Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

This is something I hadn't heard earlier:

"After dragging the man off, the four employees of the partner airline boarded. “People on the plane were letting them have it,” Bridges said.

A few minutes later, the man who was removed from the plane returned, looking dazed and saying he had to get home, Bridges said.

Officers followed him to the back of the plane. Another man traveling with high school students stood up at that point and said they were getting off, Bridges said. About half of the passengers followed before United told everyone to get off, he said.

The man who was originally dragged down the aisle was removed from the plane again, and United employees made an announcement saying they had to “tidy up” the aircraft, Bridges said.

Aviation industry expert Robert W. Mann Jr. watched the video and said he had never seen anything like it.

“I’ve never seen a passenger forcibly removed unless it involved an unruly passenger of some sort,” he said.

Officer involved in dragging man off United flight put on leave
Just another reason to have cancelled the flight, refunded the $16K in ticket fees, then ferried both the plane and the spare crew to Louisville.

Expect this to happen more often this summer. Great time of year to take Amtrak!

An excellent example of why you will never run an airline
I never want to run one. Too many ignorant idiots to deal with demanding their "rights". I'd rather be in my current position. ;)
This is something I hadn't heard earlier:

"After dragging the man off, the four employees of the partner airline boarded. “People on the plane were letting them have it,” Bridges said.

A few minutes later, the man who was removed from the plane returned, looking dazed and saying he had to get home, Bridges said.

Officers followed him to the back of the plane. Another man traveling with high school students stood up at that point and said they were getting off, Bridges said. About half of the passengers followed before United told everyone to get off, he said.

The man who was originally dragged down the aisle was removed from the plane again, and United employees made an announcement saying they had to “tidy up” the aircraft, Bridges said.

Aviation industry expert Robert W. Mann Jr. watched the video and said he had never seen anything like it.

“I’ve never seen a passenger forcibly removed unless it involved an unruly passenger of some sort,” he said.

Officer involved in dragging man off United flight put on leave
Just another reason to have cancelled the flight, refunded the $16K in ticket fees, then ferried both the plane and the spare crew to Louisville.

Expect this to happen more often this summer. Great time of year to take Amtrak!

An excellent example of why you will never run an airline
I never want to run one. Too many ignorant idiots to deal with demanding their "rights". I'd rather be in my current position. ;)
Where you deny people their rights?
After this incident, I will drive to Denver this summer..
Good plan. With all the cancellations and delays, better to spend a few days driving than sitting in an airport watching a bunch of idiots stamping their feet, demanding their "rights". :D
This is something I hadn't heard earlier:

"After dragging the man off, the four employees of the partner airline boarded. “People on the plane were letting them have it,” Bridges said.

A few minutes later, the man who was removed from the plane returned, looking dazed and saying he had to get home, Bridges said.

Officers followed him to the back of the plane. Another man traveling with high school students stood up at that point and said they were getting off, Bridges said. About half of the passengers followed before United told everyone to get off, he said.

The man who was originally dragged down the aisle was removed from the plane again, and United employees made an announcement saying they had to “tidy up” the aircraft, Bridges said.

Aviation industry expert Robert W. Mann Jr. watched the video and said he had never seen anything like it.

“I’ve never seen a passenger forcibly removed unless it involved an unruly passenger of some sort,” he said.

Officer involved in dragging man off United flight put on leave
Just another reason to have cancelled the flight, refunded the $16K in ticket fees, then ferried both the plane and the spare crew to Louisville.

Expect this to happen more often this summer. Great time of year to take Amtrak!

An excellent example of why you will never run an airline
I never want to run one. Too many ignorant idiots to deal with demanding their "rights". I'd rather be in my current position. ;)
Where you deny people their rights?
Nope. Where I abide by Federal law. If you want to change the law, go for it. I'm fine with it either way. My job is to just follow and enforce the law, not make it.
His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.

No, a better solution is for United to back down
It would have saved a lot of grief all around

You don't kick off seated passengers
They won't admit it, but that's what's going to happen.

Good luck proving different.
You: "Why's the flight cancelled?"
Agent: "The captain reported a mechanical problem".
You: "Where's my compensation?"
Agent: "I can either rebook you on a flight tomorrow or refund your ticket. Which do you prefer, sir?"

It is not that easy

I have been there. A flight cancelled because of a mechanical problem is the airlines responsibility. They must compensate all the passengers, put them up overnight if necessary, pay for their meals
If it is cancelled because of weather.....you are SOL
This is something I hadn't heard earlier:

"After dragging the man off, the four employees of the partner airline boarded. “People on the plane were letting them have it,” Bridges said.

A few minutes later, the man who was removed from the plane returned, looking dazed and saying he had to get home, Bridges said.

Officers followed him to the back of the plane. Another man traveling with high school students stood up at that point and said they were getting off, Bridges said. About half of the passengers followed before United told everyone to get off, he said.

The man who was originally dragged down the aisle was removed from the plane again, and United employees made an announcement saying they had to “tidy up” the aircraft, Bridges said.

Aviation industry expert Robert W. Mann Jr. watched the video and said he had never seen anything like it.

“I’ve never seen a passenger forcibly removed unless it involved an unruly passenger of some sort,” he said.

Officer involved in dragging man off United flight put on leave
Just another reason to have cancelled the flight, refunded the $16K in ticket fees, then ferried both the plane and the spare crew to Louisville.

Expect this to happen more often this summer. Great time of year to take Amtrak!

An excellent example of why you will never run an airline
I never want to run one. Too many ignorant idiots to deal with demanding their "rights". I'd rather be in my current position. ;)
Where you deny people their rights?
Nope. Where I abide by Federal law. If you want to change the law, go for it. I'm fine with it either way. My job is to just follow and enforce the law, not make it.
Like the illegal, unconstitutional act by LEO's pertaining to asset forfeiture without due process?
Like the illegal, unconstitutional act by LEO's pertaining to asset forfeiture without due process?
More like Obama seeking to deny Americans their Second Amendment rights because they were on the No-Fly list "without due process". ;)
It is not that easy

I have been there. A flight cancelled because of a mechanical problem is the airlines responsibility. They must compensate all the passengers, put them up overnight if necessary, pay for their meals
If it is cancelled because of weather.....you are SOL
Weather then. There's always weather somewhere. :)

Either way, not my problem. Management will figure it out.

Fly Rights
Delayed and Cancelled Flights
Airlines don't guarantee their schedules, and you should realize this when planning your trip. There are many things that can-and often do-make it impossible for flights to arrive on time. Some of these problems, like bad weather, air traffic delays, and mechanical issues, are hard to predict and often beyond the airlines' control.

If your flight is delayed, try to find out how late it will be. But keep in mind that it is sometimes difficult for airlines to estimate the total duration of a delay during its early stages. In so- called "creeping delays," developments occur which were not anticipated when the carrier made its initial estimate of the length of the delay. Weather that had been forecast to improve can instead deteriorate, or a mechanical problem can turn out to be more complex than initially evaluated. If the problem is with local weather or air traffic control, all flights will probably be late and there's not much you or the airline can do to speed up your departure. If your flight is experiencing a lengthy delay, you might be better off trying to arrange another flight, as long as you don't have to pay a cancellation penalty or higher fare for changing your reservations. (It is sometimes easier to make such arrangements by phone than at a ticket counter.) If you find a flight on another airline, ask the first airline if it will endorse your ticket to the new carrier; this could save you a fare collection. Remember, however, that there is no rule requiring them to do this.

If your flight is canceled, most airlines will rebook you on their first flight to your destination on which space is available, at no additional charge. If this involves a significant delay, find out if another carrier has space and ask the first airline if they will endorse your ticket to the other carrier. Finding extra seats may be difficult, however, especially over holidays and other peak travel times.

Each airline has its own policies about what it will do for delayed passengers waiting at the airport; there are no federal requirements. If you are delayed, ask the airline staff if it will pay for meals or a phone call. Some airlines, often those charging very low fares, do not provide any amenities to stranded passengers. Others may not offer amenities if the delay is caused by bad weather or something else beyond the airline's control. Contrary to popular belief, for domestic itineraries airlines are not required to compensate passengers whose flights are delayed or canceled. As discussed in the chapter on overbooking, compensation is required by law on domestic trips only when you are "bumped" from a flight that is oversold. On international itineraries, passengers may be able to recover reimbursement under Article 19 of the Montreal Convention for expenses resulting from a delayed or canceled flight by filing a claim with the airline. If the claim is denied, you may pursue the matter in small claims court if you believe that the carrier did not take all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the damages caused by the delay.

If the purpose of your trip is to close a potentially lucrative business deal, give a speech or lecture, attend a family function, or connect to a cruise, you might want to allow a little extra leeway and take an earlier flight. In other words, airline delays aren't unusual, and defensive planning is a good idea when time is your most important consideration.

Some flights are delayed on the airport "tarmac" before taking off or after landing. DOT rules prohibit most U.S. airlines from allowing a domestic flight to remain on the tarmac for more than three hours unless:

  • the pilot determines that there is a safety or security reason why the aircraft cannot taxi to the gate and deplane its passengers, or
  • Air traffic control advises the pilot that taxiing to the gate (or to another location where passengers can be deplaned) would significantly disrupt airport operations.
U.S. airlines operating international flights to or from most U.S.airports must each establish and comply with their own limit on the length of tarmac delays on those flights. On both domestic and international flights, U.S. airlines must provide passengers with food and water no later than two hours after the tarmac delay begins. While the aircraft remains on the tarmac lavatories must remain operable and medical attention must be available if needed.

When booking your flight remember that a departure early in the day is less likely to be delayed than a later flight, due to "ripple" effects of delays throughout the day. Also, if an early flight does get delayed or canceled, you have more rerouting options. If you book the last flight of the day and it is canceled, you could get stuck overnight. You may select a connection (change of planes) over a nonstop or direct flight because of the convenient departure time or lower fare. However, a change of planes always involves the possibility of a misconnection. If you have a choice of connections and the fares and service are equivalent, choose the one with the least-congested connecting airport, so it will be easier to get to your second flight. You may wish to take into consideration the potential for adverse weather if you have a choice of connecting cities. When making your reservation for a connection, always check the amount of time between flights. Ask yourself what will happen if the first flight is delayed; if you don't like the answer, pick another flight or "construct" a connection that allows more time.
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His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.
Yes, the Police State you applaud doesn't want witnesses.
His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.
"belligerent passenger"....alternative fact.
Will you be flying this summer? If so, looking forward to your testimony of "standing up to the man!" by telling a flight attendant "Go fuck yourself, I'm busy texting!"

As it is, I doubt you will.
Because.....to you....it's the same thing, right?
I'm sure you would meekly OBEY.
And you'd tell the flight attendant to go fuck herself and that you'll stop texting when you goddamn feel like it, eh? LOL

Irritating isn't it?
Notice that these fucking liberals somehow equate adult behavior to being a coward and "obeying".
Just one more reason I detest these people with every ounce of my being.
Nonsensical bullshit. My grandfather would have done as he did. I paid for this seat, go fuck yourself. To do otherwise is cowardly bullshit.

Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

I don't think any of it was funny, I think the whole situation should have been handled differently. I just think this guy was ridiculous in how he personally acted. He could have stood up, complained, walked off, and then sought compensation later. Instead, screaming like a child which obviously was what upset the other passengers the most, not only assured he wasn't going to get home on time, but everyone now was going to have their flight ruined.

I realize facts don't mean much to you RWNJs but that's not at all what happened.

Google is your friend.
His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.
Yes, the Police State you applaud doesn't want witnesses.

What a dumb fuck you are.
His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.

No, a better solution is for United to back down
It would have saved a lot of grief all around

You don't kick off seated passengers
They won't admit it, but that's what's going to happen.

Good luck proving different.
You: "Why's the flight cancelled?"
Agent: "The captain reported a mechanical problem".
You: "Where's my compensation?"
Agent: "I can either rebook you on a flight tomorrow or refund your ticket. Which do you prefer, sir?"
Because...to you...it's the same thing, right?
His wife was on the plane, in a back row seat when it all happened (unlike what the Div Wad said earlier - that the wife got off the plane and Dao was going to "abandon" her in Chicago) - and was visibly shaken by it all according to passengers. She followed him off the plane, and came back to get their carry ons.
Thanks for both the juvenile name-calling and the possible correction.

Just another reason why the Chicago police should have deplaned everyone else first before focusing on Dao.

United should have backed off once nobody accepted their offer of compensation (or else raised the ante)

Demanding paying passengers leave a flight when they were already seated was obviously going to create a scene
The scene wasn't created until the altercation between the third police officer and Dao.

For the 8th or 9th time, a better way to have handled it would be to have deplaned everyone. If Dao didn't leave then, at least there'd be no witnesses.

Additionally, the crew members, all or some, probably would have walked rather than be trapped onboard with a belligerent passenger.
Yes, the Police State you applaud doesn't want witnesses.

What a dumb fuck you are.
Because I don't grovel meekly to jack booted authority like you do, right?
After this incident, I will drive to Denver this summer..
Good plan. With all the cancellations and delays, better to spend a few days driving than sitting in an airport watching a bunch of idiots stamping their feet, demanding their "rights". :D
Or airlines acting like dictatorships..
But that's what DW likes.
I am sure he has a desire to fire everyone and just hire himself, since he's so perfect..

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