Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

Fact...the mayor of New Orleans messed up, the governor of the state messed up and BUSH JR messed up. Stop being a partisan hack and acknowledge the facts.

DiveCon neg repped me for the above post. Funny, he can call anyone he disagrees with a partisan hack but you call him one....
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
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WTF does that mean ? NO (is less than) they are not ?

You really are just this side of literate, aren't you ?
fuck off punk

You do use obscenities well. But it's still hard to tell when you're done.

Seriously, you should consider executing your thoughts more clearly. They are often lost in the muddle.
whats so difficult to understand in "FUCK OFF PUNK" ?
DiveCon neg repped me for the above post. Funny, he can call anyone he disagrees with a partisan hack but you call him one....
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
well, ya know, if you dont demonize Bush you are worshiping at him
most people with common sense would want facts to back up things rather than just taking some morons opinion
DiveCon neg repped me for the above post. Funny, he can call anyone he disagrees with a partisan hack but you call him one....
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

yes his record shows that...o wait did they ever find his records?:drillsergeant:
DiveCon neg repped me for the above post. Funny, he can call anyone he disagrees with a partisan hack but you call him one....
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
i know what you mean. Dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing george w. Bush did.

bullmalarky again! But that's just a bit different than bashing bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare dumpazz carter and bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

yes his record shows that...o wait did they ever find his records?:drillsergeant:
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
well, ya know, if you dont demonize Bush you are worshiping at him
most people with common sense would want facts to back up things rather than just taking some morons opinion

Well the facts are everybody messed up in Katrina,, Starting with Nagin and Blanco and all the people who decided to stay. Resources were there Nagin just didn't use them. Then when the going got tough what does he do? He sends what police force (the ones who didn't turn tail and run) he had left to Las Vegas on vacation! Holy shit! And yep! I believe FEMA could have done better too.
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?
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I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

yes his record shows that...o wait did they ever find his records?:drillsergeant:

snark won't change the facts honey!
Well, he's definitley more engaged with showing up on the television circuit, like Leno and 60 minutes. I hear Letterman is pissed that he hasn't been included. I'm sure we'll see BO there soon.

It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.

With as much as Obama has spent in his first 70 days, you are very wrong in assuming he doesn't get a report card. He was handed a recession, but he has created something far worse in his coarse of action. He was elected with a clear cut in electoral votes, but not popular votes...there is a big difference you know?
I think where there was a clear cut let down was from the mayor and the governor of the state. Don't forget that there was funding for the levys years before Katrina. But the funds were diverted to other programs...but let's not let the facts get in the way of your story.
Remember, Bush did the same thing as Obama did in not coming down for the horse show, but the media flamed him on it...funny that it's different now huh?
Once again I say don't let the facts get in the way of your story, Huggie

Not true. Widest margin of popular vote in last 3 elections.

Nominee George W. Bush Al Gore
Party Republican Democratic
Home state Texas Tennessee
Running mate Dick Cheney Joe Lieberman
Electoral vote 271 266
States carried 30 20 + DC
Popular vote 50,456,002 50,999,897
Percentage 47.9% 48.4%

Nominee George W. Bush John Kerry
Party Republican Democratic
Home state Texas Massachusetts
Running mate Dick Cheney John Edwards
Electoral vote 286 251[1]
States carried 31 19 + DC
Popular vote 62,040,610 59,028,444
Percentage 50.7% 48.3%

Nominee Barack Obama John McCain
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Illinois Arizona
Running mate Joe Biden Sarah Palin
Electoral vote 365 173
States carried 28 + DC + NE-02 22
Popular vote 69,456,897 59,934,814
Percentage 52.92% 45.66%
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.

but the truth is I don't wish! Everybody messed up.. Starting with Nagin.
BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?

Like I said,, they bash him for breathing just like they did McCain and Palin, that will never change,, that's why I laugh out loud when they expect respect for their guy..
I was around back then, and Bush Jr was much worse than Carter ever was, most likely because Carter didn't have the influence in congress that Bush Jr had......your worship of Bush Jr has blinded you.

BTW, I didn't vote for Carter either, and I'm getting sick and tired of you calling anyone that doesn't worship your hero liars.

Sheila you need to do a little homework on the unemployment level under Carter...also, the inflation rate under Carter...then take a look at the home mortgage interest rate under Carter...I don't know how anyone other than just being bias can say what you do. But, it's a free world and you can think what you want. No sense in letting the facts get in the way of how you feel.

Yeah, I was there, I remember. I remember Carter telling us we had to save energy and turn down on heat to 68 degrees, which he promptly did in the whitehouse and put on a sweater.

I remember the inflation towards the end of his term. I remember the Iranian hostages being let go only AFTER Reagan was elected and Bush Sr (CIA head) had secret talks with them. I wouldn't be surprised if Bush Sr saw to it the FED raised the interest rates too.
Clinton was ineffective as a president because number one, he wasn't as corrupt as Bush Sr and number two, he didn't have the sway in congress he needed to get anything done.
Even with those high interest rates we were better off then than we are now. Minimum wage had a higher spending power. Unemployment was figured differently as was inflation. I remember the first thing Reagan did when he got into office was taking housing out of the cost of living index and poof inflation went down over night. He also changed the questions for the unemployment statistics and poof that went down too. I would be interested in seeing what unemployment is now, using the same formula that was used while Carter was in office.

Talk about lying with statistics.

And yes, I worked for the federal government at the time, I know a lot about what was going on that the public never knew.

I don't know how you can say that carter didn't have influence over congress and the senate...the dems held substancial leads in both of them. Please feel free to tell us just what Bush 41. was corrupt with, and what congressional committees were formed to investigate.
You wouldn't be surprised if Bush 41 had interest rates raised sounds more like a conspiracy theory that the libs usually would come up with...kind of like Bush Jr. brought down the WTC.
No way we were better off with 20% home mortgage rates Sheila. You fell short of what you were trying to pass off in this post. Again, don't let the facts get in the way of your story.
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There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?

Like I said,, they bash him for breathing just like they did McCain and Palin, that will never change,, that's why I laugh out loud when they expect respect for their guy..
well, Obama IS the President and he is your president just as much as Bush was theirs
i give Obama the same respect i gave Bush
BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?
Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
There is no excuse for Bush's FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina no matter how hard you wish.
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?
Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?
Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

If Perot hadn't been in the race, Bush would have won anyway.
Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

If Perot hadn't been in the race, Bush would have won anyway.

Perot got almost 19% of the vote that year.

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