voters. To be lied to even before being president? How will they take that?

Republicans will say Obama lied, but can't say what about. They say he made promises. In fact, the ONLY promise Obama made was that he would track down Bin Laden and take him out no matter where he was. Remember, Republicans said that just proved Obama had no experience, threatening to enter, uninvited, a sovereign nation. Iraq was different, they had imaginary weapons. Which, of course, are "weapons of mass destruction".

And Republicans are still scrambling to explain why they adopted the "Akin Amendment" into their party platform. Saying the platform has nothing to do with the party is just another lie. Especially after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs" in 2010 and then, nationwide, promoted over 500 bills against abortion. Some so odious, as to not be believed. Like the "Insertion Bill" in Virginia. Truly disturbing. Remember, this is the same party that wants to cut school lunches and education.

Have Republicans already "shot their wad"? What else can they lie about? Obviously, this is why they are playing the race card. Two months. A long time to hide lies hoping people won't find out the truth. Of course, there is always "voter suppression". I heard they might be firing Democrats in Ohio for following laws put in place in previous elections.

Huh, well your Hero in the WH has been spewing Nothing But Lies since the day he was Elected, so I would think you would understand. lol
Well, "lying for the lord" is a time honored Mormon tradition. So I guess, lying to become president fulfills the Mormon's White House prophecy.

Did Obama take 700 billion dollars out of Medicare or not? It seems that lieing is a main stay in politics these days.:badgrin:

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