Well Said, Mr. President. Well Said.

Bringing Clinton out will make Obama look very small in comparison. Dems will remember what a remarkable politician Clinton was by comparison and it will lead to even less enthusiasm for Obama than they have now.
What's the difference between Obama and Romney supporters? Romney supporters sign their checks on the front, Obama's on the back.
Yeah, if Obama brings out Clinton, you can bet that Romney will bring out his big gun, Bush. Bush is waiting on the sidelines ready to go, they even have Bush's debate box, the one he he wore on his back, all tuned and ready.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

All that investment now isn't working. I guess pissing more money away gives you peace of mind. Cool.
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

Every solution in America involves a new gubmint titty sucking program for someone like you.
Bringing Clinton out will make Obama look very small in comparison. Dems will remember what a remarkable politician Clinton was by comparison and it will lead to even less enthusiasm for Obama than they have now.

Very good point!!
At least Clinton was smart enough NOT to insult -- business people, -- people that do want to excel and improve their lives and NOT apologize for the FEW indiscretions of the USA!
Investing in education and training programs is indeed an important component in returning Americans to work; programs republicans would for the most part eliminate or under-fund.

We've pissed away more money than you can shake a stick at for education in America and what do we have to show for it? Teacher's unions, drop outs, and morons.
Sweating yet?


Romney has moved into the lead, and he of course has BIG MO.

I mean, it isn't like this is not predictable.

Every Democrat President in the post war era has either been a one-termer or impeached.

One fuck up after another.

Based on???

For one: Fox News poll: Race for the White House tightens | Fox News

For two: keeping an eye on the polling and the trends. See Gallup, Rasumussen and Fox: RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

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