Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

If Perot hadn't been in the race, Bush would have won anyway.
actually, exit polls said that the perot voters would have split with Clinton getting a slight advantage
it would have been enough that Clinton would still have won
Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

If Perot hadn't been in the race, Bush would have won anyway.
That could be true. But Poppa was seen as caring less about domestic issues than foreign issues. And flubbing the biggest natural disaster up until that time just reinforced that belief.
DiveCon neg repped me for the above post. Funny, he can call anyone he disagrees with a partisan hack but you call him one....
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

Well, I will give you that. He didn't care what anyone thought or if it was right or wrong, he made up his mind and took us into two unwinnable wars. Then he claimed the war in Iraq was due to terrorism when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and he pulled our troops out of there.
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

Well, I will give you that. He didn't care what anyone thought or if it was right or wrong, he made up his mind and took us into two unwinnable wars. Then he claimed the war in Iraq was due to terrorism when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and he pulled our troops out of there.
sorry, they arent unwinable because one has already been won
Nice question ! You have done well grasshopper.
awe shit, i should go edit it
i was doing it to piss you off

So if you think it'll piss someone off, you'll act like a backwards, uneducated hick ?

Good strategy. I'm sure it has taken you far.
i only do it to fuckheads like you
pointing out spelling, grammar and punctuation errors on an internet message board is admitting you have nothing else and have been totally and completely beaten
awe shit, i should go edit it
i was doing it to piss you off

So if you think it'll piss someone off, you'll act like a backwards, uneducated hick ?

Good strategy. I'm sure it has taken you far.
i only do it to fuckheads like you
pointing out spelling, grammar and punctuation errors on an internet message board is admitting you have nothing else and have been totally and completely beaten

No, actually your entire body of speech here is comprised of incomplete thoughts and sentences, lacking the needed punctuation to even distinguish a question from a statement, muddled with the occasional mathmatic symbol.

Just wondering if you really expect any semi intelligent people to take you seriously.

Let me say this so you can understand:

u hard understand to saying what you is it
So if you think it'll piss someone off, you'll act like a backwards, uneducated hick ?

Good strategy. I'm sure it has taken you far.
i only do it to fuckheads like you
pointing out spelling, grammar and punctuation errors on an internet message board is admitting you have nothing else and have been totally and completely beaten

No, actually your entire body of speech here is comprised of incomplete thoughts and sentences, lacking the needed punctuation to even distinguish a question from a statement, muddled with the occasional mathmatic symbol.

Just wondering if you really expect any semi intelligent people to take you seriously.

Let me say this so you can understand:

u hard understand to saying what you is it

No matter how he posts...he makes more sense than a lot of these hacks. Just sayin...
So if you think it'll piss someone off, you'll act like a backwards, uneducated hick ?

Good strategy. I'm sure it has taken you far.
i only do it to fuckheads like you
pointing out spelling, grammar and punctuation errors on an internet message board is admitting you have nothing else and have been totally and completely beaten

No, actually your entire body of speech here is comprised of incomplete thoughts and sentences, lacking the needed punctuation to even distinguish a question from a statement, muddled with the occasional mathmatic symbol.

Just wondering if you really expect any semi intelligent people to take you seriously.

Let me say this so you can understand:

u hard understand to saying what you is it

Because none of those states flooded. And don't think the president and FEMA didn't get crucified for their slow response after Andrew. They did...and it was one more reason Poppa Bush didn't get a second term.
no, the reason Bush 41 didnt get re-elected was he broke his promise of no new taxes when he went along with the democrats on a tax increase when the dems promised to do equal cuts in spending(but didnt)

If Perot hadn't been in the race, Bush would have won anyway.

That is correct - I believe there were some Democrat-friendly exit polls that tried to paint a picture of votes being evenly split between Bush I and Clinton, but prior polling showed that the vast majority of Perot supporters were in fact historical Republicans/conservatives.

People were upset over the failed Bush promise of no new taxes - that is what vaulted Perot into national political status - he took that discontent, opened his own wallet, and made himself a somewhat viable candidate. No Perot - Bush I would likely have eeked out a re-election victory.

It is also interesting to note that the media was really piling on about the economy during the campaign - there were news reports projecting double-digit unemployment, rising inflation, predictions it would be worse than the 1981 recession, etc. Lo and behold, after Clinton was elected, we discovered the recession had in fact concluded a number of months prior to the actual election, and as a whole, was a very shallow and brief recession. By the time Clinton took his oath of office, the economy was already in full recovery mode.

Anyone else notice the greatly increased news reports of a recovering economy in the last couple of weeks? How we actually had a moderate increase in GDP in 2008?

Say hello to the new boss - same as the old boss...
all of that is total BULLSHIT

Well, you just lost your credibility. Didn't you read any of the newspapers at the time? Watch the news stations?

And of course, I can't find the articles now because I refuse to pay for back issues.

I'm sure some people on here can recall what really happened. Heck even my doctor volunteered to take care of some of the victims that were shipped here to the Seattle area.

Bet you don't believe Halliburton got no bid contracts for cleaning up the area either.

Bush worshippers are just as bad as the Clinton worshippers.

No one is so blind as he who will not see.

Something that struck me with your post about Haliburton. Were you complaining when Clinton hired Haliburton with no-bid contracts in the Balkins? I bet not, as well you shouldn't. The democrats never complained either, when Clinton did the same thing as Bush. The reason why is because Haliburton is the best of the best at what it does...hands down, they are in 120 countries, and ready to go at anytime. Sometimes it's better to have no-bid contracts in these situations.
It only became a political issue when Bush was president, and the dems. were hell bent on trying to destroy him. Please don't give me the line about Cheney, and conflict of interest, because he was not part of Haliburton when he was VP. FYI

all very true...and obama will hand out no bid contracts to haliburton as well.....if you took the time to create a set of bid documents then bid it then get it approved we would be into the next presidential cycle.....no bid contracts are there for speed.....and prequalifications....
For me, I attacked Bush, not because he didn't visit the area after Katrina, but because it took 5 days to get our military into our own country to help after a disaster we knew was coming a minimum of 4 days before it hit. This almost immediately following that tsunami 1/2 way around the world that no one knew was coming and our military got there in two days.

People who tried to walk away from New Orleans before the flood, across a bridge into another town were turned back at the point of guns by the other town's police force.

Our military, when they did finally enter New Orleans, went house to house, taking away guns that belonged to the people. Meanwhile our people did NOTHING!!!!

Truth to tell, I'm as ashamed of my fellow American as I am of ex Pres Bush.
the bolded is flat out NOT true
they were there the day of landfall, right after
it took more time to get into new orlean because BRIDGES WERE OUT

sheeesh, dont Fault Bush because there was no way INTO the damn city by road

You're saying we have no helicopters or ships.....

Nor were all bridges out.

Plus, FEMA was turning back trucks from Walmart and other companies full of supplies for the victims.

They then put the victims on planes and shipped them all over the country, ONE WAY.

Then the Mexicans brought in a shipload of labor. Americans who remained in the area were fired from their construction jobs as Bush suspended the law for wages and those construction companies hired all those immigrants and very low wages.

Any illegal caught crossing the border at that time was allowed if he only said he was going to clean up Katrina.

Bush deserves all the heat he got for Katrina, and then some.

i recall helicopters being used......ships.....you want to sail a ship into the flooded neighborhoods.....

you all do know the military is not allowed on us soil......unless requested and ordered.....and what exactly did you want these "baby killers" doing.....hunting down all looters and shooting them on sight....
then how come there werent the problems in AL, MS and FL?

face it ravi, you hate Bush
and nothing he could do or have done would change that

btw, how was your response to Andrew when it took FEMA 4 days to react?

Like I said,, they bash him for breathing just like they did McCain and Palin, that will never change,, that's why I laugh out loud when they expect respect for their guy..
well, Obama IS the President and he is your president just as much as Bush was theirs
i give Obama the same respect i gave Bush

I'll go you one better. I'll give obama the same respect the left gave President Bush.. That's fair!
I know what you mean. dcon's life mission is to try to excuse every stupid thing George W. Bush did.

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

Well, I will give you that. He didn't care what anyone thought or if it was right or wrong, he made up his mind and took us into two unwinnable wars. Then he claimed the war in Iraq was due to terrorism when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and he pulled our troops out of there.[/QUOTE]

That dosen't even make walking around sense. We didn't have troops in Saudi Arabia cause we were at war with them.. I think they let us stage the first war with Iraq from Saudi didn't they???
Oh then you will give him the same respect the left gave Bush after 911?

80% approval rating right after 911 meant that a huge section of the left gave him the backing to solve the problem.

Then he lost everyone when he started lying to us.

You gonna give Obamma your backing to solve this disaster he did not cause?
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Oh then you will give him the same respect the left gave Bush after 911?

80% approval rating right after 911 meant that a huge section of the left gave him the backing to solve the problem.

Then he lost everyone when he started lying to us.

You gonna give Obamma your backing to solve this disaster he did not cause?
and how long did that last, a month, 2?
Oh then you will give him the same respect the left gave Bush after 911?

80% approval rating right after 911 meant that a huge section of the left gave him the backing to solve the problem.

Then he lost everyone when he started lying to us.

You gonna give Obamma your backing to solve this disaster he did not cause?

Nope! let's start with President Bush's inauguration shall we? And finish with how he was treated on 1-20-09. That ought to tell you everything you need to know. You don't even have to fill in the eight years in between cause you are a DUmmie through and through.

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