Well, Here's Your Death Panel in Action

On the other hand. She had a stroke two years ago and has had to be on life-sustaining machines since then. I was unable to find out what her prospects for recovery are and who is paying the bills. Is she conscious? I'm not saying the state should prescribe her death, but for pity's sake the family at some point should consider all the factors here.
This hospital tried to take this woman off life saving treatment despite her family wanting her to remain alive. The hospital's Death Panel considered her case and she lost!

They had to rescue her from the hospital to save her life!

Texas woman taken off life support against family's wishes – then a pro-life group stepped in
do you remember Karen Ann Quinlan or something like that??? (I can't get my search to work, but I think that is what her name was??)

She was in a coma for years, and the hospital refused to take life support away from her, as her parents wanted.

her parents had to sue the hospital to have it removed... the case went all the way to the supreme court.... her parents finally won... life support was removed.... she went on to live in the coma for another year or two without the mechanical life support, I think, before she died....

THAT CASE, is why we are in this position today...

we've gone from hospitals keeping you alive via life support and not removing it, till you die with the life support... to them insisting on removing it, so you can die, cost effectively.
How many more years does this family want to see their wife and mother suffer?
I feel strongly, that it should be up to the family, and not the hospital... many if not most families know when to let their family member go... some take longer than others. Before the Quinlan case, everyone that was put on life support, stayed on life support, until they died...
There is not enough information in your link.

The statute in question includes a process. Was it followed?

Here it is.

  • The family must be given written information concerning hospital policy on the ethics consultation process.
  • The family must be given 48 hours' notice and be invited to participate in the ethics consultation process. Family members may consult their own medical specialists and legal advisors if they wish.
  • The ethics consultation process must provide a written report to the family of the findings of the ethics review process.
  • If the ethics consultation process fails to resolve the dispute, the hospital, working with the family, must try to arrange transfer to another provider physician and institution who are willing to give the treatment requested by the family and refused by the current treatment team.
  • If after 10 days, no such provider can be found, the hospital and physician may unilaterally withhold or withdraw the therapy that has been determined to be futile.
  • The party who disagrees may appeal to the relevant state court and ask the judge to grant an extension of time before treatment is withdrawn. This extension is to be granted only if the judge determines that there is a reasonable likelihood of finding a willing provider of the disputed treatment if more time is granted.
  • If either the family does not seek an extension or the judge fails to grant one, futile treatment may be unilaterally withdrawn by the treatment team with immunity from civil or criminal prosecution.
There is no mention of any of this in the Faux link. It makes it sound as if the hospital just unilaterally and without notice decided to withdraw support.

I seriously doubt that is the case.
do you remember Karen Ann Quinlan or something like that??? (I can't get my search to work, but I think that is what her name was??)
She was in a coma for years, and the hospital refused to take life support away from her, as her parents wanted.
her parents had to sue the hospital to have it removed... the case went all the way to the supreme court.... her parents finally won... life support was removed.... she went on to live in the coma for another year or two without the mechanical life support, I think, before she died....
THAT CASE, is why we are in this position today...
we've gone from hospitals keeping you alive via life support and not removing it, till you die with the life support... to them insisting on removing it, so you can die, cost effectively.
I remember the Schiavo case, where a judge ordered Terry to be fed only by feeding tube, then he ordered that withdrawn also, in essence ordering her killing by starvation.

A decade after Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was disconnected, her family's pain lives on
There’s a big difference between living and being alive
Yeah, some people were pointing that out about crippled people in the 1930's, suggesting that without full quality of life they weren't really alive.

Some got killed for merely being handicapped.
This hospital tried to take this woman off life saving treatment despite her family wanting her to remain alive. The hospital's Death Panel considered her case and she lost!

They had to rescue her from the hospital to save her life!

Texas woman taken off life support against family's wishes – then a pro-life group stepped in
Just wait until for profits are in charge of if you live or die.

Do you want some more morphine? How much money you got?

Can we keep you alive and suffering for a few months longer so we can keep getting paid?

One private-equity-led hospice chain has thousands of seniors in its care and millions of dollars in government revenue. The owner's identity is a mystery.

You trust him and not the government? WOW!

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