Well the Southern Baptists declared the bible a true factual word of God.

The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.

Tell that to the late Ned Beatty who dealt with LGBTQ activists back in the day.

Everybody has the right to believe or disbelieve anything they want unless they try to shove it on others. Unfortunately, the Southern Baptists try to do this. They are crazy, aggressive, and deluded.

I mean Southern Baptists, not all Baptists. I've known Baptists who are wonderful people, but the Southern Baptists are awful. It's something in their culture.
I have more evo's shoving their religion at me than any of the others,, and truthfully have never had a SB ever approach me,,
And they didn't consult you first?! The nerve of those people!!

Let's have a thought experiment. In this experiment, God created the universe 10 minutes ago, in its current state as of 10 minutes ago, with all the "evidence" it's billions of years old built-in, with the light from distant stars created in transit, and us with all our memories of a lifetime in place.

Now...how could you disprove this?
Not my claim. Not my job to disprove it.
It's a thought experiment. Sorry you're incapable of providing the tools required.
Everybody has the right to believe or disbelieve anything they want unless they try to shove it on others. Unfortunately, the Southern Baptists try to do this. They are crazy, aggressive, and deluded.

I mean Southern Baptists, not all Baptists. I've known Baptists who are wonderful people, but the Southern Baptists are awful. It's something in their culture.
southern baptists: these are the things we believe

Everybody has the right to believe or disbelieve anything they want unless they try to shove it on others. Unfortunately, the Southern Baptists try to do this. They are crazy, aggressive, and deluded.

I mean Southern Baptists, not all Baptists. I've known Baptists who are wonderful people, but the Southern Baptists are awful. It's something in their culture.
southern baptists: these are the things we believe

thats nothing compared to if you disagree with an evolutionist,,, they attack you and call you names,,
You talking to me or to people who swear by the bible. Seems like a better question for them doesn't it.

Who is "them? Is every person with a Southern Baptist affiliation included?
Mt 5:34But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Mt 5:35Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Mt 5:36Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
I once tried to believe in the Evolution theory.
But I didn't have enough Faith to believe in such a crazy fantasy story. ... :cool:
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Correction -

Those who do not believe in a monotheistic Abrahamic super-being created the universe.

The vast majority of people on Earth have never believed that!
Seems God .has always got far fewer a return on the souls he is said to have created.
Not a very good business, in fact, a failed one!
When we make a plan and it does not go as we planned that may indeed be a failure. We should know according to our own plan, but how many know the totality of God's plan... even among believers?
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats
I once tried to believe in the Evolution theory.
But I didn't have enough Faith to believe in such a crazy fantasy story. ... :cool:
What's really funny is when you ask evolutionists to explain the origin of life and they screech EVOLUTION!!!

Um, no, evolution is a possible explanation to the origin of species, not the origin of life. NO!!! NON LIVING THINGS CAN EVOLVE INTO LIVING THINGS!!!11

Some of them really are this dumb.
How about a Jehovah Witness..or one of those Mormons in white shirts spreading the word?
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?

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