Well are you?

So you want us to believe ceos have it tough? You have to be kidding....that's funny. You see its the grunters who actually make the company its profits.

No, workers don't make profits--management makes profits.

Workers just do the work so that management can sell the product they make.

If you make a great pizza, you could make a thousand of them and you won't get one dime from it unless somebody is there to sell those pizzas, open up a building in which to sell those pizzas, and do the book keeping, taxes, and ordering ingredients for those pizzas.
most people can't understand that when minimum wage goes up someone's got to pay for it and normally it's the middle class

Liberals never ask where it comes from, just gimme, gimme, gimme. But it's the rich people who are the selfish ones.

I've yet to have a liberal provide a legitimate explanation of how someone who earns what they have wanting to keep more of it is greedy yet someone that didn't earn it expecting those that did to provide for them isn't greedy.

Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
So you want us to believe ceos have it tough? You have to be kidding....that's funny. You see its the grunters who actually make the company its profits.

No, workers don't make profits--management makes profits.

Workers just do the work so that management can sell the product they make.

If you make a great pizza, you could make a thousand of them and you won't get one dime from it unless somebody is there to sell those pizzas, open up a building in which to sell those pizzas, and do the book keeping, taxes, and ordering ingredients for those pizzas.

That's what so many don't get. Unless someone took a chance and invested in order to have all those things, the worker has nowhere to work. It's like the chicken/egg question except we know the answer is the owner.
are you better off now than you were eight years ago

Personally, about the same, but not because of the Gov't. Because I know how not to pay interest on anything (other than my home) - the only reason I am not well off is because I am not ambitious

Unions allow workers to negotiate as a group

Companies want workers to negotiate one on one...that way they can use them against each other

This is truth! :beer: People would not have formed unions if they didn't feel they had to.

The need was because they had no skills as an individual.

Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
This is truth! :beer: People would not have formed unions if they didn't feel they had to.

The need was because they had no skills as an individual.

Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
My experience is most hater dupes admit it after a few beers, and many before....see sig, last line. We need the rich and giant corps to pay more like their fair share and to invest in our people and infrastructure. SOON.
The need was because they had no skills as an individual.

Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
My experience is most hater dupes admit it after a few beers, and many before....see sig, last line. We need the rich and giant corps to pay more like their fair share and to invest in our people and infrastructure. SOON.

We need people who think others should invest in them to prove they're worthy by investing in themselves with their money.

Your experience is nothing more than kissing Obama's black ass.
Liberals never ask where it comes from, just gimme, gimme, gimme. But it's the rich people who are the selfish ones.

I've yet to have a liberal provide a legitimate explanation of how someone who earns what they have wanting to keep more of it is greedy yet someone that didn't earn it expecting those that did to provide for them isn't greedy.

Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.
I've yet to have a liberal provide a legitimate explanation of how someone who earns what they have wanting to keep more of it is greedy yet someone that didn't earn it expecting those that did to provide for them isn't greedy.

Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

In the 50s, those doing jobs that make minimum wage today needed the same skill set as today. Running a company today requires far more skills than in the 50s. In other words, those making that many times more have done things to improve their skills. Low level workers have not. That's why the difference changed.
Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
My experience is most hater dupes admit it after a few beers, and many before....see sig, last line. We need the rich and giant corps to pay more like their fair share and to invest in our people and infrastructure. SOON.

We need people who think others should invest in them to prove they're worthy by investing in themselves with their money.

Your experience is nothing more than kissing Obama's black ass.
Vulgar, brainwashed, racist, and ignorant, the hater dupe winner...In the past, the GOP recognized the need for investment in the USA- now they're mindless and bought off, or just hater duped.
Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

In the 50s, those doing jobs that make minimum wage today needed the same skill set as today. Running a company today requires far more skills than in the 50s. In other words, those making that many times more have done things to improve their skills. Low level workers have not. That's why the difference changed.
No, it's because the greatest generation had morals and ethics, and a 90% top tax rate for that reason.
I've yet to have a liberal provide a legitimate explanation of how someone who earns what they have wanting to keep more of it is greedy yet someone that didn't earn it expecting those that did to provide for them isn't greedy.

Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The need was because they had no skills as an individual.

Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
My experience is most hater dupes admit it after a few beers, and many before....see sig, last line. We need the rich and giant corps to pay more like their fair share and to invest in our people and infrastructure. SOON.

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else has worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Liberals believe that people with money have it plopped down in their laps. Those evil rich CEO's just sit in their office and practice putts on their astroturf. They know this to be true because they've seen it in movies.

"What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
George Sowell

What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...
What is your fair share of what somebody else worked for?

Isn't that what CEOs do? Take all the money and then decide what they should trickle down to the workers?

No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...

In other words, spend somebody else's money but not yours......huh?
Look friend, I can tell by your screen name what your views are already! No need to tell anyone that you are stuck in the 1950s mentality! :dunno: I disagree with your entire philosophy on life, so arguing with me is not going to get you anywhere.

First, I would never be your friend. I have higher standards.

Secondly, I don't give a shit whether or not you disagree. I don't expect a low income freeloader to ever do for themselves.
TY, hater dupe. Move to Somalia or some banana republic oligarchy. That's what your hate and blame the poor philosophy will get us. Code for racism btw. Caring for the poor doesn't make one a poor black person btw, nutjob. Enjoy hell.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Fuck your code concept. It's nothing more than an idiot Liberal crying and whining any time someone doesn't agree with them.
My experience is most hater dupes admit it after a few beers, and many before....see sig, last line. We need the rich and giant corps to pay more like their fair share and to invest in our people and infrastructure. SOON.

We need people who think others should invest in them to prove they're worthy by investing in themselves with their money.

Your experience is nothing more than kissing Obama's black ass.
You and Ray, who thinks that's funny, are now proved racists. No big deal, most of your party is. Rural America is, and many others too...I live here, and most of my friends are. Ignorance and subtle propaganda.
No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...

In other words, spend somebody else's money but not yours......huh?
At this point, after 30 years of Voodoo, the richest pay no more than the poorest in all taxes and fees %wise, and all the wealth goes to the richest. Great job! I pay my taxes happily, but this is ridiculous.
No, what CEO's do is bring money into the company making them more profitable. A low wage unskilled worker just works. They couldn't sell one product they've made.

CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...

In other words, spend somebody else's money but not yours......huh?
Your admiration and sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich is noted, dupe. Dem rich want to raise their own taxes.
CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...

In other words, spend somebody else's money but not yours......huh?
Your admiration and sympathy for the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich is noted, dupe. Dem rich want to raise their own taxes.

You are FOS. The Dems (like many other super wealthy) wouldn't pay any additional taxes. Those taxes are against the people that are trying to make their way up the ladder. That's besides the fact that the last time the Republicans did mess with taxes, they increased them for corporations, for individuals making over 450k, and for capital gains. Yet all you liars come here and spew the same old garbage you were back in the 90's.
CEOs find ways to improve the business so the unskilled worker can actually have something to do.
In the 50's, CEOs made 23 times the average worker, now over 200 times, some say 350X. The only way to change that is higher tax rates for the richest.

It wouldn't change anything. That would only give government more money. And we all know what government does with money.
The country is DYING for responsible gov't that invests in infrastructure and education, as it has in the past. Thank you, greedy idiot megarich GOP, and of course the dupes...

In other words, spend somebody else's money but not yours......huh?
At this point, after 30 years of Voodoo, the richest pay no more than the poorest in all taxes and fees %wise, and all the wealth goes to the richest. Great job! I pay my taxes happily, but this is ridiculous.

The top 10% of wage earners pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes. You have no idea WTF you're even talking about.

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