Well, Sessions has Finally decided to act like the AG

It would be fun to see CA not sent money to the feds.

Yup, that would be fun, maybe California could use it to pay some of their fricken bills.
Typical lib approach, compound one crime with another

Easy champ, that was mostly sarcasm. California should file bankruptcy because they can't seem to pay their bills. As far as compounding one crime with another, that's what libs do due to their ignorance.
A law suit ain't exactly showing a set of balls. Perp walking the mayors out of town would be more like it. Sessions doesn't seem interested in opening the Fast/Furious case even when the brother of the murdered Border Patrol officer begged him.
They can't stop with this though.

They also need to cut off all funds to California, (a Sanctuary State)

CA is a DONOR state....It gets back about .77 cents for every dollar it gives to the feds.....Careful for what you wish for....California's GDP is BIGGER than Trump favorite country....RUSSIA.

So you're saying that they pay in roughly 400 billion and get back
330 billion. Fine. But they're a State...they must pay in. If they don't,
that would create an issue, wouldn't it. Is Calif gonna go to war with
the Feds.

I don't remember Calif having a Navy. The Feds could blockade their
ports and reduce their GDP to the size of Peru within a month.

Confiscate all Federal Land, Federalize their National Guard and ship
them to Puerto Rico to assist the natives there in learning how to operate
a light switch while the Feds sweep thru the State of Cali.

Maybe next year, when the next flood season arrives the Feds will send
inner tubes and rafts to the residents downstream from the Orville Dam
and a countless supply of garden hoses when the 3 forest fire seasons
kick in to all the residents that abut forests.

I don't think California is holding a very good poker hand. They just need
to take a closer look at their cards that they're holding.
I don't remember Calif having a Navy. The Feds could blockade their
ports and reduce their GDP to the size of Peru within a month.

Confiscate all Federal Land, Federalize their National Guard and ship
them to Puerto Rico to assist the natives there in learning how to operate
a light switch while the Feds sweep thru the State of Cali.

Gee, your fucked up imagination is only matched by your abject stupidity.....No one is talking about secession by California (well, red state Texas flirts with it when we have democrats in power.)..lol

Federal courts will eventually smack down the orange, wanna-be despot. Fear not.
I don't remember Calif having a Navy. The Feds could blockade their
ports and reduce their GDP to the size of Peru within a month.

Confiscate all Federal Land, Federalize their National Guard and ship
them to Puerto Rico to assist the natives there in learning how to operate
a light switch while the Feds sweep thru the State of Cali.

Gee, your fucked up imagination is only matched by your abject stupidity.....No one is talking about secession by California (well, red state Texas flirts with it when we have democrats in power.)..lol

Federal courts will eventually smack down the orange, wanna-be despot. Fear not.

I thought California was floating a secession bill around.

Maybe the 9th Circuit, but SCOTUS will kick that out, just like they
did to Arizona when Obama challenged their immigration bills.
Maybe the 9th Circuit, but SCOTUS will kick that out, just like they
did to Arizona when Obama challenged their immigration bills.

Here.....to help your cause........lol

Typical lib approach, compound one crime with another

That is YOUR moronic conclusion.......
Did you forget the part of Trump refusing to allocate money to the state as a "crime"?....
What the fuck happened to states' rights?

If States want to apply for federal grants they have to meet the conditions that are stipulated for those grants. They aren't entitled to anything, if they don't want to comply with the conditions, don't apply for the grants. The State has the RIGHT not to apply.

Did anyone he the CA AG’s press response? He ADMITTED they have passed their own sanctuary laws to be able to protect their economy, the 6th largest in the world.
So much said with so little words. He might as well have said- We will protect our economy by continuing to protect our illegal employment, so the rich can remain rich, and the illegals allow us to continue our endeavor to remain so.

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