Well I have struggled about showing this

. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election
They said that about Bush too.
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Actually this is true. All of us who are in on the plan got an email last week telling us that the last steps are in place to ensure that there will be no 2012 election. Good detective work to uncover this.

Start riots in large cities that are finical hubs a few days before the election obama steps in to restore order move in the troops and it's a match made in hell.

now for this plan one only needs to find those finical hubs.

they are probably near the cptialis crentre.s

Watch it or don't watch it to many coincidences for it not to be true. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election

They said that about Bush too.

They did? I must have missed it.
Which republican said that they should suspend the election for 2 years till the former congress worked things out?

I don't know that any republican OR democrat said it. It was rumored that Bush was going to cancel the elections so he could be king. It was just BS, like this is.
Watch it or don't watch it to many coincidences for it not to be true. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election

Okay I will say absolutely nothing about the poster and just focus on the subject of the post here. I assure you, there will be elections. The guy in the video is a whackjob. Do not watch more of his videos. It is bad for you and will cause your brain to start leaking out of your ear.

A word from peaches
It would definitely work, if you had protesters in streets like the Wall St.Occupiers all across the nation in the larger cities, a few days before the Nov. election in 2012.
We shall see next November.

Ah. Well then. Yes I see, that changes everything. I mean, if some "internet person" named "Peaches" says it's so, how could I doubt any further!

Advice: Don't listen to "internet people" who tell you:
You'll get money from Bill Gates for forwarding e-mails.
U. S. Troops are training in America to begin martial law.
FEMA coffins are for those of the opposite party of the president (That started with Bush and then reversed with Obama).
Obama is the anti-Christ.
9/11 was done by the CIA.
Your manhood will become larger if you eat more peppers.
and so on...
They did? I must have missed it.
Which republican said that they should suspend the election for 2 years till the former congress worked things out?

I don't know that any republican OR democrat said it. It was rumored that Bush was going to cancel the elections so he could be king. It was just BS, like this is.

Rumors are different than facts
Gov. Bev Perdue from N. Carolina actually said this and then aids tried to spin it and say she was joking. Doesn't sound like a joke to me no pause and no laughter.
Okay I will say absolutely nothing about the poster and just focus on the subject of the post here. I assure you, there will be elections. The guy in the video is a whackjob. Do not watch more of his videos. It is bad for you and will cause your brain to start leaking out of your ear.

A word from peaches
It would definitely work, if you had protesters in streets like the Wall St.Occupiers all across the nation in the larger cities, a few days before the Nov. election in 2012.
We shall see next November.

Ah. Well then. Yes I see, that changes everything. I mean, if some "internet person" named "Peaches" says it's so, how could I doubt any further!

Advice: Don't listen to "internet people" who tell you:
You'll get money from Bill Gates for forwarding e-mails.
U. S. Troops are training in America to begin martial law.
FEMA coffins are for those of the opposite party of the president (That started with Bush and then reversed with Obama).
Obama is the anti-Christ.
9/11 was done by the CIA.
Your manhood will become larger if you eat more peppers.
and so on...

Did you read post # 80?
A word from peaches

Ah. Well then. Yes I see, that changes everything. I mean, if some "internet person" named "Peaches" says it's so, how could I doubt any further!

Advice: Don't listen to "internet people" who tell you:
You'll get money from Bill Gates for forwarding e-mails.
U. S. Troops are training in America to begin martial law.
FEMA coffins are for those of the opposite party of the president (That started with Bush and then reversed with Obama).
Obama is the anti-Christ.
9/11 was done by the CIA.
Your manhood will become larger if you eat more peppers.
and so on...

Did you read post # 80?

Not when I wrote the above! I was just responding. But now that I HAVE read post #80, I am completely reversing my position about peppers not increasing the size of your manhood!

Look, this is looney claptrap. I can't believe ANYONE is so gullible as to give this one moment's consideration but then again, there are "internet people"....
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I agree with your advice Independent.
But like I said earlier, we shall see what happens next year.
We all have the right to our opinions.
If you don't like Internet people why are you on the Internet? :)
I agree with your advice Independent.
But like I said earlier, we shall see what happens next year.
We all have the right to our opinions.
If you don't like Internet people why are you on the Internet? :)

There's a difference between "internet people" and people on the internet.
"Internet people" start, continue or actually believe all the really wild bullshot found here.

I'm here because I have actually learned some things. You have to sift through a lot of poop to find something that doesn't reek of extreme whackjobbery but it's there.
Why doesn't bigReb just go to Washington with his guns and start shooting at the White House or Congress. We all know you want to, Bigreb..just itching for an excuse.

Dare you to...at least they'll be one less crazy in the world...
The comments are coming just as I thought.

What if the election were suspended would anyone saying anything? Just wondering

This same shit was being said leading up to the 2008 election, when it was being claimed that Bush would suspend the election because of some 'emergency' and remain in office indefinitely.

My guess is that in this internet age where it's so easy to peddle propaganda and fear, this particular scare tactic will become a mainstay in all future presidential elections.
The comments are coming just as I thought.

What if the election were suspended would anyone saying anything? Just wondering

Then you would have been better off to have outlined a hypothetical scenario in your OP, along with the video. Then you would have gotten a response to a 'what if' scenario.

As it is, you left yourself wide open to criticism.

In a hypothetical scenario... I'd say there would be a massive backlash and the Government - any Government - would never get away with it.

You know peaches did a pretty go job of doing that

It would definitely work, if you had protesters in streets like the Wall St.Occupiers all across the nation in the larger cities, a few days before the Nov. election in 2012.
We shall see next November.
I agree with your advice Independent.
But like I said earlier, we shall see what happens next year.
We all have the right to our opinions.
If you don't like Internet people why are you on the Internet? :)

There's a difference between "internet people" and people on the internet.
"Internet people" start, continue or actually believe all the really wild bullshot found here.

I'm here because I have actually learned some things. You have to sift through a lot of poop to find something that doesn't reek of extreme whackjobbery but it's there.

Guess what I said the same thing you got to stiff through the crap to get to the meat, a few threads back.
The degree of paranoia that Corsi, and those that buy into his fantabulous bullshit display really speaks to their underlying hatred/fear of Obama.

I hated Bush. I never thought for one second he would suspend the elections or not leave office in 2012. Any President that tried to pull something like that would be blocked by congress via impeachment and removal and would wind up being the most hated President since Nixon and history would also not be kind to them.

Corsi and his syncophants need to take a xanax.
Watch it or don't watch it to many coincidences for it not to be true. What I am talking about is the first part of the video and suspending the election

Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!! - Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube

Even you aren't this stupid, Reb.

Jerome Corsi? There are people with less credibility, but not many.

Still waiting on the real birth certifacate.

Nevermind. You are this stupid.

At least I know how you found the Corsi peice.

Birthers of a feather stick together.
I agree with your advice Independent.
But like I said earlier, we shall see what happens next year.
We all have the right to our opinions.
If you don't like Internet people why are you on the Internet? :)

There's a difference between "internet people" and people on the internet.
"Internet people" start, continue or actually believe all the really wild bullshot found here.

I'm here because I have actually learned some things. You have to sift through a lot of poop to find something that doesn't reek of extreme whackjobbery but it's there.

I totally agree with you.
I go right to the source, as much as is possible and do not believe the rumors and lies that are out there.
I did research this and went to the people who were saying things in their own words and I listed who they were.
This was just a theory that we were talking about of whether they might or might not try to put the elections on hold. Like Gov. Bev Perdue said.
She was not joking when she said that, if you listen to what she said and how she said it.
There is a big difference between theory's and the rumors and lies that are out there.
I also stated that I didn't think it would work because the Governors of the states would bring out the national guard and stop it.

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