Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

BullMalarky Again! but that's just a bit different than bashing Bush for breathing innit? Idiots. You cannot begin to compare DUmpAzz Carter and Bush. Carter is a pansy azzed human being Bush will stand and fight.. he made mistakes but he didn't politic according to which way the wind was blowing.

Well, I will give you that. He didn't care what anyone thought or if it was right or wrong, he made up his mind and took us into two unwinnable wars. Then he claimed the war in Iraq was due to terrorism when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and he pulled our troops out of there.[/QUOTE]

That dosen't even make walking around sense. We didn't have troops in Saudi Arabia cause we were at war with them.. I think they let us stage the first war with Iraq from Saudi didn't they???

Yes, we had troops in Saudi Arabia, just like we have them in Japan, Germany, England, etc., Bush, pulled them out when he went to war against Iraq in spite of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and NONE of them was from Iraq.

Do we have terrorists in Iraq? Yeah, NOW we do...thanks to Bush Jr.

Bush Sr's biggest mistake was not taking out Saddam, and Bush Jr's biggest mistake was taking out Saddam.
Yes, we had troops in Saudi Arabia, just like we have them in Japan, Germany, England, etc., Bush, pulled them out when he went to war against Iraq in spite of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and NONE of them was from Iraq.

Do we have terrorists in Iraq? Yeah, NOW we do...thanks to Bush Jr.

Bush Sr's biggest mistake was not taking out Saddam, and Bush Jr's biggest mistake was taking out Saddam.
uh, there WERE terrorists in Iraq before the begining of OIF
only a moron would say there werent
Well, I will give you that. He didn't care what anyone thought or if it was right or wrong, he made up his mind and took us into two unwinnable wars. Then he claimed the war in Iraq was due to terrorism when 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and he pulled our troops out of there.[/QUOTE]

That dosen't even make walking around sense. We didn't have troops in Saudi Arabia cause we were at war with them.. I think they let us stage the first war with Iraq from Saudi didn't they???

Yes, we had troops in Saudi Arabia, just like we have them in Japan, Germany, England, etc., Bush, pulled them out when he went to war against Iraq in spite of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and NONE of them was from Iraq.

Do we have terrorists in Iraq? Yeah, NOW we do...thanks to Bush Jr.
Bush Sr's biggest mistake was not taking out Saddam, and Bush Jr's biggest mistake was taking out Saddam.

You don't think there were zero terrorist in Iraq prior to President Bush's entering? Really? I bet those 350 thousand found buried in mass graves would beg to differ. I bet those live dudes fed feet first into the wood chippers would beg to differ..
Yes, we had troops in Saudi Arabia, just like we have them in Japan, Germany, England, etc., Bush, pulled them out when he went to war against Iraq in spite of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and NONE of them was from Iraq.

Do we have terrorists in Iraq? Yeah, NOW we do...thanks to Bush Jr.
Bush Sr's biggest mistake was not taking out Saddam, and Bush Jr's biggest mistake was taking out Saddam.

You don't think there were zero terrorist in Iraq prior to President Bush's entering? Really? I bet those 350 thousand found buried in mass graves would beg to differ. I bet those live dudes fed feet first into the wood chippers would beg to differ..

eew and I just watched Fargo.:lol:
after 911 the american people backed him at arround 85%.

We have a shit load of disastor left to Obama by Bush, why do you refuse to back him?

We deserve disrespect because your guy stole an election and the coutnry got behind him anyway because of a disastor?

You people are really twisted

No! you deserve no respect because THETRUTHDOSEN"TMATTER!

Florida scraps felon vote list
The list of 47,000 people is too flawed to be used to strike felons from voting rolls. County election supervisors express relief.
Published July 11, 2004


Nine days after making the names of more than 47,000 potential felon voters public, state officials have scrapped the entire list, saying it was too flawed to be trusted.

County supervisors of elections were told Saturday not to use the list of people the state believed had committed felonies and illegally registered to vote.
Many Hispanic voters vote Republican. That they were largely omitted from a list disproportionately weighted with Democratic-leaning blacks has fueled theories that voter rolls were being manipulated for political motives. State officials said it was data errors, not politics, that excluded Hispanics from the list.

"Not including Hispanic felons that may be voters on the list . . . was an oversight and a mistake. . . . And we accept responsibility and that's why we're pulling it back," said Gov. Jeb Bush, who was in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday at an "African-Americans for Bush" rally in support of his brother's re-election as president.
Many Hispanic voters vote Republican. That they were largely omitted from a list disproportionately weighted with Democratic-leaning blacks has fueled theories that voter rolls were being manipulated for political motives. State officials said it was data errors, not politics, that excluded Hispanics from the list.

"Not including Hispanic felons that may be voters on the list . . . was an oversight and a mistake. . . . And we accept responsibility and that's why we're pulling it back," said Gov. Jeb Bush, who was in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday at an "African-Americans for Bush" rally in support of his brother's re-election as president.

It's gonna be funny as hell when Gunny deletes this post for not having a link.

Florida scraps felon vote list
The list of 47,000 people is too flawed to be used to strike felons from voting rolls. County election supervisors express relief.
Published July 11, 2004


Nine days after making the names of more than 47,000 potential felon voters public, state officials have scrapped the entire list, saying it was too flawed to be trusted.

County supervisors of elections were told Saturday not to use the list of people the state believed had committed felonies and illegally registered to vote.
so, Bush won FL fair and square then

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