Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

If one qualifies on the additional child tax credit form.
If it just reduces your tax liability then it is just your money you are keeping.
Even in the case of the additional child tax credit, it it base lined against
the amount of SS and Medicare taxes one pays. It makes your cash flow with
gov't on the tax form never be less than zero.

Notice, this is different than the EIC which is a total positive cash flow
to the filer. i.e. it is money they never had to begin with...

I love how the rightwing inmates here can always concoct an argument to rationalize their own slice of the welfare pie.

Does that include those who don't get the credit?
But, if you are advocating a flat tax for all with no deductions
I am on board

Testimony on Means-Tested Programs and Tax Credits for Low-Income Households

The federal government devotes roughly one-sixth of its spending to 10 major means-tested programs and tax credits, which provide cash payments or assistance in obtaining health care, food, housing, or education to people with relatively low income or few assets. Those programs and credits consist of the following:

  • Medicaid,
  • The low-income subsidy for Part D of Medicare (the part of Medicare that provides prescription drug benefits),
  • The refundable portion of the earned income tax credit (EITC),
  • The refundable portion of the child tax credit,
  • Supplemental Security Income,
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,
  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called the Food Stamp program),
  • Child nutrition programs,
  • Housing assistance programs, and
  • The Federal Pell Grant Program.

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

It should range from 10% to 90%, depending on the state of the free market economy. The problem is that you not only do you ignore facts when they aren't what you want, you can't interpret them correctly anyways.
I love how the rightwing inmates here can always concoct an argument to rationalize their own slice of the welfare pie.

Yes keeping more of your own earned money vs. entitlement hand-outs are such a concoction.

it is an outward LIE.

they know perfectly well that keeping YOUR money which YOU EARNED is not equal to getting money you did not earn and somebody else got robbed from them so you can get it - but keep lying and lying and lying that it is the same.

the tactic is universal for the leftards - they lie the same way that abortion is not a murder, because the baby is a cluster of cells and she does not feel pain, whereas the baby is a human beeing and feels excruciating pain - which has been scientifically proven.

They still lie.

Leftards ALWAYS LIE.

They can not tell the truth because truth won't get them anywhere - if people would see what those lying scumbags are really about they would be discarded in a blink of an eye.

The only way they can get into power is LIES.

That is a lie.
If someone in a household that has an earner making a $ million is getting SSI, that SSI recipient is obviously not supporting the household and therefore all the other members of the household should not be counted as getting SSI as CNS counted them. You make my point for me.
Thank you.

You missed the point entirely. The means test is for the family. You are discounting that fact and saying they should not be counting the people in the family that the money is helping. Duh...
You can pontificate all you want, but SSI is not a family benefit, it is an INDIVIDUAL benefit.

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI Eligibility




Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.



Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.

Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are an alien), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount.
The effect of Obamacare on the current job market for full-time employment in 2013 under president Obama.
And here we see it again! This lie has been thoroughly debunked with the actual numbers, the number of part-time workers for economic reasons has gone DOWN by about 1 million since Obamacare became law. The part-time jobs that have increased are the ones where workers only want part-time work. This is due to the aging Boomers. Those retiring Boomers who do not leave the workforce entirely usually reduce their hours.

So your source is dishonestly using workers who only want part-time jobs as people who have been forced to work part-time because of Obamacare. Not only that, the example Forbes gives of the St. Petersburg College cutting 250 teaching jobs to part-time was also exposed as a lie. The teachers were ALREADY working part-time. When NBC interviewed one of the part-time teachers affected she claimed her income would be cut in half. She was already part-time and therefore working less than 35 hours and we are supposed to believe that cutting her to 29 hours would cut her income in half. :eusa_liar:

I'm sure that the fact that Forbes is lying will not stop anyone on the Right from accepting then as a credible source! :cuckoo:

Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations

Part-time math professor Tracey Sullivan said she will lose half her income because of the cuts.

"I never thought it would impact me directly,” said Sullivan. “I was stunned when I got the email...I love teaching at St. Pete College but that is a significant cut."

CPS has updated their data retrieval so I can't seem to get the Java applet to run. Still,

for 2011 and 2012

Full-time workers 112,556 114,809
Part-time workers 27,313 27,661

Part Time Percent 2011- 0.195275579 | 2012 : 0.194153155

Looks like it is insignificantly lower for part time workers from 2011 to 2012.

Employed persons by sex, occupation, class of worker, full- or part-time status, and race

The premise that the PPACA is causing more part time work is faulty. The obvious thing is that 2013 isn't over and PPACA isn't yet implemented. The second problem is that there has been no anticipatory decrease. Not according to the CPS data at Employed persons by sex, occupation, class of worker, full- or part-time status, and race
That is the wrong chart. It includes workers who only want part-time and people who can only find part-time work, neither of whom had their hours cut because of the ACA. The chart you want separates those workers who had their hours cut because of slack work or business conditions.

Use this chart linked below and check off the box for part-time for slack work or business conditions. The ACA became law in March 2010.

Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
You missed the point entirely. The means test is for the family. You are discounting that fact and saying they should not be counting the people in the family that the money is helping. Duh...
You can pontificate all you want, but SSI is not a family benefit, it is an INDIVIDUAL benefit.

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- SSI Eligibility




Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.



Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties and honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.

Unearned Income is all income that is not earned, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, and cash from friends and relatives.

In–Kind Income is food or shelter that you get for free or less than its fair market value.

Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are an alien), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount.
YOUR benefit amount, not your spouse's benefit amount, not your parent(s)'s benefit amount, not your sponsor's benefit amount, but YOUR benefit amount. SSI is an individual's benefit.
Breaking news.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnX-D4kkPOQ]Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole? - YouTube[/ame]

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Well now, so anyone working full time or part time, but at such low wages that they need help just to have a roof over their head is considered on welfare in your opinion? Perhaps the problem is the wages they recieve for their work, as opposed to the profits the 1% make off of that work. These figures in the video tell the story;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

Oh please stop whining.
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

Oh please stop whining.
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

No, this is because the rich are greedy.

Blaming the administrations policies (which by the way, were Republican policies, Democrats wanted single payer) for the bad behavior of corporations is like blaming short skirts for rape.
I could not care less what you consider part of living in the society.

Just stop LYING naming MY money equal to cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to be the same - and all is nice and peachy.

In other words - STOP LYING and STFU :D

That you are an idiot doesn't mean the other person is lying.
The Earth is round, not flat. Near light speed, clocks slow down amd length shrinks. Atomic particle don't exist in an exact location until they are measured. And, that little box on your paystub that says "taxes" isn't an accounting of your money, it is an accounting of our governments money. For government to function efficiently, we have to count all the work people do. Taxes count that.

("Funny thing is, when taxes go down, your boss thinks you got a raise. He considers it his money)

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.

Hey voxey, do you really claim to be educated and literate? With sentence structure like the above. Did you quit school in the sixth grade? Or were you drinking all day?

And speaking of those taxes withheld from a paycheck. Vox, you have to have a fucking job to get a paycheck. With the time you spend on here, is this what you claim is your job? Making up shit on a message board. What kind of pay do you get? Not much is my opinion. Especially with the way you bitch and moan about taxes. My bet is that you qualify for the EIC. (Do you know what the EIC is?)

But go ahead and make up a job and pay yourself whatever you feel you are worth.
That'll show all us doubters that you are so CLOSE to being a 1 percenter. LMAO.
That you are an idiot doesn't mean the other person is lying.
The Earth is round, not flat. Near light speed, clocks slow down amd length shrinks. Atomic particle don't exist in an exact location until they are measured. And, that little box on your paystub that says "taxes" isn't an accounting of your money, it is an accounting of our governments money. For government to function efficiently, we have to count all the work people do. Taxes count that.

("Funny thing is, when taxes go down, your boss thinks you got a raise. He considers it his money)

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.

Hey voxey, do you really claim to be educated and literate? With sentence structure like the above. Did you quit school in the sixth grade? Or were you drinking all day?

And speaking of those taxes withheld from a paycheck. Vox, you have to have a fucking job to get a paycheck. With the time you spend on here, is this what you claim is your job? Making up shit on a message board. What kind of pay do you get? Not much is my opinion. Especially with the way you bitch and moan about taxes. My bet is that you qualify for the EIC. (Do you know what the EIC is?)

But go ahead and make up a job and pay yourself whatever you feel you are worth.
That'll show all us doubters that you are so CLOSE to being a 1 percenter. LMAO.

Vox claims to be a medical doctor. She also thinks that we should do emergency c-sections on women who've decided to have abortions.

Oh please stop whining.
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

No, this is because the rich are greedy.

Blaming the administrations policies (which by the way, were Republican policies, Democrats wanted single payer) for the bad behavior of corporations is like blaming short skirts for rape.

besides it is not like the Left's programs have done any good for minorities

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson

Oh please stop whining.
The fact is there are more part time and temporary workers then ever in the history of this nation. And most of that due to THIS administration's policies.
Class envy bullshit.

No, this is because the rich are greedy.

Blaming the administrations policies (which by the way, were Republican policies, Democrats wanted single payer) for the bad behavior of corporations is like blaming short skirts for rape.

besides it is not like the Left's programs have done any good for minorities

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson

yeah, well, some would disagree. People old enough to remember t his..

The left hopes to ignore this


policies that give you a living net worth worse than South Africa
and eliminate millions of your people

Who planned these things, the KKK?
Well, to be fair, they were Democrats
Last edited:

that you are a moron does not mean he is NOT lying.

he is. and so are you.

Robbing me less of MY money is not the same as giving cash handouts FROM MY MONEY to those who do not earned it.

I understand this concept is too big to fit into your miniscule brain, but nevertheless that concept is an axiom and claiming my money somehow belongs to the gubmint - is a blatant lie which you, leftards, perpetuate constantly.
But it doe not change with repeated spreading to become truth - it is still the lie.
My money does not belong to the fucking gubmint.

Hey voxey, do you really claim to be educated and literate? With sentence structure like the above. Did you quit school in the sixth grade? Or were you drinking all day?

And speaking of those taxes withheld from a paycheck. Vox, you have to have a fucking job to get a paycheck. With the time you spend on here, is this what you claim is your job? Making up shit on a message board. What kind of pay do you get? Not much is my opinion. Especially with the way you bitch and moan about taxes. My bet is that you qualify for the EIC. (Do you know what the EIC is?)

But go ahead and make up a job and pay yourself whatever you feel you are worth.
That'll show all us doubters that you are so CLOSE to being a 1 percenter. LMAO.

Vox claims to be a medical doctor.
She also thinks that we should do emergency c-sections on women who've decided to have abortions.

For real?? A DOCTOR? Scary thought. Maybe she is one of those pretend doctors. I used to play doctor myself. I was pretty good at certain "examinations."
The left hopes to ignore this

And the right wants people to believe that they really CARE. They really do. They care about the blacks babies right up to the time they are born.

Then its; fuck those black babies. All they gonna do is draw welfare and deal drugs. Put em in jail.

Isn't that right netsky?
16 trillion spent on the Great Society's social programs since 1965
and we have the same rate of poverty

Black use to have a lower divorce rate than whites
a lower illegitimate rate than whites and even a higher employment rate than whites

No you are right
the left's way is so much better
The left hopes to ignore this


policies that give you a living net worth worse than South Africa
and eliminate millions of your people

Who planned these things, the KKK?
Well, to be fair, they were Democrats

You can s how that bullshit graph all day, but fetuses aren't people.

An Acorn is not a tree.
An Egg is not a chicken
A Zygote is not a baby.
16 trillion spent on the Great Society's social programs since 1965
and we have the same rate of poverty

Black use to have a lower divorce rate than whites
a lower illegitimate rate and even a higher employment rate

No you are right
the left's way is so much better

Guy, you need to stop getting stats from whacko websites.

The illegitimacy rate is higher because people realized they don't need the states say-so to make a family. Has very little to do with "the War on Poverty".

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