Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

Some guy on TV was bragging that he could live out in the sticks on 5k a year. Why work when all your needs will be taken care of by Obama's redistribution checks. Hmm... I could use some of my money to go complete off the grid at my ranch, thus reducing bills to an absolute minimum. Fully retire and just sit back and collect welfare for the next 15years prior to SS. Interesting...

Sad thing is they have fooled minorities into thinking they are helping them

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson

Some guy on TV was bragging that he could live out in the sticks on 5k a year. Why work when all your needs will be taken care of by Obama's redistribution checks. Hmm... I could use some of my money to go complete off the grid at my ranch, thus reducing bills to an absolute minimum. Fully retire and just sit back and collect welfare for the next 15years prior to SS. Interesting...

Sad thing is they have fooled minorities into thinking they are helping them

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson

They don't need a nest egg, they have the Democrats.
They start with a CNS article that flat out lies, using incorrect numbers not even found in the referenced data. They then compound it with even more bullshit articles that use false numbers. Then when exposed, they yell, "Your lying", because they have no objective evidence to rebut with.

Liars are easy to spot because the call other people liars right away. It is funny that way. If you aren't lying, you just put up the facts.



Do you really think when counting the number of people who receive food stamps they should subtract people who are on social security as well? What would that number be, the people who are not retired who are food stamps? Why would that be an interesting number?
Don't you think you are milking your perpetual dumb act just a little too much?

First of all SSI is not Social Security. Secondly the point was that there are only 8 million on SSI and CNS cited the number as 20 million, so CNS is counting people in the household not getting SSI as getting SSI.

You ignore all that dishonesty by CNS and try to divert from that by pretending to be too stupid to know the difference between SS and SSI.

SSI is paid for out of Social Security. Thus is fully funded by the payments made to SS by the person collecting his SS benefits. Additionally, the definition of "poverty" is poverty for the household. If someone is getting SSI in a family that SSI check is counted as money keeping that whole family out of poverty. Any other stupid statements you want to make?
If that were true, then SSI would not be welfare. As the link I provided earlier shows, there are some who get SSI and SS, but there are some who get only SSI. The vast majority of SSI recipients are the disabled., SSI is administered by the SSA but it is separate from SS.

And SSI keeps the SSI recipient out of poverty, not the family. But keep on making shit up, it makes you look brilliant! :cuckoo:
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Don't you think you are milking your perpetual dumb act just a little too much?

First of all SSI is not Social Security. Secondly the point was that there are only 8 million on SSI and CNS cited the number as 20 million, so CNS is counting people in the household not getting SSI as getting SSI.

You ignore all that dishonesty by CNS and try to divert from that by pretending to be too stupid to know the difference between SS and SSI.

SSI is paid for out of Social Security. Thus is fully funded by the payments made to SS by the person collecting his SS benefits. Additionally, the definition of "poverty" is poverty for the household. If someone is getting SSI in a family that SSI check is counted as money keeping that whole family out of poverty. Any other stupid statements you want to make?
If that were true, then SSI would not be welfare. As the link I provided earlier shows, there are some who get SSI and SS, but there are some who get only SSI. SSI is administered by the SSA but it is separate from SS.

And SSI keeps the SSI recipient out of poverty, not the family. But keep on making shit up, it makes you look brilliant! :cuckoo:

Thx on the SSI funding out of the general fund. I thought it was SS funded... my bad.

However, according to you a family that has one income earner making a million dollars in income a year can have another person living in the same household collecting SSI and a third in the same household collecting food stamps & CHIPS. On that point, you are clueless. Family income most certainly does apply to whether or not everyone in the family is in poverty or not.
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The part about living in a society is that you pay taxes. Its been that way for at hundreds of years. Dont like it? Leave this place called earth otherwise STFU and come up with a better system.

I could not care less what you consider part of living in the society.

Just stop LYING naming MY money equal to cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to be the same - and all is nice and peachy.

In other words - STOP LYING and STFU :D

That you are an idiot doesn't mean the other person is lying.
The Earth is round, not flat. Near light speed, clocks slow down amd length shrinks. Atomic particle don't exist in an exact location until they are measured. And, that little box on your paystub that says "taxes" isn't an accounting of your money, it is an accounting of our governments money. For government to function efficiently, we have to count all the work people do. Taxes count that.

("Funny thing is, when taxes go down, your boss thinks you got a raise. He considers it his money)

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.
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you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

Well, actually, no it isn't. It doesn't have your name on it. It has the US government's name on it. It has the name of the Secretary of the Treasury on it.

Money is a tool used by society to make the economy more efficient. What is yours is the goods and services due for having done the work. The money is just a piece of paper that shows you actually did something for someone else.

yes, actually IT is.

for the stupid leftard - one does not have to keep their earnings in the US paper money :D

That's right, you don't. You can move to China and keep it in Reinbi. You can buy aluminum cans, aluminum appreciates in value. But this just proves my point. Money is a socioeconomic tool with the primay purpose of being spent. It is a poor store of value and should be spent quickly.

And the money that is yours is your net earnings, after tax earning. The taxes are a govt accounting of the effort you've made so that the right amount of govt services can be provided for.

And the really stupid idea that you have is the idea that you would be able to buy more stuff if only you didn't have to pay those taxes. The problem with this egocentric, narrow minded concept is that everyone gets a tax decrease at the same time. No more stuff gets made just because everyone's taxes went down. We can't consume what we don't make. So the result is just that nominal prices rise, CPI goes up, and there is no change to real dollar prices.

It is really simple. Standard of living is the result of employment level, efficiency, and resource availability.
I could not care less what you consider part of living in the society.

Just stop LYING naming MY money equal to cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to be the same - and all is nice and peachy.

In other words - STOP LYING and STFU :D

That you are an idiot doesn't mean the other person is lying.
The Earth is round, not flat. Near light speed, clocks slow down amd length shrinks. Atomic particle don't exist in an exact location until they are measured. And, that little box on your paystub that says "taxes" isn't an accounting of your money, it is an accounting of our governments money. For government to function efficiently, we have to count all the work people do. Taxes count that.

("Funny thing is, when taxes go down, your boss thinks you got a raise. He considers it his money)

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.

It's not your money. That is your error, that you believe it is your money. Your money is what you get after taxes.

I see that you aren't capable as you have no actual intelligent response. But, like they say, you can lead an idiot to Harvard, but you can't make them think.
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yes, actually IT is.

for the stupid leftard - one does not have to keep their earnings in the US paper money :D

See, expressing you personal subjective opinion without a lick of reason or logic, followed by "you're a doody head" comment just proves you are a moron. That you are an idiot doesn't make other people a "leftard". It just makes you stupid.

On the other hand, I am right because I've provided objective evidence. The reality is that

a) Money is a social tool.
b) It has no primary purpose except to be traded for stuff.
c) It has the name of the owner on it. "United States of America".

It is no more personal property that is the roadway. Like money, the roadway is a social tool that a person has usage rights to but not ownership of. Whem you are on the road, your sole acrivity is to get off it and out of the way. Same with money, a tool for which your primary activity is to get rid of it.

OMFG WTF is wrong with you? Where are you from Russia? China? North Korea? We are paid for our labors and assets in US dollars, our assets in our bank accounts and held in cash are our personal property. You don't own my labor or my assets you marxist prick.

he is a leftard. he thinks YOU are the gubmint's property as well.

that is the leftard's mindset.

The gubmint is their atheist god
That you are an idiot doesn't mean the other person is lying.
The Earth is round, not flat. Near light speed, clocks slow down amd length shrinks. Atomic particle don't exist in an exact location until they are measured. And, that little box on your paystub that says "taxes" isn't an accounting of your money, it is an accounting of our governments money. For government to function efficiently, we have to count all the work people do. Taxes count that.

("Funny thing is, when taxes go down, your boss thinks you got a raise. He considers it his money)

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.

It's not your money. That is your error, that you believe it is your money. Your money is what you get after taxes.

I see that you aren't capable as you have no actual intelligent response. But, like they say, you can lead an idiot to Harvard, but you can't make them think.

yes, it is my money. and nobody else.

so piss off and STFU
SSI is paid for out of Social Security. Thus is fully funded by the payments made to SS by the person collecting his SS benefits. Additionally, the definition of "poverty" is poverty for the household. If someone is getting SSI in a family that SSI check is counted as money keeping that whole family out of poverty. Any other stupid statements you want to make?
If that were true, then SSI would not be welfare. As the link I provided earlier shows, there are some who get SSI and SS, but there are some who get only SSI. SSI is administered by the SSA but it is separate from SS.

And SSI keeps the SSI recipient out of poverty, not the family. But keep on making shit up, it makes you look brilliant! :cuckoo:

Thx on the SSI funding out of the general fund. I thought it was SS funded... my bad.

However, according to you a family that has one income earner making a million dollars in income a year can have another person living in the same household collecting SSI and a third in the same household collecting food stamps & CHIPS. On that point, you are clueless. Family income most certainly does apply to whether or not everyone in the family is in poverty or not.
If someone in a household that has an earner making a $ million is getting SSI, that SSI recipient is obviously not supporting the household and therefore all the other members of the household should not be counted as getting SSI as CNS counted them. You make my point for me.
Thank you.
Well, actually, no it isn't. It doesn't have your name on it. It has the US government's name on it. It has the name of the Secretary of the Treasury on it.

Money is a tool used by society to make the economy more efficient. What is yours is the goods and services due for having done the work. The money is just a piece of paper that shows you actually did something for someone else.

yes, actually IT is.

for the stupid leftard - one does not have to keep their earnings in the US paper money :D

That's right, you don't. You can move to China and keep it in Reinbi. You can buy aluminum cans, aluminum appreciates in value. But this just proves my point. Money is a socioeconomic tool with the primay purpose of being spent. It is a poor store of value and should be spent quickly.

And the money that is yours is your net earnings, after tax earning. The taxes are a govt accounting of the effort you've made so that the right amount of govt services can be provided for.

And the really stupid idea that you have is the idea that you would be able to buy more stuff if only you didn't have to pay those taxes. The problem with this egocentric, narrow minded concept is that everyone gets a tax decrease at the same time. No more stuff gets made just because everyone's taxes went down. We can't consume what we don't make. So the result is just that nominal prices rise, CPI goes up, and there is no change to real dollar prices.

It is really simple. Standard of living is the result of employment level, efficiency, and resource availability.

the taxes they rob me from my money do not BELONG to the gubmint.
it is the CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT between the individual and the gubmint that some portion of the individual's money will be allocated for some common functions.
It still is MY MONEY, not the gubmint's.
It is what I give them so they can function to protect me - nothing else.

they SERVE me for MY MONEY.

and if the contract changes and I decide to give them LESS money for the services they are providing ME - that does mean that MY money stay with ME and not that fucking gubmint is giving me a handout. gubmint did not work appropriately with my money and now deserves LESS - that is what it means.

the gubmint can not give ME a handout - it does not own my money. it uses my money to protect ME, not to serve itself. It is giving handouts to those which do not give ANY money to the common pot - and that is what foodstamps or welfare is - a handout. From MY money.

at least that is what was intended by out Constitution.
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Notice how as always no matter how comprehensively the OP's claims are debunked, the rightwing inmates here blithely march on,

with a new myth badge proudly attached to their sash.
If that were true, then SSI would not be welfare. As the link I provided earlier shows, there are some who get SSI and SS, but there are some who get only SSI. SSI is administered by the SSA but it is separate from SS.

And SSI keeps the SSI recipient out of poverty, not the family. But keep on making shit up, it makes you look brilliant! :cuckoo:

Thx on the SSI funding out of the general fund. I thought it was SS funded... my bad.

However, according to you a family that has one income earner making a million dollars in income a year can have another person living in the same household collecting SSI and a third in the same household collecting food stamps & CHIPS. On that point, you are clueless. Family income most certainly does apply to whether or not everyone in the family is in poverty or not.
If someone in a household that has an earner making a $ million is getting SSI, that SSI recipient is obviously not supporting the household and therefore all the other members of the household should not be counted as getting SSI as CNS counted them. You make my point for me.
Thank you.

You missed the point entirely. The means test is for the family. You are discounting that fact and saying they should not be counting the people in the family that the money is helping. Duh...
notice that when the leftards lies are debunked they immediately get the other ones and march on
Thx on the SSI funding out of the general fund. I thought it was SS funded... my bad.

However, according to you a family that has one income earner making a million dollars in income a year can have another person living in the same household collecting SSI and a third in the same household collecting food stamps & CHIPS. On that point, you are clueless. Family income most certainly does apply to whether or not everyone in the family is in poverty or not.
If someone in a household that has an earner making a $ million is getting SSI, that SSI recipient is obviously not supporting the household and therefore all the other members of the household should not be counted as getting SSI as CNS counted them. You make my point for me.
Thank you.

You missed the point entirely. The means test is for the family. You are discounting that fact and saying they should not be counting the people in the family that the money is helping. Duh...
You can pontificate all you want, but SSI is not a family benefit, it is an INDIVIDUAL benefit.

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI Eligibility
I know, but that is a LIE

Ah, the stupid shit cons believe.


you, leftards, keep posting that tax breaks are government "handouts" to those actually paying taxes, including tax credits for the children - even on this page - and in the next post you lie that is just a "belief"?

it is MY money - I owe the government NOTHING - they are robbing me of my earned money and if they are robbing me less - it is not a handout, it is less cruel robbery.

But your ilk keep naming it "handouts" as if MY money belong to the government.

A certain percentage of your earnings do belong to the government, not because the government is this big monster that was self created and is stealing your money but because this is what we as a society have deemed necessary to pay for the functions of our government at all levels.

As far as your belief that you own nothing to the government, well just quit paying them. Of course when a jury of your peers convicts you of tax evasion, then you can cry that it's all big government's fault.
The effect of Obamacare on the current job market for full-time employment in 2013 under president Obama.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that the ratio of part-time to full-time jobs has completely flipped this year from historical trends. Last year, six full-time jobs were created for every one part time job. This year, only one full-time job is being created for every four new part-time jobs.

Loren Goodridge, the owner of 21 Subway franchises, says he has no choice but to cut the hours of his employees to 29 a week to avoid the law’s penalties.

St. Petersburg College, a public university in Florida, is reducing the hours of 250 faculty members because the college says it cannot afford to provide them with health insurance.

Joseph Hansen, the president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union that originally supported the law, says the health law will have a “tremendous impact as workers have their hours reduced and their incomes reduced.”

It's Fact, Not Anecdote, That ObamaCare Is Turning Us Into A Part-Time Nation - Forbes
And here we see it again! This lie has been thoroughly debunked with the actual numbers, the number of part-time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN by about 1 million since Obamacare became law. The part-time jobs that have increased are the ones where workers only want part-time work. This is due to the aging Boomers. Those retiring Boomers who do not leave the workforce entirely usually reduce their hours.

So your source is dishonestly using workers who only want part-time jobs as people who have been forced to work part-time because of Obamacare. Not only that, the example Forbes gives of the St. Petersburg College cutting 250 teaching jobs to part-time was also exposed as a lie. The teachers were ALREADY working part-time. When NBC interviewed one of the part-time teachers affected she claimed her income would be cut in half. She was already part-time and therefore working less than 35 hours and we are supposed to believe that cutting her to 29 hours would cut her income in half. :eusa_liar:

I'm sure that the fact that Forbes is lying will not stop anyone on the Right from accepting then as a credible source! :cuckoo:

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Part-time math professor Tracey Sullivan said she will lose half her income because of the cuts.

"I never thought it would impact me directly,” said Sullivan. “I was stunned when I got the email...I love teaching at St. Pete College but that is a significant cut."

CPS has updated their data retrieval so I can't seem to get the Java applet to run. Still,

for 2011 and 2012

Full-time workers 112,556 114,809
Part-time workers 27,313 27,661

Part Time Percent 2011- 0.195275579 | 2012 : 0.194153155

Looks like it is insignificantly lower for part time workers from 2011 to 2012.

Employed persons by sex, occupation, class of worker, full- or part-time status, and race

The premise that the PPACA is causing more part time work is faulty. The obvious thing is that 2013 isn't over and PPACA isn't yet implemented. The second problem is that there has been no anticipatory decrease. Not according to the CPS data at Employed persons by sex, occupation, class of worker, full- or part-time status, and race

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