Well I have struggled about showing this

Watch it or don't watch it to many coincidences for it not to be true. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube

I'm a conservative. I'm a libertarian. Let me tell you, your first mistake is listening to Corsi. The man is a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Second, just how does Obama get the power to suspend an election?

We don't have to listen to Corsi or Fox or Beck or Limbaugh.
You listen to the progressives themselves. Their own words;
Like Obama, This State Representative, the protesters all across the land in support of Occupy Wall St., Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Frances Piven and the far left loon Rosanne Barr, she is the extreme far left of this movement.
You shouldn't laugh these people off because they are very serious about what they are saying and what they want to do.
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Watch it or don't watch it to many coincidences for it not to be true. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube

I'm a conservative. I'm a libertarian. Let me tell you, your first mistake is listening to Corsi. The man is a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Second, just how does Obama get the power to suspend an election?

How did obama get the power to assissinate an American citizen without due process? How did obama get the U.S. military in libya? How does obama do a lot of things and get a pass?
This is about whether we are going to be a socialist, redistribution of wealth with government running everything or a constitutional, capitalist and free society.
Actually this is true. All of us who are in on the plan got an email last week telling us that the last steps are in place to ensure that there will be no 2012 election. Good detective work to uncover this.
I don't think the elections will be stopped but I do think that Obama is capable of running up a trial balloon to test the water, his ego is that large. Did anyone see the self portrait he is doing.
This is about whether we are going to be a socialist, redistribution of wealth with government running everything or a constitutional, capitalist and free society.

We are not now, nor have we ever been, a capitalistic society. A capitalistic society wouldn't bail out the banks, the car manufacturers or any other business that failed.
This is about whether we are going to be a socialist, redistribution of wealth with government running everything or a constitutional, capitalist and free society.

We are not now, nor have we ever been, a capitalistic society. A capitalistic society wouldn't bail out the banks, the car manufacturers or any other business that failed.

Um, where did I say a capitalistic society?
Actually this is true. All of us who are in on the plan got an email last week telling us that the last steps are in place to ensure that there will be no 2012 election. Good detective work to uncover this.

Start riots in large cities that are finical hubs a few days before the election obama steps in to restore order move in the troops and it's a match made in hell.
Well folks you must know that MichelleO had these hung in the White House...

Actually this is true. All of us who are in on the plan got an email last week telling us that the last steps are in place to ensure that there will be no 2012 election. Good detective work to uncover this.

Start riots in large cities that are finical hubs a few days before the election obama steps in to restore order move in the troops and it's a match made in hell.

now for this plan one only needs to find those finical hubs.

they are probably near the cptialis crentre.s
Democrats have already sent up a trial balloon about cancelling elections. Testing the waters.

I do not expect elections to be cancelled. I would not be surprised if elections were cancelled. I can see democrats cancelling elections and DARING the people to challenge and confront the Occupy Mobs and the Unions. I would not be surprised if the left became so violent that casting that ballot becomes dangerous. Last election we had black panthers intimidating voters to stop them from voting. Elections to not have to be cancelled to be stopped.
Democrats have already sent up a trial balloon about cancelling elections. Testing the waters.

I do not expect elections to be cancelled. I would not be surprised if elections were cancelled. I can see democrats cancelling elections and DARING the people to challenge and confront the Occupy Mobs and the Unions. I would not be surprised if the left became so violent that casting that ballot becomes dangerous. Last election we had black panthers intimidating voters to stop them from voting. Elections to not have to be cancelled to be stopped.


you are doooomed
I haven't heard anyone in the administration calling to suspend elections.

Now, there was that Democrat idiot in NC who wanted it, but that is the only one I have heard talk of suspending elections.

And, if they actually did try, I imagine that The People would find a way to remove them from office without the skipped election.
Actually this is true. All of us who are in on the plan got an email last week telling us that the last steps are in place to ensure that there will be no 2012 election. Good detective work to uncover this.

Start riots in large cities that are finical hubs a few days before the election obama steps in to restore order move in the troops and it's a match made in hell.

Someone forwarded you the monthly newsletter I see.
I haven't heard anyone in the administration calling to suspend elections.

Now, there was that Democrat idiot in NC who wanted it, but that is the only one I have heard talk of suspending elections.

And, if they actually did try, I imagine that The People would find a way to remove them from office without the skipped election.

Yep that the 1st feeler and it looks like it didn't really fly,we will see if another will come up, just maybe done and said a little differently.
I don't think that it will, because I think that the States will bring out the national guard and put it down.
But there is a good reason why they are being so bold and talking out right about their ideology.

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