Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?

It's been brought up all over news that some think he was targeted because he is Chinese. Not to mention this has gone viral in China.
Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

WTF are you thinking?

I think anyone who is being attacked and assaulted and beat up and having bones broken, teeth knocked out --

He should have been screaming a lot louder.

Why would anyone suffer that attack silently.

What a really bizarre pile of crap that is.

Is there actual video of the man being beaten or punched in the face?
It appears as he was struggling he hit his face on an armrest. Those little airplanes don't have a lot of room to dance around.

Here he is violating several state and Federal laws by refusing to leave:

Well of course he refused, remember, he is more important than everyone else.
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?

It's been brought up all over news that some think he was targeted because he is Chinese. Not to mention this has gone viral in China.

Ridiculous of course, but no surprise.
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

WTF are you thinking?

I think anyone who is being attacked and assaulted and beat up and having bones broken, teeth knocked out --

He should have been screaming a lot louder.

Why would anyone suffer that attack silently.

What a really bizarre pile of crap that is.

Is there actual video of the man being beaten or punched in the face?
It appears as he was struggling he hit his face on an armrest. Those little airplanes don't have a lot of room to dance around.

Here he is violating several state and Federal laws by refusing to leave:

Well of course he refused, remember, he is more important than everyone else.

Actually, United employees are more important than anyone else

The needs of every passenger on that flight were ignored when United decided their profits were more important than their customers
My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

WTF are you thinking?

I think anyone who is being attacked and assaulted and beat up and having bones broken, teeth knocked out --

He should have been screaming a lot louder.

Why would anyone suffer that attack silently.

What a really bizarre pile of crap that is.

Is there actual video of the man being beaten or punched in the face?
It appears as he was struggling he hit his face on an armrest. Those little airplanes don't have a lot of room to dance around.

Here he is violating several state and Federal laws by refusing to leave:

Well of course he refused, remember, he is more important than everyone else.

This is a planned shake down of United Airlines. If UA caves by settling out of court then I will never fly United Airlines again.
The soon to be rich doctor already has his lawyers ready to sick 'em on the soon to be defendents.

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

Lawyers for Dr. David Dao, the Kentucky doctor who was violently pulled from a United Airlines flight on Sunday, have called a press conference for 11 a.m. Thursday in Chicago. His daughter, Crystal Dao Pepper, will also speak....

Watch now: Dr. David Dao's lawyers, daughter speak to the media

The guy saw his chance for a fortune and he took it......he knew that refusing to leave would lead the cops to extract him, and he made sure that he made a spectacle for youtube...now he is going to cash in...the guy is a genius....except for that whole, selling drugs for sex with his patients and losing his medical license thing....
You would go meekly, eh?
Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".
Oh how fucking absurd.

My own grandfather was pretty feisty

He would have put up a fight if they tried to force him from a seat he had paid for
Shit, he would not even let you on his lawn

Well that's at least better than blood-curdling screams that upset the entire passenger list.
It's all about me me me!!

Why do you think screaming while you are being beaten unconscious by three thugs is funny?

It's not the scream that gets to them; it's the idea that an ordinary citizen would dare to ever defy a Jackboot. Their prime directive is always Assume Position Bend Over and Obey anything that barks orders. Und do so visout qvestion in ze name of Authority (Praise Be Unto It).

---Which to me just seems :gay:

To me, the man seemed very brave standing up to three burly officers who were threatening him

Our conservative choose to characterize him as a little homo screaming like a little girl
Which says so much about them and their willingness to bow to police state authority.
It's a real shitty thing to get fucked over by an airline when traveling. But in the end it is their aircraft and their business, it's not public transportation. I think they have the right to refuse service or bump people, legally. I know it sucks when it happens because it's often out of your control. But if it happens, act like an adult, not a petulant child. If the airline asks you to leave the aircraft then you must do it. At that point the decision has been made, they aren't taking off with you on it. Refusal will only get you marked as a "troublemaker" and you could end up on a no-fly list. In this day and age there is no fucking around with safety and security on a plane.

If Dr Dao had done that then things would have returned to business as usual. Nobody would have ever heard about it

By standing up for his rights, he forced a major Airline to change it's policy and will probably impact how all airlines can bump their passengers

I hope it does change the way they overbook and bump people. But the airline isn't responsible for his injuries from the police.

I hold United responsible

They are the ones who decided to bump seated passengers to accommodate more crew. Given that the next flight was not available until 3PM the next day, they should have anticipated an unruly crowd once their offers of compensation were ignored

It was United who made the decision to call in the Brute Squad instead of backing down on their bumping decision

United should not have been surprised when the Brute Squad acted like brutes

Another thing we learned to day -- is the Dr. was on the plane with his wife.

Is it policy to separate a husband & wife to "re-accommodate" an involuntary volunteer?
And what of his luggage?
I don't care what this man's past is. I don't care that he's Asian. I don't care if he called his lawyer while on the plane and his lawyer told him to stand his ground for the possibility of a huge lawsuit. I don't care if he's really unemployed and lied about being a doctor. At that moment when the security showed up he was just like any other passenger which could have been me or you. United and all airlines can take their "contract of carriage" and shove it up their collective asses. As paying customers we deserve better.

Why did you even bring up that he is Asian?

It's been brought up all over news that some think he was targeted because he is Chinese. Not to mention this has gone viral in China.
1) He's Vietnamese.
2) He said this fiasco was worse than the evacuation of Saigon where, after the North Vietnamese took over, "This regime was so oppressive that, following the end of the war, according to official and non-official estimates, between 200,000 and 300,000 South Vietnamese were sent to re-education camps, where many endured torture, starvation, and disease while being forced to perform hard labor."

United Airlines passenger ordeal 'worse than fall of Saigon' - BBC News

Another thing we learned to day -- is the Dr. was on the plane with his wife.

Is it policy to separate a husband & wife to "re-accommodate" an involuntary volunteer?
And what of his luggage?
IIRC, his wife was asked to leave too and she did along with the other two passengers. It appears his wife followed the law but Dao did not and was willing to abandon his wife in Chicago.

It depends, but usually the luggage of involuntarily deplaned passengers is sent forward to the destination.
United has been incompetent for years, I'll never fly them again.
I'm back home for my mother's funeral and unfortunately have to fly them back to my home...but that will be the last time for me and mine.
Sorry about your mom but it's a free country. Drive, ride the bus, walk, ride a horse. Your choice. However, if you buy an airline ticket, you are agreeing to the carriage contract.
Here is Dao breaking another law by running back on the aircraft and acting very unstable with Don Lemon advocating his actions:

Drama for the lawsuit. His lips were ssying "Just kill me!". His brain was saying "Just pay me!".

LOL. Funny, but I think he was either on drugs or mental since his behavior was off-the-wall before he hit his head.

Dao is extremely intelligent because he and his ambulance chasers are going to shakedown United Airlines for $millions. Called a slip and fall in grocery store shakedown legal lingo.
He's a physician, his time is more important than everyone else on the plane.


The airline said that their profit was more important than his right to sit in the seat he bought.

I used to tell my clerks in my bookstores that they were overhead, the customer was profit and their paychecks depended on profit.

My bet is that if this had been you who was beaten up, you would be singing a very different tune. You can lie about it but that's what it would be - a lie.

There is no doubt that you RWNJs would stand up for your rights too.

Or maybe I'm wrong and you would just wimper and crawl off the plane. RWNJs do see themselves as victims. This old man did not and that's what bothers you.

I encourage all commie pigs to behave aggressively towards sky police when they ask them to leave the plane.

I'm sure you would meekly OBEY.
You would go meekly, eh?
You'd risk $10K+ in Federal fines, maybe jail, being put on the no-fly list just for the satisfaction of telling a flight attendant to go fuck herself? Please, please do so. The more passengers who "stand up for their rights", the quicker the Feds will crack down on them and make an example of idiots.

'Rude' Alec Baldwin fled to toilet, booted from plane - CNN.com
An American Airlines pilot booted Alec Baldwin off a flight Tuesday because the actor refused to turn off his cell phone after the plane's doors were closed for departure, the airline said Wednesday.
"The passenger was extremely rude to the crew, calling them inappropriate names and using offensive language," the company said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.
Baldwin, in a column published by The Huffington Post Wednesday, apologized to fellow passengers who were delayed by the incident. But he blamed a flight attendant who "singled me out to put my phone away" while other passengers continued to use theirs.
"I guess the fact that this woman, who had decided to make some example of me, while everyone else was left undisturbed, did get the better of me," Baldwin wrote.

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