Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

The extreme left views all money as belonging to the gov't

I know, but that is a LIE

Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.
I know, but that is a LIE

Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

They think they can spend your money better then you
I would argue that in 1965 a high-school education actually meant that one had obtained a level of education that is far higher than the high-school education of today. Today, they just pass the kids on.
Yay education <sarcasm intended>. But I digress.

Are you a proponent of these supposed "good manufacturing jobs"? Because, as of yet, I haven't seen a single politician wanting THEIR child working in manufacturing, just your child or my child working a job like that.
Would you rather your child work manufacturing shirts in a textile factory or providing a service such as medical care (doctor or nurse), accounting (financial officer for the manufacturer) or legal (attorney)? Perhaps you want your children working on an oil well, drilling holes in the ground as opposed to being the geologist that finds the oil well or engineer that designs the equipment for drilling.

It just cracks me up when people(politicians primarily) speak of "good manufacturing jobs" when they absolutely would prefer that their own children grow up to become doctors, lawyers and other professionals far from laborers in a manufacturing plant.

I know for a fact that around here, when manufacturing jobs were plentiful, people wished for something more than that for their kids;

nowadays, around here, people just wish those manufacturing jobs were back.

Not everyone can be a geologist or a doctor. The greatness of a society should be measured not by what the exceptional people can achieve,

but by what the ordinary folks can achieve.

You imply that there was something wrong with our society back when ordinary, average people could make a good living in a factory.
We still have factories, duh. Just because your dumb ass democrat location ran off the jobs does not mean smart conservative locations don't have factories churning out products for profit.

Your contempt for the truth is sadly comical.
Just as name calling, shows you can not support your claim
or really prove your point
simple enough to understand

Even for a person from the Democrats's core voting group

I'm an just pointing out the obvious to you. Someone should.

There was and article that made a claim. Anyone of intelligence would follow the article back to the data. The original data says the complete opposite of the article.

You used the second person pronoun first.

And you don't get the numbers and have to have the obvious pointed out to you. So, I informed you that you are an idiot.

Your failure to grasp the obvious is your failure. Idiots usually think they are right.

You should be thanking me for helping you understand that your an idiot.

I'm glad you think of yourself as smart.
No doubt you are following the Stuart Smalley standard

Some would argue that the strong need to identify others as 'not smart&#8217; is just a projection of
insecurity/self-doubt about their own intelligence.
Don't worry....
I would not be one of those people

Don't the hate the messenger

As I said
We know you "feel' it is wrong and try to allude to something
(but then the Left feels Obamacare will work)

But you don't really prove your point or support your claim.
Actual numbers from different credible sources to prove it
is not correct- no
Which is fine- but you have not proven that the article is

Are we to believe then that gov't dependency is on the decline?

You have only expressed an opinion.
simple enough to understand
Even for a person from the Dems's core voting group

Perhaps some links to extreme left wing websites will help?

My numbers aren't from some other source, they are from the article's source. Did you read the article? Did you follow the links to the data that the article used?

Obviously you didn't. Obviously you don't know what SIPP is?

The difference between smart and stupid is the behavior, the activity of actually looking at the data. You obviously didn't bother. Every time you post, you demonstrate that you don't bother to learn anything.
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I know, but that is a LIE

Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.


Well, actually, no it isn't. It doesn't have your name on it. It has the US government's name on it. It has the name of the Secretary of the Treasury on it.

Money is a tool used by society to make the economy more efficient. What is yours is the goods and services due for having done the work. The money is just a piece of paper that shows you actually did something for someone else.
I know, but that is a LIE

Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

The part about living in a society is that you pay taxes. Its been that way for at hundreds of years. Dont like it? Leave this place called earth otherwise STFU and come up with a better system.

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…

Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Well now, so anyone working full time or part time, but at such low wages that they need help just to have a roof over their head is considered on welfare in your opinion? Perhaps the problem is the wages they recieve for their work, as opposed to the profits the 1% make off of that work. These figures in the video tell the story;

Not "In my opinion" dope.

In the opinion of the United States Census Bureau

It isn't the opinion of the United States Census Bureau.

It is the "opinion" of CNS, an incorrect opinion because the very survey they site says differently. They, CNS, completely made it up. It is a complete, unadulterated piece of bull shit which you swallowed, hook, line and sinker.

This is the link to the article
Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

This is the link that the article provides to the data from the United States Census Bureau

SIPP Table Packages

The survey is called SIPP.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

There are 28 excell tables in the survey results,

The tables of interest are

Table 2: People by Receipt of Benefits from Selected Programs: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


Table 5: People 16 Years and Over by Labor Force Status and Monthly Household Cash Income: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


From the SIPP tables, the numbers are;

all people ..............................306,804...Table 2
....Full time 16+ .................... 141,067... Table 5
....Part time...............................2,252.....Table 5

means tested.........................108,502.....Table 2

See how I noted the exact table they come from?

That is 141,067k full time workers out of Population of 306,804k people with 108,502k people receiving means tested benefits.

These numbers are different than the numbers that the article uses to reach it's conclusion. The actual survey numbers show more full time worker than recipients.

This page, Comparison of SIPP with Other Surveys talks about how the survey data can be used and how not to use it.

"Compared with SIPP, however, the CPS has gaps in the area of income measurement."

The instructions for the survey data usage says that it cannot be compared directly to CPS and the survey has its own population estimate and employment estimate, why did CNS not just use the survey data?

Then, of course, many of those 108,502 means tested benefit recipients also work. They are part of the 141,067k full time workers.

CNS is lying to you. Worse yet, you are lying to yourself. That doesn't make you very smart.
Well now, so anyone working full time or part time, but at such low wages that they need help just to have a roof over their head is considered on welfare in your opinion? Perhaps the problem is the wages they recieve for their work, as opposed to the profits the 1% make off of that work. These figures in the video tell the story;

Not "In my opinion" dope.

In the opinion of the United States Census Bureau

It isn't the opinion of the United States Census Bureau.

It is the "opinion" of CNS, an incorrect opinion because the very survey they site says differently. They, CNS, completely made it up. It is a complete, unadulterated piece of bull shit which you swallowed, hook, line and sinker.

This is the link to the article
Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

This is the link that the article provides to the data from the United States Census Bureau

SIPP Table Packages

The survey is called SIPP.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

There are 28 excell tables in the survey results,

The tables of interest are

Table 2: People by Receipt of Benefits from Selected Programs: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


Table 5: People 16 Years and Over by Labor Force Status and Monthly Household Cash Income: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


From the SIPP tables, the numbers are;

all people ..............................306,804...Table 2
....Full time 16+ .................... 141,067... Table 5
....Part time...............................2,252.....Table 5

means tested.........................108,502.....Table 2

See how I noted the exact table they come from?

That is 141,067k full time workers out of Population of 306,804k people with 108,502k people receiving means tested benefits.

These numbers are different than the numbers that the article uses to reach it's conclusion. The actual survey numbers show more full time worker than recipients.

This page, Comparison of SIPP with Other Surveys talks about how the survey data can be used and how not to use it.

"Compared with SIPP, however, the CPS has gaps in the area of income measurement."

The instructions for the survey data usage says that it cannot be compared directly to CPS and the survey has its own population estimate and employment estimate, why did CNS not just use the survey data?

Then, of course, many of those 108,502 means tested benefit recipients also work. They are part of the 141,067k full time workers.

CNS is lying to you. Worse yet, you are lying to yourself. That doesn't make you very smart.

I'm just so impressed you were able to figure out they should have said the first number is greater than the second number rather than the first group out numbers the second group. Very impressive for a water carrier.
Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

Well, actually, no it isn't. It doesn't have your name on it. It has the US government's name on it. It has the name of the Secretary of the Treasury on it.

Money is a tool used by society to make the economy more efficient. What is yours is the goods and services due for having done the work. The money is just a piece of paper that shows you actually did something for someone else.

yes, actually IT is.

for the stupid leftard - one does not have to keep their earnings in the US paper money :D
Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

The part about living in a society is that you pay taxes. Its been that way for at hundreds of years. Dont like it? Leave this place called earth otherwise STFU and come up with a better system.

I could not care less what you consider part of living in the society.

Just stop LYING naming MY money equal to cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to be the same - and all is nice and peachy.

In other words - STOP LYING and STFU :D
If that is true, and the welfare recipients indicate an unwillingness to ever go back to work, it's over. The democrats have their dictatorship until the nation has its final economic collapse. Eventually the unwillingness to get off one's ass will end up in Leninesque forced labor camps.

In the UK, there are many kids who grow up with no one in their family or community having a job or wanting one, they learn to think nothing of it.

Margret Thatcher: The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money to spend.
Good point, I can't actually KNOW that. Never the less, the poverty rate has remained insignificantly changed for the past forty years.


We must remember that that graph is a percentage of the population. It doesn't mean that it is the same people in poverty today that were in poverty 5, 10 or even 20 years ago. People move in and out of income classes over time. I know I have. While my experience is merely anecdotal, I can tell you, 20 years ago I was a single parent barely making ends meet (in the second lowest quin-tile in family income and near the bottom of that quin-tile), but today, I am at the high end of the fourth quin-tile. The reasons for my change are varied, and they run the gamut from no longer supporting children to being paid more as a highly experienced employee. Now then, my children have moved in the opposite direction. At the point they moved out of my house, they were living in a high fourth quin-tile household. However, once they were on their own and self supporting, they dropped into the second level quin-tile for household income. That is mostly because they are young and inexperienced in the work force, they cannot command top wages like I can. My youngest daughter is soon to be married. The moment she becomes married, her and her husbands combined income will immediately vault them both from the second quin-tile into the third quin-tile for household income.

The poverty rate remains pretty consistent, but it isn't the same exact people over time.

In 1965 almost anywhere in America you could walk out of your high school graduation and, if you chose, go get a good paying job in industry/manufacturing, a job that would pay enough to support yourself, and a spouse, and kids in at least a working/middle class living.
Today almost nowhere in America can you do that.

I would argue that in 1965 a high-school education actually meant that one had obtained a level of education that is far higher than the high-school education of today. Today, they just pass the kids on.
Yay education <sarcasm intended>. But I digress.

Are you a proponent of these supposed "good manufacturing jobs"? Because, as of yet, I haven't seen a single politician wanting THEIR child working in manufacturing, just your child or my child working a job like that.
Would you rather your child work manufacturing shirts in a textile factory or providing a service such as medical care (doctor or nurse), accounting (financial officer for the manufacturer) or legal (attorney)? Perhaps you want your children working on an oil well, drilling holes in the ground as opposed to being the geologist that finds the oil well or engineer that designs the equipment for drilling.

It just cracks me up when people(politicians primarily) speak of "good manufacturing jobs" when they absolutely would prefer that their own children grow up to become doctors, lawyers and other professionals far from laborers in a manufacturing plant.

And why do they dis-respect or lie about these so called manufacturing jobs these days ? Is it because they know more than they let on about all of this in which they have in their knowledge or is it that they know what they have helped to set up in all of this to date ? Why is it that they want their children to have no part of this way of life anymore ? Is it because of what they know is going on maybe ? We might could learn a lot if we just look at what they want for their children, yet they turn around and advocate for ours to get sucked into the grind in which they know is a bad thing now for the rest or most of us, but someone has to do it right ? Someone needs to experience it, and become dependent upon it is what they think, just as long as their children by pass it all then everything is fine eh ? :eusa_whistle:
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Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…

AHHH yea, another Obama milestone.....what's next 100% tax on the rest of us dumb asses who still work ?
Not "In my opinion" dope.

In the opinion of the United States Census Bureau

It isn't the opinion of the United States Census Bureau.

It is the "opinion" of CNS, an incorrect opinion because the very survey they site says differently. They, CNS, completely made it up. It is a complete, unadulterated piece of bull shit which you swallowed, hook, line and sinker.

This is the link to the article
Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

This is the link that the article provides to the data from the United States Census Bureau

SIPP Table Packages

The survey is called SIPP.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

There are 28 excell tables in the survey results,

The tables of interest are

Table 2: People by Receipt of Benefits from Selected Programs: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


Table 5: People 16 Years and Over by Labor Force Status and Monthly Household Cash Income: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


From the SIPP tables, the numbers are;

all people ..............................306,804...Table 2
....Full time 16+ .................... 141,067... Table 5
....Part time...............................2,252.....Table 5

means tested.........................108,502.....Table 2

See how I noted the exact table they come from?

That is 141,067k full time workers out of Population of 306,804k people with 108,502k people receiving means tested benefits.

These numbers are different than the numbers that the article uses to reach it's conclusion. The actual survey numbers show more full time worker than recipients.

This page, Comparison of SIPP with Other Surveys talks about how the survey data can be used and how not to use it.

"Compared with SIPP, however, the CPS has gaps in the area of income measurement."

The instructions for the survey data usage says that it cannot be compared directly to CPS and the survey has its own population estimate and employment estimate, why did CNS not just use the survey data?

Then, of course, many of those 108,502 means tested benefit recipients also work. They are part of the 141,067k full time workers.

CNS is lying to you. Worse yet, you are lying to yourself. That doesn't make you very smart.

I'm just so impressed you were able to figure out they should have said the first number is greater than the second number rather than the first group out numbers the second group. Very impressive for a water carrier.
A perfect example of why the Right have no fear of lying to their dumb suckers. It is undeniable that CNS lied about the number of full time workers, but the assholes STILL accept all the other numbers as gospel!

It has already been shown that the numbers for those getting government are all wrong also. I gave an example, complete with links that showed that the CNS SSI numbers were off by 250%. CNS claimed 20 million on SSI and the SSA website monthly report showed the real number was 8 million. Clearly CNS is counting everyone in the household as collecting SSI when only one person is. Not only that, but a senior collecting SSI would also be eligible for Medicade and food stamps, so the same person will be counted as 3 people by CNS! I checked the others and every one is overestimated by CNS.

The entire OP is a pack of lies and no matter how many times the lies are exposed, not only will the dumb suckers on the Right continue to believe the lies but also will continue to accept CNS as a credible source. :cuckoo:
The effect of Obamacare on the current job market for full-time employment in 2013 under president Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that the ratio of part-time to full-time jobs has completely flipped this year from historical trends. Last year, six full-time jobs were created for every one part time job. This year, only one full-time job is being created for every four new part-time jobs.

Loren Goodridge, the owner of 21 Subway franchises, says he has no choice but to cut the hours of his employees to 29 a week to avoid the law&#8217;s penalties.

St. Petersburg College, a public university in Florida, is reducing the hours of 250 faculty members because the college says it cannot afford to provide them with health insurance.

Joseph Hansen, the president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union that originally supported the law, says the health law will have a &#8220;tremendous impact as workers have their hours reduced and their incomes reduced.&#8221;

It's Fact, Not Anecdote, That ObamaCare Is Turning Us Into A Part-Time Nation - Forbes
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It isn't the opinion of the United States Census Bureau.

It is the "opinion" of CNS, an incorrect opinion because the very survey they site says differently. They, CNS, completely made it up. It is a complete, unadulterated piece of bull shit which you swallowed, hook, line and sinker.

This is the link to the article
Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

This is the link that the article provides to the data from the United States Census Bureau

SIPP Table Packages

The survey is called SIPP.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

There are 28 excell tables in the survey results,

The tables of interest are

Table 2: People by Receipt of Benefits from Selected Programs: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


Table 5: People 16 Years and Over by Labor Force Status and Monthly Household Cash Income: Monthly Averages (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter)


From the SIPP tables, the numbers are;

all people ..............................306,804...Table 2
....Full time 16+ .................... 141,067... Table 5
....Part time...............................2,252.....Table 5

means tested.........................108,502.....Table 2

See how I noted the exact table they come from?

That is 141,067k full time workers out of Population of 306,804k people with 108,502k people receiving means tested benefits.

These numbers are different than the numbers that the article uses to reach it's conclusion. The actual survey numbers show more full time worker than recipients.

This page, Comparison of SIPP with Other Surveys talks about how the survey data can be used and how not to use it.

"Compared with SIPP, however, the CPS has gaps in the area of income measurement."

The instructions for the survey data usage says that it cannot be compared directly to CPS and the survey has its own population estimate and employment estimate, why did CNS not just use the survey data?

Then, of course, many of those 108,502 means tested benefit recipients also work. They are part of the 141,067k full time workers.

CNS is lying to you. Worse yet, you are lying to yourself. That doesn't make you very smart.

I'm just so impressed you were able to figure out they should have said the first number is greater than the second number rather than the first group out numbers the second group. Very impressive for a water carrier.
A perfect example of why the Right have no fear of lying to their dumb suckers. It is undeniable that CNS lied about the number of full time workers, but the assholes STILL accept all the other numbers as gospel!

It has already been shown that the numbers for those getting government are all wrong also. I gave an example, complete with links that showed that the CNS SSI numbers were off by 250%. CNS claimed 20 million on SSI and the SSA website monthly report showed the real number was 8 million. Clearly CNS is counting everyone in the household as collecting SSI when only one person is. Not only that, but a senior collecting SSI would also be eligible for Medicade and food stamps, so the same person will be counted as 3 people by CNS! I checked the others and every one is overestimated by CNS.

The entire OP is a pack of lies and no matter how many times the lies are exposed, not only will the dumb suckers on the Right continue to believe the lies but also will continue to accept CNS as a credible source. :cuckoo:

Do you really think when counting the number of people who receive food stamps they should subtract people who are on social security as well? What would that number be, the people who are not retired who are food stamps? Why would that be an interesting number?
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you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

Well, actually, no it isn't. It doesn't have your name on it. It has the US government's name on it. It has the name of the Secretary of the Treasury on it.

Money is a tool used by society to make the economy more efficient. What is yours is the goods and services due for having done the work. The money is just a piece of paper that shows you actually did something for someone else.

yes, actually IT is.

for the stupid leftard - one does not have to keep their earnings in the US paper money :D

See, expressing you personal subjective opinion without a lick of reason or logic, followed by "you're a doody head" comment just proves you are a moron. That you are an idiot doesn't make other people a "leftard". It just makes you stupid.

On the other hand, I am right because I've provided objective evidence. The reality is that

a) Money is a social tool.
b) It has no primary purpose except to be traded for stuff.
c) It has the name of the owner on it. "United States of America".

It is no more personal property that is the roadway. Like money, the roadway is a social tool that a person has usage rights to but not ownership of. Whem you are on the road, your sole acrivity is to get off it and out of the way. Same with money, a tool for which your primary activity is to get rid of it.

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