Well it happened....$4.00 gas.

The U.S. national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline crossed the $4 mark for the first time since 2008 on Sunday, up almost 50 cents since Russia invaded Ukraine less than two weeks ago.
Thanks, Biden you cruel bastard . We were energy independent until his is worthless ass got elected.
It is still winter. Demand is up after the whole world is expanding production after Covid. The drop in productions during the 1st six months and not gone back to normal, though greatly improved and production still going up. Oil companies have been waiting for higher profits. They have them and will begin to drill some of the leased properties with proven reserves, they have let set idle under their control and possible restart wells that were producing at low level, now that the price is high. I cannot work up much panic. Kind of fits economics and business coursed I took in college.
Only to clueless left wing nut jobs.

Nope. Sorry, it is a myth, a lie your party masters tell you to make you feel happy inside and keep voting for them.

As long as we are importing oil and as long as we do not control the price of oil, we are energy independent.

Not to mention the elephant in the room, the US has no oil outside of the SOR, the oil taken out of the ground belongs to the multinational companies that extract it.
BTW, I'm fine with it. Higher gas and oil prices will just drive up food costs and inflation. Inflation is the number one killer of Democrats winning an office.
Interrupting our drilling on federal lands. That was day one of his presidency.


New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

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