Well it happened....$4.00 gas.

BTW, I'm fine with it. Higher gas and oil prices will just drive up food costs and inflation. Inflation is the number one killer of Democrats winning an office.

It is good to see one of you all have the balls to admit you are happy with the suffering of others as long as you get a few more votes in Nov.

Well done
I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation. For instance, we must raise the price of gasoline, like they do in Europe, to increase conservation. If we don't, there will soon be a big gas shortage, and this will mean higher gasoline prices for you and me.
So, a pipeline that was never finished, that would not still be finished had he not stopped it is the reason for higher gas prices?
It already was finished into the US. While the whole project would take it much further into the US, it would have been capable of delivering oil into the US at a point further north than the final destination. You are being led to a wrong conclusion.
The U.S. national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline crossed the $4 mark for the first time since 2008 on Sunday, up almost 50 cents since Russia invaded Ukraine less than two weeks ago.
Thanks, Biden you cruel bastard . We were energy independent until his is worthless ass got elected.
Heating oil has also doubled. Hope that Climate warming kicks in early.
You sure do make a lot of demands of others for a fake libertarian.

Next time you want information from me, you're gonna have to pay.

Want my venmo?

I got around the pay wall and found out the article was speaking of 2021, not currently.
So you're fine with Biden continuing the pain. After all anyone paying attention knows he made it happen and he can change it at any time.

You have a far greater view of the president than I do. They do not have near the power you think they do.
Thanks Putin.

You suck
This has been building for decades thanks to democrat/wacko fossil fuel phobia

at every turn dems seek to limit oil production in an effort to force Americans to accept alternative energy whether it meets our needs or not
I laid out simple, confirmable facts. Sorry that is too much for you to handle.

no, you laid out your opinion. I provided simple, confirmable facts that the Biden admin approved more oil and gas leases then Trump even.

Here is one more simple, confirmable fact....since Feb 2021, US oil production is up 16%
It is still winter. Demand is up after the whole world is expanding production after Covid. The drop in productions during the 1st six months and not gone back to normal, though greatly improved and production still going up. Oil companies have been waiting for higher profits. They have them and will begin to drill some of the leased properties with proven reserves, they have let set idle under their control and possible restart wells that were producing at low level, now that the price is high. I cannot work up much panic. Kind of fits economics and business coursed I took in college.

OFCS, you spin much? Of course you do! This is on the Left, hands down. Trump showed how to get a segment of the economy on board when something had to be done with COVID. I refuse to post what was obvious, eventhough what our own government said should take 5 years, took less than 1.

Biden now has that power. Has he called the gas an oil people in to even talk?

Of course not! He wants to make a deal with the "death to America" folks to pump.

We here in America without a massive war, can do whatever the hell we want; as long as you Leftists get the hell out of the way, and you won't! Leftist policies are more important to all of you, than Pooty being throttled back. This is why come November, you are gone; outta here, so long, cya.........wouldn't want to be ya.

November can't be here fast enough for most Americans, and YOUR SIDE is the reason for their ire. You are phony's, try and paint things that are not true, and do not give a damn about Americans, nor the world. Only care about, LEFTISM! Let us see how that works out for you and your Leftist friends in power.
you are an idiot what how does the president determine gas prices?
By making the US dependent on outside sources for it's energy instead of being largely self sufficient
as we were when Trump was president and before Joe Depends blew up the XL pipeline.

Because the radical leftists that pull Joe's strings would love to see $10.00 per gallon gasoline (or more)
so as to make sure the planet does not melt down like a Popsicle in a microwave oven.

And Joe delivers what his handlers tell him to. Just like a circus bear will wear stupid hats and ride
a unicycle around a circus ring because that's what his trainers want.
you are an idiot what how does the president determine gas prices?
Cannot tell if this pathetic global warmer hypocrite is wondering if we should open up the keystone pipeline.

Oh, but the Natives and their peaceful peyote way.

Got it. Ignorant buffoons. It's the the white wealthy leftists people. They are the reason for misery. They utterly blind. About everything.
I remember not long ago during the Trump presidency, at Kroger after my 20 cent/gallon discount for being a regular Kroger shopper, I paid less than $1/gallon for gasoline.

The Democratic party has made it clear that they want the price of gasoline to go to $10/gallon.

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