Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

From a judgment of the results
it does appear that the Left does not care about resolving these issues

Though it does keep a solid voting bloc for the left
funny how that works

Like the way you ignore certain comments so you can "stay on point". LMAO.

But go ahead and list all the wonderful programs that the Repubs have put forth to address this issue (poor blacks) that concerns you so much.

There must be, what, at least ONE program that the Repubs have put forth to help blacks.
What is that program?



Attempts to stop the Left's destruction of the black family unit
should be included

Really, when you look at the results of the left's failed programs
It looks like someone from the KKK planned it out

Oddly enough, these programs are nothing more than sugar coated slavery

Makes sense
the Democrats
the party of the three S's
Slavery, Segregation, Socialism
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Where are those "better jobs" dude? Come on, list them up. Where does someone who worked fast food or retail for the past few years, where do they go to get this "better job".
Does the McDonald worker go to Wendys? Oh boy, got a whole quarter more on the hour.
Maybe the Walmart worker goes to Target. WOW 8.25 instead of 7.50.

Walmart and McDonalds are two of the largest employers in the USA. Why is it not OK with you that people want to want for large multi national, multi billion dollar companies. And expect that if they do a good job that they should be paid enough not to qualify for food stamps.

But where are those "better jobs". And do you even have a job yet?

Jobs are not handed out 'dude'. They have to be earned by improving your position to become more employable. But you do have a small point, in that Obama's economy does not reward the motivated.


In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. It just sounds so GOOD to say shit like you do. I mean, you heard it on Rush's show so it must be true.

There are just so MANY good paying jobs out there. And these fast food workers and cheap retail workers have so many opportunities to go out and GET them a 25 dollar an hour job. If they only would. And if those jobs were out there for low skill, hard working Americans.

Why it's just like it was in the good ole days. When American built most everything and union jobs were everywhere and all you had to do was show up and start work.

It's just like that today, isn't it Goforit? You get a job yet. I gotta believe the answer is "no".
Seeing as how you didn't mention that you work.

There are consequences for every decision made in life. Some positive, and some negative. The key is to maximize the positive ones. For those who chose not to seek higher education, trade schools, the military, or other areas that make them more employable, then nothing is wrong with them waking up every day and facing the consequences of their choices. And that very well could be working a low wage job with minimum or no benefits.

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Jobs are not handed out 'dude'. They have to be earned by improving your position to become more employable. But you do have a small point, in that Obama's economy does not reward the motivated.


In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. It just sounds so GOOD to say shit like you do. I mean, you heard it on Rush's show so it must be true.

There are just so MANY good paying jobs out there. And these fast food workers and cheap retail workers have so many opportunities to go out and GET them a 25 dollar an hour job. If they only would. And if those jobs were out there for low skill, hard working Americans.

Why it's just like it was in the good ole days. When American built most everything and union jobs were everywhere and all you had to do was show up and start work.

It's just like that today, isn't it Goforit? You get a job yet. I gotta believe the answer is "no".
Seeing as how you didn't mention that you work.

There are consequences for every decision made in life. Some positive, and some negative. The key is to maximize the positive ones. For those who chose not to seek higher education, trade schools, the military, or other areas that make them more employable, then nothing is wrong with them waking up every day and facing the consequences of their choices. And that very well could be working a low wage job with minimum or no benefits.


I gotta feeling that YOU were writing that to yourself. Sounds like the position that you find yourself in. To bad. Go out and get yourself that good paying job. You will feel better about yourself.

Me, I gotta go to work. Later.
In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. It just sounds so GOOD to say shit like you do. I mean, you heard it on Rush's show so it must be true.

There are just so MANY good paying jobs out there. And these fast food workers and cheap retail workers have so many opportunities to go out and GET them a 25 dollar an hour job. If they only would. And if those jobs were out there for low skill, hard working Americans.

Why it's just like it was in the good ole days. When American built most everything and union jobs were everywhere and all you had to do was show up and start work.

It's just like that today, isn't it Goforit? You get a job yet. I gotta believe the answer is "no".
Seeing as how you didn't mention that you work.

There are consequences for every decision made in life. Some positive, and some negative. The key is to maximize the positive ones. For those who chose not to seek higher education, trade schools, the military, or other areas that make them more employable, then nothing is wrong with them waking up every day and facing the consequences of their choices. And that very well could be working a low wage job with minimum or no benefits.


I gotta feeling that YOU were writing that to yourself. Sounds like the position that you find yourself in. To bad. Go out and get yourself that good paying job. You will feel better about yourself.

Me, I gotta go to work. Later.

Got the morning shift at McDonalds, huh?
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

How did THIS administration's policies cause a Baby Boom in the 1940s and 50s?????? :cuckoo:
You can pontificate all you want, but SSI is not a family benefit, it is an INDIVIDUAL benefit.

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI Eligibility




Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.



Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.

Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are an alien), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount.
YOUR benefit amount, not your spouse's benefit amount, not your parent(s)'s benefit amount, not your sponsor's benefit amount, but YOUR benefit amount. SSI is an individual's benefit.
Wrong again your spouse income is used to calculate whether or not your family gets a check. It's a total family thing same as EIC. The checks are for the family not the individual. This is not a pension check. This is a we see that your family needs more money check.
"Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are an alien), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount."
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

How did THIS administration's policies cause a Baby Boom in the 1940s and 50s?????? :cuckoo:

ROFL why are the baby boomers having an inability to create a business? Is there some law that states baby boomers have to work part time and can't create their own business? Is creating a business harder for baby boomers for some reason? Is it the drugs, or the poor education, why do just baby boomers need someone to hold their hands when all the prior generations were just fine?

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

Published: May 25, 2013

LOS ANGELES — After years of grueling battles over state budget deficits and spending cuts, California has a new challenge on its hands: too much money. An unexpected surplus is fueling an argument over how the state should respond to its turn of good fortune.

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

California ends decade of deficits as governor signs new budget

SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE 27 | Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:29pm

California ends decade of deficits as governor signs new budget

SAN FRANCISCO, June 27 (Reuters) - California ended a decade of budget deficits on Thursday as Governor Jerry Brown signed a $96.3 billion general fund budget that includes a surplus and modestly increases spending.

California?s budget: Redemption song | The Economist

Redemption song
Jerry Brown has repaired California’s finances—but only in the short term
Jun 15th 2013 | LOS ANGELES

POLITICIANS seldom show the caution required of fiscal analysts. Revenue projections are too rosy, deficit targets are blithely missed and rash promises are lavished on voters. Yet last month California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office, an independent fiscal monitor, rebuked the governor, Jerry Brown, for his “unduly pessimistic” account of the state’s economy. Mr Brown had predicted a $1.2 billion surplus for the coming fiscal year; the LAO put the figure at over $4.6 billion. This week the state’s leaders found themselves in the unusual position of agreeing a budget that did not include whopping cuts.

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

And as far as Federal grant monies and Food assistance dollars vs the amount of Fed Taxes paid, California and Texas are about equal.

Texas and California are not representative of the typical state in the United States, either.
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

How did THIS administration's policies cause a Baby Boom in the 1940s and 50s?????? :cuckoo:

ROFL why are the baby boomers having an inability to create a business? Is there some law that states baby boomers have to work part time and can't create their own business? Is creating a business harder for baby boomers for some reason? Is it the drugs, or the poor education, why do just baby boomers need someone to hold their hands when all the prior generations were just fine?
I think you mean Democrats.

How did THIS administration's policies cause a Baby Boom in the 1940s and 50s?????? :cuckoo:

ROFL why are the baby boomers having an inability to create a business? Is there some law that states baby boomers have to work part time and can't create their own business? Is creating a business harder for baby boomers for some reason? Is it the drugs, or the poor education, why do just baby boomers need someone to hold their hands when all the prior generations were just fine?
I think you mean Democrats.


Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

From 2011

High poverty, low welfare use in Texas | Texas Watchdog

Texas has one of the highest poverty rates and one of the lowest rates of public assistance use in the country, according to two briefs by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas, which ranked 9th in poverty and 45th in welfare use, is among several states - Alabama and Arkansas are two others - where poverty is much higher and public assistance much lower than the national average, a story about the reports by Stateline today says.*

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

From 2011

High poverty, low welfare use in Texas | Texas Watchdog

Texas has one of the highest poverty rates and one of the lowest rates of public assistance use in the country, according to two briefs by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas, which ranked 9th in poverty and 45th in welfare use, is among several states - Alabama and Arkansas are two others - where poverty is much higher and public assistance much lower than the national average, a story about the reports by Stateline today says.*


Yeah and I bought my land for 10k an acre on water and built my house for $50 a square foot. And our electricity, gas, and taxes are lower here too :) Must suck to live in a high cost of living state run by democrats.
Most working poor people work for companies that rake in untold billions of dollars, so the real frustration is why are you and me having to help these corporations to subsidize their employees?

Walmart is one of the largest employers in America, if not the largest. And yet a great deal of their workforce is part of the number of people who need additional assistance.

If their employees were making $5 more an hour, less of us would have to help out.

Too bad Republicans are against raising the minimum wage though. A lot of them don't even believe there should be one. Republicans are the most hypocritical bums on this whole issue.

We could solve a lot of this problem by simply paying our working poor more fairly for the house they put in at corporations that have never done better for themselves. They can still be mega rich AND make their employees' lives better AND lessen the burden for you and me.

It's a triple-whammy to raise the minimum wage in a meaningful way, but Republicans would never go for it, because they would rather be able to push this issue forever than to actually fix it. That's all they're worth these days; just hypocritical complaining in order to get themselves all riled up.

Raising the minimum wage will have little effect, if the overall VALUE of the dollar keeps dropping by printing more of the U.S. Dollar to pump into the economy. You can do your best to manipulate the economy by giving everyone a false sense of security, however this will only lead us on the path towards inflation along with a misery index similar to that found under the Carter administration.
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No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

From 2011

High poverty, low welfare use in Texas | Texas Watchdog

Texas has one of the highest poverty rates and one of the lowest rates of public assistance use in the country, according to two briefs by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas, which ranked 9th in poverty and 45th in welfare use, is among several states - Alabama and Arkansas are two others - where poverty is much higher and public assistance much lower than the national average, a story about the reports by Stateline today says.*


Yeah and I bought my land for 10k an acre on water and built my house for $50 a square foot. And our electricity, gas, and taxes are lower here too :) Must suck to live in a high cost of living state run by democrats.

California and NY have both the highest wages, GSP, and cost of living. Texas has the lowest wages and cost of living. It is how free market supply and demand works.
Most working poor people work for companies that rake in untold billions of dollars, so the real frustration is why are you and me having to help these corporations to subsidize their employees?

Walmart is one of the largest employers in America, if not the largest. And yet a great deal of their workforce is part of the number of people who need additional assistance.

If their employees were making $5 more an hour, less of us would have to help out.

Too bad Republicans are against raising the minimum wage though. A lot of them don't even believe there should be one. Republicans are the most hypocritical bums on this whole issue.

We could solve a lot of this problem by simply paying our working poor more fairly for the house they put in at corporations that have never done better for themselves. They can still be mega rich AND make their employees' lives better AND lessen the burden for you and me.

It's a triple-whammy to raise the minimum wage in a meaningful way, but Republicans would never go for it, because they would rather be able to push this issue forever than to actually fix it. That's all they're worth these days; just hypocritical complaining in order to get themselves all riled up.

Raising the minimum wage will have little effect, if the overall VALUE of the dollar keeps dropping by printing more of the U.S. Dollar to pump into the economy. You can do your best to manipulate the economy by giving everyone a false sense of security, however this will only lead us on the path towards inflation along with a misery index similar to that found under the Carter administration.

The national rate of inflation has been consistently the lowest and most stable in history, holding at about 2-2.5% annually.

The money supply is created primarily by the private banking markets, in the form of business and consumer loans.

None of what you said makes any sense at the most fundamental level of macro economic reality.
YOUR benefit amount, not your spouse's benefit amount, not your parent(s)'s benefit amount, not your sponsor's benefit amount, but YOUR benefit amount. SSI is an individual's benefit.
Wrong again your spouse income is used to calculate whether or not your family gets a check. It's a total family thing same as EIC. The checks are for the family not the individual. This is not a pension check. This is a we see that your family needs more money check.
"Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are an alien), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount."
There you go changing the words to suite your bullshit. "Family" is not spelled "YOUR."

Red States Are Welfare Queens | USAHM Conspiracy News

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let’s go through the top twenty.

Nevada, with the nation’s highest unemployment, at 11.7 percent, has a welfare-participation rate about one-quarter of California’s. In California, 3.8 percent of the population receives monthly welfare checks. In no other state is more than 3 percent of the population on the dole.

Some may assume that the illegal-immigrant population in California expands its welfare rolls. But in Texas, which also has a large illegal-immigrant population, less than one half of one percent of the population receives welfare.

California: America?s Welfare Queen | National Review Online

No state can top the amount of debt and problems that California is facing, sorry.

From 2011

High poverty, low welfare use in Texas | Texas Watchdog

Texas has one of the highest poverty rates and one of the lowest rates of public assistance use in the country, according to two briefs by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas, which ranked 9th in poverty and 45th in welfare use, is among several states - Alabama and Arkansas are two others - where poverty is much higher and public assistance much lower than the national average, a story about the reports by Stateline today says.*

so you admit that you have lied yet AGAIN :lol:
Red States Are Welfare Queens

and n the next post:
Texas has one of the highest poverty rates and one of the lowest rates of public assistance use in the country, according to two briefs by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas, which ranked 9th in poverty and 45th in welfare use

leftard being a repeated LIAR? I am shocked :D

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