Well I'm Just Watching Haiti On Fox

You are off balance, willow. You would get seasick on damp pavement. Listen to Ollie, please.

I did listen to Ollie.. he's the only one that had a sane reasonable answer to my question. The Perfect People just shouted obscenities and stuff.. that was just perfect wouldn't you say?
Ok let me try to explain all this.

The US military (members of the rapid deployment force 82nd Airborne) are on the ground and have assumed control of the airport and are directing relief efforts.

There are multiple countries landing planes full of supplies and personnel.

Willow I understand the impatience however if we dropped a 500 gallon water buffalo in the middle of the city without troops to guard it and control the crowd, someone would get killed in the stampede.

It is not only supplies they need but security to make sure those supplies are handed out.

It is being dealt with. But it is the security protecting those we want to help that slows things down.

For those tired of talking and wanting to actually do something, see below.

Donate to the Red Cross
No, we understand. A crisis of this magnitude simply cannot be coordinated overnight. It will do little good to the people of that country if everyone exhausts themselves by running around in circles and not accomplishing anything.

We've always understood that. Even as far back as Katrina. Further back then that even.

I just find it pathetic that there are people that come here that are willing to attempt to make political points off of a tragedy like this.

I've already sent as much food as I can spare right now. I won't donate cash to the Red Cross or Salvation Army as I just don't trust those organizations.

But I plan on going out and purchasing as much canned goods I can afford Sunday and I'll have it on the local transport out of here Monday.

I make an annual donation to the Red Cross, they have helped more troops than I can remember, I helped set up a video link with them (about 4 years ago) for a young lady who gave birth while the young father watched online from Iraq. The Salvation Army on the other hand will never get a dime from me.

The Red Cross is a great organization I worked with them for two weeks post Katrina.
Mullen: Up to 10K Troops Heading to Haiti - CBS News

helicopters, yes they are there sswipe and more on the way

so all the people have their water and fox and abc news told bald faced lies?? you swear on your grannies grave??

You can watch Diane Sawyer talking about the "disconnect" on the Today Show this morning here:
ABC Nightly News hasn't been posted yet.

I wonder if the Perfect People watched that tape? I rest my case. Thanks you Missourian.
Also Columbia, Brazil, China, and many other countries have brought in workers and supplies. So instead of being so negative about this, why don't you look at the facts and realize a lot of people have come together to help these people.

did you look at katrina in a positive light? or have you always looked at as a way to bash bush.
sucks to be you

I know,, it sucks to be me,, I am imperfect.. however it's been 72 hours and the people are just as thirsty, no matter the response time.. glory in the response time.. the people don't have any water and it's been 72 hours in searing heat.[/QUOTE]
The Hatian government has only today handed over control of the main airport to the US Military.

FEMA is not in charge. Haiti is a sovereign nation.

The US Response under President Obama was swift.

Spin all you want. You are on record against giving aid to Haiti. Your hate is revolting.
good post Sarg, thanks, willow has been on the rag since this thing started, nothing would suit her at this point and no sane person really gives a shit

Nothing wrong with willow, just a bit impatient. Things are moving as fast as possible, The responders know what they are doing and it will speed up as they go.

The US Military just had control of the airport handed over to them today.

Willow hates Obama and blacks so much it is revolting.

FEMA is not in charge.

Obama responded swifty. If this were Katrina...the US Military would only be arriving today.

Haiti will thank god a Democrat was in charge to act swiftly. Having a cmpassionate conservative (oxymoron?), would have the suffering and rescue efforts extended
sucks to be you

I know,, it sucks to be me,, I am imperfect.. however it's been 72 hours and the people are just as thirsty, no matter the response time.. glory in the response time.. the people don't have any water and it's been 72 hours in searing heat.
The Hatian government has only today handed over control of the main airport to the US Military.

FEMA is not in charge. Haiti is a sovereign nation.

The US Response under President Obama was swift.

Spin all you want. You are on record against giving aid to Haiti. Your hate is revolting.[/QUOTE]

show me,, I've registered your accusation over in the flame zone.. post it there. My exact quote that I am on record saying " I am against giving aid to Haiti" your are a perfectly despicable liar.. and everyone knows it,, but go ahead and post it..
good post sarg, thanks, willow has been on the rag since this thing started, nothing would suit her at this point and no sane person really gives a shit

nothing wrong with willow, just a bit impatient. Things are moving as fast as possible, the responders know what they are doing and it will speed up as they go.

the us military just had control of the airport handed over to them today.

Willow hates obama and blacks so much it is revolting.

Fema is not in charge.

Obama responded swifty. If this were katrina...the us military would only be arriving today.

Haiti will thank god a democrat was in charge to act swiftly. Having a cmpassionate conservative (oxymoron?), would have the suffering and rescue efforts extended

post proof perfect pussy,, over in the flame zone.. Come on now you really don't want to be the perfect pussy do you.. ?
and the reporters say we are 72 hours in and just like in Katrina very very very little aid is getting to the people.. Why in the hell don't the Perfect People use helicoptors to deliver food and water? we are talking about 9 million people here.

its incredibly frustrating. But with the main port destroyed and the airport with only one runway im sure its just plain difficult for the aid workers on the ground.
good post Sarg, thanks, willow has been on the rag since this thing started, nothing would suit her at this point and no sane person really gives a shit

Nothing wrong with willow, just a bit impatient. Things are moving as fast as possible, The responders know what they are doing and it will speed up as they go.

The US Military just had control of the airport handed over to them today.

Willow hates Obama and blacks so much it is revolting.

FEMA is not in charge.

Obama responded swifty. If this were Katrina...the US Military would only be arriving today.

Haiti will thank god a Democrat was in charge to act swiftly. Having a cmpassionate conservative (oxymoron?), would have the suffering and rescue efforts extended

thats not really fair. I think Willow is just frustrated that all this money is being donated to help these people and it isnt getting there. Reasons exist for this, but it still is frustrating.
Ok let me try to explain all this.

The US military (members of the rapid deployment force 82nd Airborne) are on the ground and have assumed control of the airport and are directing relief efforts.

There are multiple countries landing planes full of supplies and personnel.

Willow I understand the impatience however if we dropped a 500 gallon water buffalo in the middle of the city without troops to guard it and control the crowd, someone would get killed in the stampede.

It is not only supplies they need but security to make sure those supplies are handed out.

It is being dealt with. But it is the security protecting those we want to help that slows things down.

For those tired of talking and wanting to actually do something, see below.

Donate to the Red Cross
No, we understand. A crisis of this magnitude simply cannot be coordinated overnight. It will do little good to the people of that country if everyone exhausts themselves by running around in circles and not accomplishing anything.

We've always understood that. Even as far back as Katrina. Further back then that even.

I just find it pathetic that there are people that come here that are willing to attempt to make political points off of a tragedy like this.

I've already sent as much food as I can spare right now. I won't donate cash to the Red Cross or Salvation Army as I just don't trust those organizations.

But I plan on going out and purchasing as much canned goods I can afford Sunday and I'll have it on the local transport out of here Monday.
To what destination are you shipping?

good post Sarg, thanks, willow has been on the rag since this thing started, nothing would suit her at this point and no sane person really gives a shit

Nothing wrong with willow, just a bit impatient. Things are moving as fast as possible, The responders know what they are doing and it will speed up as they go.
Assess the situation...load the trucks...proceed to the site. There's a tremendous amount of logistics associated with any major disaster relief. This one is unique, to say the least. I've heard that 10,000 US troops are on their way. That may not be enough...and then we have to support them also. There is more to it than loading up your chainsaw and driving over to the neighbor's to help him cut up a fallen tree off his house.
A little song for our right-wing whackjobs on the USMB who have been slamming Obama since the day he took the oath..


Carry on...

I said nothing about outrage.. and unlike you perfect people I haven't blamed the obamalama or napolitano,, or said they hate black people I leave that to the perfect people.. meanwhile back on the island we have 9 million people who have waited in the scaleding heat three days and can't get a drink.. now who do we see about that???

Isn't it funny how Willow's schtick tonite is about "perfect people"?
This night and for the weekend, I am going to leave off the politics. I am going to pray for the suffering of Haiti, for my family, and for myself. For one weekend, I can do that.

I said nothing about outrage.. and unlike you perfect people I haven't blamed the obamalama or napolitano,, or said they hate black people I leave that to the perfect people.. meanwhile back on the island we have 9 million people who have waited in the scaleding heat three days and can't get a drink.. now who do we see about that???

Isn't it funny how Willow's schtick tonite is about "perfect people"?[/QUOTE

well,, I don't know what else to call you,, democrats have all the answers, do everthing right know everything there is to know about everything and best of all they know they have more ethics more morality, more compassion and more perfectedness than Republicans.. thus you are Perfect People.. now! would you like an egg to throw?
and the reporters say we are 72 hours in and just like in Katrina very very very little aid is getting to the people.. Why in the hell don't the Perfect People use helicoptors to deliver food and water? we are talking about 9 million people here.

its incredibly frustrating. But with the main port destroyed and the airport with only one runway im sure its just plain difficult for the aid workers on the ground.
The US military has only just gotten control of the airport.

The ships at port cannot unload easily as there are few to no cranes. Bill Clinton was on talking about how ships need to bring unloading cranes with their cargo.

Haiti is devasted and we have hateful wingnuts like WillowTree questiong the aid dollars Obama has promised: compassionate conservatism up close and ugly.
and the reporters say we are 72 hours in and just like in Katrina very very very little aid is getting to the people.. Why in the hell don't the Perfect People use helicoptors to deliver food and water? we are talking about 9 million people here.

its incredibly frustrating. But with the main port destroyed and the airport with only one runway im sure its just plain difficult for the aid workers on the ground.
The US military has only just gotten control of the airport.

The ships at port cannot unload easily as there are few to no cranes. Bill Clinton was on talking about how ships need to bring unloading cranes with their cargo.

Haiti is devasted and we have hateful wingnuts like WillowTree questiong the aid dollars Obama has promised: compassionate conservatism up close and ugly.

Proof Perfect Pussy..
I said nothing about outrage.. and unlike you perfect people I haven't blamed the obamalama or napolitano,, or said they hate black people I leave that to the perfect people.. meanwhile back on the island we have 9 million people who have waited in the scaleding heat three days and can't get a drink.. now who do we see about that???

Isn't it funny how Willow's schtick tonite is about "perfect people"?[/QUOTE

well,, I don't know what else to call you,, democrats have all the answers, do everthing right know everything there is to know about everything and best of all they know they have more ethics more morality, more compassion and more perfectedness than Republicans.. thus you are Perfect People.. now! would you like an egg to throw?

Really? We have presented to you that we have all the answers? Really?

I'm sorry for whatever demons are in your head.....I really am. :cuckoo:

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