Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

Dao is extremely intelligent because he and his ambulance chasers are going to shakedown United Airlines for $millions. Called a slip and fall in grocery store shakedown legal lingo.

It's United's choice whether or not to pay to shut Dao up, but the Feds would be remiss to let this go. It will be an interesting summer and I expect more dimwits to try the same tactics thus forcing the delays or cancellation of flights and more than a few hauled off to jail.

That said, a better way to handle this situation would have been to deplane everyone first and try to handle it in the terminal.
I'm sure you would meekly OBEY.
And you'd tell the flight attendant to go fuck herself and that you'll stop texting when you goddamn feel like it, eh? LOL

I hate it when the stewardess says fasten your seat belt because I hate seat belts and refuse to wear when driving my car. I bypassed the annoying beeper for an enjoyable ride.
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?

It's been brought up all over news that some think he was targeted because he is Chinese. Not to mention this has gone viral in China.
1) He's Vietnamese.
2) He said this fiasco was worse than the evacuation of Saigon where, after the North Vietnamese took over, "This regime was so oppressive that, following the end of the war, according to official and non-official estimates, between 200,000 and 300,000 South Vietnamese were sent to re-education camps, where many endured torture, starvation, and disease while being forced to perform hard labor."

United Airlines passenger ordeal 'worse than fall of Saigon' - BBC News


Maybe the North Vietnamese never beat him to unconsciousness

He had to fly United for that
The good doctor will never have to work again.
All the blame is on United, throwing paying passengers off a flight so their employees can fly free!
That is no way to run an airline.
If the "good doctor" was on drugs and/or convicted of multiple violations of Federal and State laws, he may never work again period.
The doctor will never see his suit come to trial

United will pay him big time to have this go away
Probably. Still, that won't cut any ice with the Feds and maybe not the City of Chicago or the State of Illinois.

If they let Dao get away with this, we're sure to see repeated attempts of the same thing.
Look at this....putting all the blame on the doctor.....his fault he was beaten.
Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely
I'm sure you would meekly OBEY.
And you'd tell the flight attendant to go fuck herself and that you'll stop texting when you goddamn feel like it, eh? LOL

I hate it when the stewardess says fasten your seat belt because I hate seat belts and refuse to wear when driving my car. I bypassed the annoying beeper for an enjoyable ride.
I hate it that the law allows mothers to hold babies under two years old in their arms. If there's a sudden stop, the baby becomes a missile headed for everyone in front of them.

A good reason to sit in the very back. :)

Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely

Are you saying that after he got locked up a prisoner beat him on the head with a scrub brush making him senseless?
I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely
No, he wasn't, but you are in denial of the law on this issue. Fine. Like I said, I sincerely hope more passengers will violate the law so the Feds will be compelled to crack down hard on them.
I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely
No, he wasn't, but you are in denial of the law on this issue. Fine. Like I said, I sincerely hope more passengers will violate the law so the Feds will be compelled to crack down hard on them.
That jackbooted authority thing excites you?
Maybe the North Vietnamese never beat him to unconsciousness

He had to fly United for that
Wow. You really are in deep denial, sir. Not only glossing over the 200,000 South Vietnamese tortured in NVA "re-education" camps, but claiming that United is worse than the North Vietnamese. Again, I hope there are both Vietnam vets and South Vietnamese refugees on the jury.
I'm sure you would meekly OBEY.
And you'd tell the flight attendant to go fuck herself and that you'll stop texting when you goddamn feel like it, eh? LOL
Yes, you would meekly OBEY jackbooted authority.
Why didn't you say you'd be screaming "FUCK THE PIGS! FUCK THE PIGS!"?
Yep....you clearly would meekly lay down for the Authoritarians...no matter what.
Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely

Are you saying that after he got locked up a prisoner beat him on the head with a scrub brush making him senseless?

No, slamming his face against an armrest will do that

That will teach you not to accept the $800
I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely
No, he wasn't, but you are in denial of the law on this issue. Fine. Like I said, I sincerely hope more passengers will violate the law so the Feds will be compelled to crack down hard on them.
That jackbooted authority thing excites you?
No. In fact, if you'd bothered to scroll up, you'd know I disagree with the way the Chicago police handled this. OTOH, that doesn't absolve Dao from his violations of both State and Federal law.

Furthermore, like the Republicans trying to change abortion law, you are free to try to change Federal Aviation law, but delaying a flight by refusing to follow the rules isn't the best place for you to do it IMO. You are free to disrupt flights, violate the laws and tell everyone "Go fuck yourself you *****! I got fucking rights!", but at least be man enough to accept the consequences of your actions.
Maybe the North Vietnamese never beat him to unconsciousness

He had to fly United for that
Wow. You really are in deep denial, sir. Not only glossing over the 200,000 South Vietnamese tortured in NVA "re-education" camps, but claiming that United is worse than the North Vietnamese. Again, I hope there are both Vietnam vets and South Vietnamese refugees on the jury.

He spoke of his own experience not 200,000 South Vietnamese

"He [Dr Dao] said that he left Vietnam in 1975 when Saigon fell and he was on a boat and he said he was terrified.

"He said that being dragged down the aisle was more horrifying and harrowing than what he experienced when leaving Vietnam."
Is there actual video of the man being beaten or punched in the face?
It appears as he was struggling he hit his face on an armrest. Those little airplanes don't have a lot of room to dance around.

Here he is violating several state and Federal laws by refusing to leave:

Great, then it should be very easy for you to list the multiple laws he broke. But I am betting you won't post a single one, because there isn't any law that says a passenger has to do whatever the airline tells them to do. And I posted the contract of carriage---show me where it says a passenger can be asked to deboard the plane simply by request of the airline. It doesn't.

No charges have been filed. Believe me, if they could, they would, if for no other reason than to protect the city against a possible lawsuit. Instead, the security officers involved have all been suspended,

Google is your friend, Winston. Don't take my word for it. If you ever can afford to fly, I hope you "stand up for your rights" by disobeying the flight attendant and doing as you damn well please. Seriously. The quicker people do this, the quicker we'll winnow out the morons by putting them in jail or breaking them financially with fines. As it is, I doubt you fly much, maybe once a year to grandma's house. When you do, but sure to "stand up for your rights!!!" LOL

Expert suggests the law was broken on Flight 3411, but not by United Airlines
Andrew Harakas, partner and aviation expert at Clyde & Co law firm, told The Independent that Mr Dao was effectively obliged to disembark under federal law if asked to do so by staff.

“Once you’re a passenger on board an aircraft you can’t interfere with the crew performing their duties or the aircraft being operated, that’s the basic rule,” he said.

“He was denied boarding, he should have got off the plane but he didn’t and the authorities were called. From a legal perspective, he was violating the law if he interfered with the crew members’ duties or the ability for the plane to be operated."....

.....“Once you are on board an aircraft it is a general requirement of conditions that you obey the orders of the pilot and cabin crew,” he said, while adding that the orders often relate to safety instructions such as requiring passengers to fasten their seatbelts.

Well your "expert", who makes a living representing AIRLINES, is full of shit. Your position, and evidently his, is that once you board a damn airplane you must following all the orders of the pilot and crew. Male steward tells you to suck his dick, well you better suck his dick. That is total bullshit. Passengers do have rights. There is a long list of scenarios where someone can be asked to disembark the plane. To make room for the airlines to fly additional crew members IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

As to my own flying. I am not elderly. I am not Asian. I am a big ass redneck hillbilly. I am willing to bet the security officers would have taken one look at me and then decide that perhaps the airline might want to examine other options.

While I'm sure you liberals love to suck dick, smart, educated people know that it has to be a lawful order. The "male steward" whose dick you are looking at can't order you to suck his dick anymore than he can order you to murder the passenger next to you.

So, Mr. Dick-sucking Liberal, the next time your mommy buys you a plane ticket, please, please tell that gay flight attendant to go fuck himself and that you'll stop texting when you Goddamn feel like it!

BTW, I agree the police mishandled the situation. What they should have done was deplane everyone else until it was just them and Dao. Or in the scenario you suggested, just them and you. I've seen people turn into wusses the moment they are threatened with jail. They talk big but turn into pussycats when reality hits them between the eyes.

The order to disembark the plane given to Dr. Dao was not legal. It was not justified under the contract of carriage. It was no more a legal request than my obscene example.

I don't know about where you live, but around here, well people usually don't take to highly to being given illegal orders, from ANYONE, let alone a two bit security guard at an airport. But then again, around here, if the cops were coming up this hill to arrest me, they would call me on the phone and ask nicely first.
Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

I heard the tape of him speaking to security and he seemed quite lucid and was making a legitimate argument

It was not till they knocked him out and he had a concussion that he was acting strangely

Are you saying that after he got locked up a prisoner beat him on the head with a scrub brush making him senseless?

No, slamming his face against an armrest will do that

That will teach you not to accept the $800

Officer may I suggest using a Blackjack?
United Airlines will lose this lawsuit. Charges will not be filed against the man, and they are still a bunch of morons to me.
The order to disembark the plane given to Dr. Dao was not legal. It was not justified under the contract of carriage. It was no more a legal request than my obscene example.

I don't know about where you live, but around here, well people usually don't take to highly to being given illegal orders, from ANYONE, let alone a two bit security guard at an airport. But then again, around here, if the cops were coming up this hill to arrest me, they would call me on the phone and ask nicely first.
Disagreed for a couple of reasons. First, failure to obey a crewmember is against Federal law. It doesn't matter if they were right to ask a person to deplane or not. Get off and complain in the terminal.

Second, failure to obey a lawful order from a police officer such as "Please get off the plane, sir", regardless if the deplaning was justified or not, is against State law.

Third, Carriage Contracts are heavily weighted toward the airline. Basically, they have Carte Blanche. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Want to change the law? Then do the same the anti-gunners and the anti-abortionists are attempting to do; take it up with Congress. Just doing it on one's own just puts them at risk of running head on into the Federal government.

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