Well Now Isn't This Just Too Convenient?

Only an idiot would observe that Obama isn't more engaged than Bush was.

Well, he's definitley more engaged with showing up on the television circuit, like Leno and 60 minutes. I hear Letterman is pissed that he hasn't been included. I'm sure we'll see BO there soon.

It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.

What is your time line before a president is to be expected to react to a disaster?
A flood happened in his first 70 days, so he gets a free pass at ignoring it? If it was his 85th day would it be different for you? Where do you draw the line?
so shiela, you then blame obama for any damage done now right....

or are you going to simply be a partisan hack and blame bush but not obama
Only an idiot would observe that Obama isn't more engaged than Bush was.

Well, he's definitley more engaged with showing up on the television circuit, like Leno and 60 minutes. I hear Letterman is pissed that he hasn't been included. I'm sure we'll see BO there soon.

It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.
Bullshit, Truman comes readily to mind. Van Buren inherited a real mess from Jackson.
You're saying we have no helicopters or ships.....

Nor were all bridges out.

Plus, FEMA was turning back trucks from Walmart and other companies full of supplies for the victims.

They then put the victims on planes and shipped them all over the country, ONE WAY.

Then the Mexicans brought in a shipload of labor. Americans who remained in the area were fired from their construction jobs as Bush suspended the law for wages and those construction companies hired all those immigrants and very low wages.

Any illegal caught crossing the border at that time was allowed if he only said he was going to clean up Katrina.

Bush deserves all the heat he got for Katrina, and then some.
all of that is total BULLSHIT

Well, you just lost your credibility. Didn't you read any of the newspapers at the time? Watch the news stations?

And of course, I can't find the articles now because I refuse to pay for back issues.

I'm sure some people on here can recall what really happened. Heck even my doctor volunteered to take care of some of the victims that were shipped here to the Seattle area.

Bet you don't believe Halliburton got no bid contracts for cleaning up the area either.

Bush worshippers are just as bad as the Clinton worshippers.

No one is so blind as he who will not see.

Something that struck me with your post about Haliburton. Were you complaining when Clinton hired Haliburton with no-bid contracts in the Balkins? I bet not, as well you shouldn't. The democrats never complained either, when Clinton did the same thing as Bush. The reason why is because Haliburton is the best of the best at what it does...hands down, they are in 120 countries, and ready to go at anytime. Sometimes it's better to have no-bid contracts in these situations.
It only became a political issue when Bush was president, and the dems. were hell bent on trying to destroy him. Please don't give me the line about Cheney, and conflict of interest, because he was not part of Haliburton when he was VP. FYI
Obama and lilberals are not interested in the problems of the NoDaks....all that state has is a few honky white people dontchaknow?
The only minority group they could possibly get in a lather about would be a few Indians but they're not really in vogue these days...:eusa_whistle:
Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
so shiela, you then blame obama for any damage done now right....

or are you going to simply be a partisan hack and blame bush but not obama

Have we responded properly to the disaster in Fargo? If so, why would I blame Obama?

BTW, don't you remember, I'm one of those that said Obama isn't qualified to be president as he's not a natural born citizen?

Try to partisan hack that.....
Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
ed, what world are you living in?
is the sky blue there?
Bush was raked over the coals for not going to New Orleans and then raked over the coals when he did
you guys were NEVER happy
and at the time, Brownie DID do a good job
it wasnt Brownies fault it was the stupid governor and Mayor Nagin
Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
ed, what world are you living in?
is the sky blue there?
Bush was raked over the coals for not going to New Orleans and then raked over the coals when he did
you guys were NEVER happy
and at the time, Brownie DID do a good job
it wasnt Brownies fault it was the stupid governor and Mayor Nagin

Ed lives in the world where he perceives himself to be objective and above the fray, while agreeing with the left on all issues, bar none.
Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
ed, what world are you living in?
is the sky blue there?
Bush was raked over the coals for not going to New Orleans and then raked over the coals when he did
you guys were NEVER happy
and at the time, Brownie DID do a good job
it wasnt Brownies fault it was the stupid governor and Mayor Nagin

I live in the world where I don't have to make my political opponents straw men to find something to say about them.

Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
ed, what world are you living in?
is the sky blue there?
Bush was raked over the coals for not going to New Orleans and then raked over the coals when he did
you guys were NEVER happy
and at the time, Brownie DID do a good job
it wasnt Brownies fault it was the stupid governor and Mayor Nagin

I live in the world where I don't have to make my political opponents straw men to find something to say about them.

there wasnt a strawman in there
you claimed bush wasnt criticized, he was
Oh please do stop making crap up, Willow, you ignorant troll.

You cannot possibly be as stpid as you pretend to be, and nobody is stupid enough to believe your incessant blather about what people were complaining about according to your retarded reporting of the event.

We were there, too remember?

Bush wasn't torn to shreds for not going to LA.

Bush was torn to shreds because of what DIDN'T happen at the LA stadium.

Like the people didn't get rescued or given relief for day and days.

That on top of Bush's insane "Nice Job" quip is what outraged anyone with a lick of sense.
ed, what world are you living in?
is the sky blue there?
Bush was raked over the coals for not going to New Orleans and then raked over the coals when he did
you guys were NEVER happy
and at the time, Brownie DID do a good job
it wasnt Brownies fault it was the stupid governor and Mayor Nagin

I live in the world where I don't have to make my political opponents straw men to find something to say about them.


do you even know what a strawman is? are you actually claiming the governor and mayor chocolate city nagin had zero responsibility? :cuckoo:
Well, he's definitley more engaged with showing up on the television circuit, like Leno and 60 minutes. I hear Letterman is pissed that he hasn't been included. I'm sure we'll see BO there soon.

It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.

Wrong, Obama campaigned as a centrist with fiscal responsibility but is governing completely opposite. If he told the truth about what he was actually gonna do during his campaign, no way he wins the election. "Hope", "Change" and whining about Bush (which he's still doing) was his whole campaign, which went unchallenged and folks such as yourself fell for it hook, line and sinker......

I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.
It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.

Wrong, Obama campaigned as a centrist with fiscal responsibility but is governing completely opposite. If he told the truth about what he was actually gonna do during his campaign, no way he wins the election. "Hope", "Change" and whining about Bush (which he's still doing) was his whole campaign, which went unchallenged and folks such as yourself fell for it hook, line and sinker......

I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.
with that post you earned the position of moronic partisan hack
you are not worth anyones time to actually engage
Wrong, Obama campaigned as a centrist with fiscal responsibility but is governing completely opposite. If he told the truth about what he was actually gonna do during his campaign, no way he wins the election. "Hope", "Change" and whining about Bush (which he's still doing) was his whole campaign, which went unchallenged and folks such as yourself fell for it hook, line and sinker......

I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.
with that post you earned the position of moronic partisan hack
you are not worth anyones time to actually engage

One knows from their first post...something along the lines of 'why can't we talk'...LOL!
It is still way too early to turn in a report card on Obama. Few presidents in our countries history have been handed the flaming crap bag that Bush passed on. He was elected with a clear margin to advance an agenda to make good on.

In regards to a comparison with Katrina I think the defunding of the corps of engineers on the levys and Brownies inept handling of FEMA enter into the discussion.

Obama has chosen people with experience as oposed to putting peoples lives at the mercy of a horse show judge that contibuted to his campaign.

But don't let that slow you down. The contrast you expose with your belated boot licking is welcome.

Wrong, Obama campaigned as a centrist with fiscal responsibility but is governing completely opposite. If he told the truth about what he was actually gonna do during his campaign, no way he wins the election. "Hope", "Change" and whining about Bush (which he's still doing) was his whole campaign, which went unchallenged and folks such as yourself fell for it hook, line and sinker......

I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.

and I am sure you wanted Bush to succeed.
Wrong, Obama campaigned as a centrist with fiscal responsibility but is governing completely opposite. If he told the truth about what he was actually gonna do during his campaign, no way he wins the election. "Hope", "Change" and whining about Bush (which he's still doing) was his whole campaign, which went unchallenged and folks such as yourself fell for it hook, line and sinker......

I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.
with that post you earned the position of moronic partisan hack
you are not worth anyones time to actually engage

Are you saying his boyfriend should break off the engagement?
I don't know you so I will not assume you are a stinking neo-con christian fascist fear mongering piece of shit traitor that hates Americans so much that he will do anything to help make our president and therefore our country fail. No I won't assume that. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

I doubt you paid much attention to what Obama actually promised. You most probably get all your "facts" from Rush Limpdick and that fake Irish Sean Hannity. Oh ya can't forget Man Coulter and that steaming pile Carl Rove.

We probably won't be friends.
with that post you earned the position of moronic partisan hack
you are not worth anyones time to actually engage

Are you saying his boyfriend should break off the engagement?
funny one

but i meant engage as in engage in a conservation

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