We'll Handle It!

So, attacking past Presidents is a defense of the present one making statements he can't back up?
It is also beyond irrational to play the game that anyone criticizing the current administration had to be a supporter of any previous President.
You all had better take notice of a more ominous moment in time, Russian and Chinese war drills together...
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
The bed wetters couldn't handle their own dicks. North Korea got out of control thanks to the sociopaths they elected.
This isn't a Dem/Repub issue, Pete. No administration has been able to pacify No. Korea for decades.

You stumbled unwittingly into the heart of the issue. You cannot "Pacify" a bully. Attempted "Pacification" is exactly what EVERY President since Clinton has tried.
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
They also had them in 1952, yet they were not used to confere peace..
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.
Maybe thats why he said he "we" will handle it? Because China isnt doing anything?

Why would China do anything!?!

North Korea is a puppet state for China and when China want to divert the attention from them they have North Korea fire off test rockets with faulty Chinese Technology.

So why would China do a damn thing when they hold the strings that help diverting our attention from what they are doing in the South China Sea?

When it comes to Global Strategies the every say American is unable to think in an asymmetrical manner. They can only see what's right in front of them and have never been taught that the things you can actually see are NOT the things that you NEED to see. What you can see right in front of you is very simply a distraction to keep you (generic you, not you specifically) from seeing what's really going on.
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
They also had them in 1952, yet they were not used to confere peace..

Did China get involved in the Korean War?
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
They also had them in 1952, yet they were not used to confere peace..

Did China get involved in the Korean War?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.
So it was Bill Clinton who gave the technology to China so China could accurately put a ICBM into an American City. You cheered Bill.
China who has been trading with North Korea has now got the capability to put an ICBM on an American City, because Obama didn't go far enough to stop Kim and you cheered Obama. So if an ICBM lands on a US city, you can bet President Trump inherited that mess, from those FAILED liberal scumbags, but you fuckers will blame the president anyway. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal....

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China
But he said questions might be raised over whether the explosive bolts might someday be used to help eject nuclear warheads from a missile.

Not quite, make sure you follow all links in art and read to the bottom.

Clinton's China policy was largely inherited from George Bush. In 1989, as part of a sanctions package meant to punish Beijing for the massacre of students in Tiananmen Square, Senator Al Gore sponsored legislation barring U.S.-made satellites from being launched on Chinese rockets--unless the President declared such a launch to be in the national interest. Under pressure from American corporations desperate to get their satellites into orbit, Bush issued nine such waivers between 1989 and 1992--and Gore denounced him as "an incurable patsy." But after Clinton was elected President, he came under the same pressure from business leaders, who argued that the export controls endangered America's telecommunications primacy. Clinton began signing the same waivers (there have been 11 on his watch). In 1996, an American company, Loral Space & Communications, used a waiver to export a $200 million satellite that was destroyed when the Chinese rocket carrying it into space exploded. In the aftermath, Loral and another firm, Hughes Electronic Corp., gave information to the Chinese that, according to the Pentagon, may have helped China hone its ICBM guidance systems--a possible breach that has been under investigation by the Justice Department for 18 months.

Red Face Over China - June 1, 1998
Why isnt that assuring for you, OL?
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
They also had them in 1952, yet they were not used to confere peace..

Did China get involved in the Korean War?
Does a bear shit in the woods?

Indeed. My point is that they weren't there for peace then, and they aren't there for "peace" now.
Because he is selling us a used car, TN. "WE" as in Trump and his cabinet could certainly have decided what direction to head in. This has been going on for MONTHS. The most we've gotten from Trump is a spit flying tweet razzing China for not fixing it.
China says it is a disagreement between NK and the US. Why should they be expected to fix it. They've got Trump on ignore.

No they don't, they have troops and material on the border of N. Korea. They're listening to EVERYTHING.
They also had them in 1952, yet they were not used to confere peace..

Did China get involved in the Korean War?
Does a bear shit in the woods?

Indeed. My point is that they weren't there for peace then, and they aren't there for "peace" now.
It's an old game of control, one way or another...
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"

He didn't say "handle" enough for you?

I feel like this administration is in the middle of a full-scale panic.
President Donald Trump told reporters at his second full Cabinet meeting as president that his administration will be able to take care of North Korea:
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Trump on North Korea: 'We handle everything' - CNNPolitics.com

That's what I call some good thinking. I'm about as reassured as I was when he promised us a better healthcare system. As when he tweeted yesterday morning, "No chaos in the WH." As Stephen Colbert said last night, "We are so screwed!"

He didn't say "handle" enough for you?

I feel like this administration is in the middle of a full-scale panic.
It's an old trick Hitler learned, command through confusion ...
Poor Old Lady... So partisan... You fallen in lock step with the Leftist lemmings... You leftists have one position left. And only one...

Opposition. You even just started this whole thread just to say "nuh-uh", in response to the President saying he will handle it... So sad what has become of your ilk...
That is a completely nothing burger statement from the President and his cabinet. "We'll handle it." Really? If you are STILL believing all the soothing bullshit that the President says that does not materialize, I feel sorry for you. NK concerns me. This is not a new problem. Every week it seems the problem becomes more grave and nothing has been done for months. No talks have been set up. No approaches have been agreed upon by other concerned nations willing to enter into some sort of approach that will stop this one way or the other.
The only thing I've seen, defacto, is reactivating the THAAD and an airshow of bombers "flown over the peninsula," whatever the hell that means. Not over NK, apparently, or NK would have shot them down. So big whoop; that oughta shake 'em up. NK didn't know we had bombers! Military sabre rattling, which is being criticized by South Korea and China as inflaming the situation, is the only semi-response I've seen.
Why do only the pundits seem to have solutions? Can the Cabinet and the President not agree on what to do next? If diplomacy and the President's stated willingness to talk to KJU is going to be tried, they'd better hop to it.
I guess I'm being impatient more than partisan. I would like to see us head in a direction to resolve this, whatever path that is. When Trump says "We'll handle it," it is totally meaningless from the man who also assured us of the great healthcare bill in the Congress.
To go to war with NK would mean war with China , Russia and Japan, etc. Why doesn't T go over and have a chat with NK. You know the art of the deal. (I agree with Old Lady)

I sometimes wonder if our presidents do not use NK now and then to set off missiles, to grab the US pop. attention. Maybe China or Russia does. China has a billion more people than the US, they also have needs.

I doubt China or NK will attack us.
To go to war with NK would mean war with China , Russia and Japan, etc. Why doesn't T go over and have a chat with NK. You know the art of the deal.

I sometimes wonder if our presidents do not use NK now and then to set off missiles, to grab the US pop. attention. Maybe China or Russia does. China has a billion more people than the US, they also have needs.

I doubt China or NK will attack us.
war with japan? LOL
The bed wetters couldn't handle their own dicks. North Korea got out of control thanks to the sociopaths they elected.
This isn't a Dem/Repub issue, Pete. No administration has been able to pacify No. Korea for decades.
If you believe the bs that they can and will nuke us, there is no alternative but to remove them from existence.

You are another military complex sucker . NK won't do shit.
To go to war with NK would mean war with China , Russia and Japan, etc. Why doesn't T go over and have a chat with NK. You know the art of the deal.

I sometimes wonder if our presidents do not use NK now and then to set off missiles, to grab the US pop. attention. Maybe China or Russia does. China has a billion more people than the US, they also have needs.

I doubt China or NK will attack us.
war with japan? LOL

Japan would be our allies if we were ever stupid enough to try and take out NK. T seems to be this stupid.

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