Well it happened....$4.00 gas.

Thanks Putin.

You suck
Good ol Joe... this is a huge win/win for democrats and the Biden administration. Russia is a big anti New one government new world order country . That's why the media is rising up everyone to squash Russia and Russians. All the while the other big opposition . Middle class workers in America are on the chopping block . Gas prices alone are crippling middle class Americans then add food and heat ... why you must ask, are you American or Democrat?
The U.S. national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline crossed the $4 mark for the first time since 2008 on Sunday, up almost 50 cents since Russia invaded Ukraine less than two weeks ago.
Thanks, Biden you cruel bastard . We were energy independent until his is worthless ass got elected.
Nothing..to..do..with..Democrats....Sorry!! :)
It is good to see one of you all have the balls to admit you are happy with the suffering of others as long as you get a few more votes in Nov.

Well done
We didnt choose the suffering

democrats over a 40 year period choose environmental hysteria over energy production

you will say you didnt vote for biden

but you didnt vote for energy sanity either do you’re far from blameless either
Doubling down on stupid comments I see. lol

What part of imports and exports don't you comprehend?
Oh I understand it.

One definition of energy independence says it occurs when domestic production outpaces domestic consumption.

Some experts prefer another sense of the phrase, which defines energy independence as total disengagement from the global energy market, or zero imports. By that definition, the U.S. is even farther from achieving energy independence.

Is being a net importer of petroleum the same as energy independence?
Few are arguing the fact that the US had domestic production outpace domestic consumption.

So, it boils down to which definition you want to use.
We know which one you use and which one trump believes is the only possible definition.

US energy independence is the idea of eliminating the need for the United States to import petroleum and other foreign sources of energy,
But we still imported oil from russia.
And that's another big lie, because these RWI's like Joni Ernst lie and don't acknowledge we imported oil from Russia under trump.
And the problem is the FOX News viewers eat it up like it's a fact, because no one on FOX will tell them the truth.
Our oil companies imported oil from Russia, refined it and sold the refined oil products in other countries.
you are an idiot what how does the president determine gas prices?
What policies is he pushing to favor low gas prices and are they working? This President demonized domestic oil companies, ceased federal leases (only to be overturned by a court), and now his ass is begging foreign oil to produce more;not asking like other administrations, but begging. He had no plan or policy to try and influence gas prices to go lower.
Indeed. Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies certain have different ideas of what independent means....

so that is why your view of what independent means is so skewed.

Thanks for clarifying
In 2020, 18.1 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum products were consumed in the United States, a 25-year low. Seems possible. Still doesn't change our oil independence for 2020.

We still imported, we still did not control the price of oil...thus there was no oil independence
I heard on the news yesterday that San Francisco now averages $5.00 per gallon of regular gas.

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