Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

It is the truth and as such
Truth is the worst enemy of the left

Your right killing off millions of minorities by way of fetus
is so much better

No doubt, any Democrat could hold up these stats at the
next NAACP meeting as proof of success
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The reason there are more people on SNAP or other subsidies, is because Obama encourages the non-inspired to get in the wagon, instead of pulling it. The axles are bowing under the intense weight. In turn, all Obama wanted was their vote which he got. Like back in the day, this was a 'trade' which in today's time, equates to buying his re-election

No worries though, like the tapering from the FED we will never see, welfare reform is going to be different. A real taper for these leeches starts 1 November.

Let the good times roll



Important Information For Organizations Helping SNAP Households:
starting NOVEMBER 2013
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16 trillion spent on the Great Society's social programs since 1965
and we have the same rate of poverty

Black use to have a lower divorce rate than whites
a lower illegitimate rate than whites and even a higher employment rate than whites

No you are right
the left's way is so much better

Lets pretend your numbers are correct. Then why the fuck do you "care" about all these unborn black babies? I take it that you want more blacks in jail, on drugs, on welfare, not staying married and not working at real jobs.

Why in the hell do you want more of that?

Sounds to me like black women better understand what prejudices and obstacles a black person will face and decide that it just ain't worth bringing another poor black baby into this world.

And what is your problem with this. Are you black?
The reason there are more people on SNAP or other subsidies, is because Obama encourages the non-inspired to get in the wagon, instead of pulling it. The axles are bowing under the intense weight. In turn, all Obama wanted was their vote which he got. Like back in the day, this was a 'trade' which in today's time, equates to buying his re-election

No worries though, like the tapering from the FED we will never see, welfare reform is going to be different. A real taper for these leeches starts 1 November.

Let the good times roll



Important Information For Organizations Helping SNAP Households:
starting NOVEMBER 2013

You really are stupid. Really. You have people working for mutli national companies qualifying for food stamps. The largest employer in the USA (Walmart) doesn't pay enough to keep a large percentage of their workforce from qualifying for SNAP. McDonalds counsels it's employees on how to get food stamps.

But you want to claim "Obama did it."

What the fuk is wrong with you? Did you get a job yet? Mad you didn't sign up for SNAP?
Or mad that your employer pays you so little that you qualify for SNAP? Which one applies?
16 trillion spent on the Great Society's social programs since 1965
and we have the same rate of poverty

Black use to have a lower divorce rate than whites
a lower illegitimate rate than whites and even a higher employment rate than whites

No you are right
the left's way is so much better

Lets pretend your numbers are correct. Then why the fuck do you "care" about all these unborn black babies? I take it that you want more blacks in jail, on drugs, on welfare, not staying married and not working at real jobs.

Why in the hell do you want more of that?

Sounds to me like black women better understand what prejudices and obstacles a black person will face and decide that it just ain't worth bringing another poor black baby into this world.

And what is your problem with this. Are you black?

The numbers are correct. But your leftist mind is able to think of intentions only
not results. The left never wants to look at results. They just like to feel they are
good people because"they care".

I care about all humans
though your callous disregard for some is noted
Last edited:
It is the truth and as such
Truth is the worst enemy of the left

Your right killing off millions of minorities by way of fetus
is so much better

No doubt, any Democrat could hold up these stats at the
next NAACP meeting as proof of success

Again, I'm asking. where are the "Abortion Mobiles" grabbing women off the street and forcing abortions on them?

Oh, no, that's right. They are just using their Jedi Mind Tricks to make them walk down to abortion clinics and have abortions.
The reason there are more people on SNAP or other subsidies, is because Obama encourages the non-inspired to get in the wagon, instead of pulling it. The axles are bowing under the intense weight. In turn, all Obama wanted was their vote which he got. Like back in the day, this was a 'trade' which in today's time, equates to buying his re-election

No worries though, like the tapering from the FED we will never see, welfare reform is going to be different. A real taper for these leeches starts 1 November.

Let the good times roll



Important Information For Organizations Helping SNAP Households:
starting NOVEMBER 2013

You really are stupid. Really. You have people working for mutli national companies qualifying for food stamps. The largest employer in the USA (Walmart) doesn't pay enough to keep a large percentage of their workforce from qualifying for SNAP. McDonalds counsels it's employees on how to get food stamps.

But you want to claim "Obama did it."

What the fuk is wrong with you? Did you get a job yet? Mad you didn't sign up for SNAP?
Or mad that your employer pays you so little that you qualify for SNAP? Which one applies?

Who is forcing folks to work at McDonalds? Or Walmart? The answer is, if folks want better benefits it means finding a better job. If more people were inclined to do that, and McDonalds had to actually compete to obtain employee's, maybe they would raise their benefit packages to do so.

16 trillion spent on the Great Society's social programs since 1965
and we have the same rate of poverty

Black use to have a lower divorce rate than whites
a lower illegitimate rate than whites and even a higher employment rate than whites

No you are right
the left's way is so much better

Lets pretend your numbers are correct. Then why the fuck do you "care" about all these unborn black babies? I take it that you want more blacks in jail, on drugs, on welfare, not staying married and not working at real jobs.

Why in the hell do you want more of that?

Sounds to me like black women better understand what prejudices and obstacles a black person will face and decide that it just ain't worth bringing another poor black baby into this world.

And what is your problem with this. Are you black?

The numbers are correct. But your leftist mind is able to think of intentions only
not results. The left never wants to look at results. They just like to feel they are
good people because"they care".

I care about all humans
though your callous disregard for some is noted

Sure you do dude. Sure you do. That's why you decided you could slam you some Demorats with the idea that it MUST be the Dems fault that blacks have so many issues to deal with.

As to my callous disregard. Yea sure. It is such a good idea for a child to be born into poverty, with a mom on welfare and a dad they will never know. Then they can get a shitty education, join a gang and end up dead or in prison.

Yea that sure is "callous disregard" for not wanting kids to go through that.

In fact though, it is none of your business and none of my business whether or not black women (or any women for that matter) has a child or not.

But keep trying to blame it on the Dems. You rethugs do need your social issues to complain about. You all don't do anything to resolve these issues. But do keep on complaining.
In your world, a 13 year old can trick a 40 year old male into having sex

Try to stay on topic.

Where are the abortion mobiles.

I mean, you do have countries like China that coerce abortions, but frankly, in this one, it's all voluntary.

It's just no one is scared by your Imaginary Sky Pixie enough not to have one.


When facing these conditions
the results of the left's program leave them
very little choice.

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson
Lets pretend your numbers are correct. Then why the fuck do you "care" about all these unborn black babies? I take it that you want more blacks in jail, on drugs, on welfare, not staying married and not working at real jobs.

Why in the hell do you want more of that?

Sounds to me like black women better understand what prejudices and obstacles a black person will face and decide that it just ain't worth bringing another poor black baby into this world.

And what is your problem with this. Are you black?

The numbers are correct. But your leftist mind is able to think of intentions only
not results. The left never wants to look at results. They just like to feel they are
good people because"they care".

I care about all humans
though your callous disregard for some is noted

Sure you do dude. Sure you do. That's why you decided you could slam you some Demorats with the idea that it MUST be the Dems fault that blacks have so many issues to deal with.

As to my callous disregard. Yea sure. It is such a good idea for a child to be born into poverty, with a mom on welfare and a dad they will never know. Then they can get a shitty education, join a gang and end up dead or in prison.

Yea that sure is "callous disregard" for not wanting kids to go through that.

In fact though, it is none of your business and none of my business whether or not black women (or any women for that matter) has a child or not.

But keep trying to blame it on the Dems. You rethugs do need your social issues to complain about. You all don't do anything to resolve these issues. But do keep on complaining.

From a judgment of the results
it does appear that the Left does not care about resolving these issues

Though it does keep a solid voting bloc for the left
funny how that works
The reason there are more people on SNAP or other subsidies, is because Obama encourages the non-inspired to get in the wagon, instead of pulling it. The axles are bowing under the intense weight. In turn, all Obama wanted was their vote which he got. Like back in the day, this was a 'trade' which in today's time, equates to buying his re-election

No worries though, like the tapering from the FED we will never see, welfare reform is going to be different. A real taper for these leeches starts 1 November.

Let the good times roll



Important Information For Organizations Helping SNAP Households:
starting NOVEMBER 2013

You really are stupid. Really. You have people working for mutli national companies qualifying for food stamps. The largest employer in the USA (Walmart) doesn't pay enough to keep a large percentage of their workforce from qualifying for SNAP. McDonalds counsels it's employees on how to get food stamps.

But you want to claim "Obama did it."

What the fuk is wrong with you? Did you get a job yet? Mad you didn't sign up for SNAP?
Or mad that your employer pays you so little that you qualify for SNAP? Which one applies?

Who is forcing folks to work at McDonalds? Or Walmart? The answer is, if folks want better benefits it means finding a better job. If more people were inclined to do that, and McDonalds had to actually compete to obtain employee's, maybe they would raise their benefit packages to do so.


Where are those "better jobs" dude? Come on, list them up. Where does someone who worked fast food or retail for the past few years, where do they go to get this "better job".
Does the McDonald worker go to Wendys? Oh boy, got a whole quarter more on the hour.
Maybe the Walmart worker goes to Target. WOW 8.25 instead of 7.50.

Walmart and McDonalds are two of the largest employers in the USA. Why is it not OK with you that people want to want for large multi national, multi billion dollar companies. And expect that if they do a good job that they should be paid enough not to qualify for food stamps.

But where are those "better jobs". And do you even have a job yet?
In your world, a 13 year old can trick a 40 year old male into having sex

Try to stay on topic.

Where are the abortion mobiles.

I mean, you do have countries like China that coerce abortions, but frankly, in this one, it's all voluntary.

It's just no one is scared by your Imaginary Sky Pixie enough not to have one.


When facing these conditions
the results of the left's program leave them
very little choice.

Uh, no, not really.

Most abortions are had by middle class women.

Now, true, Republicans have pretty much demolished the middle class, which is why more women choose abortion, so there's that.
The numbers are correct. But your leftist mind is able to think of intentions only
not results. The left never wants to look at results. They just like to feel they are
good people because"they care".

I care about all humans
though your callous disregard for some is noted

Sure you do dude. Sure you do. That's why you decided you could slam you some Demorats with the idea that it MUST be the Dems fault that blacks have so many issues to deal with.

As to my callous disregard. Yea sure. It is such a good idea for a child to be born into poverty, with a mom on welfare and a dad they will never know. Then they can get a shitty education, join a gang and end up dead or in prison.

Yea that sure is "callous disregard" for not wanting kids to go through that.

In fact though, it is none of your business and none of my business whether or not black women (or any women for that matter) has a child or not.

But keep trying to blame it on the Dems. You rethugs do need your social issues to complain about. You all don't do anything to resolve these issues. But do keep on complaining.

From a judgment of the results
it does appear that the Left does not care about resolving these issues

Though it does keep a solid voting bloc for the left
funny how that works

Like the way you ignore certain comments so you can "stay on point". LMAO.

But go ahead and list all the wonderful programs that the Repubs have put forth to address this issue (poor blacks) that concerns you so much.

There must be, what, at least ONE program that the Repubs have put forth to help blacks.
What is that program?
You really are stupid. Really. You have people working for mutli national companies qualifying for food stamps. The largest employer in the USA (Walmart) doesn't pay enough to keep a large percentage of their workforce from qualifying for SNAP. McDonalds counsels it's employees on how to get food stamps.

But you want to claim "Obama did it."

What the fuk is wrong with you? Did you get a job yet? Mad you didn't sign up for SNAP?
Or mad that your employer pays you so little that you qualify for SNAP? Which one applies?

Who is forcing folks to work at McDonalds? Or Walmart? The answer is, if folks want better benefits it means finding a better job. If more people were inclined to do that, and McDonalds had to actually compete to obtain employee's, maybe they would raise their benefit packages to do so.


Where are those "better jobs" dude? Come on, list them up. Where does someone who worked fast food or retail for the past few years, where do they go to get this "better job".
Does the McDonald worker go to Wendys? Oh boy, got a whole quarter more on the hour.
Maybe the Walmart worker goes to Target. WOW 8.25 instead of 7.50.

Walmart and McDonalds are two of the largest employers in the USA. Why is it not OK with you that people want to want for large multi national, multi billion dollar companies. And expect that if they do a good job that they should be paid enough not to qualify for food stamps.

But where are those "better jobs". And do you even have a job yet?

Jobs are not handed out 'dude'. They have to be earned by improving your position to become more employable. But you do have a small point, in that Obama's economy does not reward the motivated.

Sure you do dude. Sure you do. That's why you decided you could slam you some Demorats with the idea that it MUST be the Dems fault that blacks have so many issues to deal with.

As to my callous disregard. Yea sure. It is such a good idea for a child to be born into poverty, with a mom on welfare and a dad they will never know. Then they can get a shitty education, join a gang and end up dead or in prison.

Yea that sure is "callous disregard" for not wanting kids to go through that.

In fact though, it is none of your business and none of my business whether or not black women (or any women for that matter) has a child or not.

But keep trying to blame it on the Dems. You rethugs do need your social issues to complain about. You all don't do anything to resolve these issues. But do keep on complaining.

From a judgment of the results
it does appear that the Left does not care about resolving these issues

Though it does keep a solid voting bloc for the left
funny how that works

Like the way you ignore certain comments so you can "stay on point". LMAO.

But go ahead and list all the wonderful programs that the Repubs have put forth to address this issue (poor blacks) that concerns you so much.

There must be, what, at least ONE program that the Repubs have put forth to help blacks.
What is that program?

Staying on point and ignoring baseless accusations

that is almost like looking at the results

I hear you
what was I thinking

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Try to stay on topic.

Where are the abortion mobiles.

I mean, you do have countries like China that coerce abortions, but frankly, in this one, it's all voluntary.

It's just no one is scared by your Imaginary Sky Pixie enough not to have one.


When facing these conditions
the results of the left's program leave them
very little choice.

Uh, no, not really.

Most abortions are had by middle class women.

Now, true, Republicans have pretty much demolished the middle class, which is why more women choose abortion, so there's that.

when facing the reality induced by the failed social programs
of the left,

they have little choice. It is apparent the programs
are only meant to keep them in place and keep their vote.

Almost 50 years and 16 trillion dollars and the same level
of poverty-

The left must be stuck on stupid mode to think this is working

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson
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Sure you do dude. Sure you do. That's why you decided you could slam you some Demorats with the idea that it MUST be the Dems fault that blacks have so many issues to deal with.

As to my callous disregard. Yea sure. It is such a good idea for a child to be born into poverty, with a mom on welfare and a dad they will never know. Then they can get a shitty education, join a gang and end up dead or in prison.

Yea that sure is "callous disregard" for not wanting kids to go through that.

In fact though, it is none of your business and none of my business whether or not black women (or any women for that matter) has a child or not.

But keep trying to blame it on the Dems. You rethugs do need your social issues to complain about. You all don't do anything to resolve these issues. But do keep on complaining.

From a judgment of the results
it does appear that the Left does not care about resolving these issues

Though it does keep a solid voting bloc for the left
funny how that works

Like the way you ignore certain comments so you can "stay on point". LMAO.

But go ahead and list all the wonderful programs that the Repubs have put forth to address this issue (poor blacks) that concerns you so much.

There must be, what, at least ONE program that the Repubs have put forth to help blacks.
What is that program?


Who is forcing folks to work at McDonalds? Or Walmart? The answer is, if folks want better benefits it means finding a better job. If more people were inclined to do that, and McDonalds had to actually compete to obtain employee's, maybe they would raise their benefit packages to do so.


Where are those "better jobs" dude? Come on, list them up. Where does someone who worked fast food or retail for the past few years, where do they go to get this "better job".
Does the McDonald worker go to Wendys? Oh boy, got a whole quarter more on the hour.
Maybe the Walmart worker goes to Target. WOW 8.25 instead of 7.50.

Walmart and McDonalds are two of the largest employers in the USA. Why is it not OK with you that people want to want for large multi national, multi billion dollar companies. And expect that if they do a good job that they should be paid enough not to qualify for food stamps.

But where are those "better jobs". And do you even have a job yet?

Jobs are not handed out 'dude'. They have to be earned by improving your position to become more employable. But you do have a small point, in that Obama's economy does not reward the motivated.


In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. It just sounds so GOOD to say shit like you do. I mean, you heard it on Rush's show so it must be true.

There are just so MANY good paying jobs out there. And these fast food workers and cheap retail workers have so many opportunities to go out and GET them a 25 dollar an hour job. If they only would. And if those jobs were out there for low skill, hard working Americans.

Why it's just like it was in the good ole days. When American built most everything and union jobs were everywhere and all you had to do was show up and start work.

It's just like that today, isn't it Goforit? You get a job yet. I gotta believe the answer is "no".
Seeing as how you didn't mention that you work.

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