Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...
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The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...
which is exactly what Obama is doing NOW
The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

yeah, because libs like you lied about bush and acted as if the governor and mayor had zero responsibilities...you whining worked, your lies worked. and you are still lying....obama doesn't give a shit, they are just typical white people up there....i guarantee you that if it was a predominently black town obama wouldn't listen to anyone about not going there, he would be there yesterday.

fact is....bush did do something....when the liberal governor and mayor screwed up everything, bush came in and did the best he could to salvage the day....you guys whine and moan about how obama inherited this economic mess....think about it...bush inherited the governor's and mayor's fuck ups. but you guys are solely about party over country, screw truth and the facts, party over country.
The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

Grump...your so off base here. Were you reading the newspapers after Katrina? They were basting Bush for it. Hell, Robt. Kennedy Jr. called Katrina, Bush's hurricane. He said it was because of Bush that Katrina ever existed.
What's this "He voted for it before he voted against it,"? Did you ever follow John Kerry around 2001? Don't go blaming that on the conservatives. The only perception on what Bush did was from the media and the liberal politicians. It all goes back ( and your not going to like what I say) to the 2000 election where the libs thought that they got screwed in the election. If Bush said it's green, they would have said "what an idiot, anyone can tell it's red." No matter what bush would do, it would be wrong in the minds of the media, and libs. I guess it's pretty easy sitting across the pond, and telling us whats, what in our country. Maybe you should try and do something with that healthcare system you have over there.
The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

I'm guessing 'the poster about local resources' was me. You are saying you agree with me?
The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

I'm guessing 'the poster about local resources' was me. You are saying you agree with me?
well, i said that too
so maybe he was agreeing with me, for a change ;)
Sorry no the Coast guard had ships and rescue choppers off new Orleans as soon as the weather cleared enough to fly the choppers, the next day in fact. Try to keep something in Mind Fema is not a first reponder. They don't claim to be. Why do you think FEMA has from virtually its first day of existance suggest that a proper personal hurricane preparedness kit should have at least three days of Food and Water among other things? FEMA doesn't do search and rescue ther job is come in afterwards and clean up the mess.
i still love how it was all FEMA's fault, but somehow MS, AL, and FL didnt have the problems they had in LA

gee, what was the difference?
MS actually took the brunt of the storm and had damage way beyond what LA had
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.

Absolute BULLSHIT. FEMA was in within the normal span of time for Hurricanes. They were in to New Orleans within 2 and half days. Once again you fucking dumb ass, FEMA is NOT a first responder. Never has been and never will be. The Mayor and the Governor FUCKED UP. THEY are the first responders. And they had no plan at all. Other then looking out for themselves. The Military ALSO is NOT a first responder. That is the State National Guard. And where were they? Why The Governor stationed them all around her sorry ass. And if the roads were clear and the Bridges were up ho come the National Guard was not in New Orleans to help the people before FEMA and the Army?

You liars need a new schtick.
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.

Absolute BULLSHIT. FEMA was in within the normal span of time for Hurricanes. They were in to New Orleans within 2 and half days. Once again you fucking dumb ass, FEMA is NOT a first responder. Never has been and never will be. The Mayor and the Governor FUCKED UP. THEY are the first responders. And they had no plan at all. Other then looking out for themselves. The Military ALSO is NOT a first responder. That is the State National Guard. And where were they? Why The Governor stationed them all around her sorry ass. And if the roads were clear and the Bridges were up ho come the National Guard was not in New Orleans to help the people before FEMA and the Army?

You liars need a new schtick.
FEMA is a first responder. To pretend they aren't is retarded since it is easy to see the truth of this statement by simply perusing their website.

Two and a half days is unacceptable. That is all there is to it. The fucking media was there all along you bozo. There is no excuse for FEMA not to have arrived as soon as the storm had passed.
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.

Absolute BULLSHIT. FEMA was in within the normal span of time for Hurricanes. They were in to New Orleans within 2 and half days. Once again you fucking dumb ass, FEMA is NOT a first responder. Never has been and never will be. The Mayor and the Governor FUCKED UP. THEY are the first responders. And they had no plan at all. Other then looking out for themselves. The Military ALSO is NOT a first responder. That is the State National Guard. And where were they? Why The Governor stationed them all around her sorry ass. And if the roads were clear and the Bridges were up ho come the National Guard was not in New Orleans to help the people before FEMA and the Army?

You liars need a new schtick.
FEMA is a first responder. To pretend they aren't is retarded since it is easy to see the truth of this statement by simply perusing their website.

Two and a half days is unacceptable. That is all there is to it. The fucking media was there all along you bozo. There is no excuse for FEMA not to have arrived as soon as the storm had passed.

Or been in place as it happened - it's not like Katrina was a surprise to anyone, including Mike Brown and his boss. They simply weren't interested in anything but terrorism. The media should have called it a 'Terrorist Attack by Nature'.

Glad it wasn't an equivalent earthquake...

quite frankly, the last thing ANYONE in a devistated area needs, is a swarm of politicians and the media crowd that follows them

Not the point at all. The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Bush totally fucked up the response to Katrina. He was told days before the hurricane hit that the levees would fail. Then he went on TV and looked stupidly at the camera and stated "Who would have guessed the levees would fail?"

It was not Bush's failure to appear at New Orleans that earned him the contempt of all, but his total FUBAR of the response. Just like everything else in his two terms.
The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

yeah, because libs like you lied about bush and acted as if the governor and mayor had zero responsibilities...you whining worked, your lies worked. and you are still lying....obama doesn't give a shit, they are just typical white people up there....i guarantee you that if it was a predominently black town obama wouldn't listen to anyone about not going there, he would be there yesterday.

fact is....bush did do something....when the liberal governor and mayor screwed up everything, bush came in and did the best he could to salvage the day....you guys whine and moan about how obama inherited this economic mess....think about it...bush inherited the governor's and mayor's fuck ups. but you guys are solely about party over country, screw truth and the facts, party over country.

Try to revise history all you want. The fact remains that Bush FUBARed Katrina just as he did everything else. Not only that, 75% of the American people know it.
Nope, that is total BS. Typical "he voted for it before he voted against it" crap that conservatives come up with. It wasn't the fact that Bush didn't visit NO after Katrina, it was the fact he was perceived not to be doing anything or giving a shit. Obama is at least giving a shit. That aside, neither of them should visit the areas. I agree with the poster who said that local resources would be tied up, when they could be better served doing something else...

yeah, because libs like you lied about bush and acted as if the governor and mayor had zero responsibilities...you whining worked, your lies worked. and you are still lying....obama doesn't give a shit, they are just typical white people up there....i guarantee you that if it was a predominently black town obama wouldn't listen to anyone about not going there, he would be there yesterday.

fact is....bush did do something....when the liberal governor and mayor screwed up everything, bush came in and did the best he could to salvage the day....you guys whine and moan about how obama inherited this economic mess....think about it...bush inherited the governor's and mayor's fuck ups. but you guys are solely about party over country, screw truth and the facts, party over country.

Try to revise history all you want. The fact remains that Bush FUBARed Katrina just as he did everything else. Not only that, 75% of the American people know it.

Only in your mind Old Rocks. 75% (if that's the number you congered up) know that it was the governor who didn't call in the National Guard, and the mayor with Bush coming in after that. Just showing your biased hatred again Old Rocks...don't worry we're used to it.
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George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.

E. can you say Jimmy Carter???? He was the most incompetent president in my lifetime. But, he was a dem. so you can't admit that. I get it.
Perhaps when the funds were issued to LA years before for the levys and LA diverted them, maybe whoever diverted them might have to take some responsibility...do ya think? Perhaps the governor, and mayor should have been the first reponse to their grave situation...do ya think? The governor should have called out the National Guard...do ya think? Oh yeah...they too were dems. So all I can surmize is whoever wrote your post is the true partisan idiot. Just sayin....
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