Well there goes another day that the dems were all talk and no impeachment

Did you find out when isolation from trade was killing the USA?

Seriously it's really kind of sad that you do not know that political polls are expressed as percentages

On the other hand since you are retarded it's to be expected


Thanks for once again proving me correct. Not a single thing there about who will win the nomination. just who their favorite was in Nov of 2018.

We now know what percent of the people that liked each of the candidates in Nov. Still nothing about winning the nomination, let alone the election.

how many times are you going to prove me right before you give up?

The polls gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning...…………………….

All polls are expressed as percent's

At least you are learning

Here is a poll from right before the election.. please highlight the percent to win according to this poll. Where does it give the percent chance to win the election.


or this one

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®

or this one

Fox News Poll results 11/7/16
He only needed to provide one for your question, and he did.

He did not provide a poll, he provided some news agencies prediction. Are you too stupid also to know the difference between a poll and an OpEd piece?

They were presented as sure thing polls.

Survey and poll mean the same thing.

The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday
The polls gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning...…………………….

All polls are expressed as percent's

At least you are learning

Provide the polls that stated that Hillary had a 98% chance to win.

Hell, give me just one poll that showed her percent chance to win the election....just one.

If you had a brain you could find this on your own
The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday



That is not a poll dumbfuck, that is some news agencies prediction. Do you not know the difference between a poll and and OpEd?
An op/Ed posing as a pole or set up to mimick one ?? Where did the op get that info from ? Was it from a pole ?
The polls gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning...…………………….

All polls are expressed as percent's

At least you are learning

Provide the polls that stated that Hillary had a 98% chance to win.

Hell, give me just one poll that showed her percent chance to win the election....just one.

If you had a brain you could find this on your own
The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday



That is not a poll dumbfuck, that is some news agencies prediction. Do you not know the difference between a poll and and OpEd?
An op/Ed posing as a pole or set up to mimick one ?? Where did the op get that info from ? Was it from a pole ?

He actually does not know what a poll is. Seems impossible but AOC doesn't know what a garbage disposal is

Last edited:
The polls gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning...…………………….

All polls are expressed as percent's

At least you are learning

Provide the polls that stated that Hillary had a 98% chance to win.

Hell, give me just one poll that showed her percent chance to win the election....just one.

If you had a brain you could find this on your own
The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday



That is not a poll dumbfuck, that is some news agencies prediction. Do you not know the difference between a poll and and OpEd?

The predictions are the results of polls, the fake news polls of CNN and MSNBC that you think are real

The fun thing about retards is they think they can win

Thank you for admitting the polls did not make any predictions. that took a while, but I was able to drag it out of you.
The polls gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning...…………………….

All polls are expressed as percent's

At least you are learning

Provide the polls that stated that Hillary had a 98% chance to win.

Hell, give me just one poll that showed her percent chance to win the election....just one.

If you had a brain you could find this on your own
The man who predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012 has said who will win on Tuesday



That is not a poll dumbfuck, that is some news agencies prediction. Do you not know the difference between a poll and and OpEd?

The predictions are the results of polls, the fake news polls of CNN and MSNBC that you think are real

The fun thing about retards is they think they can win

Thank you for admitting the polls did not make any predictions. that took a while, but I was able to drag it out of you.

Actually you are still retarded. See kid every poll makes predictions. Literally every one, sometimes they are correct predictions and sometimes incorrect.

Your brain seems not to be functioning quite right today, are you always this stupid? or do I just bring out the best in you.
Actually you are still retarded. See kid every poll makes predictions. Literally every one, sometimes they are correct predictions and sometimes incorrect.

Your brain seems not to be functioning quite right today, are you always this stupid? or do I just bring out the best in you.

Not a single one of them makes a predictions. They give you the percent of people that responded in a certain way...nothing more.

Not a single poll out there claims to make predictions, not one.

That is why you have not been able to provide a single poll that has made any sort of a prediction.

You can call me all the names you want, you are still wrong.
Actually you are still retarded. See kid every poll makes predictions. Literally every one, sometimes they are correct predictions and sometimes incorrect.

Your brain seems not to be functioning quite right today, are you always this stupid? or do I just bring out the best in you.

Not a single one of them makes a predictions. They give you the percent of people that responded in a certain way...nothing more.

Not a single poll out there claims to make predictions, not one.

That is why you have not been able to provide a single poll that has made any sort of a prediction.

You can call me all the names you want, you are still wrong.
Dude a poll is a prediction. CNN predicted that Hillary would win, CNN is retarded like your reflection
Dude a poll is a prediction. CNN predicted that Hillary would win, CNN is retarded like your reflection

Dude, a poll is the answer to questions asked provided as a percentage. That is all. There is no prediction. This is why you still have not provided one single poll that has a prediction as part of it.

Yes, CNN did predict Hillary would win. CNN is not a poll, CNN is a fake news agency.
Dude a poll is a prediction. CNN predicted that Hillary would win, CNN is retarded like your reflection

Dude, a poll is the answer to questions asked provided as a percentage. That is all. There is no prediction. This is why you still have not provided one single poll that has a prediction as part of it.

Yes, CNN did predict Hillary would win. CNN is not a poll, CNN is a fake news agency.
Tell us more about your fantasies

All you are doing is proving that fake news polls do not matter, and at that I agree
Good job Frannie; you pummeled the 'Gator into a suitcase or pair of shoes.


you trump worshipers are a damn funny lot.
Now you know why Trump was elected. You guys lied again. This was your mantra since right after the election. Nothing more was said about nay policies. You were foaming at the mouth like a bunch of Caligula participants in a cum fest celebration. For the good of the country, get it over with.
Us Trump voters thought he would set Dems straight.
Instead they're lemmings leaping over a cliff.
If I can, I'll vote twice for Trump in 2020!

4 More Years!!
Good job Frannie; you pummeled the 'Gator into a suitcase or pair of shoes.


you trump worshipers are a damn funny lot.
Now you know why Trump was elected. You guys lied again. This was your mantra since right after the election. Nothing more was said about nay policies. You were foaming at the mouth like a bunch of Caligula participants in a cum fest celebration. For the good of the country, get it over with.
Medi care for 400 years ,,, charging $1 to punch McConnell in the face
Seriously if Congress were replaced with chimps there would be a better chance of impeachment.....
And there will be many more days to come.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted that Democrats engage in careful deliberation concerning a subject as serious and important as impeachment.

That it annoys and frustrates you and others on the right is an added bonus.
Good job Frannie; you pummeled the 'Gator into a suitcase or pair of shoes.


you trump worshipers are a damn funny lot.
Now you know why Trump was elected. You guys lied again. This was your mantra since right after the election. Nothing more was said about nay policies. You were foaming at the mouth like a bunch of Caligula participants in a cum fest celebration. For the good of the country, get it over with.
Medi care for 400 years ,,, charging $1 to punch McConnell in the face
You do not have disagreements in medical care from many non Progs. You need to tell us the real increases in medical care each year. Even with single payer the costs are rising massively each year. Try to charge the peons again like Obamacare and they will rise up. Obama suggested a limit for each person in dollars for care in their lifetime. Would you agree to that? At the time he suggested 2 million dollars a person. After that...the pain pill!
Let's face it.
Trump has Pelosi and her summabitch Democrat Party praying for him.
When was the last time the opposition Party prayed for a candidate? (Never...)
Trump has literally brought the Democrats to their knees and that's good enuff for me.

Make America Greater Again!!....Trump in 2020!!!
All you are doing is proving that fake news polls do not matter, and at that I agree

Of course polls do not matter, they are just something to pass the time on a 24 hour news cycle.

you finally learned something! Well done. Maybe that GED is not out of the question after all.
Now you know why Trump was elected. You guys lied again. This was your mantra since right after the election. Nothing more was said about nay policies. You were foaming at the mouth like a bunch of Caligula participants in a cum fest celebration. For the good of the country, get it over with.

What is it with you Trump worshipers and your need to tell us all your sexual fantasies? Can you not leave that shit for the Penthouse forum?

My mantra since early 2016 was that we were given a choice between gonorrhea and syphilis to vote for if you wanted to vote for the duopoly. Instead I followed my voting pattern since 1996 and voted for the Libertarian candidate this time.
Us Trump voters thought he would set Dems straight.
Instead they're lemmings leaping over a cliff.
If I can, I'll vote twice for Trump in 2020!

4 More Years!!
So would murderers Putin and Un if they could vote here Wise choice moron
All you are doing is proving that fake news polls do not matter, and at that I agree

Of course polls do not matter, they are just something to pass the time on a 24 hour news cycle.

you finally learned something! Well done. Maybe that GED is not out of the question after all.
Polls do matter, even more when they are fake like the ones you quoted with confidence.

PS. I didn't need a college education to buy Apple, Google, Netflix and Raytheon

Yawning at idiots bragging about their student loans and begging for helpy
Polls do matter, even more when they are fake like the ones you quoted with confidence.

Are you drunk? 15 min ago you said this...All you are doing is proving that fake news polls do not matter, and at that I agree

and now you say polls do matter? You are either drunk or too stupid to recall what you posted 15 min ago

PS. I didn't need a college education to buy Apple, Google, Netflix and Raytheon

Yawning at idiots bragging about their student loans and begging for helpy

Dude, this is the internet..it is full of morons like you claiming to be millionaires and other such bullshit. Nobody believes you when you post such things. So, why bother. You clearly have the IQ just slightly above a head of cabbage since you cannot even remember what you posted 15 mins ago

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