Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

Florida Won't Use a Flawed Felon List - The New York Times

The problem could have been significant in Florida, which President Bush won by just 537 votes in 2000. The state has a sizable Cuban population, and Hispanics in Florida have tended to vote Republican more than Hispanics nationally. The list had about 28,000 Democrats and around 9,500 Republicans, with most of the rest unaffiliated.

Gov. Jeb Bush said that not including Hispanic felons on the list "was an oversight and a mistake." He added, "We accept responsibility, and that's why we're pulling it back."
So any information you dont like is biased huh?

your fucked in the head
and the way you USE them
take that last one
you are trying to use that faulkty list from 2004 that WASNT used as proof the list was faulty in 2000
sorry, that shit dont fly
Well since in the end the "felonious list" if you will pardon the pun,, carried no weight for it was the Supreme Court of the Land that decided the President would be Bush.. so you are fucked in one place or another.. Waaaaambulance? you need one now??????
We deserve disrespect because your guy stole an election and the coutnry got behind him anyway because of a disastor?

You people are really twisted

If you can find a link that isn't a left wing hack site, I would like to see where Bush stole the election. Come on Truth...put up or shut up about it.
That constant whining about the stolen election is getting real old.
Florida Won't Use a Flawed Felon List - The New York Times

The problem could have been significant in Florida, which President Bush won by just 537 votes in 2000. The state has a sizable Cuban population, and Hispanics in Florida have tended to vote Republican more than Hispanics nationally. The list had about 28,000 Democrats and around 9,500 Republicans, with most of the rest unaffiliated.

Gov. Jeb Bush said that not including Hispanic felons on the list "was an oversight and a mistake." He added, "We accept responsibility, and that's why we're pulling it back."

that was the list of the TOTAL number of felons. No one knows how many of them should have been kept off the list, let alone if they were republicans or democrats. Then you add the fact that they recounted and Bush won by over 1000 votes and it makes your claim even less credible.
Bush hits worst approval rating quarter: The Swamp

gander at the chart.

The left stayed with him until the lies about Iraq started coming out.

Once again I must ask just what were the lies that Bush stated? Please once again show me a site that isn't a left wing hack site that states Bush lied. Pelosi and Reid sure couldn't prove it, and if they couldn't, I don't know how you did. Once again if you can't put up, please just shut up about it.
Once again I'm just tired of the constant whining from you partisan hacks that can't back up what they say.
If you dont know he lied us into war than your an idiot.

PROVE he lied. and if he did, it means Clinton lied as well. He thought Saddam had weapons....hence the sanctions on the country that led to 500,000 deaths that you like to forget about.
Executive Summary

The disenfranchisement of Florida’s voters fell most harshly on the shoulders of black voters. The magnitude of the impact can be seen from any of several perspectives:

Statewide, based upon county-level statistical estimates, black voters were nearly 10 times more likely than nonblack voters to have their ballots rejected.

Estimates indicate that approximately 14.4 percent of Florida’s black voters cast ballots that were rejected. This compares with approximately 1.6 percent of nonblack Florida voters who did not have their presidential votes counted.

Statistical analysis shows that the disparity in ballot spoilage rates—i.e., ballots cast but not counted—between black and nonblack voters is not the result of education or literacy differences. This conclusion is supported by Governor Jeb Bush’s Select Task Force on Election Procedures, Standards and Technology, which found that error rates stemming from uneducated, uninformed, or disinterested voters account for less than 1 percent of the problems.

Approximately 11 percent of Florida voters were African American; however, African Americans cast about 54 percent of the 180,000 spoiled ballots in Florida during the November 2000 election based on estimates derived from county-level data. These statewide estimates were corroborated by the results in several counties based on actual precinct data.
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-- Statements and implications by the President and Secretary of State suggesting that Iraq and al-Qa'ida had a partnership, or that Iraq had provided al-Qa'ida with weapons training, were not substantiated by the intelligence.
-- Statements by the President and the Vice President indicating that Saddam Hussein was prepared to give weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups for attacks against the United States were contradicted by available intelligence information.

-- Statements by President Bush and Vice President Cheney regarding the postwar situation in Iraq, in terms of the political, security, and economic, did not reflect the concerns and uncertainties expressed in the intelligence products.

-- Statements by the President and Vice President prior to the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate regarding Iraq's chemical weapons production capability and activities did not reflect the intelligence community's uncertainties as to whether such production was ongoing.

-- The Secretary of Defense's statement that the Iraqi government operated underground WMD facilities that were not vulnerable to conventional airstrikes because they were underground and deeply buried was not substantiated by available intelligence information.

-- The Intelligence Community did not confirm that Muhammad Atta met an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague in 2001 as the Vice President repeatedly claimed.
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the bolded is flat out NOT true
they were there the day of landfall, right after
it took more time to get into new orlean because BRIDGES WERE OUT

sheeesh, dont Fault Bush because there was no way INTO the damn city by road

You're saying we have no helicopters or ships.....

Nor were all bridges out.

Plus, FEMA was turning back trucks from Walmart and other companies full of supplies for the victims.

They then put the victims on planes and shipped them all over the country, ONE WAY.

Then the Mexicans brought in a shipload of labor. Americans who remained in the area were fired from their construction jobs as Bush suspended the law for wages and those construction companies hired all those immigrants and very low wages.

Any illegal caught crossing the border at that time was allowed if he only said he was going to clean up Katrina.

Bush deserves all the heat he got for Katrina, and then some.

i recall helicopters being used......ships.....you want to sail a ship into the flooded neighborhoods.....

you all do know the military is not allowed on us soil......unless requested and ordered.....and what exactly did you want these "baby killers" doing.....hunting down all looters and shooting them on sight....
FEMA isn't the military and sailing a ship isn't the only way into NO.
If you dont know he lied us into war than your an idiot.

PROVE he lied. and if he did, it means Clinton lied as well. He thought Saddam had weapons....hence the sanctions on the country that led to 500,000 deaths that you like to forget about.

Dude, are you HIGH? Don't enable that nutjob. Wait until you see all the crap she spews on THIS.

And in the end, she proves nothing. Well except that SHE is the idiot.:lol:
If you dont know he lied us into war than your an idiot.

PROVE he lied. and if he did, it means Clinton lied as well. He thought Saddam had weapons....hence the sanctions on the country that led to 500,000 deaths that you like to forget about.

Dude, are you HIGH? Don't enable that nutjob. Wait until you see all the crap she spews on THIS.

And in the end, she proves nothing. Well except that SHE is the idiot.:lol:

uh oh. I may have unleashed a bullshitstorm. :lol:
PROVE he lied. and if he did, it means Clinton lied as well. He thought Saddam had weapons....hence the sanctions on the country that led to 500,000 deaths that you like to forget about.

Dude, are you HIGH? Don't enable that nutjob. Wait until you see all the crap she spews on THIS.

And in the end, she proves nothing. Well except that SHE is the idiot.:lol:

uh oh. I may have unleashed a bullshitstorm. :lol:

Maybe you guys are right. I tried to find the page he printed from the Intelligence report...I couldn't find it anywhere. I sent him a message to give me the page it was on...and he must of bugged out...no response....hmmm, is this really typical of him?
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Executive Summary

The disenfranchisement of Florida’s voters fell most harshly on the shoulders of black voters. The magnitude of the impact can be seen from any of several perspectives:

Statewide, based upon county-level statistical estimates, black voters were nearly 10 times more likely than nonblack voters to have their ballots rejected.

Estimates indicate that approximately 14.4 percent of Florida’s black voters cast ballots that were rejected. This compares with approximately 1.6 percent of nonblack Florida voters who did not have their presidential votes counted.

Statistical analysis shows that the disparity in ballot spoilage rates—i.e., ballots cast but not counted—between black and nonblack voters is not the result of education or literacy differences. This conclusion is supported by Governor Jeb Bush’s Select Task Force on Election Procedures, Standards and Technology, which found that error rates stemming from uneducated, uninformed, or disinterested voters account for less than 1 percent of the problems.

Approximately 11 percent of Florida voters were African American; however, African Americans cast about 54 percent of the 180,000 spoiled ballots in Florida during the November 2000 election based on estimates derived from county-level data. These statewide estimates were corroborated by the results in several counties based on actual precinct data.

Executive summary seems to be very generic, and probably one of your favorite sites. Who is Executive Summary? I asked for a non partisan hack site.
Also, I sent you a contact message to ask about what page that Intelligence report was on that you posted. You were on at the time I sent it, and no response. I looked it over 2 times and couldn't find the page. In fact the way it was written wasn't even close to the way Intelligence report was written. So I can only surmize that you lied, and were disingenuous with these two posts. I asked for a non partisan hack site. Probably you should take them down.

Once again you need to change your handle, from Truthmatters.
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Bush hits worst approval rating quarter: The Swamp

gander at the chart.

The left stayed with him until the lies about Iraq started coming out.

Once again I must ask just what were the lies that Bush stated? Please once again show me a site that isn't a left wing hack site that states Bush lied. Pelosi and Reid sure couldn't prove it, and if they couldn't, I don't know how you did. Once again if you can't put up, please just shut up about it.
Once again I'm just tired of the constant whining from you partisan hacks that can't back up what they say.

Were you not paying attention at the time? You don't remember him saying anything about the WMDs that were NEVER found? The reason we went into Iraq was because Bush claimed they had WMDs. Once in, and they didn't find it, suddenly it was all about terrorism. And of course, that's when he pulled our troops out of Saudi Arabia.
If you dont know he lied us into war than your an idiot.

PROVE he lied. and if he did, it means Clinton lied as well. He thought Saddam had weapons....hence the sanctions on the country that led to 500,000 deaths that you like to forget about.

Oh please, Clinton "I never had sex with that woman," NEVER told the truth. You can't defend one man's lies by pointing out another man's lies.

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