Well THAT Didn't Take Long! Iran 'Tells' Barry, "Go F* Yourself!"

No, the fact that Barry is Iran's bitch is based on the fact that DURING deal negotiations
- Iran's leader was leading chants to death to America
- Iran's military was practicing bombing mock US aircraft carriers
- Iran was declaring they would nuke Israel and attack the US next
- Iran violated agreements already established

No, the fact that Barry is Iran's bitch is based on the fact that AFTER deal negotiations
- Iran used captured US military personnel in a propaganda campaign to humiliate the US
- Iran violated the deal...AGAIN
- Iran just threatened to walk away from the deal, that they have NEVER fully complied with yet, if Obama / the west doesn't comply with their demands and attempts to hold them to the conditions of the deal.

Barry was so desperate to get his 'legacy' deal that he endured insults, threats, humiliation, mocking in front of the world, and Iranian violations of the deal before it was even signed. So far he has continued to turn a blind eye to more of the same in order to keep that 'legacy' alive.
The Iran deal had nothing to do with missiles. Obviously, none of you have read it.

Iran has honored every part of the nuclear deal. I know that makes your butts sore to even think about, but it is a fact.

Seems you have not read it.
Full text of the Iran deal
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.
Can a nuclear weapon be used without missiles? Technically yes but most are used as missiles.
They have honored every part of the nuclear agreement. Every measurable milestone has been observed. They have shipped out the required uranium, they have deactivated a breeder reactor, they have shipped out the required centrifuges.

Iran's nuclear weapons program has been drastically reversed.

Only a fool would believe that horseshit, Barry is irans bitch....
and you base your assessment of iran's nuclear capabilities on what, exactly?

does evidence even enter into the equation with you? seems like you don't care about reality, you just go with your gut.
Go ahead believe what a terrorist country tells you, that's bat shit crazy… LOL

Not only that but this treaty allows them zero breakout in 2028.
It's insane.
Seems you have not read it.
Full text of the Iran deal
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.
Can a nuclear weapon be used without missiles? Technically yes but most are used as missiles.
They have honored every part of the nuclear agreement. Every measurable milestone has been observed. They have shipped out the required uranium, they have deactivated a breeder reactor, they have shipped out the required centrifuges.

Iran's nuclear weapons program has been drastically reversed.

Only a fool would believe that horseshit, Barry is irans bitch....
and you base your assessment of iran's nuclear capabilities on what, exactly?

does evidence even enter into the equation with you? seems like you don't care about reality, you just go with your gut.
Go ahead believe what a terrorist country tells you, that's bat shit crazy… LOL

Not only that but this treaty allows them zero breakout in 2028.
It's insane.
It must be the community organizer in Barry that got that deal... Lol
No, the fact that Barry is Iran's bitch is based on the fact that DURING deal negotiations
- Iran's leader was leading chants to death to America
- Iran's military was practicing bombing mock US aircraft carriers
- Iran was declaring they would nuke Israel and attack the US next
- Iran violated agreements already established

No, the fact that Barry is Iran's bitch is based on the fact that AFTER deal negotiations
- Iran used captured US military personnel in a propaganda campaign to humiliate the US
- Iran violated the deal...AGAIN
- Iran just threatened to walk away from the deal, that they have NEVER fully complied with yet, if Obama / the west doesn't comply with their demands and attempts to hold them to the conditions of the deal.

Barry was so desperate to get his 'legacy' deal that he endured insults, threats, humiliation, mocking in front of the world, and Iranian violations of the deal before it was even signed. So far he has continued to turn a blind eye to more of the same in order to keep that 'legacy' alive.
you know iran has not violated the nuclear agreement, right?

that fact sort of takes the wind out of your sails, doesn't it?
Seems you have not read it.
Full text of the Iran deal
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.
Can a nuclear weapon be used without missiles? Technically yes but most are used as missiles.
They have honored every part of the nuclear agreement. Every measurable milestone has been observed. They have shipped out the required uranium, they have deactivated a breeder reactor, they have shipped out the required centrifuges.

Iran's nuclear weapons program has been drastically reversed.

Only a fool would believe that horseshit, Barry is irans bitch....
and you base your assessment of iran's nuclear capabilities on what, exactly?

does evidence even enter into the equation with you? seems like you don't care about reality, you just go with your gut.
Go ahead believe what a terrorist country tells you, that's bat shit crazy… LOL

Not only that but this treaty allows them zero breakout in 2028.
It's insane.
as opposed to 2017
[QUOTE="ogibillm, post: 13709006, member: 27956
you know iran has not violated the nuclear agreement, right?

"Today’s launch would not violate Iran's nuclear deal signed with the U.S. but does breach a U.N. security council resolution, officials tell Fox News. That resolution bars Iran from working on any ballistic missiles."

While the missile launch doesn't not violate the 'favorable' Iran-benefitting deal Obama made with them, it does violate the U.N.'s resolution.

The idea was to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear program and a missile program capable of delivering nuclear missiles. The U.N. is concerned - more concerned that Obama - with this. Iran has violated U.N. resolutions several times while Obama and his 'deal' continues to ignore Iran's progress.
"Today’s launch would not violate Iran's nuclear deal signed with the U.S. but does breach a U.N. security council resolution, officials tell Fox News. That resolution bars Iran from working on any ballistic missiles."

While the missile launch doesn't not violate the 'favorable' Iran-benefitting deal Obama made with them, it does violate the U.N.'s resolution.

The idea was to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear program and a missile program capable of delivering nuclear missiles. The U.N. is concerned - more concerned that Obama - with this. Iran has violated U.N. resolutions several times while Obama and his 'deal' continues to ignore Iran's progress.
so when you said
- Iran violated the deal...AGAIN
- Iran just threatened to walk away from the deal, that they have NEVER fully complied with yet, if Obama / the west doesn't comply with their demands and attempts to hold them to the conditions of the deal.
would you classify that as a lie or just ignorance?
I would classify it as stating the story as reported in the news. There are several news sources, to include CNN, that reported it as a violation, which it was / is...of the U.N.'s resolution. It is also Iran continuing to stick a thumb in Barry's eye.
Not an Obama supporter.

But if Obama prevented another UNnecessary UNconstitutional war more power to him.

Let the zionuts jump if they feel froggy..

I support my President, but I will call him out when he does incredibly ignorant shite like this. allowing another nation to embarrass and humiliate us on the world stage.

Obama took us to war in Libya, without Congressional approval, and used our military to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - take over Libya. He waged his own proxy war with Assad, trying to redeem himself after the 'Red Line' debacle, by supplying and arming terrorists. Libya was UN-necessary and, unlike bush, he bypassed Congress to go to war.

Seems liberals have different standards for Obama Liberal Presidents.

SUPPORT, Are you fucking serious....

You have just bitched and complained about him on this forum since you got here...
I would classify it as stating the story as reported in the news. There are several news sources, to include CNN, that reported it as a violation, which it was / is...of the U.N.'s resolution. It is also Iran continuing to stick a thumb in Barry's eye.
so you're going with ignorance.

maybe you should try to learn the facts before making them up next time.
Not an Obama supporter.

But if Obama prevented another UNnecessary UNconstitutional war more power to him.

Let the zionuts jump if they feel froggy..

I support my President, but I will call him out when he does incredibly ignorant shite like this. allowing another nation to embarrass and humiliate us on the world stage.

Obama took us to war in Libya, without Congressional approval, and used our military to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - take over Libya. He waged his own proxy war with Assad, trying to redeem himself after the 'Red Line' debacle, by supplying and arming terrorists. Libya was UN-necessary and, unlike bush, he bypassed Congress to go to war.

Seems liberals have different standards for Obama Liberal Presidents.

You and your warmonger-zionut friends are the stupid fucks.

Fedgov has no authority to demand that Iran or any other Country comply with its demands not to defend itself by any means necessary.


It probably would help if they stopped selling their enemy (Saudi Arabia) every piece of Military tech they can get their hands on..
The Iran deal had nothing to do with missiles. Obviously, none of you have read it.

Iran has honored every part of the nuclear deal. I know that makes your butts sore to even think about, but it is a fact.

Seems you have not read it.
Full text of the Iran deal
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.
Can a nuclear weapon be used without missiles? Technically yes but most are used as missiles.
They have honored every part of the nuclear agreement. Every measurable milestone has been observed. They have shipped out the required uranium, they have deactivated a breeder reactor, they have shipped out the required centrifuges.

Iran's nuclear weapons program has been drastically reversed.

Is Iran under an obligation within this context, to curtail its ballistic missile research and operations?
The Iran deal had nothing to do with missiles. Obviously, none of you have read it.

Iran has honored every part of the nuclear deal. I know that makes your butts sore to even think about, but it is a fact.

Seems you have not read it.
Full text of the Iran deal
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this historic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in their approach to this issue. They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA will positively contribute to regional and international peace and security. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.
Can a nuclear weapon be used without missiles? Technically yes but most are used as missiles.
They have honored every part of the nuclear agreement. Every measurable milestone has been observed. They have shipped out the required uranium, they have deactivated a breeder reactor, they have shipped out the required centrifuges.

Iran's nuclear weapons program has been drastically reversed.

Is Iran under an obligation within this context, to curtail its ballistic missile research and operations?
Nope. Ballistic missile research was not covered in the agreement.

Ballistic missile research is covered under UN Resolution 1929. It is that of which Iran is in violation, not the nuclear agreement.
In the nuclear agreement, it is plainly stated that if Iran met the terms of the agreement, certain sanctions would be lifted, not to include any sanctions related to ballistic missile research.

In other words, even though Iran met all the terms of the nuclear agreement, the sanctions related to their ballistic missile program would remain, and have remained, in force.
Foreign Policy, Community Organizer style!

Barry bent so far over backwards during the Iran 'Deal' negotiations that the Shah had him sticking his head up his own ass. Barry negotiated, willfully, from a position of weakness and without any respect involved. Iran's military practiced bombing and sinking mock US aircraft carriers, Iran's leader led chants of 'Death to America', and Iran violated pre-deal agreements / restrictions while Barry ignored them all in an attempt to secure his foreign policy 'Legacy'.

Who the HELL thinks that the guys across the table from you, making fun of your ass and breaking agreements before the deal is even signed, will honor the deal once it's signed?!

SINCE the deal was agreed to, Iran immediately made fun of Obama and the US. Iran captured several sailors, filmed them, and used them as part of a propaganda campaign to humiliate the US in front of the world. And NOW?!

Iran conducts new missile tests defying US sanctions
Iran conducts new missile tests defying US sanctions

Hey, Barry....
Iran is a sovereign country consequently it has the ABSOLUTE right to defend itself against the Judeo-American axis of evil.


Please skip back to sanity.
In other words, even though Iran met all the terms of the nuclear agreement, the sanctions related to their ballistic missile program would remain, and have remained, in force.
In other words Obama created SOFTER, LESS STRICT 'deal requirements' than the U.N. Mandated in their own Iran Treaty/Deal. The missile launches violate the established U.N.agreement, but wtf does Barry care - the U.N. deal is not part of HIS legacy.

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