Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

quite frankly, the last thing ANYONE in a devistated area needs, is a swarm of politicians and the media crowd that follows them

Not the point at all. The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Bush totally fucked up the response to Katrina. He was told days before the hurricane hit that the levees would fail. Then he went on TV and looked stupidly at the camera and stated "Who would have guessed the levees would fail?"

It was not Bush's failure to appear at New Orleans that earned him the contempt of all, but his total FUBAR of the response. Just like everything else in his two terms.
Yeah sure... not to mention the absolute INCOMPETENCE of mister chocolate city mayor nagin letting HUNDREDS of buses SIT that could have been used to EVACUATE people, or the utter INCOMPETENCE of the governor.

You single sighted liberal hypocrites are so transparent in your hypocrisy, you can SMELL it.
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For me, I attacked Bush, not because he didn't visit the area after Katrina, but because it took 5 days to get our military into our own country to help after a disaster we knew was coming a minimum of 4 days before it hit. This almost immediately following that tsunami 1/2 way around the world that no one knew was coming and our military got there in two days.

People who tried to walk away from New Orleans before the flood, across a bridge into another town were turned back at the point of guns by the other town's police force.

Our military, when they did finally enter New Orleans, went house to house, taking away guns that belonged to the people. Meanwhile our people did NOTHING!!!!

Truth to tell, I'm as ashamed of my fellow American as I am of ex Pres Bush.

so the state and local governments were perfect....it was all bush's fault...

those other places hit as hard as N.O. responded well...gee, i wonder what the difference was...couldn't have been different local government or state government, nope....

New Orleans is below sea level......that's why they got the worst of it.

You ever hear of "The Buck Stops Here"?

Ultimately Bush was responsible. It doesn't matter how inefficient the local government is, the president is responsible for protecting ALL Americans.[/QUOTE]

That has to be the most ridiculous statement I've heard you make on this board or the last. Since when do we expect our U.S. presidents to have the power of God? What did you expect Bush to do? Did you expect the man to go in and seize power from Blanco and Nagin? Did you expect him to fly helicopters INTO a damned category 5 hurricane? There are numerous things I think we can blame George Bush for but the fact that New Orleans refused to prepare for an expected distaster is not one of them.
so the state and local governments were perfect....it was all bush's fault...

those other places hit as hard as N.O. responded well...gee, i wonder what the difference was...couldn't have been different local government or state government, nope....

New Orleans is below sea level......that's why they got the worst of it.

You ever hear of "The Buck Stops Here"?

Ultimately Bush was responsible. It doesn't matter how inefficient the local government is, the president is responsible for protecting ALL Americans.[/QUOTE]

That has to be the most ridiculous statement I've heard you make on this board or the last. Since when do we expect our U.S. presidents to have the power of God? What did you expect Bush to do? Did you expect the man to go in and seize power from Blanco and Nagin? Did you expect him to fly helicopters INTO a damned category 5 hurricane? There are numerous things I think we can blame George Bush for but the fact that New Orleans refused to prepare for an expected distaster is not one of them.

I expected him to make sure those people got help every bit as fast as we provided help to the tsunami victims 1/2 world away. No faster as it was right here in our own backyard, AND we knew it was coming.
quite frankly, the last thing ANYONE in a devistated area needs, is a swarm of politicians and the media crowd that follows them

Not the point at all. The left tried to crucify Bush cause he did not go and now they are going to ignore the fact Obama won't go. Both were adviced not to go yet Bush was roundly attacked for it.

Bush totally fucked up the response to Katrina. He was told days before the hurricane hit that the levees would fail. Then he went on TV and looked stupidly at the camera and stated "Who would have guessed the levees would fail?"

It was not Bush's failure to appear at New Orleans that earned him the contempt of all, but his total FUBAR of the response. Just like everything else in his two terms.

Negatory! The abysmal failure was none other than melt down Ray Nagin! A failure of gargantuan proportions!
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.

Absolute BULLSHIT. FEMA was in within the normal span of time for Hurricanes. They were in to New Orleans within 2 and half days. Once again you fucking dumb ass, FEMA is NOT a first responder. Never has been and never will be. The Mayor and the Governor FUCKED UP. THEY are the first responders. And they had no plan at all. Other then looking out for themselves. The Military ALSO is NOT a first responder. That is the State National Guard. And where were they? Why The Governor stationed them all around her sorry ass. And if the roads were clear and the Bridges were up ho come the National Guard was not in New Orleans to help the people before FEMA and the Army?

You liars need a new schtick.
FEMA is a first responder. To pretend they aren't is retarded since it is easy to see the truth of this statement by simply perusing their website.

Two and a half days is unacceptable. That is all there is to it. The fucking media was there all along you bozo. There is no excuse for FEMA not to have arrived as soon as the storm had passed.
NO< they are NOT
George Bush II was the most incompetent POTUS in any of our lifetimes.

The LA disaster was about what you'd expect from an administration which set out to BREAK the GOVERNMENT.

The fact that Americans could watch the suffering of the people in the LA stadium on TV, but even as we were watching that suffering FEMA had YET to even show up?

THAT is why Bush II was thought a god damned idiot.

And then to tell the world that Brownie was doing a good job?

How partisan does one have to be to pretend that that situation and the situation in North Dakota are similar?

One has to be a fucking tool to pretend these issues are the same.
Ed, thanks for showing me you are NOTHING but another partisan asshole
Carter was the most incompetent POTUS in MY lifetime, unless you were born after 1980 you are a LIAR
I expected him to make sure those people got help every bit as fast as we provided help to the tsunami victims 1/2 world away. No faster as it was right here in our own backyard, AND we knew it was coming.
what the fuck are you talking about
they went in within 3 days
it took 4 days when andrew hit FL
stop comparing apples and oranges..how many people have died in fargo? are there riots? is there looting? we all know you would bitch if he went and bitch if he doesnt....still doesnt change the fact that the flooding of fargo is nothing like the flooding of new orleans. the people of fargo are better able on an individual as well as communal bases to deal with what they are being handed. i hate to see any flooding anywhere...but acting like fargo is on the same scale as the flooding of new orleans is just refusal of logic.
are people leaving fargo being turned back by armed police? are we gonna call them refugees?

In 2008, its population was estimated at nearly 100,000[3] and it had an estimated metropolitan population of 192,417

Fargo, North Dakota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greg Rigamer, GCR & Associates' CEO, said Monday he doesn't expect the city's population to approach its pre-Katrina estimated population of 455,000 anytime soon. Rather, it will level off at about 325,000 to 350,000 in the next few years, he said

Report: New Orleans pop. nears 300,000 - USATODAY.com

but dont let facts intrude on your partisan bitching
yeah, because libs like you lied about bush and acted as if the governor and mayor had zero responsibilities...you whining worked, your lies worked. and you are still lying....obama doesn't give a shit, they are just typical white people up there....i guarantee you that if it was a predominently black town obama wouldn't listen to anyone about not going there, he would be there yesterday.

fact is....bush did do something....when the liberal governor and mayor screwed up everything, bush came in and did the best he could to salvage the day....you guys whine and moan about how obama inherited this economic mess....think about it...bush inherited the governor's and mayor's fuck ups. but you guys are solely about party over country, screw truth and the facts, party over country.

Try to revise history all you want. The fact remains that Bush FUBARed Katrina just as he did everything else. Not only that, 75% of the American people know it.

Only in your mind Old Rocks. 75% (if that's the number you congered up) know that it was the governor who didn't call in the National Guard, and the mayor with Bush coming in after that. Just showing your biased hatred again Old Rocks...don't worry we're used to it.

Foolish liar.

Timeline of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, August 25, 2005
At 6:30 PM EDT (2230 UTC), Katrina made its first landfall in Florida as a Category 1 hurricane near Hallandale Beach, Florida on the Miami-Dade/Broward county line. After landfall, instead of travelling west as originally forecast, Katrina jogged hard left (south/southwest) almost parallel to the coastline in densely-populated metropolitan Miami, Florida. As many as six people were killed, including three people killed by falling trees and two boaters that attempted to ride out the storm in their crafts.[3] Other sources, including BBC, put the Florida death toll at nine lives.

Katrina continued its path through Coral Gables and southwest Miami, then travelled southwest through the unpopulated Everglades National Park and exited the state near the southern tip of mainland Florida.

Katrina destroyed many old large trees in Miami, pulling some out of the ground by the roots. Hurricane experts who toured the Kendall/Sunset area after the storm determined that tornadoes had been spawned out of the hurricane, but luckily only struck between houses, causing no deaths.

[edit] Gulf of Mexico

[edit] Friday, August 26, 2005
At 1:00 AM EDT, maximum sustained winds had decreased to 70 mph (110 km/h) and Katrina was again downgraded to a tropical storm. At 5:00 AM EDT, the eye of Hurricane Katrina was located just offshore of southwestern Florida over the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles (80 km) north-northeast of Key West, Florida. Maximum sustained winds had again increased to 75 mph (121 km/h) and Katrina was upgraded again to a Category 1 hurricane.

In the early afternoon, the National Hurricane Center officially shifts the possible track of Katrina from the Florida Panhandle to the Mississippi/Louisiana coast. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco declared a state of emergency for the state of Louisiana.[4] The declaration included activation of the state of Louisiana's emergency response and recovery program under the command of the director of the state office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness to supply emergency support services. Following the declaration of a state of emergency, federal troops were deployed to Louisiana to coordinate the planning of operations with FEMA.[5]

By 11:00 PM EDT, the National Hurricane Center predicted that Hurricane Katrina would strike the town of Buras-Triumph, Louisiana, 66 miles (106 km) southeast of New Orleans.[6]
wikipedia is not a scholarly source. Your arrogant ass ought to know that.
wikipedia is not a scholarly source. Your arrogant ass ought to know that.

Post a source that says this is not what happened. But you cannot, can you.

Saturday, Aug 27 2005 - 2 Days Prior

Blanco asks President Bush to declare a State of Emergency for the state of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina. Bush does so, authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA "to coordinate all disaster relief efforts&#8230;" and freeing up federal money for the state.

&#8212;"Governor Blanco asks President to Declare an Emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina," Louisiana Governor's Office, 27 Aug 2005.

&#8212;"Statement on federal Emergency Assistance for Louisiana," Office of the White House Press Secretary, 27 Aug 2005.

Katrina is a Category 3 storm, predicted to become Category 4. At 4pm CDT, it is still 380 miles from the mouth of the Mississippi.

&#8212;"Hurricane Katrina Special Advisory Number 18," National Hurricane Center , 26 Aug 2005.

Director of the National Hurricane Center, Max Mayfield, calls the governors of Louisiana and Mississippi and the mayor of New Orleans to warn of potential devastation. The next day he participates in a video conference call to the President, who is at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

&#8212;Tamara Lush, " For forecasting chief, no joy in being right," St. Petersburg Times , 30 Aug
Try to revise history all you want. The fact remains that Bush FUBARed Katrina just as he did everything else. Not only that, 75% of the American people know it.

Only in your mind Old Rocks. 75% (if that's the number you congered up) know that it was the governor who didn't call in the National Guard, and the mayor with Bush coming in after that. Just showing your biased hatred again Old Rocks...don't worry we're used to it.

Foolish liar.

Timeline of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, August 25, 2005
At 6:30 PM EDT (2230 UTC), Katrina made its first landfall in Florida as a Category 1 hurricane near Hallandale Beach, Florida on the Miami-Dade/Broward county line. After landfall, instead of travelling west as originally forecast, Katrina jogged hard left (south/southwest) almost parallel to the coastline in densely-populated metropolitan Miami, Florida. As many as six people were killed, including three people killed by falling trees and two boaters that attempted to ride out the storm in their crafts.[3] Other sources, including BBC, put the Florida death toll at nine lives.

Katrina continued its path through Coral Gables and southwest Miami, then travelled southwest through the unpopulated Everglades National Park and exited the state near the southern tip of mainland Florida.

Katrina destroyed many old large trees in Miami, pulling some out of the ground by the roots. Hurricane experts who toured the Kendall/Sunset area after the storm determined that tornadoes had been spawned out of the hurricane, but luckily only struck between houses, causing no deaths.

[edit] Gulf of Mexico

[edit] Friday, August 26, 2005
At 1:00 AM EDT, maximum sustained winds had decreased to 70 mph (110 km/h) and Katrina was again downgraded to a tropical storm. At 5:00 AM EDT, the eye of Hurricane Katrina was located just offshore of southwestern Florida over the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles (80 km) north-northeast of Key West, Florida. Maximum sustained winds had again increased to 75 mph (121 km/h) and Katrina was upgraded again to a Category 1 hurricane.

In the early afternoon, the National Hurricane Center officially shifts the possible track of Katrina from the Florida Panhandle to the Mississippi/Louisiana coast. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco declared a state of emergency for the state of Louisiana.[4] The declaration included activation of the state of Louisiana's emergency response and recovery program under the command of the director of the state office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness to supply emergency support services. Following the declaration of a state of emergency, federal troops were deployed to Louisiana to coordinate the planning of operations with FEMA.[5]

By 11:00 PM EDT, the National Hurricane Center predicted that Hurricane Katrina would strike the town of Buras-Triumph, Louisiana, 66 miles (106 km) southeast of New Orleans.[6]

With all due respect, she should have done that a lot sooner...being that she's a democratic governor. I would think it would have taken a much more timely declaration of a state of Emergency. Almost like closing the door after the horses are out. It certainly wasn't up to Bush to call for one Old Rocks. She could have called out the National Gaurd much sooner if she had any kind of mind to. Of course, they would have been called out....but just when is the question? But your going to blame it on Bush no matter what. But your just a stupid partisan hack.
its all bush's fault, the mayor and governor were faultless...its all bush's fault, bush is a meanie

Really? Well let us look closer at the Katrina timeline


[edit] Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Tropical Depression Twelve formed over the southeastern Bahamas at 5:00 PM EDT (2100 UTC) on August 23, 2005, partially from the remains of Tropical Depression Ten. While normal standards for numbering tropical depressions indicate that the old name/number is retained, satellite data indicates that a second disturbance combined with Tropical Depression Ten to form a new system, which was so designated as Tropical Depression Twelve.[1] In a later re-analysis, it was determined that the low-level circulation of Ten had completely detached and dissipated, with only the remnant mid-level circulation moving on and merging with the aforementioned tropical wave. Those conditions did not fulfill the criteria for keeping the same name and identity. [2]

[edit] Wednesday, August 24, 2005
At 11:00 AM EDT (1500 UTC), Tropical Depression Twelve was upgraded to Tropical Storm Katrina.

[edit] Thursday, August 25, 2005
At 7:00 AM EDT (1100 UTC), the FEMA National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) Red Team was activated. By 5:00 PM EDT (2100 UTC), Tropical Storm Katrina is upgraded to Hurricane Katrina, the fifth hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.[2]

[edit] Florida landfall

[edit] Thursday, August 25, 2005
At 6:30 PM EDT (2230 UTC), Katrina made its first landfall in Florida as a Category 1 hurricane near Hallandale Beach, Florida on the Miami-Dade/Broward county line. After landfall, instead of travelling west as originally forecast, Katrina jogged hard left (south/southwest) almost parallel to the coastline in densely-populated metropolitan Miami, Florida. As many as six people were killed, including three people killed by falling trees and two boaters that attempted to ride out the storm in their crafts.[3] Other sources, including BBC, put the Florida death toll at nine lives.

Katrina continued its path through Coral Gables and southwest Miami, then travelled southwest through the unpopulated Everglades National Park and exited the state near the southern tip of mainland Florida.

Katrina destroyed many old large trees in Miami, pulling some out of the ground by the roots. Hurricane experts who toured the Kendall/Sunset area after the storm determined that tornadoes had been spawned out of the hurricane, but luckily only struck between houses, causing no deaths.

[edit] Gulf of Mexico

[edit] Friday, August 26, 2005
At 1:00 AM EDT, maximum sustained winds had decreased to 70 mph (110 km/h) and Katrina was again downgraded to a tropical storm. At 5:00 AM EDT, the eye of Hurricane Katrina was located just offshore of southwestern Florida over the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles (80 km) north-northeast of Key West, Florida. Maximum sustained winds had again increased to 75 mph (121 km/h) and Katrina was upgraded again to a Category 1 hurricane.

In the early afternoon, the National Hurricane Center officially shifts the possible track of Katrina from the Florida Panhandle to the Mississippi/Louisiana coast. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco declared a state of emergency for the state of Louisiana.[4] The declaration included activation of the state of Louisiana's emergency response and recovery program under the command of the director of the state office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness to supply emergency support services. Following the declaration of a state of emergency, federal troops were deployed to Louisiana to coordinate the planning of operations with FEMA.[5]

By 11:00 PM EDT, the National Hurricane Center predicted that Hurricane Katrina would strike the town of Buras-Triumph, Louisiana, 66 miles (106 km) southeast of New Orleans.[6]

Friday afternoon they realized that Katrina would strike Louisiana, rather than the Panhandle of Florida. Friday afternoon Governor Blanco declares a state of emergency and requests federal assistance. Meister, you are fucking stupid!
elvis i use it for a quick source on the population of new orleans...i see no harm in that...so watch the name calling...

You aren't arrogant, as far as I know. This jackass is always criticizing people for not putting up sources he agrees with. He labels them as "not scholarly." Sorry if I offended you. Nothing wrong with looking at it for population and things.

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