Well it happened....$4.00 gas.

Nope, but 2020 was a Trump year and it was the first year since 1949 we had a net export of oil. Careful, now your supposed fool sees you as foolish.
Think maybe that was because the Country was shut down due to the pandemic?

No, yea, maybe?
Maybe the King of kings rigged the election so Biden could be President and assist in putting into effect various punishments on this Baylonian-Gog-Magog-Sodom called America. Check out President Biden's border policy in Isaiah 5. It is coming along nicely.
Read the post idiot. It says right there. Thing is you have to be dishonest and skip over the next part huh?

so we still had to import oil and we still had no control over the price of oil

Tell me again how that is "independence?
This has been building for decades thanks to democrat/wacko fossil fuel phobia

at every turn dems seek to limit oil production in an effort to force Americans to accept alternative energy whether it meets our needs or not
What PM/DSA Dem Commies continue to omit is that it takes fossil fuels to generate the electricity to charge the batteries on all those electric cars. Air and solar generation is not sufficient. Europe is waking up to that fact.
I listened (it was hard to hear the lies) to Joni Ernst (IOWA) lie through her lying mouth this morning on FAKE NEWS Fox News, and she was bitching about not having energy independence like under trump. She mentioned that we were now importing 672,000 Barrels of russian oil per day. What she FAILED to do was mention the amount of Russian Oil the US imported from Russia under trump. Why not Joni?

Is that how you dodge the questions about energy independence?
Of course it is, you lie Joni.

It's their go to story.
Most RWI's don't know the difference between the Keystone Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline.

In FACT, most don't even know that they are two different pipelines.
You should have heard the shit spewing festival that Nikki Haley put on today on MTP. Of course she had to resort back to the script when Todd put her in her place about El Trumpo Dear Leader For Life. Then it was the usual boilerplate bullshit & she made sure she kissed Trump's ass at the end saying she won't run if he does.

Soooooo long, Nikki!
The most important thing Trump achieved to ensure lower oil prices was world peace through strength. Oil prices always rise when there’s war. Now you leftists can google all the NYT,CNN and .org articles all you want it will not change that fact.
Think maybe that was because the Country was shut down due to the pandemic?

No, yea, maybe?
In 2020, 18.1 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum products were consumed in the United States, a 25-year low. Seems possible. Still doesn't change our oil independence for 2020.
You should have heard the shit spewing festival that Nikki Haley put on today on MTP. Of course she had to resort back to the script when Todd put her in her place about El Trumpo Dear Leader For Life. Then it was the usual boilerplate bullshit & she made sure she kissed Trump's ass at the end saying she won't run if he does.

Soooooo long, Nikki!

You watch meet the press and spew it as fact?
Who's forcing you to buy an EV?
Influencing might be a better term

its as if teddy roosevelt shot all the horses in hopes that farmers will decide to boy one of them new fangled tractors
so we still had to import oil and we still had no control over the price of oil

Tell me again how that is "independence?
we imported some oil but also exported oil
Holy F’in Shit. Gas right now is $4.24 in my neighborhood!!! Joe Biden is an EPIC FUCK UP! I never paid above $3 under President Trump. Biden supporters (the few of you that are left) spare me the bullshit line “the president doesn’t set gas prices”. The president’s policies and actions (or inaction) most certainly do influence the price of gas.
I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation. For instance, we must raise the price of gasoline, like they do in Europe, to increase conservation. If we don't, there will soon be a big gas shortage, and this will mean higher gasoline prices for you and me.
Democrat or Republican, there is not a dime's worth of difference. There is no real petroleum shortage, but shit head politicians love to create problems to they can make more money pretending to solve either the problem they caused or the imaginary one they made up such as Globull Warming, and their habitual lust for wars (legalized torture, maiming and murder)
so we still had to import oil and we still had no control over the price of oil

Tell me again how that is "independence?
At the risk of further blowing your little mind, I'll point out we sell oil at the highest price we can and buy at the lowest. Our imports were at a lower cost than we sold.

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The most important thing Trump achieved to ensure lower oil prices was world peace through strength. Oil prices always rise when there’s war. Now you leftists can google all the NYT,CNN and .org articles all you want it will not change that fact.

You could prove me wrong or post an emoji because you know you can’t. I see you took the easy way out. How typically leftist of you.

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