Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

The left is always hoping/trying to push the center of US politics, left

They want to make their leaders and programs seem less radical

The best one

Papa Obama is a centrist
The child tax credit that about 99% of you with children at home are claiming off your taxes is considered a means tested program,

so every one of you is considered to be on welfare according to the OP.

a child tax credit is 1000$ taken from the amount taxed - that's all. so instead of taxing 51,000 one gets taxed 49,000 - so the government is robbing you a miniscule amount less

please stop lying that it equals free cash handouts to the "poor"
If one qualifies on the additional child tax credit form.
If it just reduces your tax liability then it is just your money you are keeping.
Even in the case of the additional child tax credit, it it base lined against
the amount of SS and Medicare taxes one pays. It makes your cash flow with
gov't on the tax form never be less than zero.

Notice, this is different than the EIC which is a total positive cash flow
to the filer. i.e. it is money they never had to begin with...

I love how the rightwing inmates here can always concoct an argument to rationalize their own slice of the welfare pie.

Yes keeping more of your own earned money vs. entitlement hand-outs are such a concoction.

it is an outward LIE.

they know perfectly well that keeping YOUR money which YOU EARNED is not equal to getting money you did not earn and somebody else got robbed from them so you can get it - but keep lying and lying and lying that it is the same.

the tactic is universal for the leftards - they lie the same way that abortion is not a murder, because the baby is a cluster of cells and she does not feel pain, whereas the baby is a human beeing and feels excruciating pain - which has been scientifically proven.

They still lie.

Leftards ALWAYS LIE.

They can not tell the truth because truth won't get them anywhere - if people would see what those lying scumbags are really about they would be discarded in a blink of an eye.

The only way they can get into power is LIES.
Number of food stamp recipients ALONE is 3X what you state as the people receiving welfare...

SNAP Current Participation - Persons

That's still less than the total number of full time workers.

And many full time workers get food stamps because their wages are so low.

That is JUST food stamps.. there are MANY MANY more government entitlement programs for individual handouts

But it is shown that your number, is horse shit

Where was it shown that my number is horse shit?

Certainly not on this thread.

My link totals all government entitlement programs that could be considered welfare.
I've been reading the comments on this thread. It boils down to 2 basic oppinions.

One side believes the Gov't is the answer to everything.

The other side believes the Gov't is the problem.

Another issue is that the original thread manipulates the numbers. I'm not going to try and justify the original thread one way or another. All the articles and data I've been reading shows LOW ECONOMIC OUTPUT, increased Poverty, Shrinking Middle Class, More Gov't debt, Devaluation of the dollar, and Federal Currency Manipulation to pump up the Markets out of reality of the real situation.

The primary problem now facing most of America is Jobs. Good paying Jobs that raise people out of poverty and gives them the means to support their families. I believe that the Gov't needs to get out of the way, and stop attacking business so they will invest here in America and allow job growth. This should be the primary goal of ANYONE NOW. By creating laws that increase the cost of doing business, with higher taxes and mandates, you chase more business out of the country to overseas areas to create jobs elsewhere. Which is exactly why I DITCH THE DEMS proposals on Job Creation. They spent trillions on JOBS with VERY LIMITED RESULTS. And now their answer is to spend TRILLIONS MORE when they've already failed miserably with the money already spent.

Second, THE MOUNTAIN OF DEBT. We destroy the value of the dollar by continuing down our present path. Which gives our dollar LESS BUYING POWER. Lower's our standard of living and helps to increase poverty. But the Gov't can't stop spending and the Fed can't stop Printing more and more and more. Pumping up the bubbles of the markets and increasing our debt making it harder and harder to pay the dang thing. With Unfunded Liabilities coming we sail at full speed into waters with Ice Bergs saying it will be fine and dandy. Which of course sank the Titanic.

It's now down to opinions about how to fix the dang thing. One side wanting more Gov't, and one side wanting less Gov't. I'm on the side of less Gov't.

The government doesn't attack businesses. Anyone who claims this is just ignorant of the facts.

The government is primarily a puppet of big business. They bend over backward to pass laws that benefit business.

The debt has nothing to do with the value of the dollar. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

You simply do not know what you are talking about.

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.


a couple questions about these dubious numbers.

How many of those 108M are children who can't work? Retirees who can't work?

How many of those 108M are adults who have part time jobs but need a government program to supplement their income?

And what about the other 100 M Americans who fall into neither category?

A lot of dubious numbers here, to say the least.
I've been reading the comments on this thread. It boils down to 2 basic oppinions.

One side believes the Gov't is the answer to everything.

The other side believes the Gov't is the problem.

Another issue is that the original thread manipulates the numbers. I'm not going to try and justify the original thread one way or another. All the articles and data I've been reading shows LOW ECONOMIC OUTPUT, increased Poverty, Shrinking Middle Class, More Gov't debt, Devaluation of the dollar, and Federal Currency Manipulation to pump up the Markets out of reality of the real situation.

The primary problem now facing most of America is Jobs. Good paying Jobs that raise people out of poverty and gives them the means to support their families. I believe that the Gov't needs to get out of the way, and stop attacking business so they will invest here in America and allow job growth. This should be the primary goal of ANYONE NOW. By creating laws that increase the cost of doing business, with higher taxes and mandates, you chase more business out of the country to overseas areas to create jobs elsewhere. Which is exactly why I DITCH THE DEMS proposals on Job Creation. They spent trillions on JOBS with VERY LIMITED RESULTS. And now their answer is to spend TRILLIONS MORE when they've already failed miserably with the money already spent.

Second, THE MOUNTAIN OF DEBT. We destroy the value of the dollar by continuing down our present path. Which gives our dollar LESS BUYING POWER. Lower's our standard of living and helps to increase poverty. But the Gov't can't stop spending and the Fed can't stop Printing more and more and more. Pumping up the bubbles of the markets and increasing our debt making it harder and harder to pay the dang thing. With Unfunded Liabilities coming we sail at full speed into waters with Ice Bergs saying it will be fine and dandy. Which of course sank the Titanic.

It's now down to opinions about how to fix the dang thing. One side wanting more Gov't, and one side wanting less Gov't. I'm on the side of less Gov't.

The government doesn't attack businesses. Anyone who claims this is just ignorant of the facts.

The government is primarily a puppet of big business. They bend over backward to pass laws that benefit business.

The debt has nothing to do with the value of the dollar. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

You simply do not know what you are talking about.
They dont attack business???? Someone should tell that to Wal-Mart, Microsoft and many many others the government attacked...

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.


a couple questions about these dubious numbers.

How many of those 108M are children who can't work? Retirees who can't work?

How many of those 108M are adults who have part time jobs but need a government program to supplement their income?

And what about the other 100 M Americans who fall into neither category?

A lot of dubious numbers here, to say the least.

A third of the country is a third of the county, regardless of how you spin the damned numbers
I've been reading the comments on this thread. It boils down to 2 basic oppinions.

One side believes the Gov't is the answer to everything.

The other side believes the Gov't is the problem.

Another issue is that the original thread manipulates the numbers. I'm not going to try and justify the original thread one way or another. All the articles and data I've been reading shows LOW ECONOMIC OUTPUT, increased Poverty, Shrinking Middle Class, More Gov't debt, Devaluation of the dollar, and Federal Currency Manipulation to pump up the Markets out of reality of the real situation.

The primary problem now facing most of America is Jobs. Good paying Jobs that raise people out of poverty and gives them the means to support their families. I believe that the Gov't needs to get out of the way, and stop attacking business so they will invest here in America and allow job growth. This should be the primary goal of ANYONE NOW. By creating laws that increase the cost of doing business, with higher taxes and mandates, you chase more business out of the country to overseas areas to create jobs elsewhere. Which is exactly why I DITCH THE DEMS proposals on Job Creation. They spent trillions on JOBS with VERY LIMITED RESULTS. And now their answer is to spend TRILLIONS MORE when they've already failed miserably with the money already spent.

Second, THE MOUNTAIN OF DEBT. We destroy the value of the dollar by continuing down our present path. Which gives our dollar LESS BUYING POWER. Lower's our standard of living and helps to increase poverty. But the Gov't can't stop spending and the Fed can't stop Printing more and more and more. Pumping up the bubbles of the markets and increasing our debt making it harder and harder to pay the dang thing. With Unfunded Liabilities coming we sail at full speed into waters with Ice Bergs saying it will be fine and dandy. Which of course sank the Titanic.

It's now down to opinions about how to fix the dang thing. One side wanting more Gov't, and one side wanting less Gov't. I'm on the side of less Gov't.

The government doesn't attack businesses. Anyone who claims this is just ignorant of the facts.

The government is primarily a puppet of big business. They bend over backward to pass laws that benefit business.

The debt has nothing to do with the value of the dollar. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

You simply do not know what you are talking about.


They attack them with taxes and regulations. Which is why the businesses are leaving California by the droves...........

Puppet of big business. If you are talking about getting Political funds by doing favors for Business, I'd agree........

Our currency is based on the value by the international exchange rates. It has been losing value because we have to print or borrow too much of it. It also goes against the cpi and more chit like that. But, anyone who believes that we can continue to borrow massive amounts of money without destroying it's value DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
a couple questions about these dubious numbers.

How many of those 108M are children who can't work? Retirees who can't work?

How many of those 108M are adults who have part time jobs but need a government program to supplement their income?

And what about the other 100 M Americans who fall into neither category?

A lot of dubious numbers here, to say the least.

A third of the country is a third of the county, regardless of how you spin the damned numbers

Well, no, it really isn't.

Let's say you have two families of four. Family A has a parent that works. That counts as one worker.

Family B has a person who works part time, but also qualifies for SNAP because they are below the poverty line. That counts as four recipiants.

But we are still talking about two families here, both of whom have someone who works in it.
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Currency War of 2009?11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Currency War of 2009–2011 is an episode of competitive devaluation which became prominent in September 2010. Competitive devaluation involves states competing with each other to achieve a relatively low valuation for their own currency, so as to assist their domestic industry. With the financial crises of 2008 the export sectors of many emerging economies have experienced declining orders, and from 2009 several states began or increased their levels of intervention to push down their currencies.
Both private sector analysts and politicians including Tim Geithner have suggested the phrase currency war overstates the extent of hostility, but the term has been widely used by the media since Brazil's finance ministers Guido Mantega September 2010 announcement that a "currency war" had broken out.
Other commentators including world statesmen such as Manmohan Singh and Guido Mantega suggested a currency war was indeed underway and that the leading participants are China and the US, though since 2009 many other states have been taking measures to either devalue or at least check the appreciation of their currencies. The US does not acknowledge that it is practicing competitive devaluation and its official policy is to let the dollar float freely. While the US has taken no direct action to devalue its currency, there is close to universal consensus among analysts that its quantitative easing programmes exert downwards pressure on the dollar.
According to many analysts the currency war had largely fizzled out by mid-2011, though others including Mantega disagreed. As of March 2012, outbreaks of rhetoric have still been occurring, with additional measures being adopted by countries like Brazil to control the appreciation of their currency. Yet by June, there were signs that currency misalignment had been levelling out in China and across the world, with even Mantega relaxing some of Brazils anti-appreciation controls. Alarms were raised concerning a possible second 21st currency war in January 2013, this time with the most apparent tension being between Japan and the Euro-zone.
Deflation Smackdown: Bernanke?s Madcap Money Printing Fails to Boost Inflation | Global Research

So, why are stocks at all-time highs when earnings and revenues are headed sideways?

Ahhh, that’s the secret of the new financial alchemy, wherein equities soar to new heights on ho-hum economic data, historic levels of margin debt, massive stock buybacks and an ocean of central bank liquidity. Earnings and revenues are a thing of the past. Get a load of this:

“Aggregate Buybacks: Dollar-value share repurchases amounted to $93.8 billion over the fourth quarter and $384.3 billion for 2012 … Dollar-value buybacks amounted to 79.1% of free cash flow on a trailing twelve month basis, which is the largest value since Q3 2008.” (“Corporate Share Buybacks: How timely are they?”, Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis)

Companies are buying back their own shares hand-over-fist; nearly $400 billion in 2012 alone. Is it any wonder why stocks have surpassed their 2007 peak? The buyback craze is entirely attributable to Fed policy. Corporate kingpins clearly believe that Bernanke will continue to support the markets with as much liquidity as needed to keep equities in the stratosphere. This is also why margin debt has exploded in the last 12 months. Check this out from this week’s Wall Street Journal:

“Investors ramped up their borrowing against brokerage accounts in April, taking margin debt to its highest-ever level. Investors borrowed $384.4 billion against their investments in April, a 1.3% gain from the previous month, and a 29% rise from the same month last year, according to the New York Stock Exchange.

That exceeds the record high of $381.4 billion in debt held against investments, known as margin debt, from June 2007.

The rising level of debt is seen as a measure of investor confidence, as investors are more willing to take out debt against investments when shares are rising.” (NYSE: Margin Debt Hits Record High in April”, Wall Street Journal)

So, there’s your 15% year-to-date stock-market rally in a nutshell: $400 billion in stock buybacks, $400 billion in margin debt, and a whopping $85 billion per month subsidy via Bernanke’s bond buying bonanza. Is it any wonder why stocks, bonds, CLOs, CDOs, MBSs, junk bonds, and every other dodgy financial asset is pumped up like birthday piñata while the real economy is still stuck in the doldrums?

The fact is, there’s no transmission mechanism to move liquidity from the financial system to the economy, mainly because households and consumers refuse to borrow. As the credit report suggests, most people are not feeling flush enough to resume their pre-Lehman borrowing binge. In fact, a number of surveys indicate that most people will never return to their old ways. Those days are over. Unfortunately, less borrowing means higher unemployment, anemic business investment and sluggish growth. Monetary policy alone cannot fix this situation because–as British economist John Maynard Keynes noted more than 60 years ago–monetary easing in a liquidity trap is like “pushing on a string”. It doesn’t increase demand, lower unemployment or even boost inflation because the money doesn’t get to the people who will spend it and increase economic activity. That’s why QE has been such a spectacular flop, because adding to base money (bank reserves) has not increased the amount of money in circulation. All it’s done is pump up asset prices which merely makes rich speculators even richer.
Increasing the dependency ratio has been a key strategy of the Reactionary Liberal Front for decades...hence the desperation to fix the "glitches" in ObamaCare in order to solidify another faction of the Dependent Class.
Increasing the dependency ratio has been a key strategy of the Reactionary Liberal Front for decades...hence the desperation to fix the "glitches" in ObamaCare in order to solidify another faction of the Dependent Class.

Wow, and all this time, I thought they were just trying to make sure people big corporations can't make a profit off of got access to health care.

It's all a conspiracy to make us wards of the state! That's it!

And frankly, big insurance was just denying us treatment to build character....
Since the Great Society was claimed to end poverty in the US

Almost 50 years later
we have the same rate of poverty

It has only created a modern "serf" class
dependent on the state

For some, they call that a success
Since the Great Society was claimed to end poverty in the US

Almost 50 years later
we have the same rate of poverty

It has only created a modern "serf" class
dependent on the state

For some, they call that a success

Rate of poverty and quality of poverty aren't the same thing.

Yes, I happen to think it's actually nice that we have Medicare that allows people to live longer and not be bankrupted by illnesses. I'm not sure why you think this is a bad idea.
I'm surprised no one has Pointe out that the welfare numbers include children. Further, everyone in a household is counted as receiving benefits if even one person is.

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